Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 3

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georgetown pumt to supply and ebeatontp school steelwork silvutwooo bill scjr president of fer- ro stroctwal stl gaorvo- town and company dhimn mtwv besuum dcui design plans fc tne hrmfc lrget contract aiipplytng and enc- n0 ell nse tuctual t work for re poposd pfli avwtlm ckoot in toronto frwvnlikwy wotk beng 9 now and ferro pch to ajeii ihipptng tke firt itruo turj tie lo i4t tern twvw nvl wo4sk it fcdiool will reuic um4 300 wa of wi juij idf4 yrt tirtc mr sfwr arvd vicpv kun jim rftuloll 4nnauncd rk comp incoplon on armitrong avnu blow john oftijoori livop fo- inn jokrt ci nd ec amutrong til frro 6nitov e awk tncifichons vw j mrtoa p i ihrer belles learn laundry bag making nine omiiiiii 0 the suver belles hnmoiaihns dab net at atn george ssturday mnmtna starch so far mother- liwrin 00 clothes doall up to dale cutlinj out laundry baas and baakiaj and slip stitch si- anrnmsdalhrd at this soa coaaoss home lor feel and llal attended thi dee and watched saturday snornlns auiri it the sw belies horo dub net at afrt- kalis wub it amobcra p tbry worked 00 uunoxy bak end u 9 fastener a contest for a cover tor records book j worked on and was f by boetcev and leurs rleo- derwwl tv prtie we tap eseaaunr itx ttil but baa atrurk at stkeracd atr and uy red buttold are both til at the me llmr mr lurry scott tit 1 null carrier til for ow wk li nr beck at work district natlenu in ceors- town hospital include airs lilm ccrbatt and mrs clan wlboa listen here m director county law society two georgetown lawyers re tired from office and one took a directors post at the hattetv county law societys a awetlnr in tbe uauon court uooae atooday afternoon strop na down are society vice presideot georxe uewaon and eecretary terry balnea jtaurkce atsndcraon was one of irre directers elected baas strrie ol onkvuie was elected president of tbe sode- otber oqlccra for ims in clude past praaident p w of oakriue vlcepreai dent john k laard of oak ville aecretary jobn ord of oakriue and treasurer b j koeterakl o burilnjlnn otber directors are a- j nlcbols 0 aubon aids braids of acton doufja atoir and william kennedy of euirtlnrtoo and john hani of oakriue a reception and buuet sub- per were bcld at tne mutoo curling club fouowloj tbe an j meetlnr coeats were hb uoov jodta caiophell crmnt preaidinf jsske of tfe ses reme court wbo wss tn atuleai to preside over tbe sprintf as dses also district jodfas cav- and auadal slpj georfn a kerr warden herb merrr halloo matiatrals k at lan doo and aeveral county oftjc- after tbe buffet aopper fen- bart sbortltl retired division court clerk was with a sift bees tbe of tbe society tn u aprh tva 145 pack 1 ken nash mcatmo water 1 ill 1 1 swreteas tr 72842 t georccrown gakdenht order of planting is important for results by cerdem lindsay smith il r 1 gaarselewn stoat ftawen and veflctablm arranse themselves into three main planting groupi hardy seuihardy mil tender in the first are things such as tweet reas eosmoa alyetum poppy end of course lawn grass gar den peas the first carrots and beets spinach lettuce and rad ish are also included in this tfroup they wont mind a btt of frost especially while in tha early stages of growth and they actually prefer to get started in the cool weather just as soon as the soil is flt to work it is safe to sow any of the hsrdy kinds indeed ome of the warmer parts of the country can have these planted hi the fall and the seeds al lowed to he dormant over the winter though there is not btueh to be gained by this prac tice but the sell mutt be ready not muddy and not too dry a good test is to take a handful of soil compress it hs the fist and then let go kf the soil crunv blestbat means it is safe to 1 start diguing and planting but i it it compacts into a ball it la allll too wet and one will do more harm than good by atari- i log to work it i after danger of frost u over the semi hardy flowers mtly be i planted as well as moat vege- l table hut lor really tender r things such as tomatoes jeo- ueraj melons cucumbers the 1 man plantmg of corn as well 1 us bbe third group of flowers one should not plant until all danger of frost is over and the soil la really warm i- there are commercial bee colonies in every province of canada and aa far north as the arctic circle in tbe northwest terrltorlea wafly crouter you meet the nicest people l wake up grumpy slm ured hiii and iinwlulng te face tbe taorur dent bite the rtllnt yfcausanae ol cms kmsoers start th day with a e ori bwr face b at me of tbeoidoout a capable con- versfclk on any subuct from awtf plants to dirlclbua thats cfstes wahy cmutar and ow aouad bom the uusic room i luskcnad not to 1st your narvea start your day bse right way with wahy crautar weekday montmts from 00 okhtjuncrs ramttv syatton when ip ac 13 is l1miyid whcr tpicc li hmitchl at hi the iwififl suburbn jjarden the wita eardener will not try to grow too many bis thiajfta there may be room for tr or a few till tlnniu or holly bocks but the ahould be li ml ted to a fw apeclmeni only and moally far contrail but just tocauso the carder is small doc not mtua the variety u llmitod tar from it there are all aorta of different amall an dual flower actually in finost every popular flower there are fipeclil dfttrf varietle and cj course in what uaed to be known as editing flower thtnki like alyuum forsetmenot lo belia etc t here la a very wide ranee in vegetables too the city gardener la advised to site to thou which are atuall fit growth and which give a heavy yield for the space occupied carrot and beet are in dili category and so are bean csucumfoert tomato lettuce onion ad aplnach it is really amirdnj bow many fine meals one can get out of a vegetable plot ten feet by twenty by keeping the row dote together and alter- turtlng one vegetable with an other and making several sow- lug of the quick growing kinds one tan have fine eating from june until october 01 tour thee ivnfcu gardena are inten rvo attalr and they ahould be extra weu and water ed there were iipfnwdmately 487000 birth lb canada in 41064 compared with4b0b tn 1d6s and the record high of 478300 in iftfto top popuceh nachurs lc ucl ferfze a harvey vthetham of iup 2 gait ontt has been using nachura liquid wrtiuxer for nine year say harvey l i started using nacaiutiiljquld tcr- uliser nine years agoj was only getting 30 to w bus of grain to the acre however today wo are getting top yields from every acre from corn we are getting ver 100 bus of shelled corn to the acre and this is good in my district on grain our yields are running anywhere from 80 to 120 bushels to the acre wo find that our soil is in better shape today than when we started harvey whbihalac bain nachurs nine years ago on naysftelda three years ago we started using nachutb sprsyw it early in the spring and after each nutting we and that this is giving us bettor quality hay and more pasture throughout the rnirner rnrwtha fchenjwa real need it what do i think about najchura7 would highly reootnrnend it to every goofl farmer whether he is a gerseral farmer or esaihcrop farmer april is cancer month will you heip jo ooht cancer please give generously 1965 target 3600 your dollar contributed to the cancer society is spent as follows research 60c education 15c service 13c gen overhead 5c campaign 5c nat programme 2c our canvassers are all volunteers and give their time freely please welcome them ths cahcsk society oois hot riceivr amy momiy htom amy community or ed feather obcanizayioh donsliens may be sent direct to camaalen chairman lag broom head 14 victoria cr georgetown or uh wrtji dale tunnoh lallmr t tulaot mill st just about 6very finance manager in canada will give you credit for buying this car theyre experti when it conves to economy they know when it comet time for you to make your lost payment chances era your vw will hill be looking as nlu di the day you bought ii in 1053 we sold 040 volkswogeih and ot last count a few months ago wo found 855 wero still on the rood thats why when you wanl to buy a vw youll find its not very difficult to get backing from one bf the finance- companies that stand behind us or any bank finance company or credit union you choose and because a volkswagen sells for about tl 000 00 lets than the average spent on a new car in canada the pay ments youhtake are likely to b smaller or fewer does a vw demand a big down payment not very in many wet your bade will do the trkk and were taking all kinds of tradet rig cars small cars old cart late model con compacts but the really mce thing about buying a volkiwagen is that its priced low enough so you con pay it all in one lump sum or we can come to terms ctvmqtorst1 89guelplvstreettatczz t v

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