Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1965, p. 4

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h- knakuu georgetown herald published by ham mowipecvors untttedf 22 faeln street s georgetown ontario w c uehn publisher pag- 4 thursday march 11th 1v65 editorial comment congratulations holy cross trt convnonrty welto- hendlome addition to it rligtout xrixiurwi this sun day wwrt th new holy croti rtwnan caili- ojc church will be butsj end offc ally opd in tin btfonoon hu ecetuncy j f by bauoq of jtegara will caltybrt mu at 4 o clock ev tc when pnwkonr wilt be jo rwi by fftendt oj other faiths in wouhiflp t g in their new buildings it it a qnt stride in a parish wh th only fw ttiort years ago was a t ov with acton and when the highway chufcji now lo ba abarulonvd edequaiely ikrvd the nds of ils popte in thoe day the church wn on of the iniahtit of the local congregations today it i one dangers in medicare with ontario on the threthold of a medicare plan we would be ihe fait to knock it one hai only to realize the crippling costs of maor ill nun today to reahi how important it it to be protec tod againit financial tragedy tiv ontario hoipital plan f iih one need when it provided protection aga ml hospital cost and many private pjin mtm available to people to g vl- imlu polftclion for medical bills but there it one danger spot wh h we balieve ihould be overcome both m any matt medicare plan or in the private policial now m existence one can compare health insurance with rh typa we carry on our automob lei the reaion for carrying any iniurancc li to protect onetelf aga ntt e maor d v alter it it quite common in the auiomo bit field lo have e deduct bio claur not as i do a member of the hospital board has o0gil6d w 0 blatt lo ihe eleven thouiindodd retidentt who didn t thow vp th annual meeting latt week w elite of do at 1 ay not as i do bcaui we confeit that we were mong th mining facet and to be hon est we have never attended an annual meeting yet but wd promiied lo ba mere next yr m it ld fact that only a handful of p6pu express enough interett in the op tnflon of one of the townt major auett to fcttend the meeting it doet not mean l courier that moil ptoplt do not apprec- q th urgent in numbet atvd th rw build rg hat e lealing capacity wwh tncj- that of ny other congregation fhof it a touch of rvoiulgia whm build ng tcdut to fuvtion rd jnorq ocur kevnan catholics who wro mr t ed n the h gviway church whow thil dtrn were conf rmd liur- and whole church me hat centred around it lrvf will 1 lorre lent tears on sunday jul il fcfu m tc happiness tod m knowing thai iich a b g tip s necnary it it e heal thy reflect on that rehg on hat a strong part to play in gorgetown i future we congratulate panihionert and thr- f pi est m tlie r rnove and extend the t v lei of the comrnun ty for their fuuri pro per ly where the f rtt fifty dotlart damage h sloumiitd by the owner of the veh cte we th nlc ontario hoipital and med i l insurance pldnt ihould be of a timi lir type it n not againtt the day or two m hep tat or the odd vuit to a doctor t ohku that the avurage perion needt pro- ti ci on ft n rather agamit prolonged ho p taliat on and a condition which re u res wctln of treatment by e doctor that we need insurance w tti government paying the whole ihot for hosp tal patienti and private firms paying tor every mmntration by profet s ontl man then there it only one way for ratei to go up ontario hoipital found th s out last year when there wat i a sharp 50 rue in premium payment the upward trend will continue and we thmlc it could be hemmed tomewhai by such a deductible clause jwcxah j ottawa winter carh1val news desk extras by tarry haruy food for insecurity iate the hospital they do but we can underttand that directors are d scouraged and feel they are work ing m the dark unlett attendance figure express thu intereit next year we hope othert will fol low our lead and donate a few houn of the r t me to attend hear a repot of the year s activitiet and help to elect th board which will operate the hoipital remember that not only it thu one of georgetown most valuable attett it is a major employer equivalent to e num ber of imatl induttriat and at a contrib utor and a member you have a voice in its operation harley to halton weekly observations hy 6t harfty haruy mp rott halton xlilra ht wordi are devot rd to traffic problems anil hoprlrfci tirups radio atatlons so into the aviation butlneta to al birtlre viewa of the congested asphalt rlbboni and newi photoyraphert find inter fitmu subject in hundredi of automobilri held captue in rush hour inaru it all tervra lo prove the automobile hat moved into jutt about every one life with almoit the to tal finality of thoae other two unavoidable acta death and taxea ttie impact and influ nee of the horxelria carrlase on our dally lives is frihtrn ins but interesting it has been found that for every dol lar vhleh circulates in canada retail trade 22c it used to buy something connected with tha automobile of all retail business ear rled on in this country one in every six is in some way de pendent on the health of the automobile industry for its succ eta there are nearly one mlulon canadians employed in the automobile and motor transportation industries in one connection or the other an other facet of the industry impftet on our economy is that over a half bill ion dollars worth of soods produced by feeder and sub assembly industries are pur chased by the automakers to this must be added the aupply of raw materials steel rubber fabrics and other bislc com modi tics a other activities connect ed with the automobile which pour millions into the economy are the financing ageneiea and the casualty insurance corpor ationa who besides their diyl dends to shareholders pay a fsbuloua total out to lending agencies and to auto repair in duatries in the form of proper ty damaff claims t the point wr re trying to make is this the preemin ence of the internal comlim tlun enfiinc in the ultimate dlatributlon of the nation s wealth makes for a rather vulnerable star for ua to hitch our wagon a it makes us wonder how did the nation hold together before the advent of the auto mobile and conversely what would happen to our standard of living if the contraption were suddenly removed fjum the scene total exhaustion of all fuel reserves lint too fan tajtlc auppotltion hmuet iwhh hydro and town offices hie been rejected by the ontario hydro milton koutinfti have been laid for a 26 000 kusr foot addition to i lie i i robertson usnu facturlng plant oakvillf i ontario provincial tolic i ronsume u syne stain who wai thit in his arm while stop ping a tar on the q way on 1- fbruary 10th hj resigned february building ripory permits lor only one h i ne and a few repairs were issued during the month of feburary with a value totalling 13373 district news at a glance brampton brimpton ind rhinauicoujy hnd ptrtj of toronto townihlp will join forctl and become one big city within the next five yar bnmplon mayor huj- nll prouie predicti acton a dual burpoko buildinc to since our last column tha llouu of comtnoni has been contlnulns lti conatdera- tlon of uia canada penaion rian some time each day haa been devoted to mattera of iwrocedure with the oppoaltlon iertlea trylns to aet aalde tho normal bualneu in thla caio the canada penaion plan to dlaeuai other mattera i would anticipate that by the end of next week the canada renilon plan may pau on wednesday the hua- lneii of the parliament waa put ulde to dlaeuu the eacipe of kivard the fedefal govern- mrvealtyiirniriurikileuonfma here u by law illvard waa held by the provincial author ities end not by federal au tharlty the attorney general ci quebec haa promiied e full investigation into this matter a rlvard wai trying to avoid csttadltlon to the united states it seems unlikely that ha would escape to that conn try ter has therefore ordered a judicial enquiry into this mat ter which la as it should be i have had enquiries from ilalton retardlni some revisions to certain acta sd ministered in the d partmcht of insurance the main later eat lies in an incrrsbc in the maximum mortcane allowed on real estate at present thla mounta totm of the value of the real estate and the chances in the act would in crcaso the maximum to 75c the investigation into the british columbia cue of alleged fraudulent ndp vot ing will not be conducted by the acting chief returning of- flsiaar lie has riijcd thy hmtni tnlmtaw respooslbuity in xke redistribution matter and that it would be physically impos sible for urn to do the job bli enquiry would hare been ibtisr d parjiement and committee alafe which la agreemen in principle and de tail it still requires third reading which il uauslly a formality and then will go to the senate where la la not ex pected to cause any problem it ahould receive royal aa sent well before the end of march 10b3 unless it is de layed tor some unforeseen rea son when passed thla will then officially allow mortgages up t 13 of the value of the real eatate and will be wel comed by builders and nurch thia haa passed second reading lasera alike congratulates council on industrial commissioners main st soth itatctttrthrifiwigood mr editor tn through the columns oi your nevsturpcr i would liko to iran lit my coraratulauon lo tho emwrt of council for their choice ofmim for the 1065 georgotown iiulustrlal cominliilun it is moat cratfvnc lo read in yourfl jjago whic i tried so htrd to convey o lottie me bets of last years coult and uw it has become e reality i nm guro many of oar citizens will assist the ne mom of tho ind ir rial to th priin lllnllckfiimluloa ia uvwywny pos sible to tell georgetown li to live ttid work ovuh the removal of politics from the industrial commis sion i md alio sure we catt look forward to uerw and progveailve approach to our io dulal prouemi a special congratulation to mayor joe gbbo a council man bob ftancli and council man bill tl thjy accort- plhetvhat icnte dtobete itoooiwlble the removal of tht yilitllai fro the geor getown industrial commission a vlhdlteted gftottfetcwn cit izen -r- bui cumpaiy news echoes rratrt the panea of the herald 9ia and 1944 10 yeah aoo the north helton high school staff is seeking a replace ment or mits dorothy parkinson who is being marriod this ujmrner and will be moving from town investigating tha possibility of a hospital in george town tha chamber of commerce invited two men in ttrumental in conducting a hospital campaign ir dunn villo in 1951 to a meeting last wednesday keen interest li being shown by local people in view ing the topographical map in mcclures main st store which shows ihe delrex development it olvas some detail of how the new area will be divided into resi dential industrial and commercial properties school tiles are shown itreeli laid out with actual scale models of houses factories and stores in the delrex area joe schertel u one georgetownar till in hockey uni form a defenteman with the kitchener waterloo dutch men who are engaged jn fori william in the allan cup flnals scfiertrl picked up one assist at kw won the first gamer tkymmi mnrkt n b last week to advance to ihe canadian senior finals 10 yttalts aop at council meeting monrjay kenneth m langdon pres- anted a plan on behalf of mr and mrs hllllard ottren- der end asked ooundl to approve the opening of a sub division of 1 building loll on a new street- to be known at ostrahdor boulevard a deputation of praclica1lyallhe of king si in tha clay products district welled on council n regard to the smoke nuisance caused by smoke from the kilns at the factory council had taken action against the company three yesmrjo end a deewon was handed down in favour of the companyi red cross b always tutfte with your help blitz day monday mdf 15 uavk porch uoht on for evenino canvass sugar and spice by bill smiley some spring fancies w u know what a young nun lajey u auppoel to luhtly turn to u aprinjc but when you get right down u it young tnea ere vutjy uniour ealiieg except s loeauclves rwtulting offlctrs and of eourse yoong womrn so w will lgnor the fanrv of young men thii apruig es pecially iao ur hazily turn d 4 lb- hjuoe tort of thought in tb ou- three on too lets exmain th fciej of aoau bf the uore intuctuig kge troop- iweaitw wf vry mh mautt u hms aust u u- ww yhf u tm ii hs tw umm fmjklu4 fw k- hvi lr k 4w bfill 1 ta llk u wlk ul if vrl u i rail iii h cej ketne4 wwtxk as s t h kav wlht lkm and there he u crouched uu thd rvmnanu of the ccieihte wtth hie uhing rod prc- ing his ryudg into s large pool betweea the w ublebio and the furnace wait about the oldster t xig whei kind of a taiacy does h haw co9 apaingr aftof dicing with deaiij thrpiigfa long cruel wlnles- wfeea has olj tvideklck were appearing with hiouotuctdua regularity- on tbr ohltury pt 1 imagine be a prrtty puad with hkn- ui n txciri ttbow he u wu taking to au the othrr day as be auotvrd hlmli la front of the pt 6fl k- lold rue sightly older boys have a faney in the spring for any thing that u dngruus foolikli oi irriktliig on uie irt day the umpcature la above 40 they want to go batleu and bar foot tby build rafu tint sink they dig savra in the piles of crumbly uildplla they cross swollen streams on the slippery trunks of fallen trees they wajk on railway tracks the mature or married man is stunned by spring a few weeks ago his home wu quite attractive with that nice white anow covering everything now it a nothing but a big fat eye a o r taint peeling eaves- trougha dangling cellar win dow broken and a potato sack stuffed ia it btorra window for the southeast side of the kit het still leaning against the house where he left h last fall front lawn littered kiddy car rake a pile of dead leaves antl the whole torn into trenches worthy ot flinders fieldi by tha visits of the coal truck its does the only sensible thin in the elrcumstancei he sits down with pencil and paper and lays out a plan of cleaning up painting and gen ersl improvements lie reads it triumphantly to his wife he s ao sincere aht a really impress ed she a proud of htm a new teat klrat job he u tackle is the front lawn then the cellar half h kur star aha dls- cvra ihe hf laal is ust ike rhr aust ef the tame ene furvmj it year ike i cevklvu hi tuesmlrtfl u the fruit aklna ihiw cervrock cralars wlht elf club thyy hava werds she tfns her beevts and rtkas ht lawn mwih hint t hi cat lar when be doeant kliow up for supper she figures he s really buckling down to it and goi down cellar to call him pdurt rhlnl id kr in jiry sut mm my bmk and letvrhf wm v dy rt u jy pttoi elly hd tivi iiwwmim uss- d off u muls iw rke l httwusl tm wnv fcn vll ckucku u 9mt ud ika caul ik cld mi i kur- ud the rt 1 lv have ul kw wuvmr ll like it lay t- u 4m rkei tturlils slh l trwiymf thn yln 1 prj hs wtvw wmimr walchlri rk tihs bft lklr akarlc i figure vl tasjvt de thm y krm and ahod de ha e ul f bj weekly bible thought b dun 1 will tuctare thy hsm4 im- te hiv brilksrni in the kun el tk censrastuhl will i taiu thw iuliiu h n tlir nred of thr hour is more witnrurs and fewer judges georgetown herald wblliki by h umwifiipmrt llnuud georgetown ontarto i waller c ftuha publisher cthuid mcgllvray rvoduclion superlatandani leslie clark dave hiitlnga if gilson j aleclaountai jerry uahuaky terry harley alleen bradley newi editor accountant prsnk u nil in advertising ilauge urs wllllajn geggta clerk typist anne currle reporter teter jones photographer member of the canadian weekly newspapers aisoelatlon and the oauria association business directory chiropractor donald a oay dc appointments made daily call yk m401 30 mill st esreetewn chiropractor carau w csrbeh dc oeen dslly by appemttnsnt house calla artanced ha msln st nerth oftomethist wtncmilligahoo 35 mill st apeelnlmsnla 1773471 car a wiltwood ortlarle land turveyers 116 uountalnvlew rd s tttlanele 73511 w h carr st i weshmsj tb yssm ttt tlm baxevel0w1enis limitbd hulldars olplne horrtee prop walter pacholok i77j11 or 177v4is barragers clearmrstilrt launderers th 7axn 18 mala s 166 guelpn all work done en premises a t walkik ho do it otoromktritt 13 main sl s nrampton 4814474 ras 4516243 hours 0 s m to 6 p m tuesday to saturday rvldsy a ro to s p m evenlrufs by appointment robl r hamilton opsamstrlsl 116 uounulnvlew rd s- carretal bids kor appointment iw 8773971 monuments pollock camfbmll dksigns on request luapeet eur work tn ceeenwosd cemetery hon 4317516 83 water street north salt prank mtch licensed auctioneer v a box 413 th 73664 ceorsietowil tmoroitowm animal clinic 106 qeielph street v xavlrx dvr br k b oaskln cllole open 6 8 pjn mort wd pit serordey 11 ejn dale bennett latimer baines irrltlsrs t telulioee douglas v latduxb terence r baine tblsnjfla 7js1i1 s3 u1u sl geortetsn frederick a heuon burrlur and ullcltm 118 uounulnvlew rd 8 csrretsl buildlnf georbetowa tr 7 3306 he mandersodqc barrister end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 tvansifklerba aurrlttsr aelulter neten br williams bldjj s6 ualb s tr 74431 wallaci thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tft7d4j the rolling mill for wprklnjl metals was first described tyl leonardo davlnd i 4

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