Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1965, p. 2

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aitufflttftir- souna bath multigym features at new club melt pound rway the al pine toy could well be that lot tb iwavlyopeatd al- pine recreational health club mt it wealayan si- owned and operated by mr and mr tony martin- you literally tmti mrlt then wy in tbe cedar lined uum bath whr roefcj heat ed by tn blectric oven then mprty6 with water cooibjue id make you lilt hk after id the bijoft illd ultr ads lwvrjr theres a ckihi la h you have haw to do witie work ai v be 0 re you ar allowed the lusury ol lh tauna batfe uol th old grim faced type xercied but fun od fabcy bw mjuipmeal- while milocntitt bii crept ia bare um it la fctih buxli power tht propels tb rawing math- iw the bicyde fcndktretcblluc device and wen weighltd ahoes aj you row iow row your boat the ftuottedlw minuted 0f twumrt beettll imicn lon- xr j the arm ana uif taus- tjari protect 0 to the bieyd wftb ituori of gaily wrtlog up hiu attd down dale with nary thutf yf a ufi but titd outlldi ttu new alpina recreational and health club ort weluyan st this sign greets ova weary visitor m have changed u twyr do ntdcut btcyelaj u euy to pedal a tbey laved to uaduntdtb tenaion w in created to simulate uphiu p- daliint tbed u know why tbey tmlled it the alpine dub a viauhigym u dent oa tbe lut this is a eoufb like iir witb rop iron your an- lie around littje beu ibd dvwa to your band at you pull ofl tbe bandl4 you ral ted lowcr your le- it wi dvcld0rd and approved by the college tv cfalropractlr w sordini ho airs martin tbe biuhi tyo u cilhjd to oerat and bo u who jkth ud it would dispute it ybe flekt una the vibratos do all tb work you juit tsiid there and ahuiuny shake twui or do th watuit while the vibrating bll takef down be hljw lummy or thighs there ire many other gad kti ur amt and shoulder iw- vrlofmiirnt but the lure ot the uusa hith takes you down to the mout hmt you ran bake ai lorn 11 you want then out lo a rold klaourr while tinfcllna froa thr aluwer you lie down and rfct oa beau i if uj foun rubber eourhea whpre you can inooie or i while if you wtih a masseurs tablr is now iitinil installed where you can be pummelled into ihape and a tun lamp u on order to you can look hkr youve hern to the bahamas unlike the got rluhi there are no miied uyi it u lad- lei lay monday and thurs day and the mrn hive tbe other days mi tmsldl aw mamy oondittoning devices including thta xaroiti machtns scores public apathy to hospital annual meeting last thursday evenlnjt the amrtual mretinc of the george town ind district memorial hospital was held in the wrlc- filfcworth auditorium tlie meet- jnjf called for 800 pjn was very poorly attended with leu than thirty people present the president of the assoc iation john t armstrong pre- idde while wclcominn you 11 to this annual meeting 1 find it somewhat disappointing to have such a umall turnout be atated however on bchali of the board of director 1 deeply appreciate your atten dance and hope you will find our meeting interesting and in formative mr armstrong then review- d various reports and as each report wa commented on he asked for its approval the financial position was reviewed by hospital auditor walter pope as a number of byljw chan- tfes were tw be reviewed and approved thr chairman akrd douglas v latimer to crplain the sections applicable to the meeting mr latimer is hospi tal solicitor the hylaw amend ments were passed almost un- anuiiouily the election of directors was 4hen conducted hy mr latimer and the following were elected for three year terms campbell sinclair terry balnea magi- ambulance runs t3 georcelowi volunteer airibjlance service had throe ealli uilhe wcclc of february 28th to mrch oth wedneiday march 3rd 710 lim a normal ransportatipn from geortfcyown tj george town hoapltal taken by c coxeria and h bradley thuriday march 4th- 430 jjia normal iranapoptatlon front- geortotowo to ueorite- lownjioaphal takon hy a bailey and j white saturday march 8th 2 is pm ar normal tranaportatlon front ceursetown to georke- twm hphaljaknoyhy jd tucker jndm baatedor- itratr john ord and lealie u clark the businen portion alio in eluded a report from admlni llrator fred whlttaker and the iloard chairman a film wai ihown pertaining to lloipltal adminlitration coffee and cake ended the evening wont replace garbage cans battered by snow ploughing a request from w cox 3fl stevens cres that hla sarhnjje cana smashed by the snow- plough be replaced was turn ed down by council monday night councillor it francis ad- mttedtttiriamc hhlnjrhappetk cd on his street but felt the people took it nl joke mr cox should either do the same or make a claim added coun cillor francis not viewing it so lijlitly eouncillor w smith urged that the matter be brousht to the attention ojhetown forfc man i dont think the plough should spray garbage cam ov er the lawn he remarked its time somebody was re primanded severely it waa luat one ol those things- according to coun j younjf the anow came on gar bage day the barbate trucks couldnt get out early bocauae of the snow what are you go ing to dot shoudl the man oh the plough got out and move each garbage can he demanded the matter will be brought to the attention of the town foreman caldwells open 2nd j iga store owners of use joe iga rooduner 80b and ed caw- weh have acoquird acood puainem id oakvulc tbey opeud their vww ktrt tca supermarket there m few weks ao douhglaa ucgilvray 8 guelph st u toanaei- ot tsar nw itor a ktudeat at hyeron bv utuu tot tbe pat two yeart he baa worked nnimen and wstkqdj at tb gvorfetowp gitu uis brother roaa u tayuav- aw uf y hiuway discount cnxetvru a jeteioroub bob caldwell 4fid sod fcd hav ftp ted th uxa wa 4m for over un yrt h for that mr taidwcu bad ft main st grocery ature in what u how the united cu ortica he also orstrd a rctaurant butdttf44 downtowu at una uhie council briefs council granted two wore taut llcenaes monday nlm a drivers and owners lutte was icrsnted to jamn c hell of clen wiluama and a taxi dii vera license was tfranled to bruce lronard u mclntyre crea with regret council wdt d the reslgnauon of hkhard lieata from the parking aulh ority effective march th ivnniaslon waa granted to j b mackentie ud to erect a hanging sign provided h doea not project over tbe roadway m sellam secretary treas urer of tha kaqueslng ratard- j childrens kducatlon auth ority informed council by let ter that caorgetowni shara of the coat of thr sunshine kchool would be 1371 tbia year the figure ia arrived at by b charge of 11 w per attendance day in this case 014 days at 1130 lite province and tbe township rover the rest of the costs difficulty in finding plumb ing inspector may force the llalton county health unit to discontinue plumbing inspect ions council were informed whst will happen then wondrred the mayor well have to cross that bridge when we come to it replied reeve klllott in a health unit report it was shown that water from ten different locations in town had proven to be satisfactory none of the locations are in the extreme east end aa we r4oueued eofnented the reeve by bylaw mlas betty john- n waa appointed deputy clerk of the town local shorthorn breeder sells stock in brandon georgetown shorthorn breed- fr s 0 ttennett received t for three bulla at the ciniif tan international shorthorn bull sale at drandon manito ba mr bennetfwas one of many consigners who brought bulls all the way from nova scotia in the east to the peace river area in the northwest as well aa five us elates the georgetown bulla were purchased by w 3 boakeof acme alta j g lynch of ailbert plains man and l parobee of angua manitoba feature of the sale was the price of mooo paid for tha rand champion and incident ally the youngest bull in the sale this waa the white re- mltatl mister loubt consigned by louia and carrolllauraer ol olds alberta he wtm ehiued by kay parka and son of butler south dakota this waa the highest price received in the four year hiatory of the lie brampton laymen have retreat in norval l a group of laymen from st batholomews united church brampton held a retreat in norval united cfcutch on sati urday march oth the ladles of norval ucw served coffee and muffins in the momlnf dinner at noon and tea and cookies in the afternoon about 22 attended kcv it irwin ami mr harold lyons clerk of the session were guests at the dinner the norval ladies aasocla- uon for scouts and cuba held meeting at the home ot mrs r phillips georgetown on monday evening march 1st mra don murray president waa in the chair ihe main it em of buslneaa was plans for the fun fair sponsored by tha la which will be held in tha parish hall on saturday march 13th the fun k wl include fun for all tea room bakf sale fish pond white elephant table etc tills is the first fun fair aponaored by a new organlza tlon in support of the norval scouts and cubs give them your support by attending and participating in the tun plan ned for you they hope to be able to make this a yearly af fair where you always get a little more than you expect to choia peas 7it kja tins ur beans pork 7 asmcttv straw iga jams 2te- chotcf iga peaches 4 v instant iga coffee 1 t tomato iga catsup j s w rotv rke kltif umbt ouarttlsej rvictc erne mx io n m is detergent l x oo foilwrap 3 88 jluo injtant g o o puddings os oo iaico orange juice oo tvakxatk o o iga milk o- oo mild cheese 2 u 88 n balh far kraft chip dip oo combination osrill iga potato chips and ataloc uan mitn cuuo rfamiai conage rolls wkl ar half 4 hwvhallry rinftln mi uj u hablify t doiuts pkg of 11 tuawovaa si pkg of 6 j dil ui cmbliullui 0il use 1 lb lt tkwiii wlun oaf lb tkj si twjitlli tu lum one 6 ui pki si f yautttlta auloa all r 88 tullartjls craruimahtar sugar cookies 388c unhiaro o hci this siason ilis than sc each lerida marth smdlats grapefruit 18 ta 88 ikjcy rad del bc apples 6- 39c fr of usa can 1 bch carrots 229c bvlktdua easy fa ta jaffa oranges 069c titty t nutritious fillets 39f mix em ee matxh em iiuy rtozen roiv peat mud vqi bli corn or cas ahd carrots 5 i88 lucky kja shott mh v kutufxie 174 oualph si 2379 save these bonus tahs fott rttt turn or eatoh mehchanoise certificates racaiva an intra 110 taoa with beikist white homey 2 lb u fuacy fabric softener 64 or u rcava an eatra si tape with sugaripa lea prunes 16oz pkn kksivs an eatra m taea with monarch cil trnoi mix pouch pill racaiva an eatra 3 taa with fbi cod fillets to kath pkc minced beef freihly crnl pic cooking can no 1 grade onions 1 lb hag spy apples hqi haski r c raih basket 79 mushrooms 39m 88 claiii apartment created without building permit alterations to the building which housed the brewers re tail store caused some heated diacuulon at council monday nlsht a motion presented by coun younfl authorizing the zoning adminutrator to take any lrcal action necessary to aae that the building and ton ing bylaws were adhered to by g r muckart in jis renova tions was finally withdrawn for a week when cooler heads felt they should hear mr muc- karts side of the story councillor young claimed lhat mr muck art had none ahead and built an apartment in addition to office space without a permit for the apart ment he pointed out that an apartment above a com mercial etsablishment contra venes tbe bylaw we have a zoning by law itated coun young and we expect adherence to it from everybody big or email ur mutkart has gone ahead and ignored it he added that mr little the new planning con- aultant thought this should be teat case and should be tak en to court he urged that w carr be instructed to adminis ter the bylaw and stop any alterations till a permit is issued i agree wholeheartedly said coun w smith we iliould hack our zoning ad- miniitrator the problem lies in the fact we have no proviiion for apartments over commercial establishments explained coun h francis sometimes theres two sides to every story comment ed reeve elliott lets have mr murkart appear here the msyor agreed with this the motion was withdrawn until mr muckart can be heard tnuin pnrftiarat maui ithe georgetown herald audit billing machine pjmsk council authoriird the pur try u ln leave it up to the mlas prairie masulre return ed home from her visit to rhode island on saturday mar ch 6th she left for the visit on the same day that she was released front the georgetown hoapltal where ahrhad made an amasirox recovery from a broken hip she travelled by altv canada andwaamet at all points with a wheel chair and attendant she enjoyed her visit with her cousin mies maruteu cormack who is heal of the kbger william park museum in providence kx her niece mlas grace white a missionary from hong kong was visiting there at the same time monday may 8 1067 will be world red cross day at expo rr the date honours the birth day of henri tmnaht founder of the aed cross bus schedule for town runsjrtonday to friday leave 8 a for uptown lav bawhywrt depot 910 am 1000 am 200 pm 520 pm 700 pm 740 am 1100 am 230 pm 430 pm anot m avot oulph mouhlalnvlawtlaia sinclair duncan web duk ba no 7 hwy norval rarmrstodnls 10c adult 20c on town schedule run allilckels are 20c faros when uied by iludenti a 10c cash refund will be given tickets can be used on any part of dally runt lo and from malton airport at part of fare this schedule temporary and can be added to when required georgetown transportation co ltd 11 mountalnvuw rd s wai oasi chase of an underwood audit billing machine monday night not at the 13ss price on the original motion but at 1305 eighty dollars leu on an int ended motion councillor d powers claim ed he had received a verbal quote did not constitute an from a senior official in the underwood firm the mayor felt a verbal quote did not conslsttute an authorised quotation but was willing to go along with the others if they could save eigh ty dollars by amending the motion they felt they would compsny to accept the offer ken nash plumbing and heatino water softeners water systems repairs i allarallona tft 72842 attention bird fanciers we have wild bird feed mixture arid sunflower seed availablein bulk quantities we also have good supplies of ice salt water softener salt master rabbit pellets and master dog food i npfssji mastetfeeds master feeds sfewarttown dial 8773511 georgetown we deliver 11 a ijtiifafejiitfjiivii 0isissiis

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