Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 5

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viv s wmuwww-y- x w jertjta i aprtag at 1mb aa about now tht tharecal- b oanelrirkl 1 a the aaruej that reare ira track time to coal it locat eruruse war on road coerfbnicxuuy tree the is iso lb total hbjb lit at 170 burs- mb calla that year ib badfcata the kwptafeaf runs to lira chief trwin lewi uu graa fir calla bnreaally hboat twothird of yun elarme but evidence nted to on but nclplni t tb p la 6x i tei year tha total number of iflr cell dropped to is with vwvrnhwt area accounting or ep- hsjusleislery m it as well aa not remin lb factor created every t tha brued btecober baan truck to rush to thaaa 0b firaa tha cnerel public ieft apparently understand tha 1 tovewandou eapeoee that eccu- a chief lewi told tha cbw uia aguaaud that of raaa bra caaaael by earning that ta be- rerstehlm k aaa ba eat my down rtar eatery pracauuona jnai bunan aboou ajwaya fkaap a caws of bstdketa of ha ter at- a nraea hooe handy ad a apato ianofhar food wennoa taoptaal sha flamaa well la chief lewie eald euatsslsrt people their yarda ahooid hao jj ba aald but year tha i awinlllat la tha county paid out ijmiialhlm like tsouuo because 1 aaiopla lot grass fire and anriutf nbblah lira at away from run chkp ttwin uvra children who ar allowed to tarry matches are another eource of trouble chief lawla said many of tha urautire la remote plate with no obvloua causa are tha result of kid ha ving matches in thl case our warnings and attempt to reduce audi in cedent ara only aj affective aa tha parent make them la r- layine tham to thau- youo- tier ha laid w could batia caution and warnln until wara blua in tha face but if tha parenta dual relay it well haver lick that part of tha pro blem lnf op th to raia tha aubblab away frocanajay area and u poa- albla burn tha dabrta in as hv etnarator or in tha middle of a bar area audi aa a garden another thorn to tha rtre department atarbtf the dry raaa aaaaoo la tha thrill aeek mi who form a tauatlng pro- oaaaioa bx the wake of tha red trucka every tinte out aj veil aa being ulaajal tha truck chaeera baaka u tough to taanoeovre oooa at tha eceoe of bhe fir and often block off a aacood truck tha chief ataiad thouctj aoena peopla eocuodw thao of craaa firaa kr very aarloua buai naaaaod of great coocartt to bha dapartmant ha aald about h0o0oo worth of edurpenant goaa out oo tha road every tirt tha airefl goaa and coniperuuv tion for working volunteer amount to about ho an hour wblla theyre at a fir first competition barbershoppers win plaudits trophy 4th place b waa uka tha boaton bruini rt have fall when they beat toronto uapla ltafa 110 lyatagiitnaii riarberehopper past lidonf staamer feancocraon the llarajd when ha an- i auocaaa aonual m mryt torn ln gtratford satortay gaaukw fourth rcjatiti rrrr- fcll o ul aha 4th plaoe- flollh d oivronla be ll ahoelni g a coanpaiing for tha i i v i itta waretonereooa by the aloar tun casta to ting on kfthat r hardly knew t we were or wiat ii doing thara suamar sraon eousmented wa iatkopt at our hotel until el from tha shakeapearaau ff theatre whara tha cotn- ting choruaea were wing aid by judge rrotn there we nt to maka uj and than into m and to the- groan a room whar tha chnr- i ahoot to go on geu hi ml- lantaa to varmup tha competing choruki ara lby tiva aala of judci in rcatagorlrii stage preaonrt i and bland harmony ac- taenkf kttacki and raleawi of fthraae and chords and tr rgmngacnenl l attar parforralng tha chorus aanila four repreaantativaa into a judge clinic where tha judgaa epaml aia tnululea aacb on the tiva points whan wa learned wa made fourth it was a iuabard to woe4 amjotewlrr issj the way uaonthe rairsociaj tha feuoecoueeled thai 11 shouldnt mlwoobao uu oontflnbuiweljup ilncls iuwaa their irl atlmnpt v i t at tha- lpraniuon awsrda saturday nbimtcaorge- tawn ahorua chractor duncan thompaajs accepted tha trophy ha mentioned that of tha sb in tha georgetown chancer u took part in tha competitor t a farewell presentation to gln anglican fttqr at albwa cbureh aangraga- ram gsnharad u tha rartah uail kvit wadaaacav avejilsigto hon our ba and mrs- b- btubuy and faanaly tha igdua provi ded tha pot suck eupper whkk arexyona aojoyed mra s wil lisana aanaraeaad regret on theb hsavlng and arlabad tbont wall w their oaar pariah the rertort bolaad lulnea an ba- babt of tha ooorragsuon prea- anted kay end atra siubley with puree ikt george bargaeat preaentad itli stub- uy wkh a parting gift from the ladlaa guild they both ru- ungly rapllad on sunday ihs sunday school superintendent herb preetoo gave tha girla ann hfarla fcod buasn each locket bom tha sunday school fcutar sunday will ba kev stu- blaya uat sunday la tha par uh they will ba greauy muaed not only in tha eburcta but in tha community eatd wa wish tham happlnaaa in their now home near hamilton wa are plaaaad to report that wirt lla bell is hack home from st huchaell hoaplu 1 toronto e a tb united church woolen held a vary euoceuful rummage tela on saturday lu tha church e ur and lira krnle uienber ger of naklna northern onta rio are visiting this week with his brother ur and uri iaul luaubargar and family e wa extend sympathy to ura bill beaumont and family in tha death of ur baaumont who one of the clans long lime reaidents e e the united church women held their meeting in the fel lowship room of the church ura a ilunadala vu in the chair and opened tha meeting tha devotional wts in charge of vrtcbahb and waa on eae- tetukkhinot her he is rukniahaed by all almlng wejerdglth praise of 111m j mrs jufpance daaet with ooa at which waa the project 0 tudlng dotbaa xmp- hoarnsy atja thaparaooage e ee amarial am llwiat to buuabara to mike up for the auar in the fall the ladiaa enjayad a social barf hour and lunch provided by aire- wuj wagstafi and aire j himtar a get well wiahaa as sent to ifcixs bert hill who u la ceor- geloera uoeplul errs hiu had tha mteforiun to fall down tha cellar step at borne and broke her wriet aa wall aj receiving a deep gaeh in bet bead she ley for a while before ur hiu fouod her she waa taken to hospital where it required number of atitcbaa for bar head wa hope shell have apeady recovery e w esteod coagrslulauotu and beat wishes to tr and airs walter lueuberger who married recently in st georges church georgetown wee there will b a good prldey service at vm pto in norval united church to which all un ited church member her are invited killer sunday morning service will b tt the usual unit her at 10 sjti klawwher in th herald you will tea a notice of tha serv ice of st avbabs church far kasier and holy week e w urs clayton allens brother mr uaaales of st catharines visited with tha allebl last week ladles your help is needed on vrldsy cood ivlday that la the c1b wllllame support group are reapoueable lor the boy of the uockey tourniment that day they an calling for volunteer for the morning stint which begin at 10 in also the afternoon shift bi btrplhg pevfe tm mmjj gftbv liflsji hive a nnahrrojbjya frolt4jfluixi y err orntendaii s hsrwfc djild avian vjjcefi lbwonigofistlbtt avian aircraft vicepreshiejlti and chief engineer gordon hunt m- lisle dr war mrjaft laauref at a meeting o tha royal aeroruhltleal society lon don england march m mr hunt addreased th so ciety on autogyro developtnant in north america ha la one of tha founder of the georgetown pent having been on the avian project tine march 10ss ur hunt waa in tha rotary wing project division at avro ualton from 105s until 1130 and prior to that wu with saun- dershowe limited least cowet isle of wight for eleven year whlla vlui saunderakowe he wu in tha helicopter division aa a siren engineer for our and a half years tlver dies jirthof jallinafad abatllnafad woman auffered jninor anjurle in an accident which took the 111 of t gualph natan uat weak tt the lntertec- niof hwy 14 and tha bellln- tlmi road treated and released from general hoapltal vmj f gibson of balunkfad gar in one of throe blea involved in tha fata kenneth fououln of cuelphj of tha drivers waa killed in eeuafactory eoncnuoa in dnelph hoapltal with head tn- lorlea la arm walker it of jr b bockwood apaaaangex a tba jouotaincar gibson via in a ear by mr florence rip- iof b r4 acton itbe drlyir of the- third -yeh- john moclellan ofh r i i not injured rha was eatimatod at 1100 to the papulon vehrcla 1 tofountainaand isooto ng a cjcifars and ij s pitta of the bh detachment opp btnd lnreatlgatlon council briefs georgstawn tnshlle school board submitted their final budget figure to council uondty nkght aating thkt wu tit be set aside for the pub lic school coat this year ttiat la up over a mlllrom ut yeara requoat commented hee elliott so we are trying to pake down other eatimates five hundred dollirs vrai authorised to tha binnlng board to ottsetlpreaant eg- penae twa amount will come out of their budget rosedale iral flowers for all i occafibns wtodino jsuusreouvvrm j coeucra a spadahy corflovvera anh funeral oaslons r wa wire hayfara albert fk t39sx sunday j juretmyjchoot h v 1100 aw 1 mctln tvvcamhm- sbrrecri6fi oopm kavrweulrem special boflinf j mofaoay aall 19th rrjdr at 1000 am iii rha high scricoi- careroaium- with lhtvreankvvulrmrpf school afjed children welcome maplfe avenue baptist church st johns i united church v auah nit okwmtown thv ifiilon of conflrefltllonal fvurhodlsl indt i rabytrlahchtiniilms nrtitl triayaii hay n bn jielioswvl5- x fas would tare to hajpbs ama rranertnally nrolect call era torn sabvaa and aba arffl yea any other tntorenetkan aboot t0 pjn aad waasaaa tateaffroajt af eaala- una cat two car cookaad aa no it daroad a aaoa aaat af the tth us of asm x to by baa e8so bod botmccd oh of another dear fan victim to highway traffic acru a north tuton delechment of th opp reported a buck a to as no t btgkway 1 n tt of th balllnsfad road waa truck and killed by a car grivea by harold kdwerd jer kin the driver tddreae waa not given tba accident happened at at mo 9 awabval amonoelvai anglican partslt ef mmiau teasriday aaail lmvlmf tatxt 8 service hours thwra taas wuueaaa txlpjsa prlv otsai wntaaaa 10 ajo fct marvel 1lu ul teo olaei wlllusa 6j0 and 10 am tuew marvel 1lu aja canaro oxavm mmimmes sand toab otavfls rtaaajl npm woix tom haines ltk mmi m good fripayr rborjyi r rerprlonofimotntof and citiutrlortiv r r lslrowbp hoyr and i imfvairtiarvtv vrt wuchtovlufn easter sunday ij 515 ajrueoilar sooriseserylce- i r i ahounopexwdl0rm iervlcckkvinfjcn iv i v st ajklravit ijnltocl 1 1 nirrrrrctjcen h st georges anglican church hv j h mcmikkln lucaer o dl ttlask oroanul easter day j0 i holy kudtaraal lm am cheeal ucltarlai vso am ckerel tuckrlat 1100 am choral twierlet sunday school and nusmy as usual christ is risen alleluia first baptist church hv k l whan a 10 mlnlarar easter sunday services april 13 1 5 juvmtnlreo jbtvici 11 00am cantata by the choir inirw svrci yoavj sermon bcondtrlecftoss an ettr sunrita servlo will ba conducted by th adult nrbu clou at 700 am and broalcf att at 800 m the presbyterian chureli in canada iknox chuftch qckirjetown corner of main and church sls mirjistcri rev f norman young ba orcjanlit and choir loodori edgar gowlardartc j y- o6dp v ubjjc wcshir iiqovm easter sunday jaril 18h chuircrl khoob i wwfjibhirt jmpjvt j9a- jesiu said t am the rsiirrcabnandithrufe that i t i ibvegb vnawded m b4u ovlrve ana wcwilrretli aa 7 w l mmmfwh evslibsaseel wuiub a wiw- fi a w tterk hsarer m a farmer and your own should meet ron dumper i saroant road otbrottown ont tacphonc 877455j esso agent whhepypu gemprefor beoatisejie tlilfiilte ij3mldjfckrii nr liit imiivi- iiv xi s

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