Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald hmhm by htmm newtstepers limit 22 main street gvorgalown ontario w c mmn puuuw pam 4 thursday april bill 1945 editorial comment boost for senior citizens procld pih of rh intmrt club to bujtd i low rental tprtmnj bdild rvg fo ten to citini ii wotjiy on 66ttwn like any jeilrte tovtk in rh mlropoln objf li nol a pljce wh ramtlt in firiqo of ttoj with lrrufd fftodffltq iruoiit there ei wy older tifed poptf wltoltf irtconie or iwsalllt prsclodtsl tvvem from it eg ikouui end wtvowrid it for n apartment but they cannot ffod he rents normally paid by employed pxiple a lubtid led form of apartment such 4 iim kinsmen v iul e i bn tixaitful in offr towm it would b equally tuccful here as lid wk1 it would und to feudl bomf of rh mo modrl rn tl accommodation alto for yootmr p6 pie wleo fnd rents over herl6 mark diffgu lo nvatht f if hm vfcfyk club it able lo uxcuru pi h itt obctivtf then community willi owe a lq dbt of grit ud to tlmie men wfko dvottf e there of other ipare i nve to qood worki w i ve m en eq wtwn mn t ipen of lift u coalinually irv crimg and th farther we go tn thu d rati ion tve more nd hir it lo con ndr our ouir atiirant cad to ansur that tlvatr suniet years er on i of comfort nd content y now viftuvb wmn twat clotmim tvit am planmjno somb chanotrs n mbsis uits exploration of the unknown mht imig nation has barn stirred by drimjltc exploits in ipace nd the i vr pc turei of tita moon telev ld up to the o- mant of impt of rangr ix millions of dollars ere poured into the space program tha money 0 nof only for h ssleriat of astronauts and the tlious ends of tachniciani a percentage it for matdriali trvir manufactur and di gn thit it prciialy ft caie w ih ic r it uhnggd in cancer retearcli they are concenlretmg not on l4e moon i cratrrv but on living cjit wrtoie trur bahav our ttill unknown lo man they are uit m porta nt en exploration nto the unknown at tfva ipace evprimntt anyona who hafveen a in at chid tlowly dying of leukem a or a pa n tavtij cd tufferer from hut dread d teaic can equate i eipnia of the cancer rverch w fh tt e vai tumt we tpend on ipace tre vel the cure for trie diteete it not iom thing wn cfi will conie in day or a year it 11 a tteady retearoh a ilow but ture pro- ceii of trial and el mination with now and then a tmell break through wh ch tavet a fu j lure i fe april it cencar month a dedicated group of georgetown people w ii once dji n be atking for your fmenc al tupport s ty cntt of your contr but on dollar go to th important research will amount for educai on terv c and the overhead necenary to keep a nat onal program in operel on it it a i fe tavtng human tar n work wl c w th your lupport goei on day after day it it worthy of your tupport look im a model sugar and spscs by bill smiley everybodys doing it tw 4lim witching li world uuly ii hod it bird to bcluv tiut 1 uukind hu rtgrad very i tu iloc th dy oin clobber d abal and bari fad 1t mjh hu uvr lot lu ponlurity tmlfe tmd murdering ones hrotnar i f j and i happea i am wtietker lt alabaata ham i no haixnl m in burf bf havarla quito or querara or rebjpoa w bat u naturo 1 th n im in tnu cluba wlnjlo womei tcraatn nly u unul eab mt ln akulla cradnnt hlooi wballua baaed taliraty wdlbldlial ilk ajmj tfialue in ui i ualard at a ttaud la rntlna da roun vera baku fraaa a davii kwvetaaa frtaa canada anal ik 3 rou afrua and frot yrtntdad aad iajdta rotd all ovrr uaa brtiiab news desk extras ty try haruy says one way to help keep shoppers home aj r touch trnvbllrig fin tr tht plci tu our tbattared kfri to the alphabet oup titulilaj the gain j our mind of o ir liwunter krtwird tmaller ur are triiiilinii lo fit togelh no need to be official vi slrjnl ltd april 1 ims ut till jlmmld in hta poai to imllor lion they lockfd in whan thr h b problirn full impatt or reillilni th im marehntj ol our town nlllciiwe 0 prlnlad ravela o p tht rlllieni it weekly bible thought r u 0 ih mr btrdv u ve hie jut rad in a mftja nja of iliopbaffi tha food ihoo- h d unt trucit thjt popeyei av per the elolblnf ahothr lha thy y uni hl mlr the source of lurmlure ihpoar etc ihi wh w u in iju bl u nd e bane oi all one tltooar ihit if only man ary meui in ike law uu mutclawlldlnf vilu tlun ai q tjtrulen u tfae waakand that ub ikeuld be ned bouquet of uirdeniae spuiieh tjmhellc if monday t weather when th t col umn it being written 11 an nd cat on our longawaitd tpnng hat come for hm flat time th 1 ytj we not iced the gritty pavement thaj jccumute tion of wintert rubb lh on ttreets and lawnt and while enjoying the warm tun hint we thought now for a good rain to wash tome of the gunk away cleanup campj gnt ere popular thrt time of year but we don t need any t gnal or any pub ik proclamation to get itarted at toon at the ground it firm we can all get out wim our rakes hot off our tide walkt ttart to plan the improvements our pockerbooki can afford uyi iba itam 11 jujt another rrpufcjint vaitwa 8 45 hrjvtni to chirlaj atlat ii one of the chirf in of our nothing bayond i baliefduln wwiety i that we itllt are too iraraiing ny of thet conjunnj but wttal tayeil thou john by putt ng our own property n the belt cond tion pot ble wo not only en bance ti value and y appat we con tribute our m te to hi general picture ofi l0 condemn ralhrr uianjtimri r leonvert and t tir poolr georgetown progrwve pey ton lomj flulm th its oka small uy w can encourage l a i local on indutr al local on tell a house if one mustf move to another community advertise the below the town where we live and wh le were at lan it lets all reiolve to put our refuse where 4 another approach may it belongs in the garbage can eeoh carelessly hhrown cigarette package each chocoute bar wrapper each discarded bit of refute helpd lo make a town r eyesore el comhintst benefit begin instead of what it thould be sr the pri the downtown fitter container there fore a purpose use them canada peniion adopted tn private plans with early retirement aiei the pn ate plan benrrtti might be ac ealeraled to aa to provide a lev harley to halton wiikiv ollilftvations iv dr hamv hariiv mp ror haitom w my next iwo eolumn i would ilka is give hm da ulli 0 tht canada panilon plan which will effect in uiu way avery reildant of hilton county only so iter eent of canad tan worir preaently cov ered by prlvita panilon plim and tbtr it no portability ol bwulup eradlti batwaen corn panlev or in other parti orcan ada th canida penilon plan la daalmad aoclil imur anc hiauura which will pro vide an opportunity- for moil canadian to participate in a national earnlnftrelited and portable panilon plan with aurvlvori benefit tha clrti da panilon plan la deilfned ai a plan which will eover all can adlorcailiry and w aaraeri with the exception of 1 provincial government em ployeaa unlet aireed to by the province 9 member of the canadian armed forcee and tha ttcup an amendment wtll allow than in the plan later 3 thote migratory worker itflirlcultur flhlm and foreitry etc who do not work for the aame empldy- r at laaat 5 daya or ihqie who do not earn at lent 280 1 year from the hme employer eeerrrlkullen coatrlbdtlonl are required frooj aja 18- to ajte as provld eroi eourae that a man has a a- w tn i btltt treatment of both men and women a full penalon will be earned by maklni contribution for u per cent of tht lima from the itart of tha plan or for young people from age 18 throufh to tie u ilia oth er 19 par cant ii an allowance lo live people from bain penallted in their penilom if they have been tick or unem ployed now reiordlnn the contribu tion rate i g per cent each from employer and employe a combined rite of ss per cent on earnlnii between a lower limit of moo and an up per limit of a 000 tha aelf employed will pay the combln ed rata of 3 6 on income ov er mm wllh the lama renins tha maximum contribution of each employee end employer will therefore l i b per cent of 14400 or s7s20 aetuarlci foracait that thli rate ean be expected to finance the plan at least twenty yean without liquidating any ol tha lnveit ment reicrve becaue of the uncertainty of the assump tion required to be made ac tuarlei am unable lo make a dependable longer term ore- cut contribution will be col looted in the same way and at the tame time ai income taxei and the administration of bene efltt will be integrated with our prentatold age security and family allowance admin- titration the tawcoal of ad- uldlitrauoii hat been estimat ed by the chief actuary to bo thua held down to the rela uvey of- onetenth of one percont of contributory it- flu provide for cquilcrnliuj there are five bene fit under tht canada panilon plan 1 retirement penilom 2 disability panaloni s wldowi pension 4 orphan benaftir 8 death benefit lnferelu will private plini tha adjustment of private pemlon plani cannot be pre icrlbed through tht cansda pension plan thoee reiponsi ble for each private pension psn will be free- to decide whether or not they with to make some modification in thalr plan these art tha wayt thli could be done 1 in plant where the con trlbutlon ratei are relatively hlah it may be decided that the overall rite of employer employee contribution should tut be increased in auchcasei the private plan i contribution rtfe micht be reduced by the contribution required under the federal plan and its bene its nilnht be adjusted accord ingly in other tun tha prl vale plan may remain entirely unchanged with its benefit augmenting those- available from the canada pension plan 2 a private plan may simply psy he difference between the total retirement benefit it how provides and the bene fit provided under the federal plan the private contribution ratea would then be reduced accordingly 3 anotherposslbllity would bv to adopt a benefit formula which makes different adjust menta for eornlnga above and hit plan would thui providt i hichrr rtrnnon between icrt 00 ind g5 thin would nor milly be provided oict by a lower thin normil private pemlon from ire 83 on the dlkerence would be midr up by the cinidl pemlon rlin jpayible at age 85 incidentally wa balirve that thli approach will com mend itself particularly lo our school tucheri tha csnsda pension plin will nel take over or absorb reserves hit have betn built up by private pemlon plana the canida pemlon plan will nat remove any rlghti to bene fit already acquired under private plana the integration of privitt pltni with the pub lie plin will not be compulsory nest week i will detail the benefit pemlon fundi and portability i was barely recovered from the ttunainj blow of leiraing thit it pplng on spider would not bring run when thu latest disclosure rocked me though i mult confasi it didn t bring tiie llckeeilng dlstppolntmtnt of my fsrlltr discovery which pul led tha rug ifrom under my scheme to truck cartons of csre fully trapped dsddy longlagi into the artioni deiert ind mike my ortune in refurbih ing dead real entile it gotten so i body heiltites to pick up a pirlodicil for air of destroying one more life long conviction of eourae one oi n ilwiyi shut one s ayes and tin lo chase ballooaburitins theorise in fact one has lo hf one is to renin any of the ab solute nolltlve sure fire sell ufa one has clung to since boyhood wcsrlng a hit will runt baldneu tiling tab will make you imirter too much vl negir will dry up your blood picking up a toad will give you wirti drinking milk irter tiling ohoktchirrlei will cauu your demise and stepping a crack in tha pavement wrix break your mother back juil keep rtpeitlng them over ind over you ind i miy be thi lait outposts of unity news echoes frotn trie pi0i f the herald 195s and 1945 10 years ago irrthe former barrager cleaner store on mam street 5 jack fintrgold hat opened sid a bargain centre mr flnegold wai in town briefly when he conducted e similar store for couple of weeks wllh clarence bain in the present barrager location 9 pupils of principal harold henry s grade 6 class at chapel street public school iwve already publiihed two issues of the junior herald and mrs w gwlzdatvt class at howard wngglesworth school are planning a similar publication to commence after easter junior herald editor is karen scott and assistant editor is dawn fleblg two young drivers piled their can into ditches on no 7 highway at silvercreelc saturday night one was kil led the other escaped uvith serious injury dead u alvln george miller 18 of brampton provincial pol- ice said he missed the curve at the top of shvercreek hill 20 ykafcs ago the reopening of the 8 a oervrc station at the corner of guelph art queen timet it announced twi week it will be opereted by harry graham end banlel banks georgetown- 1915 tax rate will be 35 mills it wesdecld ed at the monthly council ttieetfncj held tn the muni cipal office on monday the new rate loweimn many years is a five mill decrease from ustya the tnrwui who faali no da sire for a twite lit wtrchindlta all weak but to oa tht wakhds aside frta the mivlce mem club and ether private cluba there sr no elaan and plea ant eatabllir meats caterta to dailrae ef the gcuaral public 1b our eoitirt unity tha places are lonf overdue far renovations a lot of eitlwni after shop ping for food cloth in etc like to drop la for few i wondir how many of us are influenced by thia fact alone to fo out of town to do most of our shopoinf albert a porta ifamtttihriiia ohm tmiw ht ud wllh a blltb tl tn oi the u id in outdoor sport of thia jtiliitt dlhuuk te iii tk44 all k ktrj w vuuiia fcmrfa tnamt ii imimw tmt c4j r fltlrt ytne rj i i i anti lrtllre wuvt imri twhvy ykcyre tke lu li fll tk vm ma at h vu c tur sti tsiko whh kuul iwilfj tw u um- ltui in koulh africa whlu kick blacks round in north africa blmki kick whitau around in both cautu rellflon tt iuiiiat ertal ih south america the rich kick the poor around anil they all go to thr umr church in north america tht wivti kick thnr hutbandi around sum a colour tame religion dif frnt sei if it in t racial or rllrious or tual whit then it the ha ail for alt tht pounding of other peoolat ii it simply fr that if you don t amath tha other fellow skull first he will kick you in tha groin or it ir ttmhe tin ple aj erlmltlve lutf e uw lay irt the uhue ef buw u pit shei cimltyv itt hard to know an anlhro- poloitt will aay one thine peychologlat another atd a good bartender could probably cotna aa cloaa to the truth u either it ia my eiperlence that the ttnsloni o race creed and col or are completely artificial it it only when thty era fanned by ignorance fear or malice that they burat into flame ig norad they dissolve and van uh the other day i mi auper vising an examination por something to do i looked down a couple of rows of atudanta and checked off thalr national orl gins thty ware swiss pollen dutch german italian nor weglan anglosaxoa there ware jewa and roman catho lics and protaataau of all de- ttomlaatioaa rj t colour rang- ttwmt blotkd norwsla tw bul uun ladiaa nrw zealmnd le few we ltuua buria real kluut fral fcgtfcr w vent h l fa aupiial llohui we wre ie y was tsruj te hm kml mm e lriufc oalry l al u- u and ii iwlixl w- that race reuad iuhi tssa have very utile i mm witk man l imbiimfchlty nuaily u mu gorgetoni herald eahiti w i cmmrtmurwm oaaia wattr c uaal rvoduetian leslie clark as cllwei charua uluk terry uarlty alkaai akwaseyl new ltdllee- unaaalit f tomtit alulliat adutlaius alra wuuaaa ctuia curk tnlai c aaae currla w feur jooe tmasrxaart- alembef ml tw welr business directory chiropractor onalb a bay dc appointments mida dally call y tmtl u mill l uarerew chiropraaor oartld w cerkah dc open dally ky- amia insmanf house ealla irrtniad i7u11 1u malrt el nerfh ocyomethi5t wrnxmilliganoo 95 mill st awwlnhnanrs ihu7i cauu a wlttwood dnlsrl lane lurreyers 11r uoudulnvliw rrl s mianile aall w rcarr at p weikeea t 400 res tn 44144 dax devetomients limitid builders ef pine hemea irop walter pichblok k774ll er 177 mis barragers claanar4hlrt laundarera ii ualn 8 im guelpb all erk tltew eei liam o y walki ho doxe oyomiraisy 1 uiln st 4 brintplen 4414474 has 441uaj ilours 0 s m to b p m tueidiy to ssturdiy rldiy 0 tra to 0 pm kvenincs by appointment robl r hamilton oplawalrlsl lit ifounulnvlaw rd s csrrtll bldj aor appolntmint phone 8773971 monuments pollock 4 campkiill designs on requksy isipect our work in creanwud camttary rhokii allrsk v 44 wstsr strait north o a lt makk pitch ucjensktl aucnonekh prompt servlea p0 bon 419 th 7ms4 georjatowo eiomoiyowm animal clinic 104 guelph street v lavlh dvm df r oaaliln clinic open i pm mom wjia pri daltt bennett u timer ahiaet isrrhseee as t douglas v lay1mx ttaxsce r hamo ybisaade y4m1 b ml st uimsob frederidca lltileler mmd fehillef ll iteiwulrrelear ltd at carretal balulsw caersjatowd yr s4 memlcsmqc rarrlitar and solldlor 61 aaiii st gmorumtown yr 73444 tvan sicllcf ba starrlafer l mtlarf nv wullaau rugj m uals tm t4bi wailaca y memn srj brililm case oeeh cawntiilimt stmsii uljr

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