Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 14, 1965, p. 6

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u james warrens bangkok diary hnportant to have oirtv one r wafer sprffs responded wifh drenching downpour ssr 1 l l r lien dork the boat had made i social insurance nimabert w mmi at sdin yw j mwtomwltmt m hi nil i tltfumtd en- mm mm w- me mwmttaf mm tw meenhj ee e we crab ehrlej thetee- tai dteabff 30 tm i la u la ere no ovar imcuio eejttle pw the wlau dual pass of brut- uketmuet salt w cnrtetem cards eerttew ml j im canapes aentter l lei 4 te pre mtota ludlbil u at wdhui and bee rsspslsr winter lees y for na ttetarled ha novem ber with the colourful celebes ilea ef ley kjwudjm ibe f tival of waters to which bun areas o ceneuelit boats mjdl frees banana leaves r uua ehedbl thallandr canals and rivers a yearly offering to the bptrtt o oh waters b w krstbongs decorated with flower joes sucks l ing flames ere sailed out in is the darkness fay old ed yu rich tod poor our thai frtrod vndl invited ui to jain his family on eeelng boat tp p river we cumbed aboard the rock tog ermft at sewn in the even ing it wss already dark tvy inch el the deck kii pecked with relative- ou t rice and curry musicians lnstru nenu end kialhnngs fif every shape the inboard engine bunt into we in l black dlesel smoke end we were on our wty tlic u phoo irunui jninkiim cmulj or on t1i orcltri uyd folk tonu ml hi vom of 0 hpry toh upplb htihl irul improvu- lil ail wowplmnt fron pot lldl uul hiv te w tba fht tta dlew ml wtimtt dnm drum whu tlteu tai 1 itnom t aatauui our po pr ariouty tulumd or th tun- wlo o tkf hcl n ra km- mmjht to diov then th rain rtartwl not uxht mtety iitmrar tnta cwbun rortnuuly then ni thirty wood rw onrkeod the ca- vae sue fiirvfrt wr dropped guickiy mad the perty cootio- u tifo b w tk iltto to t ew vthooa kfjool al the curulaj were lifted the rwto m eaooped io vmll the river mymed to he l down my beck tetur ering my aitt end pente a the little ooetfwwere plaoed in the water tfcr ceodlee irnjoedi ivtr aqifae they protnplly turned nd diieppeered tola the pttcn blertneei a froup of boye ob um tbore set off eky rockets in our direction the party mrti tn wtth the ekte rnrulni owed e rivoiet continued to eoune down my left trm the low roof end the crowded deck nude it impoeel hie to move or to change poei tion riorrw end i ezchanfed meenlnttiil look without at- tertor our wooden emlleei the pkok dinner proved ant ten oclock the boat had nude libi way beck to the jetty and i we climbed painfully out oetn the allppery planks gftwhg wet muscles ncunx tired from jus sltiinf still we thmv nur boats and crowded into s taxi for the long drive back to the beuaa w looked ill iom disdain at the kra- thongs in our indoor pool by dow the rain had stopped and crowds of people previously huddled indoors were end passed around the beet anmeone produced a yelcome botttj of scotch 11ns and tf vkf like their ravenous per aeaty winked out 00 the cnoeentj gorged thcnuelvrs by atrvoapva sp- nic cunner provecj e piee peering beside the fansl out respite moge cauldrons dde our bedroom wluioer vi boiled rice pots of mule longef wet we watched the j n mvul ijt uim in anaa tita kmt coloured curry and sauces lights pegln to appear up sad ladled into mate plates down the strip of wster yir j l 1 i l- j l l t leoriu eppraud in the sky i the fsstivi had redeemed it self aur all uor mil week altinaad prodigal son is basis for new year thoughts tjcw uu 1u tint home to ml fithrr w wut the toeeung in lft3 od jsh 5h at the hoeie of wrs hobvrt cunningham with the prejjmt wrs w lurd prvuiln snd 6pnln with tba hymn itiiid- iag si the vorul of another year and prsyr hoti call was sruwersd with nw yssrs kseolulion s wuglvvlhy mrs j u wkk son u ihr suiuifitrd it h ulcj in tslk to oursflvn st the kcw ysr chk ourwlvn is see if we could do httrr hvr remarks wers based on tadrs young l artlclr on thf prodi gal son who squandered every thing snd hit rock bottom lie hul i heart to heart tslk with himself aild decided to scout guide mystery tour see socks signals produced kw4 w georgetown scouts and culdcs wslchcd trnffic sit nsls being msnufsctured snd socks being machine knit rout ed serahuallows over an out- doors ttr and took la a perfor uance of the pantomime dick whlltinglon during a chock full of interest mystery tour last wednesday the tour wss spon- wred by ths 1st georgetown troop though the number was sn- broximalely so u th inuc ipaled and planned for the tour was still n success in the opln ion wf the organtiert- ptrrf stop alter the group kit st johns united church en cuewrst at ii was the eagle signal plant where the gcout and guides asw the op erations necessary to produce bteden tralfic signals prom there the busloads moved to ths beaumont knitt lng villi in the glen lor a look at the seek making process ce- icause of limited space some members ol the group enjoyed a marehmallow roait nesr the sctory while the others msde itha tour at 3 o clock the guides snd scouts relumed to the st johns church hall where sup per wss served snd films were shown 1sst isp of the slldsy tour wss sn sltersuppcr trip to brsmpton to see the rncllih nsnlomlme dick whitllngton being presented there by s georgetown csst the plsy wss s delightful elimss to one interesting day organljers expressed thinks to all who sullied in arrenulng and conducting the toun through the industries snd to sir earl tebo lor prepsr lng the evening meals espec tally thsnked were the lesders and outs snd guides who st tended to take psrt in the lour to ensure a aucceiaful day like him have the courage to face the facta in conclusion she read the lovely poem uy prayer as a new year begins ths scrip ture reading by sir vers picket was the prodigal son l from the fifteenth chapter ol st luk after a lew items ol busln ess the study chapter was ta ken by urs krnk wilson tr on brsil which is lour times the populstlon of csnsds she mentioned a certsln wo- msn wlio with the sid ol oth era hslled tlrsill t plunge to- wsrd communism several mlsslonsrles and their wives lln have gone there to try and l help in many ways including rev and afrs uoyd strachem hrv and ura vern llutson lev arnl ltrs ktdmondi and ltrv and urs donald ratlin rorty seven percent are un der fifteen so there is quits s cbsusnge for our people and t must support uiem with ur see and our prayers she was assisted by urs c ii dick urc wllbtrt clesvr urs rrenk ttuddcll urs cscll snd urs clayton wilson and urs john bellhoddy the meeting closed with the benediction snd soclsl hour followed school pupils carol for hospital patients od tuesday evehirlg before christmas the senior pupils of uuehouse school with prlu dpal ur bilklnd teacher ur auelhersod and music super vleor urs kidney travelled by bus to sing carols at tne com er id balltnafed in umehouse and at the ceorgetowd hoepllal latrv uiey were treated to re freshenu lathe hall at umo- bouse cites improved farming methods triple production the honorable james k al un treasurer for the province of ontario outlined canada s agricultural progress during the pest tew years at the an uria meeting of the halton county plowmens association en monday jan 4 mr alun speaking al the meeting in sl mephens church hall hornby noted that due to improved farming methods one- farmer in ontario can grow enough food for m others while in 1m1 he could grow only en ough for h others canadas agricultural pro gress is also mirrored in ths urge increase in the pm uonal product over the past few years mr allan suggested in 101 the gross national pro duct was euoooom while in pw it was only tlioooooo noting thst ontarios younif neople must be educsled so that ihey can mu thalr niche in we the nipvlnclsl treiur- er noted that each year there is a need lor 10000 more school wets in the province furrow oueeet tpaaks halton countys queen of harrow for 10m pretty verna thompson also spoke at the meeting and her topic was i rural youth miss thompson i told of many of the impress- 1 ions that- urban boys and girls have oj youngsters on tw officers were named for the cock burlington boy ellen- ton erwln gunby ed segs- worth cordon thompson snd associate director rred dlion naaugaweyat sam rinnle sr robert hunen ross gordon uoyd stokes and associate dir ector william uahon honorary directors for ims are j e eitenton j a dlion j a elliott ernest irvine clauds v pickett george read head ross gegsworth spencer wilson leonard lister and j h taylor halton county s agricultural representative henry stanley is secretary treasurer of ths llaron plowmen e association s sympathy is friended to un rrank wilson jr snd her famll in the desth of her la ther mr gibson the sundsy slter christmas congrstulsllons to jim snd uirkin hcphsil who received s lavely christmas present the i birth or their third son we hsve some lolks with blrlhdsys in the llrst month ol 1043 mrs graham reeves on jsn 11th ksrem wlrkson on jan 17th mrs arthur rud dell mrs c pickett snd fred kurse on jsn 10th urs j w wickson on jsn slit snd mrs harold bailey and her mother urs norman wrlgglesworth of milton both on jsn urd snd lois yrfjsbb an ths 30th to these we uy llsppy nirtb day and many many more the balllnafid scouu par tlcipeled in a mystery tour a long with other boys in the district on wednesdsy of last week llisy were shown throu gb s woolen mill snd fsctory snd in ths evening uiey travel m to hrsmplon to see the play dick wblttiagton snd kls cal grant baker spent chrlitmsi with bis lanilly in toronto e e rob blsek visited in pergui during the christmas holiday and ur russell saullle return ed with bun for a lew days e mr snd mrs uccaaklll from vankleek hill visled with uielr dsughler mrs klwood snow nd ismily for cbriiunss e mr snd mrs george lutes fir ol london snd ulss shirley rates llsmllton were guests si ths usnse on christines day sympsthy u eitended to ur vic greygoose whose mother psied swsy just belor thrut mas roth vlckey snd dsvld creygoose elao suffered mis lfortunrs recently when they ihsd wrlit snd leg irsrturei while tsklng psrt in sports st school mr msck snd mr rogers spent christmss dsy in errgus with mr snd mrs jsmes tsn well snd ismily the sympsthy of this com tnunlty is eitended to the gib son ismily in their beresve ment another former rest dent ol this district mr ksrl ueksy also passed swsy re cently in s toronto hnspltsl do you have more than ooei social insurance nunahert ths udempjogunent insuranfe coam- l m tndwr th quite a tew canadians m anplied more than once either a tally or dtutjeretsly apuce- tiona are suu comlnjl in at a rase of 5000 per dry and cosav mlssioo iweonls ebow tbet of these ere frosn tthone already have a social hwtranc number wht should you do at you bnd yourseh with inorw one soul usuranc nuasnerf at the moment the vnswa- plomjeot luunace cceiwoj is not so coocensed rsaa oe these duplicate numbers ware obtained butt how the po sors of rouluple fegistretieets osn become ooeaustsber tewnen again the first thing an buwvictusl must it is report the pretoeen to the nearest local office of the commueion bringing with him or marling all the social inturabce reumber cards in mi mt the comiiiuwiod will samply txtl the later nucobex or numbers and wppry the em ployee with a no registration card kf the first has bead mis placed the commission stresses that ii is most important tba an employee have only one social insurance number se that his unemployinent tneursnee cootrl buttons svlli be eorrecsly crvm ted to bis accounl thus should the occtaioa arise chat be tnusl claim for unempleyinenc lnsur ance benefits all of his contrl buttons will be toneidered bw are you one of the thousands of canadians to get increased dividends again this year from mutual life according lo a pysehlstrlit there ire more msntsl cripples outside institutions than in them notice to creditor im th ejyayg of helsi a hahlnserl oentleenajly decsa- all perso having clslmi sgslnst the estsls of nelson a robinson iste of the vlllsgs of norval gentleman who died oa er about ths 17th dsy ol novefoher ad 104 sre here by aptlled to send psrticulsrs of iantf to the undersigned on or bepie the soui dsy of jsn ury a d 13 after which dste ths lalste wil e dlsulb- uled with regsrd only to the clslmi ol which the under signed shsll then hsve notice sod the undersigned will not be liable to any person ol iwhumhslra she shsll not thsn havisoll mrjames im happy to say 1 latesirlewtr am illre dated st mlh ds of 1164 teosgaloum this december a d 1 14 lsurs isobel robinson v lecutril with the will anneied of ths faille ol nelson a robinson by her soil citors dsle bennett ijjimer l bslnss 1 mill street george town ontario guelph granddaughter weds downsview collegiate teacher employment figures stay consistant in decentber during the- month of decern tier 1m4 331 appllcsnts were placed in employment by the national employment service twi figure is only 10 leu uua the previous month giving indi cation that employment activity here is remaining fairly conils itant the leading industrial dissl flcstion was manufacturing which accounted for 147 place merit eighy placements were nni were named for- tnalede in service occupationf stk hssblis ndsrlln coniruc sesment uoyd msy first vcelretail trade and so in construe- toreeldent j c cunningham sr r iceprealdent george past president stanley i honorary prce mcdowell ajjflawtrecters lor the coming clifford boy currte picket and ilth laalle aranau marcb and as- til luiwwra u ui iviiivaid enu retail trade and 30 in construc tion therewife 1236 persons regl- stared for work at the monlbl snd coihpamd with 1jm for the same month in idas 7 the brampton office serves cunguacousy caleden all of dufferln county and part of es missing township including georgetown barbara jean thomas a granddaughter ol mrs ueorge henderson sr rr 1 george town su msrrlad to john el gin wolfe in a ceremony in st andrews presbyterian church guelph reeenlly th church was decorated with candelabra and bouquets of red carnations the bride is the daughter ol mrs normsn james thomas and ths isle prolessor thomas ol rr s guelph and the groom is the sen of mr john jsmes clifford wolfe snd the iste urs wolfe of msrsvllle the ceremony wag perform ed by rev r forbes thomson i and the soloist ulu helen rid dolls ung the lords prsycr and the wedding hymn by handel accompanied by mr jsmea bard given in marriage by her brother mr hugh j thomas ol chitham the bride wore an original design full length gown in riptide silk which had high walsted empire look and aleneon lace appll quad on a simple rounded neck line and illy point aleeves the controlled bsck fullness fell in t a esthedral train from the walsl her headdress was a imalucrowd of pearls holdtntj a fingertip tulle veil and she carried a bouquet of red poln uunlty house oac for a honeymoon trip to the laurentisns the bride wore a matching dreu cost snd hat in red tweed and a white gar denia corsage on their return the newlyweds will reside st 14 the unks rd apt 300 wuiowdale the gro i s tcs cher at downsview collegistr rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wedbino arsunolsmtnn corteges a specialty cut flowers and funaral designs we wire flowars s3 ahsmt tt 7ms1 did you know that this u the jeotb time in tb past twelve you that the mutual life has hacreaied euvldetsds mr jame i havent been keeping score- but i know mutual lifes div idend record is tops intetjyjewefj tbto year dividend totalllrkf 5ly900000 represent an ia- ere of 1400000 over the anvosmt paid b 1964 and the interest rate en accumulated dividends has been increased to 5 mr james you know with earnings like that i might evert consider iiwl creasing my coverage- interviewer lta a wood ideal to review y life insurant ivfpuarly to knak sure it meets current needs j fet in toueh with your mut life representative the mutual life absurauck coupawy ot camalij weu wfusi s tsillj mtrviam9imim w eawaai dutklct lttfimtatrvt john t armstrong clu rrtomk tk 7p431 otftct tg 734sc mmoama 19 main huh south ceoercrrown omtaklo uttlas and ivy lwhe maid of honor wag mar- ion tbomss of toronto sister of the bride and the brides maids were mrs b moore and ulss wendy smith both of toronto add the flower girl was miss cynthia archdekln of braropten the brides cousin the best man was kenneth stevenson and the ushers were a pfoaoher says he lakes up ronald goodall of beamsvlue the collection before preadhing and richard kennedy of toron- because everybodys awake to ttubrr 7 bed stools to hospital gift of town institute a bed snd two bedside stools will be donated to the george town and district memorial hospital by the georgetown women s institute aoon with i the helping hand committee purchasing the articles needed to comulcle lwplsyies the wl members decided on the donation at a meeting wednes day jane in knox hall twenty three women attend ed the first meeting in 1083 it i was ah afternoon assembly and members agreed to hold all remaining winter mpnth meetings in the afternoons mrs ern thompson was in charge of the meeting in the absence of mrs ada matthews the presldcnl the normal ex ercises minutes of the previ ous meeting treasurersreport and correspondence were dealt with at the start the motto for this month was clllrenshlp and mrs it t taut gave readings on tie topic stressing the importaie 1 of being good cltltens mrs 0 dickinson related highlights of her trip to the new york worlds fair which the members found interesting a dinner snd card party will heat your home llmimiwiwmywllti natural omi mm sfwt cfcfemk aua4h4hl cum tllam- wwjglg tif hekel k dinner itm cim piry wm hie rwepuoiiwju it com iuktlace of the next tf uuir wilt lb ayloo wttiu cfclfmet will fllva yaw 4lvlvsldbl lbt lv uhi aw4l camev twlcwu wllr y v vr iworw bemtti uk me tjeajtcy tsajasewu uw twwj sh my tjaiclttltkl wllb e lmiue9 r h thompson hardware kumbino htatino bteetlng id february and plans wore made for this lunch and a social half hour followed tba business these five advantages make electric heating the superior heating system completely clean flamalesi electric heating cant croat dust dirt film or toot gentle even heat rootyibyreom or zona temperature control no draunriu no chills no sudden blasts of hot air low cost throufihout ontario titan prove that in homes insulated to hydra standards electric hearing coat j no mora to operate than other heating systems extra space require ho bulky fuel burning equipment quiet and atectrlo heating la to quiet row puftthlrl information tullvourt qualified 6uctric heatin0 coeltractorl ott- ask your hydro r wewewaawe

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