Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 28, 1965, p. 8

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ff couple return from honeymoon in california jmrr j ones photo pinbusting is dutch treat staying am uaouc hay lo work on their garr are a meyer end tvelyn von toltma iaied wayne baker irwka wetteynu pet van dyk and con ooiteritof ttvy r mevrtbert of the christian ftetormad church young people t league wli th b ngt do nt of dutch born youths logiivr at the gorejalown bowl evy monday n ghl tlse weridjaf eomalaed leas wedmeeday dae 0 betweraj ifasaemary ano jordan daughter of mrs h- j nmmto 1 tbe lata dr crv jordan and glean wuliunaoo campbell of tereoto tbe ceremony wu perforated by dr d crawford smith u use chapel of kttx preabyurlaat church juclph tbe auradenij wrn ur and aax boyd garland of inrull the bride wote i alrwt lrnfljl owd bt pal blut lac with knalchlaa kerruorlx and crfjwsl eced bougect 6 ml rot and trplahoii mjk garland wea gowoed in rwpbtrry velvet with matching bat carried a bousiiirt of pink rowi a entail rweptlti wa held aj tlte tubi f lb brid in lbr vuf a wedding trip to alifor oil the bride tour rruthfd raspberry wool suit and black toal with mink collr and mat hinj wlhk hit fcfld forage of while roses on iheir return ur sod un campbell will rr lid m tkrir new bom al hu 1 georgetown tymwahtyowm terra cotta farm club has annual social night i tfa trrra totia r arisefv club held their fctuuial tocial 1 tb firmer s hall sal jan 18 orty five attended and after wijlio d th quccd tat dwt to title drtwfaud with ptttk add wtritcj rhrysao uatuftii iwl vtwr ajrapind y yn f uirdohald mr clarv abdrrw mj ilr a h meetene w rvrd th wiktjw wrfliiik wi armui3r by wrs w k jlunler and wis f tlubhaa wilb pruiirflv wirbr ur sdulti d rrokirude for ihv ftnldrrii 1rirfwninrri in furhrr wr igdtfi ut ur cuinr andervoa 2nd urk jirk uc iioiuld ii ut art mckine and jifk wrljnnam tha chit drrn urrr all irfjln lo ranjy finri liokkm notis yui mail bag airs case in disputed hydrant charge by town january 23 iw3 i f dar sir i find our report covering my appfirance before eorje town council tnrnmpletr and out of ronteit your hrullinr hiakea m appear hkr a naugh 1 luy who diws not want to accept the tervirei provided hv a fatherly and benrvolent council and ijtoud apoloifue to hit worthip the mor for bring brazen enough to spak up for tin riihts hierefire i hope u w ill publish thi letter in whirh i am trying to reju st ni petition ai presenletl to ouncil on mon di january 1 fit ri 1 i protested against the s 1 den and arbitrar rharke of jlvllh per rar for a fire hydrant thai lias txrn in the mine location for over forl years during all ihee years none of the tenants of the buil 1 ing that my company now oc ruptei have been rhartrrd for haw rig a hdrant in front of tbe building thia hyilranl was eonsitlered a puhlic rrice bich is accorded errv tax paer of eorgetown without estra charge until last year hen ounci decided to make up for a deficit in the towns water department 1 alv mentioned that we were fortunate enough not to rae ued one irqfi ql water out n iuhi hdrant during our oceupanry of that hinliling 2 i furthrr nointaj ul that uid hydrant is located les than 2ft0 feel from a private dwelling at bfl fuvrr drive while the nnt hydrant it more than vw feet from uul dwell ing therefore it could not be rtauified an private and res trifled to lie used only for our property 3 said hvdrant is approx imately too mo ft from the main manufacturing and stna age area of our company and imnst useless as the fire fightrn would use the tecond hydrant locateil on our proper ty which is cbihcr to the afore mentioned areas should the occasion anir i 4 the rijht of way on which hydrant in question is located has hern a puhlic hor i nughfarc for many decadea and is bv the way the onlv ccess to the property of l worwt way manufacturing com i pany i imiled tberefore u can tmt he classified as our private road as the location of our main manufacturing and store oce area is never more than i 100 ft distance from the cre hit tlivrr and providing for the im of the second hydrant pre linusly mentioned in point 1 i feel that our property would have adequate fire protection aflerrtrtrcnting these facts in lnuneiri propored the foil owing three solutions 1 keturn u ihe status quo and forget the charges for the hydrant 2 deed the right n way in question to tbe town thereby legal line a situation that has been existing for close to a r century 3 have tbe town remove the hydrant from our property and place it approximately hq ft away on niver drive which la now a public road so much for the business with the fire hydrabhi i then went on to glv cbub- clt my opinion on how indus ty l4reald it this town aijd thit li wajj no use to adver- tbw uue own to prospective jnduatoun glowing colours be caust way induatry con aider na moying to georgetowa would gel hi references from h ism rues already located in town t for one wilt not hr for eorgelown and tell them that the fathers of this town will bend over backwards to help them with the various problenu faring them treating established indus iry and itusinessei fairly is the iwsl and cheapest advert s ing for any town this mr hdltnr is in es twnce what i said last mon lav and ou should not he i r prised that i am nnt too hapj with your reporting ufrn 1 also say that 1 u m no be at all surprise 1 t re ceive a hill from this t v n charging me quarterly f r the blue spruce tree locate t in front of our office iwrause 0 years ajo an emplovce of this town helped to plant t i am quite sure that somronr will dig up ihe records to just if tsis charge it the way i pa im water chartr reuilarlv therefore sour headline myihtam no i si- wont i ay t iiaik i- ku watfk m slightly inac curate because my argument was against an arbitrary rhirie for a service accorded everv taipaer in town and not a gbinst rhargea for witer may i close hv again ex pressing tbe hope that on will tae fit to publish this in ter tn vour next edition and i remain y nhws skating parties held for junior yteens luith groups of junior teens at st i aula lliptut thurch field their helahd skating parties this past wtek at lur areiu i ndrr the din c linn of mrs jojn ajfn wrre i arol arllturs mart harnes cot me itoinlu it alhy i nrke hetty and indy cwrr joan tournnr v lame aulf spring fillctl ima llajrmrvrr i aula llube monica nicholson ijun dktiornekutan trice and in ora walttra t mler the diree ion of mr marlon ituddell wrre lstr tilletl dunne ii i ntiuk vonne hollowav susan howard dianne kirkuortd onn e i ejv t and debbie mc tjuarnr the ftrst slumg lesson ver well under the super ion of ranov i hi i me members who iluln i have ride lo kclso djiii uere j u up in front of ihe office tueen 8 15 aid 8 jo a tn the eitremelv it hi weal nnl it n participants altrn there are still njeninls in clisjes if anone n mten in joining legion auxiliary headed by mrs by dm m- ruh tb l9fl5 panel oi officer for the brmocb 120 ladie am lhary we eletced mt lbe jaiv- uauy 21 meeting and la a fol lows itsweot dot day you vicwealdent ab0 mlcbol ton becood vlcyeaident crac liarruoa w ryealdent jan kainerti kinabclal bf retary jeaa lkkburat tve- suitf tuubetb kenuhcad h- iurdinf becrtay may liar ley mrs v capjxrauld uu u kloduy ur vi co- tiu urs u byutuki and mrs jl fyrtor krict ut armi airs war hale sund ud twarrrfl j cauhr u 1uhu bporta mtu mrs h ktiioiid wr aui tbtf above ladled bu bave be- it fc lotted to trt the auviliary for tbe nuulng year a strrinif job mid all the mor rounder jahl by the ladles vast cpr ity fur bard work congratulations are surely due to tbe qutgoing executive who did such an admirable job in 1064 tbev havr belied make branch 120 1 lsdiei aux ilury one which ituut other officers dot day thi oboftortown hikau pace s biaocfa coul profitably copy kuc11re t cr1bback dertaking with use lctflw scots and branch 120 abariiia tbe chorea ticket axe ori aale at tbe legion bar general uekt1ng tbe neit general ojeehni to il l l i l j held on thursday jan i a 1 h m at 8 00 pjn that so le auxihaxy are advued to be- n ijtic aandpapermi tbeir finger in preparatloa for a euchre l a h t had cnbu fft at uiitud miction oef ore liiod on wednesday ebru r tt t lary 3 tranaportatlon wilt leeve tmergencv pled tof goorifelowa legion at 7 i p m i t ltdlti wishing to prliripate rlooo contfol kaul it 8t7um tttm y orioltfci urslkb u ijtond snnujl uti hv w lunt h ih opn dt tuurturnt win jjueij f pouibw fvbolj kt kld iturdy trbratry it willu wu mimi fommsoclou t 10 00 jim 4 county counl toemny ynie tmaiiy toullinj su0 doll vhu r wot i xtioo u ii mil 0 to tlw uivt hi ttfrvrnt u nwrciwy u uw u lot to draw rnliiet tlnu cff 4efj sield anwir who jjvc wlurioout th mu slrfft itouuikc dliins m1iit ifom tir wuhu tn urtlrlitf iiull 1nvjol hvuoa of um fontirt hoy wllh at 21 mum v11 aulhwityt 1 dtmuxl- d lltf auuujlt oubty tol- tft wu tiutrut4l ia look ovr liforstown i innui dinnrr llir tltultion ftod brln bit ftnd and dajlr in honour of sfot mtl mk to council a bddit 4 und favour son will im- kid iwputy rv koy cod d tirtd at thr ilon hall on 1ri uai aulhorlud to difcfuaj ik day rruruary 5 aa in pait ire jirohlfin with goiurrvatloit yrara it will tf a rotnhmrd on hatrinari w parker ottaway briggs are wardens at st johns stewarttown nt due ihrr led ihe sled thursday evrnmj january 10th st john s uil t met at ne home of mr and mr john otlaway with 7 memberi pre sent tbe meeting opened with the ruild irayer and the urls lracr w iti mr j vtur roy president presidinu mrniliera are pljnnmir to have the nrw pulpit curtain rea dy for rjjer an aftern on eut i re an i bile tale in the church basement ivii planned for r eb 24th at 2 pm the draw for the quilt will he made at this time mem iters of the eonnregalion wil he asked to rontrilwile to the ilakr tstile clem williams mrs t haines elected st albans guild prexy i jst wednrulay evening mrinlw rs of st albans ijdies i uild nut in the iansb hall and enjnjid a mi lurk supper after whiib tin y held their an null tneetlii lies it slublev o rnrd the merl in v with pras tlie m nutrs ot the lavl an nual meeting uere read by mrs j hooper mrs it llcaton tavr the financial rrwirt the rector was in the chair for the election of officers as follous the dale of the rummer sle ii n 1 r r s mrs i st 1 lev was jet for saturds prl 24th and a list of suiut le sr 1st ice 1 i mrs 1 haines us mrs m krid tides was composed it was decided to advertise these 2nd ire 1 sirretarv rr mrs a sargrnt mrs j hooper twn coming events in the om in rveb s r imn of the e r treas irrr card ser mrs ln murdock mrs j rrank ourt ery truk arthur m klrr limehousi church givings set record at limehouse the annual confiregil onal meeting of 1 imrhouse lres hytenan church was held in the church on wednesday ev ening last veftk chaired hy rev r n young with mrs bert ben on acling as secretary for the evening all departments showed a good financial year endrd the treasurer reported the lar gest envelope colleclions in thr history of the church over 2 w0 had been spent j tntly by the church and the building fund in the twelve months all officers were returned to office for 10o5 trustres for thrre ears joe kosa and ted drown man agers t 11 ice s ktrkpat nek a c patterson joettoss ted dr vn and 1 lo d mel- n ery treasurer a w pent on auditors k l undsay and mrs kirkpatrlck st wards dirk appleyard neil bent on ilert ncnton tom ritchie ted hrown and uoyd tnery reslon itev v n young moderator t 1 price ine nus a minn a w kenton a c pa tcrson i c i indxay and ilichard appleyr d the ladies served lunch- after the meelins j congratulations to mr and urs k karn on the arrival of a wee daughter on monday at georgetown mr and mrs everett ken nedy of musflravejs visited tbe vance lanalhei a week aflo mr and mrs cliff simmon a tnd family of preston visited tbe w simmons recently mis mtn janice tllley and joaitne alekamder of ljillnfiloh apenj the wrtrkenri and mr antf mn jo alexaqder v lulled our bujv a committee meeting was hel i jan 10h to set lans r ii ing for he annual meeting it was derided to hold ihe meet ing on wed reb 24th in ihe lhih school cafeteria instead of having judo classes which normally meet nn w ed even ing tbe judo tub is ptann n to put rui a twenty minute dis plav of judo techniques and holds jim display should prove to be verv interesting as most of it will tie done h the young mvkcs the three junior terns i groups have also decided to put on skits for the annual meeting but as jet haven t mentioned what thr skits are about members will have to attend ihe annual meeting to find out i norval resident was i native of scotland a native of dumfries scot land mrs thomas hrrdman died january 2nd at the hnrre of hrr daughter jill 1 nor val the former mar ann w il son she came to an ad a as a young woman and since bcr marriage had lived in toronto fror the past fourteen vears she made hrr home with her daughter mrs arthur kink don she was a member of norval rresbjtt nan i hurrh she li avrs her husband four rhlldn n wilson hill thomas mud and mrs lawr ence matthews annabrllr of toronto and mrs arthur hinu don mary of norval 14 grand rluhlrin and sisters and hro thera mjs j hennte toronio mrs jam talnr ayrshire scotland decree and william of caatbrldtc and dumbarton shire scotland rev ftohcrt duncanwin con ducted the funeral service al the harold c mcclure funeral home and interment was in hillcrefit cemetery norval ne phews and grandchildren acted 4 pallbearers pari crelghlort and andrew itennic toronto r loyd herd man brampton tom hrrdman westhilt alan herdman scarborough and joe kingdon norval getnwn herald ltr st ibley thanked tl e la quilt i ckets were gien out thrs t r thnr unlinni efforts for sale and wigar tvax given throukh the sear and closrd out to be worked the meeting with prajir it was suggeued that talent money he used again lo he mr w jlcnnelt is spending brought in thr first mertini the winter uilh his niece mrs in october some hash sole lie ban and shirley in mora hotei were sold and some were jje recently celebrated his 72nd taken as samples for orders for hirthdav and his family attend sale etl a birthday party given by his niece they were llarolj and margaret bennett and ina the meeting closed with prav er and lunch was served bv mr oltawy mrs david barclay j and mrs rred armstrong the next meeting will he 1- eh 2nd wth mrs j stewart as hos lets ren we add our congratulal loni and wish him many more happy years his daughter rne mrs boh mcmasler was ut able to attend she hat been kept indoors for about three weeks et well wishci are mr john ottawav was appoin ted he rectors warden and wnt to her mr howard briggs elected peoples warden at the annual a voung people group has vestrv mrrlmi of st john s been formed in st alban s church held sundav evening church in this new year the last with the rev canon max officrrs are president i ad well presiding despite the die haines v ice president rain tne sleet the snow and heanor hill secretarv treas the ire the meeting was well urer peier norton tbe meet attended ings are held on sundav even ing in st albans parish hall other officers elected were vestry clrrk mrs fred arm strong treasurer mrs a despite the stormy evening grant ijv delegate david ihe nung peoples dance was south suhstltute mr thns well attended last satunlay ev warnes chairman of sides- ening in the parish hall dan men kenneth grant ortrmist wartaffc looked after the and choir leader misi jackie recorded music assisted h barcuv and tor mr mbrrt llnan preston rncllsh and mr wm hulls mr tohn ttawaj was eler ted chairman of the advisory board with other members mr howard briggs mr and mrs lred armstrong mr liar ry savings mr thos warnes jackie barclay marilyn olta way david smith and kenneth grant month to go many are minus licences t reu of the hmfl distinctive li cense plates rem lo he finding their wa onto motor vehicles as yet we say distinctive be t cause for the firt lime in many mr howard briggs gave tbe years the color combination has day with mr and mrs wwhm mom the w f spoil sored the first of a series of marathon euch re on january 18th in lime bouse memorial hall prlie winneru were mrs k robinson and tom hariluon first mr h l davidson and robert mc ktiery for seconds and v lewlif for lone handa lunch was ser ved by the committee o close tu enjoyable evening been chanted and- this years car plates are while lettering on a bright blue background the local numbera start with k50- and eonttntie up into oie kooooo s as yet though an rstimatrd ten per cent only has been sold and this seems to he following ilia pattern of other centres the last day to change your pairsis february 2fl this year a sunday so ihe lastday to pur eh ate them will be on saturday february 27th tbe motor vehicles branch in georfletown is lociied at 41 jtlaln street south and la open each weekday including satur djytr las i year waa tbe inaugttra tion of the umv three year dri vintf perniitrnd f6r many who obtained ones that ell due in imrtiole wllluma 2nd mra tryrrattheyuiul currently be jc campliell and duke w1k obtaining tiieirfull thretryear oh 3rdmy and mri j jef licenses thesetalso can b ob- ux o uined at the local office sundav school report mrs fred armstrong guild report mr thomaa warnes choir re jport and david smith presi dent of the newly formed ac- it ion group reported on the orcanixation of their group i membership to the group is open to alt twelve years and over their meetings ire held each sundav evening in the church basement ai 7 oclock the group la planning dance to be held in tbe township hall february 6th tickets are av ailable from the members a cup of coffee was served liy the action group this wbeks bridgv winners monday wlnnuut mr and thank you badoury lad es wear a 23 ma n si o georgetown w ii dote th i saturday january 30th we take tti i opportun y to lay sincere thank you to all the lad ei of georgetown and area wlvorn it bat leer ouf privilege to terve during ihe pail 8 yean an invitation bradbury t w ii cont nut at ihe brampton local or 14d netion si w jutt scroti from loblaw t here you w tl f rxj a larger telftdion of it e same h gti qual ty i net tte tame ir eivdly courleout wrvice ar d reatonable pr cet wa extend a cord al welcome lo all our tr endt lo v t l us any h iie they tie n the brampton area wynn bradbury bradbury s udies wear 140 niisoh st w jacksons january sale continues the savings are big in every department ladies boucle long sleeve cardigans 498 ladies funnil suno shot jumpers fully lined sum 10 lo 18 shocking pink blu and prey 398 ladies long sleeve blouses 298 stretch slims 598 soys skates mens skates s78 mens sport shirts 1 98 mens shoes 398 tealhr solos 3 ityles fo chooie from jackson ss ib main street north v

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