f5ss 883s3se ri i jitf w air rangers sample other lands cuisine aveel tatanutloul furrow la what georgetown air butn oakvilla land- bum wbea they partook of a of dlahc from around be world at u iftteroatioaal r boated by the loo croup st john united oburch tte girle and a number oi ap gueata enjoyed miine alive to mexico the soutk t araerkan ooemtjiea sbclaad chiaa japaa and germany at the dunnstt aad later viewed coloured alidea aad picture cif switaarland- even a traditional latin americas game breaking the plnaunla wee part ol aba ban ger evening the girle were blindfolded and took turua striking a suspended trefoll- ahaped conialmt cpa with omgaaaod nlied wit taatujt mataa j a eaeaipfire co tba at together songa icom around the world were bung in an fetmoepnere of interoa- tional frleadahip which phobv grapha and other fall decora- tiooa helped create fipeool gueata iocluded atr babel mppance of the oot ario hanger cooeaaltie aira gordon lulie the halloo divi- i iiilhhia- mca me aa ontkriaj the baiba mar secretary aire carmkbael the uahsn division ramping secretary and oiaalouer of the credit valley mra doug ward he sooth georgetown district cnanrala aiooer atr philip bundy the oakwlle land kangera leader aad alls choae hlr tom korgrave area a apoc- ial apeaker at the dinner he ddreeead the kangera and gueata em xngueh- french re- la quebec peter jone mioto oiotoctcwn ami eanotis leader mm carol lane right ihowa a picture of switzerland to aome of the georgetown pod oekvliu air and land ranjert attending international nile in the front row are urvda emery oakvilla left diana carr georgetown tnd aflarte edge oakvilla in the back row are sherron mecarthur oakville mrs p j bundy dekvilie land ranger captain sutan auellina georgetown and christine mclntyre georgetown lets play bridge by bill coats kin making survey for low rent apartment plan the kinsmen club ii irtves ode 0 the moat difficult bidi cat bake at contract bridge ii 4peae technically speaking peet la not a bid but a call lowever aome players find it tdlfficuh to pass when they fehould civ a peraon 16 to 10 points had 1 balanced hand and that gteraon will bid one no trump he khould let his partner reply fend the one no trump hid iter wul bid on and on but i had 17 points he will argue over one no trump a btd of two diamonds two hearts or two apades by partner should be weak bid a rescue of the bo trump u ahould advertise a long ault very few points and a wish to avoid no trump you may aak what would you do with a good hind then i would jump to the three level or bid two clubs stayman convention here ia a hand to illustrate what i have been suggesting it u board no 18 and it occur red but week at the acton bridie club better job offer reason aid director quitting the resignation of j paul jolllffe director of the child rena aid society for helton county came becauae he waa offered a better job and not because of alleged inter- ferense from county council the president of the society said yesterday canon c m mitchell of st chrlstophera anglican church burlington said mr jolllffe had alwaya worked under the county and had brought the aocletya atandarda to a high acale of excellence can see nn reason to make any changes in the state of affaire aald mr mitchell the director waa able to or ganise the internal work of tha childrens aid to a high degree any to work quite aame altuatlqn well in the the society is beginning a for a replacement dlrec tor and progress report will lie given to the board at the april meeting mr mitchell atv tteijseted that mr jolllffe will n may before a replace- beat n be found fe4tlclpat4 that helton old hatf no dllbculty l north south wre gvy h in mi lliry itot dclax south taia wfil vunerblr rjflhh s a qb 5 ii k 4 3 na k 0 cq 6 4 cut ii43 j 0 s k 4 3 dl 10 4 ck 8 7 5 wmt 118 si p 7 2 d q 0 s 3 c- j 0 3 ha 10 7 0 5 2 s 10 6 d 8 7 3 c 10 2 thf htddlns tuht 2 ii wwt ndrth tu 1 nt eait ps4 pan unforlunttfly 1 cj rural in wntina lltiistjavte north i mil pats tlvere wn no hesitation no think ig with a jood iart tier south bkl meaiu only one thins ion 2 heart and low points north passed qui ekiy as you can see south makes eifiht tricks and hk controet i was dmetvdlns in the west position and this board was cold bottom lor us no other northsduth sot out cuf trump two dtvurers tr t i three no trump down thrco and down two doubled one tried two no trump down one and one declarer was in one no trump down two declarer thou id make one no trump by ducking heart once it the defense doesnt get their trlcka last there are we hcqrt tricks two diamonds and spade at no trump is well ilut no one took them muy woms ttfttulu 1st piir bill hamlhon har ry krot and pair gloria cs- u gary ellis 3rd pair uw dertaairon brian hamilton ufatins the poulbiiity of apon thi gioroitown hiralo sorini uijlultulnt of low ren tltwwav aaull ilk ui ul apartments for the elderly page 3 citiiens of georfletown and have announced that they are hers of the orffanliation to ex conducting a survey to deter mine the need for such sccom modalions lljcse apartments sre built under the supervision of the central mortgage and houtiing corporation and with mnrtgsfle money supplied by them it must therefore he proven to ciihci satisfaction that there is a nevd before they will isne uon the construction of these apartments the kinwien c1u has has ap plication forms available which upply the necessary informa tion and are requesting the help of interested citiiens of georgetown ond vicinity stewart i own glen williams umehouse norval si 1 v e r creek etc to see that this survey is completed as quickly as possible it is stressed that the infor mation on the applications is strictly confidential and that the submission of an application does not bind either the per son sending the application or the klnioionclub in any way and that this la not an applica tion to rent one of the units but to satisfy the cm1ic and the kinsmen club that the elderly cilisenji need this help to stretch their limited income comes forma are available at the town clerks ofice munici pal feulldlng it younea pharmacy ualn et tha kinsmen have arranged to meet with georgetown se nior citiiens club president john farmer and ofcher mem plain to them as completely as passible how the project is being investigated the senior citlrens will be asked to help complete the survey by filling out forms and seeing that their friends er scquaintances get application forms as well meanwhile the search or suitable land continues a icipauwen spokecmsn told the herald the club would appre- clsle the help of sny lnteraa- ted citizens who have con struct ve suggestions in eon nee uon with the project inquiries and suggestions should be made to dean tay lor sarah st the chalrmsn ol the invesligstlng commute full bs lioaaa protection at h lea coat with i h rlmeownort policy contact todayl ceerea b drutnm 43 laneeron cr geeroetewh 1774141 y aatota syath cartm rmcaafcm cwuxilaaiqiiua scarbareuoh couples club hears of efficiency be continued afrirja travpliwiiio and any aucceaaor will be able m idyciogue the couplesclub of st an- dttvit united chuurch were entertained by mr cooper front meadowvale at their march 27 meeting at the church he has travelled extensively and taken many tlma of hla adventures and at this meet ing africa waa the topic hut films and explanatory talk waa entertaining and ha waa warm fthanked a short devotional waa eon- ducted by bui and helen an derson the meeting waa ad journed altar refreahmenta minted peach latobies tprlmike accent ti spring lamb pahtea 1 lb ground lamb atrlpa of bacon 1 tap salt vi oup milk dash of thyme or anarjoram 4 or more poach halvea mint jelly mix ground lamb with aalt thyme or marjoram and milk shape into four oval pattiee score with handle of wooden poon dram a can taf can ada choice canned peach halvea arrange peach halvea i hollows up around lamb pat- lee on broiler pan place 5 inches from beat and broil 12 tnktutea turn patties broil for s minute longer ml centres of peach halvea with mint jelly top each pttlea with bacon alke broil for another tew min- utca until bacon la done fancr peas ou south mbozim f i orange juice 5 moo morton pies 3sloo fish fries 39 toyal otjist trtklal coillbiruiiom orfn jo a h a uaefarefa cherry me filler easel ii ax kkj luwy rwko pie crust mix 69 iga coffee 79 white tuna 3slo aldmchta austsallan yew dstsiu m fancy fruit 35 choc ww tialano iamci usarf cut wheja ar half a leg 0 lamb 51 whala manlt ax ff loin 0 lamb iv lamb m a laska kaasl ckafa suw a i front 0 lamb ld tfaiocat safefwkl pattth froaluca of usa can hi i or praahica of usja can ru i o jj gj asparagus 29 rroduoa ml vuu cm mi 1 or can mo i or lb jc callavnu vuklr yomari rvalues f uia diuuusartiriq cut kb 1 or 25c 25t cream style corn 2 33c aytmh 210 as tlm 25c mapw leaf i curacl wal hckbj cottage rolls crr lb 49c mltslced beef lb 39c sl pork liver rsulb 29c vegetable soup chivers pure jam hostess potato chips z 59c spaghetti or macaroni sf 35e tavf thtit exyra taw4 rot htu oaftl tv atom mbrcharwhu chtvacatavi ewafd10t reotucvfr motkar parkara imftamy cofru aerowax uouio wax ambroiia 15 o cattamto ilci tin javex kuach biol lire krlt cracker barrel mju chtatu 16or ceukv hfaits 1 rired tablabit 12ar uicto boiooma pkg banana or brownm sa1uh ul cakla pko toa wcaty wofrm m m toocnt ty av iv4s wmiitrfilhstti new spring sfyles from jacksons mom dad chkimttn or au aos wtttf madv to you fo kasth rty trtt whou f amuy in oni mac ay ouk sy08ei ovhsoo ladies dresses ovial soft yo choou ntom a ttauendoua election tn new spring peatela and darker tones knits arnela linen dacron terylne etc in a range of titer from 7 to 44 including half tlsee priced aa low aa 895 ladies spring coats kvery new style and color for apring wool wool and mohair and the very new knitted orlona sites b to 30 girls dresses 6vir 400 yo choou mom in a profusion of new apring colore and pretty stylet 4 te 4ll 298 398 girls ci0ats otowsl ksa 1498 fineat aanni intent in georgetown in bleat apring colore and fabric 4 1298 lie h girls 2 pc sets cute lltue su in washable broadewji with pleated aklrbl sire 2 to 3k 1698 ftd up ladies cotton stretch slims jo 93 fully was- in ia m mm boys suits 1995 kully washable altea 10 to m mens new swing s pant auita for extra long wear wool blends in gray and charcoal silas b to 18 from boys windbreakers nylon gabardlnea good 4298 looking long wearing iral several styles in sues to b boys dress lateat thing for the young fellott tn ahadea of red and gold 4 te 98 u 298 widh mlmcyibn of hoys jackets suits good aelectian of 100 wool suua in apring aahdee of charcoal bankera grey green mixtures etc outstanding valuea ms r 5998 tta w far 4998 mens outer coats 45s5 dreaay topcoats and all weather cttau in wide selection of colors 398 jacksons 2 main stmstt north bargain ctmtm ritoni avamklt ifr- ti ft r ai