Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 16

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i accordion ham instmctkm roy cock aasec lumber cata il rrm w 77mh also fur photography a chudraa a apedalty 48 beauty salon i t rt y benu arm j 4ih uju eeq eetng tlntlna bleecttine styon f ointment call 8773001 mil intom preseew legion film show this saturday apull iftrh wow iyarys 16 am fwatwrue 0l ivgs tony ranoall in the brass bottle disc jockeys available waaaln keaeptlena otfwa pertlee beea music to suit ill eeeaalons reasonable rale kor information contact yulfcko production 1 bill yvrlem ulslr bui yullet 4latt4 l its ki ilnotl prm bus e st marys church blnqa bran4ert next mendey leave archie i glrards iso p u by main water and guelph sis norval presbyterian church public worship 10 a in church school 11 in minister rev r d duneanten organist richard ptilllla beths beauty lounge hmj 550 tinting styuno 8772607 41 shelley street ttw aotobtown hkalo thwraaey aawtl mb ims paob 1 coming events apt thl swap shop w buy sail swap everyrhlnfl in haw kiwi used purnituri a appltancis opart dally e at to m tat t a jult watt of rile- way store on south side brempten 454ljfm dance tuleuto productions saturday banc pruints saturday april 10th the fabulous effthe continentals seeclel oueert- lotby roman alto to make a oreal ahow oreater our swinging daajay brian kent admiuioni rtewmocnbero 125 members 100 hampton junior aimhtr buodino i j next to brampton anna destrict hit school presents showaeae w april jotfc aad may 1st raster b aavil 17rh please laws yaw easier early bi dale pleeel 177151 new aariea of classes tor expectant parents begins april 15th for further information call man 41 euchre at bauinafed com tounlty centra tuesday april uth at s pm good prizes lunch served admiaaton 30c ratuuvnate sale latolvel wll uama united ttnjrch sattlrday acvll 10th 10 a w to 12 nood tvooaoaad by dcw kvecyuoe welcome kuchra in st ceorze iu1 priday may 7th lupu pruea and rvlreehmanu ad tnlaaloo 60c konaotl by hi nicbolm build fianta at ballliufad coui uunlty leotre apookord by ballliucad 6oot uolhert aui luary priday april mh uoilc by hlarion palra orcheatra ad mlaeion 1 do lunrb kcrved the eaoual aahawe daio- dll uikhaon will u held in lb chun on ttxlrxlay april y at 1ja0 a m- ura crenhe of ulltua wul apaak on hw re tent trw to iceland 4 13 rha lytic male voir choir of toronto will preacnt concert on priday april 0 at a so pm in st paula mip- tlat church uounulnvlew kd s sacred and aacular tnuilr i8 variety nufht at haulnafad cooiututy centre on thursday april 1mb at 30 pu ivo- riuiui locludei dakhat sine inf lulfllour comedy puy ate atamluion adults tv ttu dentl 0c publm adiool itud ole iit t1a had craaa raolraa re ttaad iaraiiia ewl ahyana wllh a ttr wh u wtlllaa k danala w ttwtlr apara tibia ta arlilx batlanta la and m aalaltewit aaaelaluta and haa bjlall b talaaewn indlv- uual imaraaney aid chalnun mra j kiihwr 177 ms ar mr a m lurhartaiwt i77mi4 now la the tima to prepare youraelf for boating ramping auihnirz etc but alto for liie aavli2 coma out and learn about uila at howard wrlfialfi worth school auditorium on wednesday april kth at 1 00 pju lilmi will be shown and different mathodj demonstrated by tha fire department t john ambulance and red cross children under 16 must be ac ecmoanied by adults on praday april 2nd ltss at caoreatowa ii btatricosv ovial hoepiial william mar- pin daatanont of clad wll llama jo his blat yt ba- loved huahand of acrjea he reaol and dear f etisar of ki ehard john jean pin- allan braided llarpln kdith isa bel and uuaald heated at hli home id clen williams thence to u amjan a ancllcan cbureh vheca funeral aervica wa held on monday at i 00 bvlock xnuruent in idea williaros ceidetrry odtjum cixmick l i sud dwnly on thursday april 1 lood at georgetown and dm trlcl memorial llowpitar oeor u coullng of 140 cuelph st retired toronto pohce dot ftelovtd husband of vera linei dear faliter of tha lata ucqume mac couilnf punersl servw took place on saturday u tha lurold c he clure punersl home 34 kdith m- georselown lntrrtnent in pvrfc lawfl cemetery toronto saxe mien catherine on thiuwjay april 1st 1083 at tha ceortelown t ulilrkt sle4narial hospital kjlen cur tia of oo charles m geor itetowd wife of the ute bav id saxe and dear mother of stephen and catherine dear ttalerv cluh at caaralawn lfh aheilvimary paitv dinhiroahci thaw hi4llaa may 14rh rtvikra tbod couple l774o7t ar i774s47 pracaads clavi plead relief 313 caaraatawn and dlilrlct ymcaywca presenu lablil yakr a mkak april 13lh tl andrews united church 0jo 1130 am children welcome register at the church or y office 177slu georgetown cycle sports formerly roshi cycle a worts ccm blcycui 0 sperling goodi t ywphlas for any clcoationl yrophlai karjalisj car water a guelph tu oaeegatown tr y3630 births betnoteds bob and joyce tvouuun raynolda an- iipunc tha berth of a eon hrochar 0or jamie on april 4 ims at tha good samaritan hospital phoeoix atuona wilson bill and marie ne harrop era happy to an nounce tha arrival of their eon bruce wtuiacn ontues day march 23rd loss st the cecccatowo a steurtrtr mao ortal hcapetal a hrothar for cau drath tkjmwcxrt avilliam llarpln ontario safey leajue award give safe driving awards at brewer warehouse dinner gorgetorb brmven reull tore nnit chabrlu cocklln ueraald hwwt editor terry itlr ley nd chjtrf omjuble hoy umley tunaasd um auouafj ai trivers aiheird tunquet of the errweni wajhouaiinjjt com paay limited id ckielpk y- lerdy at th safety award baquet eotnfimity drivrt tobo have bcn jkddeat fn ior xm pre viouii cleiwij yr receive bfcasdjle privlaftajt agd company wolu ctejue4 kafe area thla u direct reveraal of uw gnral aeddeni fjjquedcjrj acrow canada and the united state driven were conra- tulated for their fine record safety award wlruwr a v gaurci kltent 1 year award 1 aetbel kitchener 1 yea award w lnbm kitchener 3 year award ft 0 winlerhatt kiubeaei 3 ryear ejward it jt ntkerald kitarnener i 3 yea award w c roy kitchener 3 yea award v o crtju ktfhenar year award r w hdjott wahterton 4 ye if award j u uiribi calt h year awird w r strinjier kitchener b yiir award d a moor ktuhinr 8 year award a a zadro guelph 10 yrr 4 in atundance were divert emceloyerij and ttueau frbai the kciuheiner cueljb and llanofc oroufml alwj tweoeot wbat driver and member ol the coorpaiiyi fcqulponijit scr vk dlvuiaio of the wanly oim eligible driver at tbeiet laimiibrm nliit- tert ixeived onuh tdely award utdli and cktniany sie driviini bnnui dwjuei tjie award winner repmiented award 00 jir cm of the total driver c v vinkbeiner gulth 12 and 14a yari of arcidettt free driving th uh fcwrd winner j t cuflih 13 year wa ur a hardy of th award cuelph dlvulon who won hu j auliuon guflph 13 ysr llmh year sward embletnallc award of fifteen year of accident h c ftoulter hanover 13 fre drivlnf ttie frtherlnf r award wa adviid that the award g ucarthur hanover 13 winning driver had logged 1 240 000 rolui without a pre ventabla accident the guelph group urulr the management of ur j w haynr ahiieved a perfect record with all driven quail fying for the award only one minor accident occurred at each of the kitchener and hanover group reaulllng m an outstanding record for thepany year award j r jul i waterloo 14 year award a e hardy 13 year award mr r w hulrier preiident and managing director of i hrewera warehousing coin pany congratulated the driven gave an interfiling addreu on planning and the future ex pansion program of th com thtptieii ami catherine dear x alsler of joseimln rurs dou fjeaqrtero wll ufops hctlt ilsi sarirfu uarearet rmri w s waw w in international loop flu sjtft2rt margaret fmrs walker cleave alk fmr george walker and tereu fmr david william rested at the harold c he clure funeral home 34 kdith sl cmrgalown until taiurcuy morning thence to holy crou church maple avebo lor re erulem mae at 10 o clock in tarment wa id greenwood ce metery roiary wai tild lri day evening at 740 o clock tfummkr robek richard suddenly on sunday april 40i lom at th givoretown and dutrlct memorial hosp ital robert richard trim mer of 47 market st geor sctowi beloved huaband of kva bruce and dear father of john and dald the funeral iervee wai held on wednesday afternoon at 3 00 oclock et the harold c mcclure funeral home 34 ed mh str georgetown interment was in greenwood cemetery georgetown droppad two itraifht decision to tbt cvanly balanced toronto towruhlp team to exit from th lnlernat lonal hockey league aami fin alt via the ihorteat rout lat weak georgetown took an t3 troun cing in the first game aad then vent down for th second straight tune jn strrettvillr on tuesday night by a 83 score ubm6kiamj rarnrs in loving memory of a dear father and irand father george barnea who passed away april 2nd 1064 the rolling itream of hfe xoltt on but hill the vacant chair recalls the love lha voice the mile of tha one who once tat there saver remwrtbered by hit daughters kathleen and uaial and family earls fish chips replaces tim schooner at 45 main st north cup a bring this ad to thl stori it anthhaa you to 10 off an s aevlaro ar mora phonbiarl 8779382 carbl op yhanks ouiilock i would like to thank my many frienda for flower fruit and cards sent to ma while in hoaphal and since returning home also ipectil thanks to those who provided trennportslion for my yh and special thanks to dr thompson and all nur ata at the hospital for velr wonderful care dert uul lock harding a sincere think you to friends and rciallvei for the cards eifta and many acta of kindncas while i was a patient in georgetown hoe pllal and elnce returnlns home epeclal thanks to dr martin and dr macintosh and tha nursing stau percy ardlm lbsuk mr and mrs thorn as leslie 41 victoria ave would like to thank all friends and neighbours or the num erous cardi and gifts racelv ed also thanks to the many friends who called to exprcas their good wishes on the occasion of their golden wed diug anniversary fcussbll 1 would like to thank mends who remember ed me while in georgetown hospital with fruit cards and visits the nurelne atamf and those who helped around the fawn while i was away jim russell wahdi wish to thank wends neighbour and relative for rowers visits and cards re ceived while a pationt in qeor- 1 getowo and oakviue hospi tals special thanks to dr bebenek and dr mcneery and to the retirees said staff thanks aasoto thoaa who pro vided tranaportatjon tor my wife and daughter auditor the many deeds of kindness octu leaaua waars that title bacauat the gajnas are played under in tarnatlonsl rules georgetown piled up a 3 goal lead in lha first period on goali by myles glhon and jim jamei tuesday night but toronto townahlp bounced hare to score three times in rsch of the se cond and third periods georgetown ron ritchie counted the final goal from the international hockey tlloor and gllaon international leafue pinal scerl player and team pi ci ass hi pen j tampleton bronte 28 37 28 s3 38 uehmond bronte 33 16 30 ds 30 lee bronte 24 23 31 34 10 ritchie georgetown 23 24 10 43 24 fiddler brampton 02 12 so 42 10 gllaon georgetown 29 14 23 30 4 jasper township 2fl 20 17 37 13 pyooski bronte 12 10 10 m 24 burton two 20 10 13 34 2 sharpe bronte llemdge twp 23 14 ia 32 co 24 17 in 33 4 hutching laronte 13 13 13 30 34 is a family qccasion ilvers one of ontarios finest family clothing stores where in the other series lowly brampton upeet th apple cart by knocking bronte 63 in the flrtt gamt with th win tvintf foal being scored with on ly two second left in he jame by bern kent from mrshall and craig three goal effort by fiddler brampton and tern pjelon v bronte highlighted the came brampton hald a ft3 lead going into the last ten minutes of the game when bronte struck back with two coals by gord lee and tat da vie all five bronte goals were set up by bill richmond the other brampton scores were by d stone g marshall and w kent bronte roared back sunday night in georgetown to thump brampton m to even the aer lee the final game is in streetaviue tuesday night hat tricks by mclsddcn and vempleton of bronte with tin bnoaoement mr and mrs sidney j wll llama are happy to announce the engagement of their dough ter beverley joan to mr rob ert wayne compton son of mr and mrs harry compton of glen wllllami the wedding will take place on saturday june bth 1063 at 7 00 oclock in the evening in st athene anglican church glen wll llama mr and mrs peter nemlnk 17 swing street are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter margaret to mr bernle bergama son of mr and mrs john bargama agta- jc brillth columbia the mar riage will take place on satur day june 8 1063 at 3 oclock in the afternoon in the chris tian reformed church george town cards op thanks tuck i wbh to thank reka uvea and irlenda for the many cards gifts and visits received while a patient in georgetown hoapltal special thanxa to dr macintosh dr bebenek the nursei and staff for their kind attention wumaoi nrtiaok gletonl to gord lee and pyn koski broke the gsme wide op en with a aingle goal to fid dlcr to lead 81 after two per lodi boh mcgulgan hit for two and bill kent for one with only mlnutei to go in the game for brampton the winners of tha bramp ton bronte series goes againit toronto township in george town on sunday night at 0 00 p m hold up parks board five thousand a request to tha council from the board of parka manage ment for five thousand tlolur of their on mlu grant was de laved for a week when reeve john elliott finance chairman stated that if the money wss not absolutely neccuary it would be better to wait he explain ed that no taxes are received till june and until then the town has to borrow money to keep calni at ftfentlon of the board of farks the mayor wondered if the two councillors now on the board had any news of their activities to report cr smith cpread the hope hat the arena would be used all year found while cr young auted that for the first time and due to his and cr smiths efforts the board had a set of books and knew what money was comng in and cjoing out some think it a free hutl tution maintained cr young but i want to sea it mu sup porting he explained the heat intf systftiiu were bejtuf tried and proving costly henovalolni would be necessary to the wash rooms he felt and perhaps a cement floor insuued a thj lobby in cdnclualdn he sue sed that the board had a ore dlt balance of approximately jooorand did not need the mo ney imtpediately but in the mean time be would check with the board there lofrvsmri ng for every member of lb fam ly mother for example can piclc ker easier bonnet i well as new soil coat or dre from our mammoth ladies tlona dad can prepare for eaiier parading iom llvo isrgeit selection oi quality cloth ng in the district for hve children in the family there is a special department teem ng with quel ty pprel for taster and our large shoe department hat always taken pride in expert fitt ng of famout brands of foot wear add to hut silver t traditional fnend ly courteous service generous budget termt no lntett no tervice charges and you ii tae why easier it indeed a fam lly occanon at silvers ong with council the immed late giving or the 5o0 grant to the girls pipe band the reeve explained that it was a much smaller amount than the board of parks wsn ted in addition the pipe band wanted th money for cloth for uniform purchase which would be made at on time while tha board of parks would he unlikely to spend alt their grant at on tlm both cr itallentlne and smith opposed the motion to grant the money to th pipe band explaining that they felt they too should wsit until tax mon ey la available it rined pies and cakes in warehouse it rained plea and cakea in side s toastmsster bakeries warehouae on armatrong ave sometime over tha weekend police said someone broke into the warehouae and deatro- yed a large quantity of bake goods by throwing them around chief constable roy haley said it appeared to be the- work of juveniles the same culprits are alto suspected of a stone throwing raid on ferro structural steel in the same area some forly panes of el were broken in the malicious attack norval man assaulted by trio three young men convicted of assaulting a norval man were remanded one week in ouatody in county court monday u await sentence the court wai told tha three ganged up on oryal wease 46 of norval when he objected to their profrane language u front of his wife he was in hoapltal for three daya with bead and back injuries the three from scarboro brampton and aglncourl all pleaded not guilty while- voicing the aame argui the nnrval man aald he wm ment about paying out as lit attacked late in the evening of tie aa possible until taietcome february 8th when he came to in reeve touakarovadajlibadofnlswmewhowasjiiatiprolsne la s t k the robe sat april 10 sun april 11 1 30 p m 7 30 p m admission adults 75c children 35c refreshments sold holy cross auditorium maple avenue georgetown bingo yhis monday s 00 p m ay the rivierajnnorvai run jackpot jackpot 1000oo minimum jackpot s3 numbers 485 in 37 prixes general meeting oeorgttown unit f canadian cancer society tues april 131965 800 pm howard wricclrsworth audntowutf election ok officers 1 wlm sword ok mope oeneral public captains canvaaaara invited 55 making a phone call in a tele- 1 banging on thelpwe pooth ptwne booth whenhe interfered he fta tan woasoaald the youths were oked to ute ground and kick- i ajbiut th hea and back a 1 ftl

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