Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1965, p. 8

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jets long service award public school trustees to serve without pay for not eoddlia clow in on scene eaoaxn the school district ceorietowii public board trustee have tii georgetown and hifh school board trustee in nixing ad oppor tunlty to be paid for aervint rooms and adding special all i advertisement to tbe herald owaaco for teachers with eatra i in an attempt to overcome the qualifications at the same m- per teat increase eilng a 3 la the five full time caretakers salaries was agreed on by the board the resignation of an auxil ury euas teacher john todd u acccpwly air todd has been tfarhln at ceorge bedy hjuk school he wilt join the ceorgetown bits school uimd septeeaur onurio hydro ihoto georgetown mayor 15 years on hydro oktajtlo hydko chaiftman w rou sink- lit vm lonotervic award lo mayor joseph gibbon i wlvo hat lerved is years on th georgetown hydrotucirk comm i alort mayor g bfaont was one of 22 municipal commliiioaeri honoed for a total of 338 yr to f vie m ceremony at 56 th oinrannual rrwotlng of ttw ontario municipal electric association and tlm anocietion of municipal electrical utititiai march 3rd at a regular tneeuni of the rmblic school authority wed besday march 9 the trustees voted unanimously not to take qailmt 6 new provincial legislation which allows boards to pay themselves honor ar ia baied on a ixdint scale fcc- tyrditte to the prevous yar eorolmvot fufuf i li ci t v su11 aeekimi supply teacheri tha public school hoards t u dcilqn save urf town and 1 jz province koirtun like wujo unr the members were allow d a faiaxtmum honoraria of 40 each plus irivellulk x penfcs coblblued with the kavluk rtaultiai from a similar uclvion by hih school trua- ls and advuory hoard com uiliton tti wpjii aio it tenj in the nrihbourhood of w000 laved acute shortage three regular teachers are also required one to replace air todd and two for new classes which will be treated by art increase in eo rollment lo september b other buiineas included art invitation from the twonto uapv tf basebal club fot georgetown pupil la attend a hall game june u and a re- quest from the yatywca co- d cjub for ue of the wrlg- lleawovth auditorium for two dance in march toonto feb 2bth georgi ciown gird encr now s the time to be thinking of gardening by gordon lindsay smith hh 1 georgetown wot too soon ihire li one good thing about an old fashioned canadian winter it makes ui appreciate spring and even though there may be few tigni of that season in our particular part of canada at least the calendar tayi that it u only a few weeks away in liny cam it is time to think a bout hardening and even just thinking about thii recreation can be pleuint and interett lag as well u useful there are catalogues and ardemng bulletins to browse through there is seed to buy hew varieties lo choose plans or changes in the lawn or gen era layout perhaps some flower pots or flats to plant indoors and if we are very im patient or ambitioufl we can hive the lawn mower aharpen ed power tools gone over and hand tools cleaned sharpened and oiled cltow your own for the larger than average garden there la a substantia saving in financial outlay by starting plants indoors from seed ra ther than purchasing them in flats or pots in this way too the gardener can be sure of having precisely those variet lee deseed rut growing pet unlas totnatoei zinnias mar tjfolds and so on from seed in the average home is not as simple as some enthusiasts would have us believe cer tain haiic rules must he fol lowed or the operation will not be a success the professional with a greenhouse and cold frames which give the plants plenty of light all around does hot take any chances and neither ahould the amateur with his senior citizens plan visits to other clubs litre memben of the geor j rorsdown rducitlon lulh etowa senior cllliww- club are almoit iloiw la tin ubfct of py lor pub lic school luanl trmlwt pm up tint t the bord jnury himtlnn wbrn it u referred lo romiulltrr for rivconirarnd lion 11i bord dlln t ukr c ion on 11 t thflr fbrui7 meeting lui thrm iruil were ibunt whrn it cftme up again in nrw buineu wlnfidi w e wluoa inadr the motion lo pi up uie honoirrla and g sigurd ton aondrtl it executive prealdtnt john 1ar bier treasurer vlri saundrri and aecrelary ura pond visit fr more limited faeiuuet the blggeat problem la uaually dueau known aa damping off whlth tltukj um aed llnga juit a jew tlaya after uiey have ktarted lo grow la the grtenhoiim all aoll u care fully ilrrlllwd thla la hardly poaiible for the home gardaner but at uait he abould uaa new toll eath year of very fine exture and well mixed with rompott and aand- if tupply of thla la not already oa hand then it tan be purehatad from aay ad houae or garden atore aa a further precaution agalaat damping off it la food plan afler the aeed la aowa in lata or pota and watered la to apread a thla layer lay a quarter of aa lach deep oi well pulverlxed peat mow or vermleultte over the aoll ao that there la tome tneulatlon between the aoll and ilia plute aa they come through the writer had exeelleat aueeeaaea with tomato ptanta where uila waa done a year ago whereaa a neighbour without the peat moia top loat d0 of hla awd- linga not too early it la mliuke to plant aeed too ear ly aa once the aeedllnge reach a certain the two to four la chea in moat eaaea they are beat traaaplanted to pennan ent quartera outalde or they will become weak and apladly hence lh trick la to have them full tranaplantlaf tue juat when the weather haa warmed up and they ean be lately planted la the arden thla meant planting aeed in door in early march for auch thlnga camationa anap- dragona impatlena and lobelia in mid march tor plnka petun naa tomatoea peppert cab bage etc and in april anything elae for which an early atari la deairable choir band concert entertain manor folk their actioni to urvi the pub lic without payment the ea quealng public school area ed a ulltoa senior citixrna hoard voted to accept tbe all club meeting recently in an at owance available to them 140 tempt to atlmulale lntrrcluh plui travelling expense end vlaltaliona nauagavtrta school board trua- trei are now paying ihemaelvea ur rarmer aald thry hope j20 m plua mileage 10 vllt senior tltlieni club a lih p la ailon oakville and ilur trri tlirmaelvra 130 mon llngton a well and epccla honorarl ihoae duba will return the vi public school finance conv the georgetown club will millee chairman reported the bold a buiineu meeting in the ry negotiation with the legion hall thurday march teaching tall had been conv 11 tranaportation to meeting p m change were li alwaya a requirement and 1ln principal a anyone wihlng to help hould r e a po n 1 b i 1 1 1 y he exeutiva i rom lo p irliuroom for leu than 10 wra leu than ideal contact one of the little theatre misses out despite fine performance whi mentiooing m fear oth er mulu ur richarde oonclodad by saying you are more than a capable company and ad mire you roay tx ally the topk sticated adolt com edy oi a busbaod wife and lorer stranded on a desert island ran th- y ricy and saturdsy and despite the snow clogged r ids drrv fair aked diences the rotieicuoii direoted ly tony ixyd had only e tt oast ui tn r bt ty fisher who ws osst l a uny part ai monks sha also did double duty as prompter t the other who worked be hind th acen were l4t barkhou thi production man agr lornne lyd set designer conatrueti n aod vlm hruce westwood undts toet ut tost levnne hyde wardrobe vtt fktindmy bight the ceorgetown fjtsie theatre recewed word that thtf production frf uttle ikji did but luellfy fur the weeern ontario drama klmu however aonie co utlon wu dcri d frou the winning to gether with chatham of the ivellwinary award for visual pre tntatloa kniwrgil aa fin in tlia aiiff toniclllion were samla kcitebancr owen sound and vwo lutotod group in a public adjudication a wk tibursday night the bight of tha big anow stanley turhards noted plsywrlg t and author pmlaed tha origlt 1 and in ventive setting designed by lynne llyde saying i was b gulled and amused by one of tha loveliest wrings i have see on my tour the adjudicator pointed out that ha must look with a pro fusions eye at the production since only in thla way he eon tenda can ue aundards con unuauy be raited undeniably yours li a very talented coenpany with a pro fessional flair he told the group however he criticized tha tp ni of the flrt act par ocularly which he felt wai overpaced resulting in loss of lines he admitted that aome of the lots of 11 nee could be attri buted to affeustes which he felt classroom for a program comprising both sacred and popular music was presented for the residents on wednesday nljit vehruary 24th by about twenty five mem ben of lkr choir of st paul a united church in nurtinston the choir was directed by mrs u fojtcroft who also played the accompaniments on the piano hie ladies of the chair had provided a variety of cakes and cookies which were serv ed with tea and coffee the visitors and residents had many friendly chats with one another during this social hour mrs e iloare thanked the visitors warmly for this enter tain in fi and rewarding even lng rev j i graham conducted the church service on sunday afternoon february 28th he brought with him a very tal ented young singer miss mar- got curksoti who sing two fine colon mrs ted stover wax the talented organist for th service a group of old friends tayboee presence has heen miss ed at the manor for some time came to play a band cohcert for the residents on sunday bight february 28th the cup was the oakville citix band there were a i bandsmen present and they were under the direction of their very talented bandmaster teter hughea i from the opening number the coronation march from the current broadway musical comedy hello dolly every dlff erent kind of musle played other selections fre4fgrand opera were the chorus of the roman soldiers from wagners rlcnii and the well known habanera from carmen two sacred number meat thla house in which bandaman u andrews played a aolo part on hu euphonium and ranis an gelicui were very lovely musical comedies were re presented by medleys from the king and i and my fair lady a selection that wu par tlcularly tuneful was the ballet music from offenbachs bsiiet parlslenne the overture jan us sousai march tha thun derer and other numbers were also- included in the program after auch a fine concert it waa a pleasure for- the residents to congratulate the leader and tbfi bandsmen upon their fine playing during a nodal hour when tea coffee and coocklei were served rive rangef girls assisted with the serving over lbou000 young people are enrolled in 40041 branches to7ejunlorkeij crow in canada and the tepartmentbf national defence schools in europe all the perforruinces were beully exeelleat h oplad and com pi ha n ted csy ijoyd id her leading role of suajt on bcr nchahting fctsg presence he cautioned bt however on a tendency to pitch bee voice too iilgh he eojnmendfd the actors on their ability to stay in char ctrr when not speaking ijr tlcularly he inei tiond uickarl lele chk s almac silent por tray si of the noble savage who turned out to be uie ship cook a delightful char dentation wae his description ron hill aa henry the wifes leviw gave a good performance but trifle too fast accjrthng to mr richards and uie ming the husband was only critieixed thb oajbansattown hskalo i march page 8 ma mlov uaure ajker s irod and l ilting tr xe ood fadauj la lankbert t gerties cathy and cjrd hunt tickets go el ty hrie fu id mouse manager rlshtaf and june osllng red cross ts always there with your hop blitz day monday mar 15 uavi nmch uohi on a km cvbm canvafoj maktm was fruit pie 1 ready baked v pie fcbcll u pie eruat mix i tin canada choice canned ptbes 1 tin iauade choice canned fruit cockiall 1 tin canada ekoice canoed eherries 1 tin cenade choke i cajlued peers 1 pkg lnetaot vanilla pudding whipped creaol tronl aeroeol ten make pie shell and eool make instant vanilu pudltd cool slightly and pour enough to cover bottooa at pie ahall cool in refrigerslor but do not thill lay 4 pieces oi string acrou top oi pie shell to divide pi aoelf into 8 ual tac tion drain ecb tie of fruit in one section erwuuy place enough peach halves houows down to cover the otw wedge cwrwuily spoon fruit cocktail cherries and pears in thw order one into each eti section repeat procedure for the other half ta the pie lift up atrtnc chill pie la refrigerator cut pie la eaetioei a diuerent trult in each aeotlon juet before ue ileal garnish each l tied with whipped priceless its impossible to hangs price tag on this bottle of blood fortunately in this country no one ever does your canadian red cross provides whole blood and blood products absolutely free to almost 300000 victims of illness accident and disaster every year all thats ever asked is your support the blood i ransfusion service u one of the many ways the lied cross serves this community this nation and the world through the red cross your help docs so much for to many your red cross serves you canvassers will be calling between 10 am and 10 cm every step of the way fok evening canvass mease leave you ttmtch uorlt on blitz day monday march 15th sed choss week march isrh to 22nd 19 as uxal red croit includes loan cupboard wheel chair crurchea ek home nortlnfl water safety service blood donor clinic local duaaler servlcet campaign chairman jr 0 w corblt dc 11 main st n b77m31 vlchlnnan mr allllr suthrland 14 hau drive bhm424 rjdnt judith kllffnr 1 1 dlrex blvd 8779735 secretary mr a m sutherland 14 mai drive traaurr3ararxjie39uk 41 delrm blvd b779233 r public relatione mn jack nuuwhof 23 kuoiivry cnx b772s24 does smub gjup1 feit1uzei sp1ead ktte1 at rolck truaet mrtravoalh seudtdruuuud jwuiimt- tsuty look wy awtch like utat other klrwle oi trenular ertiuura but there u ulnortbiit dimieeufe ut ordinary fertfluum and praetleejly all euatort hleaded bde eaeuiat oi at dry eskture of eriiluter materijje either la powder or traaularforu jli a viult the dltfereait infcreduou vary lu idu abd weight yoai caa ejoankiea it to a handful of plnfpong halla nlud with nurbua if you throw out a handful of himn tha heavier marble wilt travel farther than lb flogpottf belle kad that b axaclly what happenj with ordinary fertuueh when you apread your fertlliter with a drill or even more important with any broadeaattype apreader you ean be wire that ery partkle frou tha amautat to the larteet of f reerunnlng rhtmtum selectedgranulated fertiluur ie autrluonally balanced no matter where it llejraaeuriiuf you of complete and avert intake of all tha plant food by your eropa thar at aw anrieii la on area and atarvatiou in another with simacam anouier food reaaon why you ean b tonrulent of top return from unmruin tha fiwsat f erliliier for your good aarlh -1-

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