Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by ham new umltosl 22 main street s georgetown ontario w c auehm publisher page 4 thursday february 2srh 1945 editorial comment money no object 4 the 1067 monteal wold fair it muci m th newt thes days and the it vidertcej rhf torn of its echvihoi should b lelogatd 10 th financ pql newspaper ln tko ftfif puc hie idee of osuig an uvk1 which will cos millions of dohau be ioro ony construction begins will take a lar- nfic 1om fro thj dominion trelcwy tha original plan called for nit from the nve bed to be chennolled to the island now w rod that there is rvot enough and a convoy of truck is buty day alter day bring ng fill to comtruct the uland on a mailer teal it the compel tion 1o chooi n iniign a from mva entne submitted three wmnen were chosen and 4 000 m pne money awarded but none of the winners wr doomed suitable to education by example the mod i parliament which conven- d in georgetown hlqh tchoot saturday was e perfect illustration of learning by example the student who participated and those who attended i observers would learn much more about our parliamentary syilam in a day than they would from a do jon lesions on the subject the seating plan was carefully arranged av an exact replica of parliament page boy relayed manages to and from members the speech from the throne was enacted and as one young lad said with an air of disgust i don t know why they de bated when it came to a vole everyone another entrant wko had fcen given en lumobl mention was cornrnltsioned to pmdoo the mtignii which will be jjied agin we find rtvt th publicity boy have gow all out in our tmall old we hd been receiving thee separata evuik ings of en alrrvotldaily prs release var iously addressed id lh publisher th edl lor and the womn t editor until we drew it to their attention and a city daily re port i ij has counted 35 of the mailings addressed to its various department we realize money must be spent to make a show of this magnitude lucceiiful but iven big business can watch its pn- met too and we object lo bolng an indir ect contributor to this lavish waste it s too late to get back the millions but not too late to save the thousands on th government side voted together to they were bound to win which it el good an example as any of how ou parliament mutt operate good loo fof district tludentt was the opportunity to aiiociale with some of thir counterpart from quebec and to ex change idea on youthful level to real ue that delate language hurdle we are all canadian with essentially the tame ideals the same taste end the seme go the organizer of the parliament are to be congratulated on providing this ex cellent extramural ectivity may it pros per and grow at the year go by time for common sense an initial mistake when the bna act was drawn up has caused endleu gnef in canada and instead of the pat ting years- wiping away ou sores they have been perpetuated by generations of politicians with en eye to their party t suc cess it is the idea that canada should be a bilingual country now before anyone reaches for their shillelagh let us say that we aren t anti- french and quebec or anti anything along this line what we think it that canada u too targe too farflung and too sparsely pop u la ted to economically tupport a complete ly bilingual society already we tpend thousands of extra dollar in producing tons of federal government literature in two languages we have created a com pletely french radio ttation in toronto and we defy anyone to offer evidence that enough people lilt en to it to ustify its existence and at the years go by unless tome honest politicians tay what they real ly think the double standard will spread until we have two of everything from coast to coatt and bankrupt ourselves on the b n a shoe wftat it the answer simple and dras he lei get over the lllution that we are a bilingual country dopf english at our standard and keep french at a secondary tyt nonetheless important second tang uage will this mean the end of french language and culture not at all we grew up in windsor in a taction of the city where tlxth and teventh generations were completely bilingual speaking french in their homes and english outstde one thould rightfully be proud of onet ancestry but one thould be even more proud of onat country and this present agitation the hotheaded separat ittt the politician perpetuating condition which can only lead to disaster the kid glove attitude which ha characterized our dealing with quebec thould stop were this to happen the endbenefit would largely accrue fo mot canadian who have french a their only language for if it this lack of english which has handicapped many residents of that prov ince limiting their choice of obs because of the language barrier news desk extras by tarry heiley lla the point dear cur writer obvlouily tneant air hie new maple leal flaf was rslsed laat monday but unless theyre making tjsg polei that can tickle the hot touts of thoae old elmia cum- ului none of our now red and white emblems went nearly as high at my blood pressure a eoaple of days later when your front page ln blushing crimson carried what you ob viously considered a reason able fscslmily x charge your hag was a phony get that a p1iony your maple leal had too many points thats right too many points oh i dont mean more than a real maple leaf has- but leal on our new flag has you ee the leal on our new flag his eleven points and thats ajgnlflcant 1 point for each province and 1 point for the yukon the north wett terri tories toronto bland- and those other places jlowvoilprobabiy think you juat missed by a couple alnce your leaf had 13 prominent points but yon neednt be so smug it so happens i gsve your sham petal a very thor ough examination with my 0power magnifying glass and you will no doubt be aurprlsed to learn that your printing plate mil two barely discerns ble nlck one near the atern and the other half way up the left side which mesns in truth your cheap immltatlon had not 13 points but seven teen im not one to let shoddy workmanship go uncorrected ao i could hardly put your home town journal down without rectifying things now could it thats just what i did or at tempted with a pair of scis sors i must admit here that in my haste to eliminate aome of the superfluous points from 0ur leaf i snatched up a pair of pinking shears im afraid the result 37 points was just too much for me and i coll apted into my buy boy in ut ter frustration in all fairness alnce you did point leaf well ignore the nicks i think the least you can do is print a ppolnt leaf this week juat to square things so to speak your constructive critic hsrriette beacher drum ps i hope you dont teel im picking on you it may be comforting to know that i have also sent scathing corres pondence to l canada packerv the molsori brewing company and the toronto make delitve hockey club whose isbels snd symbols also fall to comply also a doosy to the ontsrlo dept of agriculture for devel oping great stands of msple sspllngs which bear 15 point era of all things ed note sorry harrietts closest thing we could find to a 0 point leaf was a split phll odendron and it waant even the right colour were stick lers when it comes to colour georgetown herald poklleheel by he nwaaaav lbnlm georgetown ontario walter c klehit t publisher oarilem meollvray production superintendent leslie clark dave hastings m guaon 3 ucclements jerry mahusky urn hi1v m news editor accountant frank mullln advertising manager mrs wuuam geggle clerk tyolat anne currle reporter pater jones photographer member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario ataocstion w rtsw lvui jot hoto sea of ice the oun william ice t frn ike brue u the cehtre tf the village mail bac government would aid flood control ottawa on monday attrnded a tpcial mwtinf of the kqus ing council chaired by reeve georiff lrtlie which waj at onded by the council the chairman of lh credit valuv conarvation authority and george kerr iipp a plan m tctlon wti worked out by the conservation authority to the utuf action of the council on wedneaday the flooding of th glen occurred i vuilrd the glen on thursday and uw pertonally the wreckas and diitreu cauaed by ire and the ram paflng water of the credit ntver 1 extend my lympath to thoae who have suffered in tbu tragedy there doe teem te he a miiundertlandlng of the fed eral governments petition in ibis matter i have teen press stories stating the frederai government turned down a flood control plan for the crdit river conservation ro- grara because the program was prlnurly conservation and recreation approximately ic and secondarily flood control approximately m this does hot mean the federal govern ment will not assist in a flood control program but will not contribute to a conservation program which is s provincial responsibility i resliie the residents of the glen require a flood control program and j such a flood control pro cram could be prepared by the con servalion authority i am sure the rfdrril government would be plrard lo coinulrr thls fully hairy c harley m d mp halton sugar and spice by bill smiley w docfors give him a pain pumped out my itomacb and po lked among the horrors exhura ed they vamp red blood out of my arm they sucked marrow out f my bresst bon ivrey so often a specialist in reading x rays would show me the shadow on my lung there were about 4a shadows on the x ray i d nod intelligently tho 1 d wrjr it vn a differ ni one cvrrj time news echoes rw ke pmomt f rite herau 1954 ami 1944 10 years ago mayor jack armstrong made a special tr p from george own to preterit bob goldhem with a movie camera and projector from the people in his home town at bob golcmam night thurtday in the detroit olympia over a hundred rotartani and their wives from twenty club in district 247 oined in a welcome to the rotary club of georgetown monday when this new club recei ved it charter president john gunn received the char tr from c f basil tippet the district governor four grade 8 pupil from georgetown school will have the thrill of tinging tt eaton auditorium toronto dur ing eaater week barbara kinrade joy barber carolyn biehn and margaret mcfarlane will be part of a 300 voice choir which will ling as part of a program for the ontario educational association convention 30 yiats ago two recent changes of ownership have taken place in the local business field a few weeks ago the budget groceteria was sold by mr james good let to mr r j caldwell of brampton and will be operated by mr and mrs caldwell a caldwells food store the new ow ner n a native of cheltenham while mrs caldwell is the former gladys ireland of ing te wood second bus mess to change hands it that of mr e a cripps ford agency which will be operated by new owners cecil t hardie and lome h peters as georgetown motors a couple of expen is rr cntly have confirmed some thing i vr long suspected pco pie spend fsr too much time going to the doctor moil doc tors would pntuhly sgrre my wit whs could 9a is rounds with casslus clay srtd not braslh hard eoei te th doctor about twice a month h tsyi walt youre cartsln ly looking in flrta fettle givat her a bottle of plllt and sandi hr sbaut hsr busmen l j mll thlnk th y g f uy experience with doc lor 1 peck on the ortlina irsy hut has been on two levels ihei lm them no grudge this social snd the professional so ued to happen to me dunnj ciall ou cant beat them the war ved be fling form they like a drink a kiod htory jood rompan iroft ssionall well let me ell mui jit after the war llie inrdi cal profession told me 1 had tuberculosis there was a shad ow on my chest x ray they i ation on a mission heads wi ellinn wildl to uatch for ger man fighter suildenly i d knot a wh le gaggle of the foe and holler over the radio rn cm aircraft above 10 o clock which afcy whh ble voice wmttd v w e4l j eme se i forgave use tocta booths tbey covldst prove least to my utlsfacdon that i had tb but tiwy needed pnetice assd i fcc ae wrwql aoot cifht years imx i bed a very ion beck c uid hardljr tnigiiteo l i wcqi tp a apee- 1 list ue took 38 ortii of x ra and a ti olur tec pofftd me jpalnrfully aod o h jeqpaet visit iofpnued n tkot 1 ais4 irritatimi of the itsse- wr miokst i war pretty ed hod ukod sm wlwt h lav volvd te putk la urcaea unguege he dart ifptt ted vo have a sore back i coopte ot years ulef i ev bled into aoosfler doetre of- flee uy luirr w atljuj tap a unuu cldveewl bad tried to kick thr koav f dajr i11 1 and v w tefl it el wnt on the iriii tv do tww- td it until i acrind told mo it ujs very tlufu and sent uir lo s kuiajjjd 1u took x ray wrenchfrd it until 1 was bsthvd i t arwel and told aie i had a t 1 knw and should b weul with it kimly i wm to t4e v- rwui hosllst fr ny r pwln tlwt cwku tki sw eiu taof find hie hit oft mj kcvolf aj hsj te ak w wfcuh im it kj lvt i durtf knetf the other day i wm to a ye spefialijrf i can w fine but my wlfa tkobt i should go i bvejflt had m ya ebe- cvd fclnm nother y aecial- iit is years ago prrcbd the glasses i wear f tiding well this youni fellow the othar day who eon jive yu an apoointmabt vlthin four months 0 th lime you call told tn i didnt nd glkssee said th me i bad wr as useful as window pin mo didn t rsiiij i d had thani rv bewod at about tsa a r stile four or five tiou since the origlnsj prescripuon whenever id brokon or 1 t them walt rw frolnd ki cut olne te rif i tami irte tnooa ajlasssei if only te hue the teri umu wy eyes doctors its net that im pre judiced sooie at uy beat friends are ation btrt how would you like your slater to marry one of them bible thought for the week m at ctesh kura relluh saj iuj uimv m u h4 s tkar is ttli a vltll he aruu slid wuih u hvjr tlklurt uul te vi kum unjtuj frm tw wwu james 1 17 after a frantic illance smne peoples relltien bever lesves the ehurdi and borne i peoples reluloil never get to inlchureb business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made ilally call tr 73401 2 main si caeroalewn chiropractor caram w corblt dc open dally by appointment house calla arranged i774o31 1ia main st north optometrist wmcmillgan 35 aatll si appelnlmante i77sm7i cam k wmtwood ontario land surveyors 116 uountalavlew hi triangle 7121 w h carr b k wettwood tr 7jjo0 kes tr 4414 dax develofments ttmrtbd rullders el fne hemes prop walter pacholok w74s11 or iwmis demolition long oveifdue barragers cialr5hlrt laundavera tr 7v2w ib main si 168 guelpb all work dene en promisee o t walker to do si optometrist 12 llsin si s brampton i51t474 lies 451a24j hours 0 s m to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 0am to s p m evenings by appointment robl r hamilton optematrlst 116 mountslnvlew ltd s carretal ilwc for appointment po 8773971 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect ourwork in greenwood cemetery phone ttlhto 62 water street nohi salt crank pitch ucensed auctioneeh prompt servl p0 bos 413 tr t48o4 geareetoam oioroitowr animal clinic 106 gulpsstreet v zevlfs 6vm dr rb gaskln cllnto open 6 i pm mon wed pri saturday ru km dale bennett latimer baines rarriesora v solkmoe douglas v lattkom tehtnoe r balnrat trlaatla tsttl a ulll st cttrgetowai frederick a helson barrister end swilcw 116 msunulnvlaw ltd b carretal bulldlat ceorjstowa tr amk mlmaiidertoiiqc barrlilor and solicitor o mill st gooroeown tr 7244 tvansicltlerbjl barrister bollelier notarv dr wllllaus bldij m main k te 74tal wallace thompson llldtdlvtslon court clerk v conunlsslener tr ati the rolung mill for orhn meula was first described by lljeojardo da vlnol i jl l

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