Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 14, 1965, p. 8

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imey jones photo to steer town through 1965 lposlrc as a oftoop for the first trrw at councils inaugural mt ng tia mfybw ol goo1own 1965 government sltd rv john elliott left mayor jotptt gibbm 4nd deputy fteeve w ii am f hunter stnd ng are counc hon roy belunt n wllltarri smith goqd vwwton donald powrt oto ffanc i erd j m young councillors tulunbn and houston ere first year mimbu m6kval open house anniversary for mr mrs hutson congratulation to mr ind i un v w jiuuob on their hoelkuly btt wcjdlnn anniverury bzton stw h fifth line resident 2nd end in spile ol the heavy j uuw fell end bid vrfde tniny h vclllljcll booffl uics ox thlr irlenda celled to wlih yth eldrd u congratulation they ur k iml vtn wd lovely bullet luth ul juoro who dlcj on thu th ellemoon their ion bob sl jo i in the rcav aletloned j 0 at clinton taking the hrc rrswakrrowm reeled all officers sl johns church guild tronlc tours was home to help hu parenu celebrat the happy occasion at home ire john 7 brendi 6 and uichael tnobtht tfympathy u extended a mr ad ur a t klntflon uary ann ind jo on the death of hi kingdom mother mrs if a- llerdmin following a lengthy ulneu visiting with llrr tad wr oral carter ami family for carittmas were ur and mrs r carter of toronto and mi- and ur r warwick and family lynn lorl and leslie of wulowdaj urt w j ueclur spent chrutmu with mr and mn uyatt mcclure nancy normi stable and roy also present wr urt ucclure mother and brother mr seward wil aoti of george own and cleat e wilton mr and urt j f lindner had all their family home for christmas ur and urt jack lindner aruttmrgo 6 yin thill bill lindner connie elizabeth and will of brampton and their daughter utry and am lly ur and urt i ii aihbury ted and tritha of- pelarbori ugh visiting with mr and mn clifton horelon for teveril day over christmas was mn morelont titter uiu grace uaybee of rala with mr and mrs graydon cheater for chrlttmaa and for th folio wins week were the latter titter and husband ur and urt a g ray of ro chester ur chester s titter lira v noble of strcetsvllle vulted them for christmas dinner and they had their family for supper mr and ur howard cheiter and jamie and mr and mn j trie may larry wendy and sutan ur and mn wm kinna wore had their family for chruurtai day ur and urt saw flnnaitjore jeanette su nan steven and janice and their daughter uarjohe and family ur and urt w rink ney linda john robert and thomaa ol brampton and tom piitnemor of home auo pre- unt were earl and betile mc- cluw and walter woouton afra prank pendley had her daughter shirley and family ur and ura huah skeldon and cathy from br ldf north for chjrlatmaa ura skeldon and cathy etayed for the boll day and rturned home with mr skeldon following new yr r 3 eph i hotpitaj in guelph tt the tee of 7 funeral ervicfi were held on ivtfurdty morn ing i the lidlei at s stephen 1 1 anglican church guild catered j for the tnnui roeeung and ban quel of the hilton ploumina attocjttion held in the church hall on uonday evening jan 4th the gueit rpeaker or the aiht vat the hon jaiei allan tracurr for th province of ontario the 1664 kuitowqueen uite verni thonipaon ipoke on rurtt youth the lm pre- tident will be ijojd lay vice reudent j c cunningham teeond ice georce wjnn put president slan may and hon itendent clebert urltow ell te orth trafalgtr ewhr dub held a etichre party on sat night jan wh at the north trafalgar community centre with ten tahlea in play pnrei were awarded to the followinc winner mn garnet htmllton uri jim hamilton urt harvey dunn gerald teneycke liar vey dunn and ralph 1- either ston lunch wat terved by the hottet mn ralph feathenton uirthday greeting are eiten ded to albert marchment who will celebrate hit hirthady on friday january 13th and alto ken ula the tame day priendi of mn jtclt miller are aorry to hear the ki a pa lent of south teel ifncrntal and with her a apeedy recovery silverwood ut juli tfrtejioir uri if treenw ol bnwmtoa cir m staveiuoa ol toronto urn new veerl gueitx it the jcarl aad bote entertained on upbatmm dor to the emlly rthtitm foter mr jfcand mn x toronto mr rtrthday creetinga to litlle patricia patterson who it three year old on january 18th ind to david pearson who will re etorate his ftrtt birthday on jan lib mr and mrs john rcemtra and family are spending a vaca lion in honda th evening group of the hornby united church ucw met on monday rtlgbt jan 4th at the home of mrs doug lea lie with 14 memberi attending mrt jim snow the pretident opened the meeting with the theme tong kin millie craig gave the treasurer a report mrs john wallace read the secre tary s report the president re minded the members thst the general meeting would be held on january 13th mrs jim reld and mrs orvllle grexton re ported on tfca program schedule for ims following th bull net period the member enjoyed a game ol crokinole mrs millie craig and mrs orvllle grexton mulated the hottest in serving lunch the next meeting will be at the home of mn grex ton prtenda in this district wre saddened lo hear of the death ol marvin denamore on sunday morning sincere sympathy if extandod to ur and ura u denamore and family johns guild uil at the home uf mn j c mutrvy st tuejday jan slh 1w13 for the annual meeting and election of omceri the meeting opened with the guild prayer ollowrd by the iord i i rayer the roll call was answered by 13 mrm ben with twir payment ol due minute of the last tnrrling and a short summary of the chriitmai 1 arly were read the treasurers report ajiou rd a substantial bank balance anl indi ated a good and successful yaar s work the secretary ga a rport of the rectory 1und and a good turn of money wa voted to this fund ity motion of the members the secretary was instructed to order 2 doten boies of the hastl i ote ri ms for resale the subject of a rummace tale which had been under di custion tsrller in the fall was again brought forth and mn harry scott was appointed con vener for this with a tentative date beng baiter werk a quilt donated to the lu 11 is to be quilted this coming week at the home of mn j murray with a pot luck lunch eon being served on tuesday noon and on the wednesday night following there is lo be a desert prty to finish the 1 ulting canon maxwell then presided over the meeting for the elec tlon of new officers for 1m5 he first gave a hearty vote of thanks to the guild members for the excellent work for the church and congratulatrd them on their successful year with encowukmept to keep up thr good work he then declare 1 11 offices vacant and called for nominations from the floor for the office of president by motion the members then agreed unanimously that all of fur en be reiurned as they were or 1004 canon maxwell con gratulaled the group on what a nice gesture this was for a job well done officen for ims will he president mrs j c murray vice president mrt ii scott secretary mn fred armstrong treasurer mrs thomai warnei auditon un c g lju sh and mrs george wilson mower committee mrs j stewart mrs c dr crest nuyer mrs cecil smith canon msxwell wsi thanked far his assistance in conducting the election of officen aad the discussion turned to the ques tion of carrying on with the un known friend tilt was hear tlly agreed to by all members and names were distributed the sec ty wai atked to pre pare booklets outlining the pro grim andjistlng the histcas and itfhch committee for each meet log the next regulir meeting will be held january 10th at mrs crystal wilsons home mrs george wilton being the hoit eu canon maxwell closed the meeting with prayer and a de licious hinch wis terved choose john m intern as ptibfic school chairman th georgetown public saoa4 board a ww lahairman sua fin- lay tura4 vr th gavel to tsvata jobs miatero at to ia utttrai sbtintt in jjarrlaon public school wpdoeaday jan 6th mr mintexd was cloctad to th chair in th 106s uarda oral order of business he joined tm public school board id 1mcz whea it expanded fraaa att to tight members be- osuiaa th twn popuuuoo croaaed ib 10 000 tnrk jt atiatrn yti finance coqmtu thtrmn in 10641 aod prior to tht kyd with mr hnuy m v nance coav tnitu mejner tut mky who mnad tb boord at ue tama time as th aw ohainrtiri wa namd vk chairman 1u edd thmsn wtot coouiiittetf i ttt yrir 1 wcretsry trrurr jtmt r cvam th bord uuajtttm admiiuwstor chalruaii john utntern iv painted truster stan hnlay and w k wilson to sv with him u a cunmitlea to set up stand ing eyeful ileal tnd the meet ing was adjournrd- briefly while this wis attndd to thhr deltbcfation resulted in tha follawang appointments finance connute david lfalc r ehjlrun s mnlay and g marurdson iroptiy com mitte g sigurtuon chair tnan harry short ill and chria utlker planning committee ami wai ker chairman a wilson and reg uoony uanagemrnt rbmmltlre ileg moonsy chairman bd vilson and harry sitortill shoh john mintkhm and mv doiuld urown former halton warden becomes queens counsel kcnnetky dick ifntoa bar itha uiiton rtsjter and son of the late crown and the 4 attorney w l dick ha been aypoiiaw a quaes combs a forme warden of h county t mr dick wm called to tb bar in ib3t and entered lo- partnership with hu late father from lml in ltmfl h with th canadian army in northwest europe from 1b- 47 to 1m1 be was a toember of milton town cvuocll he held office as reeve and deputyre v and was oouuty warden in tl tar dick vi alao served a public school board uton district high school board until this year b was town soli urn u an eider mi knox presbyterian church and sunday school teacher a leading member of the halton county liberal as- soclahion b waj an unsure election several year ago in tj hunting teaaon a gun should he loaded with caution and a hunter should not be i- dd at ajt tht oi04torrowm hikalo thoraday january 14lhs page 8 ken nash kummno ead hcatum wete sarwakee wetor tyrtei itopelre vai tr 72842 un nellie gardiner one of the public school boards three apootntees to the georgetown libriy board was rappointad for s three year term 1065 through 87 one trrm of uie three expires each year the board two other represrntat ives on the ijbrary hoard are haien alien and t ii a i sick ler t4 luilhcran church thkt thry are close to a building program when thry thanked th board tut um of the wrig gl- a worth auditorkkit suiwtsyi aikd rilitd they be- allwd la coalhnuv uiertlteef thefv a letter ved by bbe secrvtsry wen i ttoned the ijutherant are eon tldenng starting constructing s church uus spring or summer this is the third year that the lutheran bava met for tervic in whgglevworth iwhool e us of th auditor ium wsa alto granted the ydj ywca co- ed club on two dates jan 15th and iwh when they will hold dsncaa a latter from another v group the y teens stated that they were no longer using th corridors of george ken iw ihjti s a ing place the writer eiplamed the group needed a room with tables the school boards last pun h ate in hum was a tm mnc projector for lurmon lullr school the only hrttu n n uithuut s projector are lurk and t eorve hn ir ly nd t t espected ihey u ii lie eui i with projrd r ti s ear anoli er reppuimmrnl vn lhp p irohase n rnt tie that of harold m er a tic lwlard nished the rjr sine public tohool attendance officer hk jl 000 in the black for 10o5 which is within two lenth f i i 1 prr cent of hitting the bu lrl i two teacher were hired f 1 on nosf r nance c mnullrr hng two of the three aranc a head john mintern wa ana n leit by the resignation of three conkratulats 1 staff members tt the tn6 of 10m the board acceded the tie tot1 e r imeni n tie applications of mrs grace gri r p ml c school item uhcr the calei dar changed was 2 2ta 11 e h uheit to date here are thrcse important reasons why it will pay you to renovate and redecorate your home now skilled men are availabltwdwl althouqhmofuandfi oro bu id ng i be ng done lath w nlor eter of cof slrucl on do low don duf y tt a cold vealf of a a rt ult hon o mprovp nen co vac tofj nnd v i od era smen at ok out tho smaller tu or jobs that v e are unable to handle dur ng tt e sun n or you benat t w th sk lied worttmanoh p by eipcrl pneed trade men wt en its naj convenient toyoul iscounys and loans art avail- ble nowi lo cri t i tnt i tl it w ii i a ar tt u r ik n 1 ki p tl r t itf v i i 0td tl ough outtftyljr bu j nj ut pi ri itrj run r u saloi ii i t pec ild co jn help you renoiale and rodecomtt nt u o lowest po s ble co t you ii f nd your bank a good place to v 1 1 too for lo interest home hfiprovcmcnt lonns und r tho ndtonit houvngact uptoooooo w th up to ton yoara to repay j mayekials are available nowi vt on bu id ng alow down materials bacon n or read j ava 1 ible ra u l rr tat ng dtjnys in com pit ng your job brcaua ol late dul very of tuppl ot are c m naledl there s no doubt about it w ntcr it the very bsi firm to r up your ham sao your place of ousoess c ckly elfictantty intipen iivelyl grant pay boost to chinguacousy police the chinfifuscousv police who police port of corse towns eastern outskirts have received a pay boost a chinguacousy townihip police hrlef heading for arhit ration because parties involved could not reach agreement was settled dec 30 when the police association and the pol ice commission came to term the one main itumhling block to settlement thst of a wage increase under the agreement the starting salary for the police officers in chinguacousy will be w 200 a raise of 1400 oer the original rate of s3 900 bach catrwor fnm pr ha tionary to srrfeant hat been sutweq irnll traded hither but the chief who u not a member of the police asiocis uon has hti c considered on individual basis for thlc9 mnd ttixtnc call your national employmtit offlcm everyone benefits when winter work la increased du xi 9 inum announcing tnd mra ii chipleld wendy and piul of georjetown mr end mn bull weteoa and cerolyb of bramalea and on saturdiy vxi florence lock end denhu of iforonto mra dalay lucy cell and eddie of two great new ones from vauxhall bringing new excitement to economy as only general motors can ett belts have been adopted by lrne industrial onanlta uona and utihttra includlnx police dcpartmcnla tor the aafety of their employcei the emlly car ahould be equipped with thei aafety divlcea cof4crrt oravfl tultnlno uno oad g vii hit and to sou syone wokk tdm haines cu wllllama y 73101 sincere eympafhy of the com munlty la extended to ur and mr manley denamore and fain lly in thg death of their aecond eldeat son ilervln who paaaed away early sunday rhornlnz group conthibutitj ioom not woo a recent laaue of the herald carried a picture caption ahow ink the local flualneaa and pro- eulonal womena dufa handing over cheque for h00 to the georgetown hoapltal the total pledtte waa ronalderably more than thli aa thla waa the laat newmarket apent- the day atlpart of 1b00 given the hoapl ut and mrt- burta tal betas beauty lounge cerms 550 l u nnyino stylino 8772607 1 shaluy stl taxi owned by welly matjjy hone 8774817 courteiy end prorfiplneii j vicioa ioi surta the 1965 viva the 1965 victor rvru beauty i avu style completely redesigned de luxe scries interior bright new colors avu luxury deep carpeting and quality trim armrests front and rear affn quietness extra soundproohng new rid- ins cohtforl improved deeper nuclei type seats in front fullwidth wraparound rear teat pjut many proven viva features generous htpreem a full 51 inchesmlhefront high as low as 1779 a huluum labll tllta i 4 tut kuur th4 muu tl acton its gracefully wider apd elegantly longer that i how the 1965 victor iot gell its brilliant new stylirqvanil lots more is new besides a new roominess that comes from the new curved glass side windows an extra inches of shoulder room that taku the tqueeu out of three abreast sealing theres new luggage space in tha bigger trunk new year round driving comfort in victor s new heating and ventilation system new effi ciency in self adjusting braves new durability in extra j u i mm extra power too rti aubbd i feiiwwy tuj siuuai theres vivas low low tkmim f4lj ftrf ultt uiu- plmucllj tmi imai ulh iftd llcmw m ml lxlume pewr4ihwtighl ratio v jriuiin new extra power too brisk s01pcngnc 107 cu ft trunk ck on the other hand omed de tosmpg andlastbut most certainly not least price i teidrive jthe 1965 victor 101 vauxhall by general mottirs 0 m to watch tcop- and th aooue now ahowlno on lavlalon check local lleun w m and awuhuu6toimvaum pete mass0n iyiotorsltf 124 guelph-street- gegiftfetown ontario enopaj rr iv

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