Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 25, 1965, p. 14

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coming events fashion show b wrtasuamrtfc tursoav anil mb 8x0 p m fashions by co toff bro refreshments adrhslm 1100 uoinh so sponsored by st andrews ucw accordion home instruction roy cock aui afsniw oat a urn i7tu iln tot r1lotkhajiy cblljna iifllly immanull lutheran church moward wmcgleijwohth 1cuool auditohium w cikmii snitrr vvatvhp srvm 16 so fcmds bhl a m j kjirvnut ililot reauty salon moiima c win try sumi rl j llentu firm 4th unr hw eing ylrttlntj bumtiu1 patm styling f ointment rail 8773001 neil benton prilir u disc jockeys available or bqui wu rf omit partu dnct music to tutt all occsiions the lett in uuhj reasonable kates far information contact yulbho productions bui wrlht 451 sim bui tulletf 4joj4 legion film show this saturday march im show start am this wiik only featuring summer magic adndisien 35c voluhyser hklp wanted you do not have in bt i lesion member cm j fottd in w71 i n o o me bus v b si marys churth blneer brwb4n next mends y leaves archil i glrsrd s t 10 p m by mjin wslcr nil guelph si i norval presbyterian church public worship 10 m church school u nil minister rev r d duivcsnsen organist ruhard e phillip dance tolbdo productions saturday dance presents the devilish 4 sinners a very fauruing group saturday x march 27th also to make a great show greater our swinging deftjay brian kent admission nonmmlrsi 125 mombru 100 brampton junior farmers riiildinq next to brampton arena coming events variety nigm at balline- tad community centre thunv day april 15th 8j0 pjn ad- mksloo t5c studsmta 60c public school students 2sc st johns united church omen er having k bake sale kriday march mlh la the unit ed cui office main- street at pbt 325 kuchr bt ualiifiafad com- inunity cent tuesday march 3oth 8jw pm good prilc lunch served adml- sioo 5tv kuthr id slewartlown hall viuay msrri m poo d uu softball uirt bis du wwi or v tht floodlight in in psrk ad tuktiort 0c lunch mrved mad wpji kvil w fr clwa w kkorf fuwii fro vows lxl kj crm batk u yj kd skbtooi uitml cii 077 lux dint at hllinfd coji iiujly virtr vrljay uarch i4th uuwir by uav lunhaiii and liu uftloualra luncinif frtwii 0 pin to 1 id adiuivi- ud 1u itimlntu soc booth tit uyrc mal voif choir ol toronto will prruut conrrfrt on hvlday april 0 at 8 50 pin in si 1aul lup- tifct church uountainvlfw ltd s karr d and uruur muiir as itummtiff ul saturday uarch 27th at 10 am gond uwil clothliiif dithti and kw elury etc ojjmlovi hall vlrtleyan strt sponsorwi hy fait noble cranda verdun iteurkati ijmiif auftt u ttj cru cam- ttaivfr purtd hwvit anyua mli4d tuaw liihau ti g- tlwrt a dijrut rj crfc hrmwh caiudu lwwrui bok f cmrc cuiph a mmnllnvuw branch kuchrr danc and aocial evenina krulay april 2 at hi qurung towruhlp hall stew art town 8 30 p itt aporuored by uie hakon jerwy hredra club vveryon welcome cur net orchetira admtition 7ir- 4 1 wths shaw mr and mr whfrd shaw nee brbu wuer are happy to annoiincil the birth of their ton brian richard march 8th ims at cwg at ddstriet llenv orial honlul a brother for jerri lou david and lynda simmons mr and mr donald simmons moujv try creac are proud to an nounce the birth of dauch- ter tvacy may on tuelay march t at georgetown and dletrici memorial hoeniul a auur for kim mkzwtclc mary tiadrftud dtnlyori uoiuiy vurrb 12 10h5 it the oeoratvwtl ud uijrict uemarui huuptul mary luder micrvlak unrwtcic bl tvttri co i la wife urahe ul ytmak w ulok and dor trtothrf of kraiilt jr at borne btialcy and jean ura j crlttbtpu ill torohte stfxttfithcr of ivtcve bbd mccaul of toronto the luiwr j wi held friuii ttw ilarold c ucclure yunt hiiiii 14 kditb it- geornetowa where trrvtc was held tnura- day afternoon at 2 00 o clock inlfcttnent vraa n glen wll liuni tunelery hcwvjcs herbert on ul urday march 20 uto5 at worrtowu it uulrict mm orial lloipilil herbert hoi era in hu edth year hus band of the ute nmtie campbell and dear brother bt vera ura t lloat of m lrterkturt r lorida verne alri j whitney ol geortf town eorse and william of cen william ixntu of lullmafad jack of barrie ami clayton of silvercrek runeral service waa held on tueulay at the harold c mc uure runeral home 34 kdkth st georgetown at 2 o0 p m interment in trenwood cent elery georgetown over 600 people jaiwmed the high achool anditotiam vriday to hear a procraoi of barber shop erngjng pree by the georgetowp and scarboro chadtere of the spebsqsa it waa a first rate program from the opening nunibera by tbf chorua of the blsffa to the biud tiaale keep am erica singing w and utereper- aad with the touaical nunkbera waa a gencroui lacing of com edy gorglowe 4 redjeckeied alacera coobibuud a coupk of mu which included walt till th suo bhioe mary fymu od a m hurrrv rhyt and the eviburieoain iocel djafcfutu tunpuing i euchik i bridci nicht monday march 2dth i p m chapel iyribt tchool rroceeli for grade 8 banquet admluion 0c rrfreahmenli 323 mkmoehaus noiiton in loving memory of a dear huiband and fath er william k norton who paud away march 27 1d4 o happy hours we once en jojed j ow sweet their memory till hut death haj left a loneltneu the world can never fill lovingly remembered by hia wife ann and family nrw adores mr and mrs c a reader 10 partview blvd will leave ahortly for their new home 10 maplewood circle ilrockvillr ont a cardial invltshert te peaeje ef all fslrhi holy cross roman catholic church open h6u1b unday march 21th 2 to 4 p m guided touri conducted at 2 and 3 oclock everyone welcome georchyown police associayton annual dance in the canadian leleh hall danclna freei 9 until t thursday april 1 4 a couple contact any georgetown police officer for tick eta moybd soprano soloist nan mccracken toronto will sing this sunday march 2lh 7 pw at maple avenue baptlar church everyone welcome miii hccrackcn was chosen to sina for the late president kennedy at the congressional breauaat two years ago georgetown district yivuywca tadim take breik every vuudiy 0 30 to 11 30 april 8 to uly ib teycludinc kuter wmu clhithenlc and dmontruonl uousewlves briri 1hs chlw rn baby ilttlng available cll i7741m lor inlormallort bnoaosmbnts ifr and lira hoye parker of campballvlua announca the crutagenient of their daughter beatrice donalda ann to wll- litm uervynr french eon of mr and lira mervyn c french of fergua marriage will take place on thursday april is 1983 at aeven oclock in st daylde preabytarian qburcb cajnpbeuvllle cards of thanks baktn w would like to thank our neighbour and other friend in uie baluna fad area lor the party and presentation they bald us our honour it was a wonder ful evening which we will always remember grant and uary jane baker rtahbensiiorrers the georgetown chapter of the spellsqsa wlshea to thank all those people who were curb a warm audience at our annual harmony festival friday night hope to aee you at future shows barber as professional of the figure skating club i would ilka to take thla op portunity to uiank everyone who helped with the eami val a special thank you to the ice committee and exec utive wltbout their cooper ation and dedication through out the aeaxon tbe carnival would not have been a suc cess un ilarilyn barber gordon uy thanks to friends the volunteer am bulance service dr beben ek legion members and rev kelvin johnston for kindness attended when i wss a patient in sunnybrook hospital cfn jim gordon hendfrson thanks to my family and friends for card flowers and gifts re ceived while 1 waa a patient in georgetown hospital with special thanka to dr brbefiek and the nursing staff ura jack llender- aon normandy blvd laws i would like to thank everyone who sent me flowers csrds and glfta and for their visits while 1 wss a patient in george town it district memorial hospital a special thank you to die nursing staff mra uarjorle laws skating clujt thanks to the people who worked be hind the scenes and the mothers who worked in the dressing room during our annual ice show school days on ice saturday night the georgetown figure ska ting club speight we wish to ex press our deep appreciation for die many acta of kind ness messsge of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from neighbour relative and friends- hqlb during mrs spelkhta long illness and at the time of our bereavetnenl a special thank you to georgetown v district memorial hoepltal ataff drs brewstar macin tosh and martin also rev ian fleming and the neigh bours arthur r speight and family barferhoppcrs set high standard in selfout show tmtt c4otttterrom hald tanieiei march tf 19ws pack 14 glen knight steamer nmr on iav aaorgan ana tboeapeoo had a specialty group fully professional tu quar tette and sjbe hometowoeje drew equal applause aa they varied their straight lingina with eooaedy inrhjding spoof oo beetle type croup and aa hilarious skit waj pantomimed as hoc whiteside recited the weuvknoje den mcgrew the atko pevf lagged mo- anenl even at intermission ron crapper of scarboro kept the audiloriuai entertained with roundelay bt wbkfa be bad vsrioue scciiotia jumping up hnd dowtt and rrc bring their vocal chords jpann mckeown reaches unty oratory finals a williams chool itu jo a tin mrkeown will votpu krlday in the county public speaking tiiuu ached uld to be held id the local wrigguaworth school jo ann lopped nine speakers last rriday when leorgvtown fcuqu4lng and n wry a finals were held tn the same school ltmehoute principal ric lulklnd was chairman for the evening and judges were bronte principal tlourt hop kins milton supervising prin cipal kdgar v osier and wal ley dobou vicj prikaclaaj of acton s bennett school jo ann won the lfglan tro phy for her school as wll as a cup for mrself lois ucnsbb of ialewsrttowd school wod the seeotad place shield ahd all nine eoh4ihilor received ail vr dollar otliers in the contet wre dvld reynolds lsqursing david dunbar nssataitfcweya and trout georgrtown lyn wy lie cuve llewellyn far ley ltclfant uita timma and mar ilyn mackenile 1965 to be busy year for georgetown air rangers if the first months of 1085 are an indication the 1st geor gel own air hangers are heedinj for their moat active year in january they bald a lubouan party with georgetown hovers in kebruary en of the girls spent a weekend in oakvllte aa guest of tha 1st cukville land hangers during their oakville visit the georgetown rangers atten ded a hootenanny and dance marking cukvluea second aaai verslry the girls were billet ted in the homes of oakville rangers and on sunday attended a church parade with scouts and rovers a candlelight enrolment for mus vivien perry was held thinking day february 22 mrs pearl guthrie addressed the group on the meaning of think ing day at the ceremony the hangers were among the groups represented at the local church parade at knox presbyterian church feb 2flth to celebrate the end of hljh school exams tha georgetown bangers attended a ranger hover party in fergus clrn williams sisters shaken up when car ditched while driving north on the tenth line saturday afternoon beverley wullama ekidded on ice at tha railroad track and went into tha deep ditch there the car hit a stump and turned completely around her sister shelley was with her and both girls were bruised and badly shaken up but no fractures they were very fortunati be cause 04 the tep pitch the car was towed away for re pairs mr and mrs don robertson and children karen a nil ed ward and dons mother mrs everett robertson moved to their new home on mclaughlin st in brampton on saturday edward is the new baby son born about three weeka ajo we wish them well in their new home get well wlshts are sent to mrs george cooper who is a patient lu georgetown hospital mrs paul barber who is a village resident la the profes slonal instructress of the tig ure skating club everyone en- joyed the performance of the ice show on saturday nlghl village children taking part were vicky harrington susan pokluda and pauline heaton who were in the ajbcs num ber kenny heaton took the part of a rat in the farmer in the- dell chris barlow waa a lad and aurcl hewitt a maiale la the tiny tots number hobble and kenny heaton were yellow tiitt itt the broomwball number airs barber is to be conjtra tuuted on her work with the children among activities planned for the immediate future are a vis it to quebec and soma money raising projects seven georgetown rangers intend to make the quebec jaunt with qsitvlle rangers during the easter bolldiys sales 0 peanuts and peanut butler is one project currently bng conducted the jroup has also held one jewellery demon stratlon at the home of lieut carole lane and a second one la arranged for march 24th at the home of ranger suun cra ham part of the money raised ill go to the world friend ship rund and psrt to camp wyoka the area guide camp near clifford also on the docket li an in urnallonel dinner in sx john a church april tad to whkh the oakville land rangers have been invited red volkswagen stolen from lot police are still seeking a red volkswagen stolen on the week end from a georgetown ser vice station lol the car owned by david george el us of georgetown waa taken from the cities ser vice station lot at 210 guelph street some time late friday night or early saturday morn ing the volkswagen a 1069 mo del bears license kmt georgetown police notified brampton and acton depart menls and the north hallon opp detachment of the thefl joe meurer new owner at twins woodworking twins woodworking a firm established ten years ago tn umehouse by the finillay bro thers has changed hands re cently new owner u joe meurer who ha been in tha cabinet making trade or twenty years he obtained his master degree in woodworking in germany and since emigrating to cana da ten years ago he has work ed for leading firms in toron to and brampton mr meurer la arwclallxiniz in window manufacturing and custom made kitchen cabinets and vanities t with his wife and con krank 7 who attends lime house achool he haa moved to the village to make his home he will continue to operate the buelnesa under the twins woodworking name easi playtex wlycra girdle houln powsxttai wont waswl out fyuxttltmiwaariabu rtl buodl twguksj asaonrtl ofw tttotirrl its ejf rn tbe llaylex girdle le with lycra reaur oooifort lliam youve ever laowi frosu jut 4 um of sltecr twming pom kgii caow lifcbur atu yet lwigotlattiilj evi with daily m4u in llaeji suye wlule wodl pudcr yellow or atlrii oul gihdlb-smu8- panty girdik8mu 9- longlkg ianty-smlll- kakmj as ilvers oat j mart k rwjty cufklj tase- ocoeroctowrj avjamrtom 555 damage in 3car collision property damage toll lied sfii when three cars were in volved in an accident at the corner main and guelph sti tuesday night the brunt of the damage 400 worth was done to a 102 mercury operated by gltto coo per of glen williams police said cooper was south hound on main when a 1063 pontiac driven by thomas k gould of 7 gray gate atruck it while making a left turn off guelph onto main st the cooper vehicle was par tially spun by the impact and skidded sideways into a parked hw5 falrlane owned by stone- house salea brampton the driver leu car waa on the west shoulder pi main st police placed the demise to the other two cars at 125 to the front of the gould vehicle and 30 to the fairlanc the accident occurred at 7 45 there were no injuries social and personal mr and mrs harry gerrie and lionel of wingham and miss penny gerrie and miss dorothy thompson of toron to were weekend guests with mr and mrs trevor moores 3 we her drive and attended the skating clubs preirnta uon school daya on ice joan christine gilmer 11 union street celebrated her fourth birthday on march 17 her little gueata helping her celebrate at her first party were linda george dean brinklow peter mcera and dale brinklow anntvhraary air and mra thomas leslie of 41 victoria ave george town are holding open houae honouring their fiftieth wed- dlajg anniversary ou wednes day march 31 front two to four jind aeven to nine please bo glfta 1 b i n g o wl monday 00 tni at trie riviera in nottval wjil jackpot jackpot iooooo h minimum jackpot ss niuhbajrt um3 in 73 hums change of telephone number our new thtrrlomi number is 8774963 for impravtd wrvke to our customs canadian imperial bank of commerce ooalph ami msuntelnvw toad dwiskw spring special reg 800 perms 6 styling and tinting permanents ti 00 up anns beauty salon 12 unfcslom cic 77mv qjsotoetown and district boy scouts of canada am hosts to the presentation of lh queen scout for th green acre region this region consist of the area bounded by brarnjlea kitchener and hamilton the ceremony is to be held at the georgetown enddis trict high school auditorium on april 9th ims at 8 p m certificates ere to be presented to i ho new queen scouts vby hi excellency the lieutenant governor of ontaro earl rowe admission is by invitation only this notice is placed to acquaint the ciuxeni of this com munity of the bonour beatowe4 on thla town by reason of ceometown belna selected for thla important ceremony t

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