Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1965, p. 3

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sgns ttfl v ieur jones photo from eagle signal a north american first mbs inula mcouigan a ith employee with the eegte sign division of the e w tjis co goelph st hold new product being manufactured the an lllumlruted t epajed limit sign rlva flrit of ili kind in nortfi america trta illuminated unit will be uied on 17 weigh tcalet in alberta and company officials naturally would have no objections ii a department of hlgbwayi adopted iha idea municipal board powerful influence on municipalities by tewy klruty fteecul w the meeuj crtrtl of three articles youv bought a house on a areidenlial etreet one day you luni that tha loninj classifies tiaa toiy be changed to permit the construction of a fiai sta tion or aa office block on the cna you object but probably be cause they want the extra es- cumcnt your local munici pal official lfioor your objec tion you persist and by and by you find yourself putting your to the ontario municipal board or you uilnk you are being ayeealy ocraiiead or youve noi bo paid etiouttb for tbat bee of you properly uven for n road again if theres no local adjustment of you grievances your case jd before the oufl thew you begin to realiia how deeply thla tribunal the oniarld municipal noard at- ci th uvea of ontarios cit- laeiuc a maching powkas the rejlliation would grow u you went into municipal pol itic you would then find the board policing your municipal feinting ruling on your offi cial plans deciding on any pedal tax levies you may fcav thought up or any capi tal spending youve planned you mlgbt damn the munici pal board for lla interference k you wouldnt be the first to do to ud certainly not the last you would be in tha eompan i such u north yorks former reeve norman goodhead who ailed tha omd the most un democratic malfunction ever folsud on a democratic anclet- y that waa after tha hoard had turned down tr apart- ttcnt project but in your ealmer and more i thoughtful momenta you would undoubtedly agree that if there joo municipal board some- i thing like it would have to be invented karlv dhvallopment th ontario municipal board tulttee of tha hi ecu live council 1u dutie were to help munici palities to pass and enforce legislation in certain areas without having to obtain a spe cial act of the legislature and to provide some control over the many provincial railways in operation at the time the first board had a chair man and two members the chairtnin had to be a lawyer and his opinion on legal quest ions prevailed later the board was increased to five today it has a chairman three vice- chairman and eight members functions coordinatid a bureau of municipal aff airs waa established in 1017 it ejlmiuted tha provincial muni cipal audi lor and the bureau of industries tha director of tha bureau was to be a member of the railway and municipal board this brought about the coordination of statistical au diting and supervisory functions with the municipal work of railway and municipal board the new bureau incldently waa inquired from time to time to report on such specific matters as municipal housing and alum clearance the next big change came in the early 1030a with depresa- ionhlt municipalities going bankrupt there had to be a drastic revision of provincial control over municipal affairs the ontario municipal board act was passed in 1w2 it re placed tha railway and muni cipal board act the bureau of municipal affairs act the municipal and school accounts act andsactloa so of the municipal act which provided for approval of money bylaws it gave jbe municipal board authority to appoint a com mittee ef supervisors to man age the affairs of municipalities unable to meet their financial obligation between 1031 and 1033 u municipalities were placed under supervision drparyminy cttffatld the work was too heavy for the thre board members and in 1015 the department of mun icipal affairs was created and took over the administrative duties which had been handled by tha board now the much enlarged mu nicipal board carries out stat utory duties only its procedure and general powers derive from tha ontario municipal board act but its actual duties and funetlona are also found largely in the aiieairaent act the rlannlng act and the school acta ynd there are many other statutes which in lesser degree confer some authority or function on the board rural development committee planned by farm federation it is rooted in necessity- its orl ins go hick frly fumb ling effectiat provincial gov- ermiienl ii wu an established body before the detriment of municipal alfiln wi thought of th ontario government eel np a bureau of iriiluitrlm in 1883 it wu aulherhed in de- nund iron municipal offldili uch information as it required the tint attempt to oomplle irrtuu in thd province an active firmer in the dis trict or many vein denzil lawrence wu reelected preal- dent o the hilton county fed eration of agriculture for a se- cond term when federation members held a reorganization meeting on friday jan is hilton federation members agreed to aet up a buret devel opment committee to study the need of farmera in tha county and see where people can be helped the reelected presi dent of the federation noted by aettlng up thla committee and by looking into problems in rural hilton we might be able to get sssiitance through atlda agricultural behiblll- tatloh and development act hie following oftlcera were selected to serve- oath execu tive of tha hilton tederition for the coming year president dentil lawrence first vice- president elmer foster second vicepresident tom alderson third vicepresident chester esrly fourth micepresident william hahon and past presi dent clifford brown hoy coul ter waa again appointed lecre- tarylreisurerr wfleen years later a provln- rfatmtnlielpal auditor wu ap- pointed he had authority to prescribe the system of book- taeolng to be used by munici palities and school boards to municipal accounts and i lnvesugato municipal afdlrs th present deputy mlnltter of municipal affairs w h falm- j tf comment- it appears that huwpotent- fflal control waa tnnch dptar than wis ever practised the tpllowlng directors wer also named burlington jack taylor wiluatn trenwlut mrs jack tayloj- frad bell elmer foster and marlon hunter oak- vllle deniil lawrenee toraal deraott frank hall wumer ma son mrs t alderson and paul may nassagawey archie ser vice wlulam mahon clifford brown t w kennedy mrs c brown sod joy hayward ea- quealng chester early spencer wilson allan harrop biclurd mclaughlin ind roy currle all lit r he rjirllatur set th commodity grpups in the jtiup the ontario batlwaybdieo aridry iliutuctpal board k wu to takelancsted to appoint one etr- tha place of tha railway coov eentative u tha board of direc tors of the federation adpointntents were suo msde to the finance property educa tion inauranca and rural devel opment committees the eiecu- live will aerve as the finance committee and frank hill will hrad tha property committee with william trenwlth fred ball george pelelterlo spenc er wilson wllllsm ushon and bruea frame chester early la chairman of the education committee ind other members of the committee sre allsn ilsrrop mrs tom al derson mrs clifford brown who represents the womens in stitutes in the county joy hay- ward and lloyd may charles harris is chairman of the insurance committee and other members are roy gurrle wtlmer mason paul may clif ford brown and elmer foster thorals alderson wis appoint ed chairman of the new rural development committee and o- thar members sre jack taylor richard mclaughlin henry stanley marlon hunter mrs jsck taylor and archie service mrs tv alderson wu appointed u the the federation represen tative on the hilton farm safe- ty council thkki tycb8 qnllrio hydro operates 3 types of generating stations hydroelectric stations use fel ling water to generate electric ity ooauxipmng jpower stat ions use etsiun to rotate tur bine wqplch in bum drlveaen electric generator in a nuclear electric plant heat from i not lea reactor instead of a ftlrn- ace produces the steam to drive tbe turbine hospital mews aa tmnfioeed in the mftt last week all rawnlnwihij cards save beet inaked oul tiki lit ciode kaf thereon arvup f pervua wbo donated ti til ore to the boapiul the tuefdberahkp cards are d- aiatned as recucnitigtj a the dt tkora eervice to mw builditu w tha boclel tod it u hoped lhaa this in turn wili iaueaaa lnurt and uikubce in the aiinual bme4in ol the asaocia- uoa this feooait important tnee- tinj has taen pvrly attnided and it is bopd that aiany of the membfed will sea fu to at und this year the annual mtahing is to b bald on tburiday march 4u in tha wriggueworth school a 8 pm to vote one nuut be maenber of the association and pouete a tnetikbership card aa tmetulotted before wiyona hiving doriited 50 or ovr is automatically a hiehiber or a yearly masabetahlp is 1500 tl ekela ran be obtained at any time prior to the meeting from the hospital office we cannot atreu too strongly bow tremen dous the booat would be to all capital supporters to see the ballfilled uut evening the womans auxiliary once again gave a cheque to the o pital this one totalling aone 46001 the udies have cvrutoly been doing a wonderful job and deserve the plaudits of the entire community for their ef forts many times in the past the hoapital would have had to do without very necesaary equip- mint or tha replacement of time were it not for oi great fund raising work o this fttfoup s incidentally tha auxiliary b always looking for now met- here and indeed could use many more in the various phas es of their work thera la a niche for every woman tt geor getown forborne kind or volun teer hoapital work and it will give you a great deal of satis faction too in a worthwhile job gjls students presented the hospital with a cheque recently te purchase whatever wu nee ded this was fine gesture on behalf of the youth of tht town and district and re cacti great deal of though fulness on 4he parts of our district lligh school students we believe a guelph organ ization is presenting a number of district hoipluls with wheel chairs and georgetown will be receiving one tha group is tahe guelph hrlna club and it la expeoted the presentation will be made in the near future the giit is in line with the shrlnera chief philanthropy tha operation and tnalntenance of two rnulttnllllot dollar hos pitals for crippled children in canada they are located in montreal and in winnipeg a grant waa also received or it will be shortly from the j p blckmll foundation this is a fund set up the late mr blok- il before his death in the mid- thirties many will recall that he was one of the great mining men inthii country thirty years ajfothe donation will batttesf useful in obtaining hoapital equipment vitally needed dr alan thompaon succeed i di alistitr macintosh u head of georgetown medical associa tion and chief of staff at the hoapital since the inception of the hospital thew have been three chief of ataff tha origi nal one belnat dr j h cham berlain who abrrted his term upon opening of tha hoapltil th new mow plough certain ly proved uj worth during the recent anowfallf it did an ex cellent job in k6plng the walks and lot cleared ths os6orrowm hikald jen sttfw fej page s eoly 13 cards and totut de pend on his partner to make tnaximuoi use of their 20 card llert u a hand from the ac ton bridge club that ha jn uausiiy aet thti bod yet three declarer out of four piade four hearts here u the board beater south j4eiurr aide win- bu s ac i m q 10 8 u r a io c x q41 810 7 6 h h 5 2 c 10 6 6 x a s j j 8 ft ha d q 7 8 5 4 3 c a d addpled school closes i0de project is done caxmolidatiotx of achools has eaat out one obai table activity of the ouuateas of strathioore cfapter kd tor tome yr4 the chapter baa sent gilt to aa adopted acboei l the pay imiaddil txict recent inioramtiot caote thitb achool baa been doeed t and upik will attend urgrrl stlfi art 3ol fuaualr aet thii bode y three ueaers kei oo jeboary 11 for their monthly ueetuij at the home of mrs jkp t arm- et6nt atrs ouvr edu- veauocaj coofnawf reported abe bed diatxitxited aoojc eeicndra to all the public acbuels oiw for eedl cuearoottl end hurt- ber to the burb achool lot baadquartere u printlna port telioe u butoric pictures for caoedee 1tt centennul and 4be cbapur pvans to dwibtile tbeae to the icboou when uy ee eeaiy vrtuary 12th sum wen set ee the date for the valantinr dence at north luuon coh and country club- mrs jobd klliott and mri mn wrirhi are hand iw ticket sales it was decided to give anoth er at of aefety steps to the bos pital to be installed in the room furniahed by tha chapter aeooag fit totivlues the udiaa dutributad welve hast ate of fruit at christmas time lr loeaj blind cihiens mrs percy iealle mada the deliv eries tatisted by mrs w an dereon and richard ljcau- vifty mthbes of the senior eluvni biroup ware entertain ed by the kdk in november there waa enteriainiaant by rita tlnum the varguson trio and cards wr played goeatj received favoure and member arranged transportation for their guaats a letter of thanks waa read at the meeting from tha elub secretary mr r carr a report on sale of christ mas cards showed this to be the beat year financially mrs deaney charles esten- ded thanks to mrs armstrong and the luneb committee mrs k timma mrs r- jones mr t rush mr w carr and mrs c keatnar lets play bridge by bui coaxes iefene alwajg more diffl- 1 aa lotig m alvwat do not cult than offense in contract i lead chiba apiljtna ia so reav bridge- declarer can manipu eon why they aboold lead dubg late bis 28 cards any way that declarer can only make his coo- be wishes but a defender baa tract by stasia that east baa the doubleton of club thla u quit a guess for dec- laser to make hi fact declar ers beat play l lead dote to vwds d and boptnt waai baa the ace or that club aplir uireethree aince neitber of thee kavpen declarer is docaned- did three w lead t lube to jlfcelr partxters of did three de clarer rueaa deubleton la east hand i coat know but ie i juld three spufbe- made 10 trick er amold rathbum alaejceaeeststtye sun uf or canada 47 ttsnsstr cress bampton 4ji40m uuth s a s 1 11 j g 1 4 3 d k j cj 7 suggtited bidding feutii pass 1 11 4 ii whi liu im iu merit 1 c j 11 im istl 1 0 isu ksit mult take som action evr nortiis oprnsr a doubts for tike out is not prscticil since west msy bid hearts i think the diamond overall is best until there is further bid ding msny brldgs nlsyers fell to revsluste their hsnd slier part ner bids norths hsihj is worth 18 points in support of hssrls his jump ii s bit of s ttretch but be needs to rlsrtfy his third hind opener south hss s good responding hsnd and goes to four hesru since three declsrers made 10 tricks st hrsrts this u not an unressonsble contract but how did they mike iit writ leldi s dlsmond in rn ponse to his partners bid this girs declarer e finesse which is useless a round of trump to easts see and a diamond bsck declsrer should lose two trump the club ace and a spade brampton bull bsxomes senior superior sire the jeny bull baupton kttad a mjmi- cbusl- tud very cod has just been designated eeolor superior kire by the canadian jiy cattle club on the high pro duction of his 10 tested daugh ters which average ue tmti lbs milk u0 lbs fat sm bca 1j0 li ills u classified daughters avae e03 this bull was bred by b h bull 1 lion bfiraptoh onl and was used tn ths herd of kenneth ells l soiu hornby onl he li a son of brampton acme kirellent a cold med al silver medal iienlor super- tor and century eire with 103 daughter with average fi3o lbs milk 4m lbs fat u and uk classified daughters thst sverags trtm matty people sre gebby tat because they nev take food on an empty stomach cohctrri oavtt utummo amd roao oavn a ru eej tor- dtt it6mi wol tom haines slea wiiheem th imt rosedaie- floral flowers for all occasion i wtdomo ammanauuun ceeseseee e spedelty cut flowers end funerel dl0 j we wire flower w albert tc is3 heat your home h thompson hardware humiimo i hiatlno axkepial ucrroaw vum 65 beaumont it a genuine honeshogooiliieis lowprice csr it coto much tnuth im uun u luxuriott looki cuggett 65 beaumofihi slxed right in the taldclle etwen big and uttle itll fit your garage and park with ease 65 beaumont i beautifully styled and luxuriously appointed oust look now you see why most people think if higher priced 65 beaumont is made by general motors so you know if packed with all kinds of value 65 beaumont is sold by youjr beaumontpontwebukk dealers hes a good reliable man to do business with vstteaumont li a very remarkable ear indeed we enough tailde to tilt worn dad and a jiggla of amau fry yet skuijt enouftl to shoehorn into a hghlest parklntt ipo it hi th kind oi heasumln beauty thai w a opwd yet its responsive and aelle u a hardmusded and can pack it with exactly the eeyllnder or v power you uke for ef drlvlni there are 11 modeu in series including j complelely dli- ferent convertible au of- which proesqulte conduslyely that o beaumonl would make a renurlubly f qtwlchoic for your next au program for blind the canadian naubhanh-att- tuta for the blind has devel- opeda tirorouirh profrem of aid to the blind and blindness prevention states mr w k lewsott field secretery for hilton there are b5 blind persons in hilton county ojjbominiont b kur zz3hezzfmin w 9 r- fa w nd jeiiswasson wms ltd phone 8774986 124 guelpli street georgelowiirontarib

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