Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1965, p. 1

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ads hut pay vwa ter ataae a at l the haraiav ctarim ewaa w lnlij tat 7ijm irr ha knu la when printing publishing v 7ie home newspaper for georgetown and district momaiimoiim 4 ewaii l mv oeaigelewa ordarie thaw4y jeauacy j ims k year aaaeala aay m tan caoea tjmort trains create heyy job 11 offered by council still considers industry hydrant charge a tooioa backm by coua don powers mud irputy reeve wu r hunter lo cxmcl won- day advocating that u charge lor hydrant and fire unci lo delueraft ltd be dropped elid ed up being taken uik for further exiuidcration ur il that i in was put there forty r fifty yrj ago and it u lut uchnleally on hu prop erty it servee th whole art ait or a tikldfi in 1d43 we start charging hev elliott suggested that la the mot km to drop charges lat week arthur klee own- lor a firtllne- to peltacraft r of dellacreft disputed tha thould he included providing charges nd this ek till i ur let counter charge be waj submitted to the town by dropped too- in addition imp air kcle for 1600 for aceomluty ltev hunter uid that the kikodattng two public hydrants j motion should also read and jtr jane iboto the telegraphers a lady that the hydrant be removed to iowa property agreeing with coun poweri caun hoy ballentinc tuggfited the town ukr over the roadway on which the hydrant kite then the retldenli would atill hive protection ii pointed ut the mayor we adamant that i underetood the owner if he dldnt pay the water w v t0 the roa1 ahoutd be ihut off to eoluply wv llh the bylaw 1 think it however ur power clllmrd would be in lupoiltlon on oth- y roij w4i owned by tarpayen he milntilnrd ur k a lt we hive to use dlicrrtlon decided to eomlder the whole commented coun poweri af- matter further coun power diluted that the town hu no baii or col lecting end the ehirgci agalnit deltacraft ihould he vrtltra off me euggeated that the hy drant thould be left whr ii u inee it servlceg the red- drhu ol hlver drive mlw mubv if shtbwell u vonie hs m uiui world she km joioed the euff oi the cab- dua nltloael rlllwiyl ceor- getowa tutloa u ell nltht tele ptfa optor new rrjuu-e- ecnt et the lution tnlde nec- awery by the impendlnf in- i in frtltbt trtln tralflc bcb tlue sheliwell entered log in bradford zephyr and what wu eoaaidervd an allmale aurora the current volume of profeulon in november of 10u 11 tralna pualng through here when the war had created a daily will twell lo over 70 be- ihnrte ol men lo handle the ilnnlnf in vebruary tlie local job that waa at fire river on- elation ataff now include tour urlo about 400 mllci north of i telrcrapb oeratari ikentop- here from 1051 lo 1m1 ahrlerator john elllolt bmee wen wu at waple and tince then derun burt uacdoneld and tkiuub hra bitive of orohaj handled telegraph operal- uua sheuwell ask 6000 budget would hire planning consultant continue 1000 support ta anglican world mission a riul from the minhlnf four thouaand dollar at 50c board for h w000 bud ret thlt jew eiue u a ahoek to aorne laamberi oi council uonday hesfenlnf to eijiliin coun- cltlaf jim young admitted that th dudt had only been ave hnodred oollln for the gaut four or five yean but that council had approved the hfrtajg of planning eoiuultant when the town joined the hal loa county running auocia- tjotf he aald planning con- adtant would coet around per ceplta for planning we are the lowest in the county aald cun-younx- coun r prancla agreed aaylns at soc per capita we are jow man on the totem pole laat year we had to admit at a planning uioeiatlon meeting that our town tpent only 7e a head on planning while tome ran over 2 a head nothing wu decided aince in the mayor worda ila qujte a ahock wardens goodwill visit sets municipal precedent a precedent wu created at monday ulbhli council meet- tnt wbefl th warden of hal loa county vtalled the chamb- an u a good will ambauador frooi the county government ln introducing warden lletb marry the reeve of oakville bmre john ulliott pointed out that the warden had aerved nine yean on county council and concluded by uylng im led he t ahowlng audi an in ternal in the whole county 1 want to do away with the mawnduon line that hu eala- trj in the county for yean atated reev merry known u the ulleat warden in any coun ty he la 6t tall there will be no reference tn the north and aouth anymore he added perhaps we can tay inatead the people on the lake and the i people in the wooda and my i aim u to aee tnat they get to know each oilier and their problema ila a great pleuure for me to welcome the flrat eltlien of the county replied mayor j gibbon a goodwill vlalt tram the warden of the coun ty u unique in my experience ia municipal affairn he added opposes debenture issue for purchase of cedarvale jim fiddler president of georgetown citizens band jim fiddler waa returned u president of ihe georgetown cittieni band at the annual dueling sunday in the memor ial arena rose room dave iuatlngi wu elected vlce-preal- tjent vem mccumber la eeere- tarytreuurer and the direct or are wally parker ralph tomllna and peter jonra the put prealdent la clyde stewart eighteen people attended the meeting and bean the pretl- dent review the banda moat buceeuful year included in the- lilt of engagement met in ipol were the uona parade iq kitchener the fall pair the remembrance parade santa claua parade and concert at the delres phuui- the high point of couru wu the banda aucceai at the can adian national exhibition the local aggregation won the whaleyroyee trophy and tint prlte money of 400 by edging five other competing banda tn ou s the cltutena band alio help ed net 6378 foe a retarded children fund by joining with the chriftlin reformed church choir gloula petri f o f chr concert the an added aervlce for new parlihioaera of st ceorgei anglican church endorsed a continuance of a yearly grant of sio0o to the anglican world mlulon and voted a 1200 in- ereaie in apportionment to synod at the annual vettry meeting monday the latter will be woo ihia year a 130000 budget wu art for ims an increue of 11500 to allow a repayment to the building fund rev john memulkln chaired the meeting and etpreaed hli pleuure at the cooperation of church people la providing happy and eucceuful year in the pariah he particularly mentioned the daughter of the church who had initalled a new 120 furnace in the rec tory and the womana aiaocia- lion which contributed a 1200 gift to tha church- reportj were received from the church aehool chi rho wa daughtera altar guild rrotherhood of anglican chur chmen and junior auxiliary irwin noble wu reelected peoplca warden and charlee harria appointed again u rec- tore warden nfew member of the adviiory council will he tom van slckler and william raaaetl continuing on the hoard are w liber t bradley ed win wllioh uoyd kynnenley and john milli with warden and lay delegatea to lynodi jack amutrong and eric timmi were reelected and ted garth elected u lay del- egatea alternate an thomaa eaaon murray henley and paul armitrong a former mayor em hyde returned to the council cham ber monday night to proteat the uiutnce of a propoied 130000 debenture after ten yean of carrying a yoke of debenture debt ar ound our neelu the taxpayer li lull begiaolua to tea the mxhtvbe nulntamed and 1 itrougty ebiect lo burdening the town with any more debt he aald that the eonitructlon of new achooli alone with no other debenture would keep the town at the level of bor rowing regarded u the limit by the department of municipal af filra if you cont afford to pay it thla year you cant afford it emphaeiied the exmayor referring to the purchase of cedarvale school at the very moat you ahould epllt the paymenta over two yean ao it la paid for in the centennial year if thata your centennial project i feel ao atrongly about thla eorrfeaied mr hyde that i would urge any cltixena who feel the una wayabout ten mps wont leave home immigration service here for consultation canadiani la tha george town diatrict la the opening i of an office here by the lav migration branch depart ment of cltiienihipeijm- jnlgratlon jim buchanan of tha de- j partmmtaltaf f will haconfc rbgtb bwa each thtiraay lyaod will bo at the municipal iprofflee from un to noon and incurring debenture dibt to i held rojitavct tha ontario municipal iloaxd while ttrtuing the fart it la the financing oi cedarvale school rathar than tha aehool lualf hi li crlliadnge the fj wayr euluid that only tbr atr- tr fit for buildla lnc uw tahmt wt4 art adtttd u kyvmnult whw tio0 uua build and further elalmad that tha building luelf might not prov uaaful for anything the mayor vigorously de fended th cedarvale purchaaa calllnfflt pla of aeenle nd cultural batauty for all cluiens uany caplul expendilurea are not paid for lo one two or ten year but i feel none is worthier than thivh oplntd th mayor laid that revenue from the aehool would take cat of eirrylng charge im whole heartedly behind thia project and will atand or fall aa mayor of this town on if he concluded councillor smith- aald that ur hydes auggeatlona should be taken into consideration when the committee meeting to discuss the financing is mandatory taxi meter council will ponder lekwyrr twriice ttalnea rp- r3aetiting the tui optratofa prart6d a petiuon to couicll uonday nticht rufatinu that the preunt taul by law be amrndfd to make the iimtalla- lion of uxi meters mandatory ljrfd uaw taehl jber ur balnea elaiuipj that with heard ue contpabyi offer meters the chart could be jrd hy local vj6 prriident conaistent for all and libelled i kijt th voud ll ui preterit system as tonie jdowo in secret ballol what haphaxaxd he riylaliird n blggaat ulacle wparat- tha jh propow4 basic charge nijnsgtw and the uaw would be leu than the cj iting u the protlowd y4r eon ni no k rductvl lo a one year abort trips could be paying leu the mayor said that ahould be done by the operators them ivea without any council ac tion or responsibility were not in the taxi hutlneu ha exclaimed id hesitate alout bring a party to a syiirtii which could react on council when its not really our buiineu mnevef la nothing to stop the operators from instal ling meters replied mr usinci tlie re alto notliing to stop one opcrstor having meters and another not this is simply competitive business reported the miyor in substance you are liking for protection for the taxi op erator against price cutting in some degree the lawyer answered however we are a local seeking one year contract want new bargain local irrd of the united ate to i tract trecnlc were also uv workers- voted ovrwhlmirigiy satisfactory to the mrmbendiip to reject a thre ar contract vt offer from fcwrd rwuris l rvodumj buuitf uiulled georgetown at a rl- n w ificalioo acting id the ugloa r mtln hall mowlay elghl ovw i but- 1wx worning wheo the l ral bargaining committer aak- ed that meaagrmnt tot with the committee for raecttiat locii at writing time too dale had ba al there are 1s3 wage axiirt at the standard ivoductj jjant cerau koau u chalnnaxi nt the three- member local tntt bargaining uumltle which u eludes a m araeoault and ur kule whllhaiil eon tract wages and fringe benefits aa outlined in the con service without pay is high school board decision why not metro halton suggests warden merry why not a metropolitan hat the georgetown and district lon warden herb uer- hgh school hoard trustee at f halloa county council and member of ue advisory turaday afternoon afur a db vocational commission have fv 0b turned down a chance to planning association eeve payment plus tfvniileage allowance at a meeting this month the trustees unanimouuy voted to waive the 130 per man per meeting now available to them and the 10c per mile travelling et i a7 t iallowsnce the avc members o trying to protect the public vt- honorarium would have amoun- vhom 1 feel would get a fair- 1 er deaj with meters ted to 15 per man per meet ing- summing up the mayor stat i d it seems to mi it would he the new honorarium u baa- just as far fetched to ask coun- 1 on ftgured u to wnuol null btuineu as average altedanee at taxi bualneas however he r imbed u woou be ducuascd eommlltee tjoldham here tonight for chore as referee the second of two apecisl nlghu to marie hockey week in georgetown will be held at the arena tonight the georgetown jvewees will play at 7 oclock the george town girls against malt on girls at b oclock and aeorgetown uidgcu against oskville at 0 00 oclock special referees will be mem bers of the nhte oldllmers team bob goldham and harry wat- aon in a program of exhibitions tuesday night the novices play ed oakvillr the iuntsmi play ed orangeville and the juven iles pjayed milton the school during the peat year the rate it replaces made available 15 per man per meet ing with a 13 meeting limit plus 7c per mile the saving figures to some thing like 3500 per year douglas vivian new arena staff member douglas vivian has been ap pointed assistant to arena man ager don gosling the young georgetown man has been help ing around the arena and swim ming pool for the past few years on a parttime baals he replacea lou pankenln u ho recently resigned to ac cept a new poailion with var- lan associates he warned that trafalgar and bronte had disappeared and oakville could disappear into toronto and ilurlihgton disap pear into hamilton if lhy are going to disappear id much rather they disappear into a metropolitan halton he abat ed 1 warden merry made the tr marks to emphaxlte the impor tace of planning on a county basis after talk by mr r ser ana chairman of the hal ion county hantdng aasoelatio-a- mr sereni lutad the prim ary alma of the aaaaclauod u follows to provide planning assistance to those municipal- um which do not employ as planning staff to dlaeua and compare the official dana and zoning bylaws and lanot conveyance policies of each t the municipalities and to con- alder existing regulations and land development on lands hv- butting each of the municipal- itics i he stated that at least on meeting would be devoted b the study or each municipality in the county and pointed out that there is a decided advanta ge in knowing the long rtntw plana of abutting tnunlcipah- ties in conclusion hr stressed the importance of each mutiicju pjlity sending a rrmesentauv georgetowns representative are c benham and c kentner alio continuing in office are paul armitrong veatry clerk mr and mm wallace tbonte- aoa audlton ted corth chair man of aldeamen aire jim coe- tlgan envelope aocretary and kred armitrong and fred me- nally iruiteet douse van at lincoln sound of chrlttmas golf club election tjie tentative data for north italton golf and curling club annual meeting and election hu been act u wedoeiday whw the club hoard of director arrived at the election date at a meeting wcdneeday jan 1 lincoln mqiot men hokcd ihe girgettktruck bnto tha back of a filming van and pul led it out of um garage before any damagecould reault friday afternoon the van waa being torn down with a cuffing torch when parka apparently ignited gae- ollne on the f which i tcrtheanrtl- r the tint time the riremen poured water on the van and had lt out in mlnutei isiie r ydmfsma legion representation sought on parks board while exnreising completa aallifactlon with the parka board u it la now legion pre lldent ralph hiwei requeited council monday night to ap point a legion repreientativa to the roard only if you plan to make change anyway ha emphulied the mayor waa in aympathy wllh the idea and promlaed aupport for the luggeitiou in anawer to a queatlon front the mayor mr hawei named herbert robinion u tha leg- ion recommendation knowing mr robinion work with the arena i would lupporf him the reeve a- greed however he pointed out that namei ihould be admitted to the committee for deelilott rather than everyone bringing up different name at council meeting if you decide lo put tha preient men back on the parka board ill be very happy with that laid mi robinion they are all nieceurul biuineu men and it tike biulneumen to nut the arena peter fcinea photo ten high aehool atudenla sl eeted to alt in the houae at the model parliament in february 8nttiave eulon la being held at georgetown a hundred and fifty high aehool georgetown will r fc ottawa for a day th national party government the leader of the dominion party- locally blewart saxe parllamentarlana from halton feel and quebec aecondary aehool will lake part seven ol georgetown roproaentauon will alt on the dominion party ildo of the houae with tha op- poaltion and three will alt with wa r pr45i will alio aerve aa leader ocihe oppoiuloh gd11s mi are nancy hunter n left andy snlooea leiley bureih d michael pratt d stewart saxecd roger smith n el eanor hiu tiornellua som- tner d and jane ryder d milling from the picture la kim gunn i a look at we weather m wed u thura 23 fri v- 13 sat v 34 sun jomon u m tuet high for the week sb low 6 preclp snow 80v ealn m allcla t c stou 2 m 30 1 u 29 m a 2d m 87 m n iril ittsv

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