Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 4

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82 mala unit x o onlrlo w c um iim page 4 thursday amu ws ims editorial comment revolution on the farm fanhar who kard a tpkr predict firm rvovrlon ai cattfc biaaiaj ri ing in mpl lufwtk wr nor haaslng hyfeing ihay dknt already know tha oh9 in farming fxhnqi jn th lat qurim cntury hav com pwtfjy fafm lfaauady and tha ttajtf n or twenty yd inlantfy i a 4rmw today do not uvw to b wry old to hav tivd throgh period 0l uwntkjn evimiw to what k4 baart tkwppanlftg lt oft kxjuttrle ai ul 4 th ttrly chei it wl no uncommon fo a famta to poipar wth ruhvty litrw in th wy of meohniz d manary hay nd oh could 11 b hrvmtd in in old way ky waa firtt cut tncry tttltd by hind latar forked onto hotiadfawfl wqon fend dwn 1o h b wh- it wi ouppu fn tka mow by a iling milking mosni wr uaad only on ttm urcit fami cattta brooding wi mainly by ntu rvwani and a farmer took hit charvcaa on ha quit by of th ttock h would b raiting th fcwaat of a man t bow wi much mora wnportnt thn than it it to day ha worked to tha utmoit of hit ffhykal capacity f6n lurvon to tundown tha hi rod man if ha had on wai ungla and worked for rm board and a xl of jrira caah a hundred acs tarm wat con4urd larga oartamry larga enough for tha avarg farm to oprat aa it atfcn all pari of th conomy world war htpad to apad taroa which wr liowhy volving the wt a manpowar ihprtaga and hlnad man bv cam tha axcaption tha machlnry ctwrv pan wvlopd a numba of labour uv- lng device crop were inaunriy har- vvivd tf actor replaced hore th bat ter farmer began operating two or me fenu artificial breeding improved eel ha tlock today a farmer u bigtim bo in aiutian or ha un t n farmer too long nd4 the many kkillt which were alwy rvecettary an economltt a wmer ped iciai a machinkkt a vetermerien a do-it- yourtelf reprnan he now mutt ba a capilaliit for operating a modern farm u a btg builnait ha hii mora money lnv- led in mechinery than many a email indui try ona wrong move can coat vwm thout and of dollart and ha muit continually ba tlriving for mora productivity from hit land better ttocfc fatlef harvesting tha grand ton of men who pothely lauotad at tha fancy mil of an education in an agricultural college r attending theia tama college farmer who laid nothing would replaca tha horta ara worjj ing at other obt a fd of milk cattla hat beooma at valuabla at a whole farm thirty yaar ago another word of thank aft uhr of on of thot hundrtdt of slturdy morning rty birdl we one gn tuproil a word of thnkt to thou matt who nuk it h potubu juuny morning w hkv tumbud out of bad witvrd our wy down to th ran to wtch qmna to b mt by shaary group of coehi rfrm hm- kapr ldy on tk ob thy giva tnw willingly collacting nd lund- ing out iwmhn cowhlrjg tncoortoing tfw ttrrd onai giving brk la avary playar whathar h l n alutar carumha or a kid who may navar utrn to tttrtd up ktraaghi on his tkatal why tax the sick canadian who gal ttaamad up about highdrug prtcmt raopanriy ovarlook ona iu uyi want ilam in tha vwt th tha 1ix fadartl ulat ik on drugi it add almou til a yar to tha eoii of drugt in madaul iourml advoctlal tha tax tha wnlari may ba a bacauia may work or adrug man- ufadurlng firm but thay coma out with thla tai eommant tha govariwnant of canada makai thay ilka thalr gama tarioutly but tportimamhip it tha ky evary boy gait hit chanca on tha ica loaart conoralulata wmnart thara it kaan compatition but onoa tha gama it ovar thara ra taldom ragratt many young uda hav binafirtad from parhkiparioh in kid hockay moat of mam aran t haadad for tha big lima many won t vn don tkatai again out ma fun thay hava had tha iporuananafvp tha haajthy evarcita won i toon ba fogot- tan wa hop orhar fathart lika ut wlh ramambar to lay thankt to moia who mada thit all pottibla mora monay through ha ulaa tax on pra- acnpllon drug lalal than tha pharmaeautical mdottry makat in nat profit for axampla during tha yaar anthng january 1942 our company rarmttad on bahalf of pahanta 1431000 in fadaral ulaa tax alona our profit aftar tax for tha yaar amountad to j310 000 a ilmllar plctura would ratal to k 05mpanlaa angagad in tha pharma cauneal indottry thay alas ralta nothar point which mania contamolatlon it li thlai why li canada ut about tha only country to tax tha tick for praacrlphon madlcatlon harley to halton wiouv ofatnvations vt dft mamy hakuv mj k halton they say the thug to do is go bight up aga1s tjuiaa or ut par wt of ttia aarnlrid alllaj foe ua yt f death whlchavrr u ttf tha iwfcwlri tharvfor balhk 1500 accumulated tvytth aattuautatad fund wblch ara aurpliu to tha ruirewmau af tuynuflt o txaaflu and adulal kralua tosu trill ba allacatad for ittvestnmt ill baftlriu 4 tha provlnca la hjiaunu whlfh ara rlaud to tb orooortloa fuaila frtrnt rvaidtnu of each provlnta txara to iha total of all conurtbutlobi thus flnan ting will be avallabla for tb avowing capital neadf of tha ivovlacca for aducauon hlirb wy powtr and ladiuuhil da- valoomeiit the tratufec of u vlnta to thote receiving vn alona will bava tha atfact of avsrulsf a floor to the eaatu mar rpandlaf j ratlrad taosu addloal lualocabuy fa th da- und foryonanmef toodi blcb la aaalrabla ra a rawla aeon amy wnasaon tugirns amd poctabautv a furiker raaaoa lor tha cow laxity of tbaauu td that it aa- ubllabaa natloa wide tmuiau ajatan whlla allowlna to to eearatiori at wovlnhal lacjala uoa u a provloca as ehoea the bill u unique la that it provide for eocopleta eoordhi luorf 0 federal and provincial lalilimon and adiolnutralloii u hat the rifhu and baattiu of ladlvlduabj will ba aaaurad there will ba a 100 per rest aortablllty of nadalou that la to uy contributor natulan rithli trill not ba raduead in any way if ba thamea kla lob or u he move hi ham a bail princlol of th bill i that a ptttaloa rtat aantad la never loat for a aaonl a woman who atop ear nla- whan tha tnarriaa or who ha job for only part of her married ufa will be entitled whan ah ruche n m to penaton bated on her aamtn average over use whole period and calculated on exactly the principle a tha penalon of any one who ha had eontinuoua earning news desk extras by tarry herley question nobody asks sjnc we re overatocked in opinion of all uru of trivia about thia time of year and alnce the uarket for our per eonel vtewa on picayune controverale aectnt limited we re uatng thl apace to epfing clean th cranium and make room for naw con capta cade of along apace doaa oocapound the problem ga wt you ii encuw ua while we rid ouraeu d a few inaacrt by eakinc a few qgeatlona q what aa you alrwaout vtuiiit u lata te wu and yau wonh kaow a r a11 yhim fejaca wahably douh poo- art a we know fthir arthur demand wort reaped than you live bin q w alghled a hobln in our itardefl april ird are wa the tlrat ta da tor a no sureka farhavorthy apsttad aid tdeatlflad ah ftrat robe back in february of 1571 q did yau enter tha etao jlagia conteat theyr plugging during tha playoff telacaiu and if a how did you eotnpul th latt va linear a deda dada dadada q da you think tha txlat trocndeea9bvio april would hot oarv beev la tnjntonulag it would alt ere aeatorlati the aapaaaa af baw vender bad rocket panel aver aprlhg 0 why evdoctoiji never r4 an themah manfcer of overweight people hr the coun twl a fehat oe you aapect when they ere dealing in round fig support th canadian cancer society georgetown herald sallehad by heeee tleweaiaoce luhool caorgatown ootarta walter c feukn nbluaer hum fytcollvray production thiperintandtnt laalla clark dave hatting vi gllaoa 3 uedementa charlci ilitchaner tarry llarley ahean uradlay newi editor accountant frank uulun advertlalng uanager lira wuuam cui ark tjollt ann currla reporter petur jon photographer la thl aacoad eolumn deal lug with tha canada pentton plan i will dlacu the benefit under tha plan th uae of the penalon fund which will be built up and tha portability of aha plan aeroa all of canada then are five benefit under tha canada penalon plan l wmruoient pension tha amount of retirement penalon attar th tint ten year of contribution will be xs per oant of the average earning vson which a peraon baa contri buted proportionately leaaer amount will ba payabla after five year of contribution tha amount of tb penalon aa well a that of other benefit under tha plan wbl be adjotted in ao- corrlapwi with a fotmnla which tka bto account tha riaea in javeet pf jhrlngand lncreaac uayna wage and mbrlei tecuda itmifb tha ua of flmmaaav panalona will ba la atpp jjwt taaia in bunt ii may elect to take hi aarnlngirelated canada pen alon plan at tha utna time or ha may wait until it year u in ere hi benefit x dtsahtuty pensions to b eligible for dihulty benefit a peraon uuat have made contribution for at leaat five of tha laat ten year before- the benefit 1 claimed and for a total of 10 yean or onethird of tha total number of year po alhle for tha contributor ha mini alao utlafy the require ment of being unable to carry on in gainful employment in the oraaeabla future the tjtaabul- ty penalon conalata of two part- a tat rat benefit of ttfum par month plu en amount equal to is per cant of the retirement penalon ba might hav claimed had b reached tha age of as 3 widows pensions begardlng widow pettlona to receive a urvlvor suilon or death henoflt contribution moat hvabeo made for to a penalon of m per cant of her 11 huthand retirement penalon she will alao hav avalubl to her th old age security benefit from age w for widow under 83 year there will bt a baale flat rate component f u00 per month and an earnlngre1td eom ponent of sttk par cent of her huehand retirement penalon there are alto variation in the amount of the penalon which are related to the age of th wl do and whether ah ha d pendent children or i herself diubud 4 orphans beneptrs th orphan benefit will he paid to all dependent urvivlng children up to age is and age xs if thay ara continuing full time educati tha amount of theae benefit will be s2s00 per month for each child but tha total amount paid to all aurvl ving children cannot axeoed the m retirement pan alon which at tha beginning of thepun will basut a wall a for ona third ofthe total number of yean poaatbl far tha contributor a widow of to or ovefwih te aautlad 8 death-benbttts- tthe amount of th death benefit la an amount of lx thna tha monthly retirement news echoes cram tha page of tha herald 1vs5 and hi 10 vuuts ado firtt lariout robbery downtown tine tmath and grab thief tlola tauaral walchel from blrbart gift shop occurred latt night th victim thlf lima wat slmpaont order office almott directly ecrotl the ttraat from tha polka nation a taf conlrilrtg an animated 500 wat taken trading managership of two grand union carroll tier john war hat gone to milton and tha new manager in georgetown la gordon podfleld who hat transferred from hie county town georgetown it prominently featured at the national home show in toronto thlt week thote who visit the coliseum at the exhibition ground will have an opportunity fo tee a topographic map of the dalrax lubdlvlilon with lit plinrvad community of homa factories end cornmna eatabllahmant it it part of an exhibit by rex heslop hornet mvffam a georgetown man hat been honoured lit me klnga birthday honoura hat of commandatlont under ma i heading of king commendation for valuable ser- 1 vice in the air li haled the nam of sl charle w stockford georgetown of the rcafv ha i tha oa of mr rictmr harry stodcford ing nillodal llockay league awardi ar aufflcuol a mo we propos a bront- ed meat cleaver be awarded tha dirtiest ttem in tha serve maybe wiui a blue and whit maple leaf in the ctttre to av loacrlblog it every year q what would you do te cor red tha ice jams and flood ling that occur along tha cre dit every year a i have a propose that would eliminate wo of uk hetdaehes take ill th stock pile pf road tilt from the eocjmualtlu la th credit lersbadendfiott bm lrwrie hasp v the kdriu e th credit a chap treat a p the ether day and ad aa ta wilt an artad aat lnc atflrat i wa a mil mfdsaat a i ham never hats ta any itf ow tha the hog farmer aad e te writ aa anw about i aatwaa f my wife eaortad what do yea how about ptgst- m i l i aat aw aww wvaav an aaapawen aa tha smajmie- tfaaaa e e hag that fa sheer ajssereajee ef the pv cfcm that tar chat mae naaafwenu a enough t wtadow frame a the tws eei tseas l eesapewy a e etfr whll i wa chatthsg with tal let man on th phoo my auad begaa te raea along theee th li a utile feature oo hoes produced a beautiful ham aure- ly a few hundred word on hauaepalntlng would b good tar hone or at least some paint and i have la paint tbe trim on my houa thl tpring so whll it ij a fact that there hot likely a man in north america who be int bore tuna not pelaung house than i it la not uult true that i hav never painted hous at the same tltn it 1 bat quit true that i hav painted a houa let ea suu 0te sun la a perled wf acute asefriel av ress lew i sai wry aattra ve- utu tryuej ta pam the trim n the ancunt seeelne heei el flrwt end ss sneiteiaas wed ue hsuahl it wa during the tint nau seating bloom of tha de-ityour- 11 alcknee the whole country waa full of tweeting cunuvg frustrated men struggling to aa- aeuhle eveythlng from golf eari to 50foot yacht front thdr handy ham lilt i waa hooked too 1 decided to paint tha houa myself achieve personal eatlafactlon baak in my wife prela aav all that money there didnt aaem to h much to do a few gallon of pelnt th old place probably double it vl r t reoud a ladder bought brushed paint and tarp j we olrlhottsepalntar call u- th beuee trlnt we ahan as feet if th r yi t elksdsed up ta heve a leek at tha u pabw half an hew war m wh ense eu4 t call th hid and found sne there llnln whh bath atwd ass bath u u tretj had ta aeram i j1 mt pee did yau ore try scrap ntatf fa abt k era i hotuajt summer la is year pd aenpe tar half an j dear a patch four la tear then climb dowe sad go in end fetch cold bear a i emerged haatantanaamtahy three or foer arlthheur wouht emerge from hiding aehlayt their hedge snd join ma ton gua hinging out to cut long story short i get two end- half windows doe that year 11 ml me ahoat tor dried out brualss ef pelnt ruined clothing and afal that beer t t i eeaemyl wij e uupte asl that i t eaaatl pale ther put en wwrfc the wl hwa th vine nut th whout huslisas gaw m lasting intereet in painting and i formed ina tin happy to pea alnf i id th novlc tint of all you taust h uk proper equipment for 1 painting two bask llama ar i bous aod torn paint at thing that make th lob i abl i wlf who like tug oh yea on mora thing yoi should hav swimming drain th water and till pool with turpentine youd need it every drop bouafrpalntlng weekly bible h deen w theu art wry tardl end th lard will ear y aarhnses i samuel th safes way out hf dark i with light lei said 1 km th ught of world he that followeth ma shall not walk m but shall hav the ught llf business directory chiropractor oonalb a oav dc appoirithienla made dally call ytt ml m mill tt oeeraetawn chiropraqoh 0ru w cerheh dc oeat dally by h lloute call arranged i774ill iia main st nerth optomkyiirr vmcmilligan- 35 mill st appelntmant tryseti ami wistwood ontario xand surrayere iis uounutnvlew rd b tltlanele tj1ii w hcerr weehweed nt 7jj09 bee tb 441a djus evaopmertts limitid x of pine hemes teronj walur paeholok tffnn ar 17715 barragers oaanarafhlrt uundererf t7at7f lstulns v qualph all werk den an aremla a v walkst tto d o st orromintitr u ualtt st s- brauplan aslutt mas 914mj hour sam it i pa tuesday to saturday prlday 0 am to 0 pin evening by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist us ueuntatavlew rd 8 carretal bldg vor appointment 8773971 monuments pollock campbbu designs on hkquest inspect ear work ta greenwood cemeter phonfl all5 a water street north q alt bank mich licensed auctioneeb prompt servlc pa box us tb 1jssi 0orgetown r ekwobtowl animal clinic dr b b fgakj ainlo 0pbj dale bennett latimer baines suntater b douqlas v latihxb tebencei baines tbiangle tjjs1 i atlll st oeorgetosr frederick a helson karrtsw and salkhw 11 uounubsvlaw bd 8 carreul building georgetown tb t0 ileihiiilersftii barrlller and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7uu tvansicklerba barrtaeer sellerrer malar a dr wullama bldgi 1 m main s th 1uml ajfjm jsz 5 3 wallacb ttomson n r3 caartr el ceajatratetstpw til mitt rust b te 4 a tik

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