Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1965, p. 6

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1 i avr tvap pw a f lwtali st dmart u rki omn ttm sssalud th cwimr iar tklr yearround effort ti am wn u irimli ik halloa rtr it is eaarue vi jonm busn 4 0bown rprarin caury ceyrkji arxaph i ptcl twd ram gaoraa aaofthati ol tfv onbaiia nm meeahola odica weill gweali firo vua bjibw etrlifwetoi hlev kr4 uwi melt mutual au pul look ei to lam jaka hlmit af g getwn wka rwvatd tka kndld by u miller will hit w from a4w tod ckerli wl oauaty maw re ik aeculoi u wu 4om calaf ct to of wllto cblrmfl of ik uati aand ik i a u ix wm mulm al oabrtll ftr rat um iim- ekotmu at ik haw ftp cwf deutim wat md dmrwt deputy cblal aw mthoei mayor i q cktldi lad rtr ckll a k ckaawal mealed ik mlltoa lln daaartaml aar4 tkf wiael wr awarded to a wntiau w ik v- hi art atoveeuoa kureawi lira paraalla work tkrouikoui tka pant roar ta malta tall wei ompl m ay hay down of milton malta relaueo ofttaer far ik bantu oakvuwl aalry not uerold and jim couuon tbr vara ml camdlta aiualtlw oalnred la tk en tail year la with kuaavvdj al ouhm tram ik uj tw ullloo brbted won eecond prli during th lag ckuf clamnt alao eora- ted um damei mack attendance trophy on behalf w bll daaart ucl ux tba kt brlod it uuac al mulilal alj klra awocltuoa bua aurint u put yur it au taa wtaml la uw atumfclw ipovv iuki lm wa by mil um chief erwin ul of g0r im ima uuto1 aid idot prll4 um diluiar otkf kumu who wrt latr- durtd iaalu4a4 myt im ik- machiu miium it aru hoird on wo lrljlar uvd tr w aajivai um uapr tad iw unm wh wlawad u lucky drrwl gaa auuuli 0 tr lvsl4 apd varaoa coulaod al miliaa kg aihuayi bill llyda tl 0aai4uwn won tlr unaiilhcf nd url h kii oakvliu mb rlaurla utv ur wo m0lim wi mtja larobliotj la lrui y uld huikwij omirr w ii ilayw aportlai lo ikj vubllc kbool board lut wwk ur uoyr uid k bid tida ii eiiu la kutcb awl ihit il tbdjnca u auuat in tkt hluau tkraa titu t rvikuf dakrlal htl sr4a i uajkt alia il um dark la tkt mm a t iuaf wty af luaiuuaa ta dkaplaj km dmlrw m h wild ct lariaf i ll fetk w baumw oaatlaaua fraiaf klaaaat rmvit v our aamrakm atolls our laaraala ftirpam www lajla iwariaatar tv mi tl halaaim iv wviisa cmm am at lata c apj4a may 4 tk mdir kiak oapula kfttt madid wlluaaa oaaka auau daila mm murrwam t ua luyal kaycraft thl al twy at liarkia aho gat waatbr nmihuii kerrs column vtrr upokn to moroitowh mom quiw iam fcv olokok kikk tw saird tw maak oum city nlatk la wllb a ml tmrlm ifllwaldal r tu gabi fef tad kjvar u mfkl a u kkart kakad a call raalauaatu wabml ikarma htk cm tm bua4 uaaw ivaaill tka irliau irwtaah t aral a tbr surruk tw ya i tk dui laauaaa a buu tx imjibi ou1 a caaltw al kclaom rvuaa a cklld tumu il aukauula kit tkm au hatw kkla waak um mlauur 1 muaklaal attain tka mod- unkla wuirad kpeea drnr tka attaauaa al um utiiutuf ta ajtw fatkar aajnittwat it- twhm it la aartlaularly aavui cast bacauaa ol um lad that eartala buiaiaaauuat in tkt prorlac and ladaaj la hallod couatr kav art akair mill rtu lay nib m tod bava udloalad as laaruaa la latfm tkcaa auumlm rvail aub- ataatlal kaeraaar la ravanua boduutloa tad aaaaauml la lut tki raaaut al u aanakkaautlar acrou onuria immiiail ta tttt tnlulonr la ini h aa t mlllusn ao lit ajiiii af itr pareaot in um mat mtm mt prwudal r- an roaa froc tmj aluloo is um l 111 wluoa la im aa laaraua ei 00 pareanl oraata au by tka brorlntr anaklsalltlm boardj usekt hag aakeol boaroa and eoa aslmi duruay tkl oarlad lo- ajiml front lln j million la imi ta mm mlmofl la um an taayaaaa ai 111 parwut aaau- teaoa u laeal wniaripillhaa 1u ba lutkar tocmaaad la 1kwj by mm bulioata 1 total of tsu albiss tbla rapraaanl t pc east erflhr provlnca bat ordl nary nvanua mopartd ts at mteant in 153 btatutk ilu ahaw an la ram la um numbtr of muni crfellua turn dm 1 1m la tt at braaant special aotpkull war platad by ur soooaay on tka nd lor local county and juflonal fff durijut tka dabata on swaatlnutaa atunkrpauuaa jb raalwng that if atfldaaey to ba maintained lfduollca- ihai of eoatali to ba pravaatad kod prapar uaa of land ba atta wlahad planning b a vital b tba dapartmeat hii bad coo alderabl difficulty lotatunj aatndclpalluaa to hitit plao j raaponalblllty aa of janu- ainyiat 1h8 aoma wo punnlnf ill dot of a total of ms ljnactlw ilia prlodpbi obatae av ui paianinf jinoilwoirti attea so aultar imw akopir wahy bodui kava ta ba eouullad ba far a eaouooa t ua bt dt- vdaod ooa taa wall raalua how difficult it u la at mm wanly or twautyflva chalataaa to axra wa kava vrltnaaud a ttaady trowtfc la adulautrauvt rezlonj by um vartooa dapartataou af oommaabt aaeb with ll aw tlald npraaaataurm tod with no boundary ralatlauklp atrlauluirt ka maintained t radlaal balky baaed oa lb county ai a unit on um okhtr hand landj and voroti hu m ratrlona baaad on ttrahlcal nd phyaleal characuruun tourlan bu u and a raeaht davalobomilt by tha daparkaaal f mafsrm lutltuusni lovolva um catabuahutnt of dlatriti jalu to rplt u aid tounty jail vt now kav dlalrlct bljb achooll and collairvauoa au- tu m rwjjw rkarltlaarkaa aulkorlty u bot t 2lt raalrloud to oouaty or baualdi m pal boundarlaa tm 6 publle body wblck u in botltlob and bu ua autb- orlly in many raavmla to da- valop plabhlaf on a ratjonal baali li tha county caunau and in tk daya abaad u lha pr aant noucy at um honourable wilfrid sooonar and hli depart bmnt la followed wore and more reaponilbilhy will ba placed in ui kanda otttli laval of xovarnmant mrs margaret thompson new head of institute afro uarjaret tnorapaoa li um bow praaldeat bl tht oeorotowa womanl tniututa aueted wadaaaday april 1 l abe wta annual meatlna ut tk nniiina aaanaedi url ad ulttbewa tka other ism off loan ara let vlceoreeldtat url 8 pl- ntr 2nd vleepraaldant vln rvank petcb aecreurytrauur ar mr a w buaaall dlatrlct director mr w wluon nl nlala mr h t paul hit fetck aad alrav c nawkoum klm rekne la alio prear eo- rtary and public ralationa ckalraian tka cobvenori era ulu t campbell aod mr v sinclair africulture and canadian in doatryi mr paul and lira g ihcklnaon dtlreiuhlp and kdu- cauoa mn c roblnaod and ur k darldaoa hlitortcil ro- aearcb jlr krod armjtrone and ura barry bailey roma economic and healtb ura 1 walker sick and shutin mra norm snyder mdlmra ball helping hand the auditor ar ulu campbell and ura robin- aoo stttteen mambera attended tka meatlnf and beard mm w wl- aoilfiveia leport of thalxreo- tora aprim meetln which aho had atiaadad in mlltoa tka of fice of the aandlnf committee alao gave thalr report before ur autuarara yat and jjt mr toaiaiok to qw tulojdaa on preaentauon m iwraf ajato and eokductad -jir4m- 11 for url wllaon preaantad tha r urln praildant with in liutl- tut pin tka mombetj war takad u brlnd taa huculta or tproni ta the next meauttjf uay b to ba judged the winner will pro- kreu to competa with repre- aenullvel frocn other w il tt tha dlatrlct annual a aoclal ball hour wu anjoy ad attar um ouatini concluded heat your home i waywl awj tfltortl chlnaek aaioanaln oo funwaca cuaa tllaiil swiaaioor uitiiwr fete nl ft wuk lk at lll lv ffcti twltfjii k twikauiw faxtbl vuii vhvaj 4 h w cwavmm tw mk ub a dtwy mw to bl c4hh- fvhy ittli4t rrijv rhthompson hardware iwev hiatinw tavi al tarrar jakyuj ur i mm rrawauar 1 tajraja af ika kartk alka kiw dlek j kaaoaktu ttalley aarliull ii rt saakaufr fewart vmerl kallaia wui lao kernel wrpal imaklaaei wcu allln waall uarakill yaeky awhoollar puk xein4 waim goldln rtuipi wn iuu4ii aldlu oafvam wilkkaa autmud haltlday cilolm i cpr ikui culp ltfjnidl merlin york tiautktar naval kltht uothlb advance prize lists for georgetown fair are ready tka advance pria uati ceerrelowa rail rl u iar ki let a copy buy ba obtained eitker al the herald octle r ifroo the eormury url c hi rro- aid tfcera an antral kbi la ikli yeeri ut wpaauily la um donatuc aclane and ld- ua work alum ilea um jun ior glrli claaaaa have beea re wnapad sen ifeeallaaa prtaea are ai- fared u aba tlaaaaa u will a la floweri and tka junior acnool tela llt tka boyi pla mrnpetluon hal bn uacorltlnued lor ims but a elau for kiat kail lb ol chocelata fud read w tka boy hlcuav ku beea added in um lrla taction there an briae iar bait wan anuafla another tpeolal u um aalety poatar open to feetk koyi aad itrw tki li to b bo liner than 1 x is mr and ura wm aunjldt ara ln oaferlni apaclal prl ai for varloui type of etama collacuon sea your briar uat airly and get your eouactloa laifelhir anotbar datura of tka prlxa llal u the peovlnolal aaaay aoav teat arranied by tka wjaneol eacuon of the ontario aaaocl atlon of agricultural lodaual tk topic tar tkll year aaaay 1 why w should taki part la canada caateablai pro- cdtrlo bauat ba aant 0 the aaeratary bat later than awpt ksrd local pruei ar um ux mo and 00 u your entry i cboaaa to enter tka prorla- ol1- eontut you eould wta u 18 donated by mr montur bfaect alttatum t ttma patient wai provldad lirtyaar ky um canadua cancer 8b- tlly and hmi trd otoo 4tk h00 mb imoi kk m00 tker il aaatatklni la tk advene bra llt lor evairea cot your my bow aod peeper for ceceaolown ralr airly tk mr laf wuaea par mm um awe af bkobak a lr t thank wu nai fro the tied victor kllaaloa f aaadwww which kr r- alewd tk bmwu for tka koifat lailir wa mad and aaeeavad tkia liuif au os anil h boa i u t mr la hernia- uj klro- duced lev mowart of britamu listen here btiy kennedy you meet the nicest people mf emwi ban- tk n u j jfl kaaaaaraj taawjwftanrwwy b9trr pnj httmaevqh ebjwlsp to tlqn i a ta w bi end event rniud lucery wmai a ba uat of eyatna muehuvauhl ind jkoot wl tk imooftaivt baeaee wka aaam an toronto on ferry kennedl akaw tha ati looking new aaluaatkm you nam wa man h m om tatty kenoady show each eftemeart monday to rrldey irom sos m 400 pm omtaincya hamilv hattom to all georgetown local unions tha ctelcvjiw and dltlrld labour council poerat- annng 32 orainlxtllom invito your affiliation u you ara not arfilltlod with a contral labour body new join tjvar 8000 mtmbari pritanrly in affll- ithen with tha dlalrlct council your sffililitlon will protant you with rh obporfuilry to ba in a potltlon for alfocwya conv rnunlty and county acllont or nutlari ol corwrn ta orgtnliod labour for further information contact o 0 ritvm reldenl oekvllle and biatrial ubour council mx im oakviui ontamo v n i aflar a f i a m dckl pam y lim its d -w- vaarjv y ytmti 11 ita g tel 4317673 international ijfvrlrr aarriajm tauwi tr your fvra ta maka trtiraaynarrl r aa in gear i mam k moaw l rna inaj free atmmale anal pra plckkjp and dattveey mukmpton um ii owaaa ik i bmaagamamjh famkl rmm w ff watom mamanom montmj aojak h bb boaav wltkawl aaeaaaaiaa tftfw boughton jeweller 1 main ttewtr n 774111 w viy bell lines by arnold ludhforrj your ulephone miniotf m who rayi krk tahtmomi ixiakttlont ii hat oosurred t ma that tauphob uaarl la rl low ulxht b interealad in a fundoatoatal tact ol ceaa- mby bmlnom oprillni oj una wklak wljbl not be widely raallaed it u tha butter of wbar tka company obtain tha hundred of wtllloni of dollari boedad yearly to build new wokanjii eonatruet now local and ion dl taao alreulli and buy talapjun tali and other facllhjl rectulrad t aarva an ovarxpandlnk aconotny and papula uan komi peopll uiy automatically think thtt thee ha irucuon ajcoenaei com out ol telapkona kill but ikl i not to it li tk cinidlin invailor liber privet ladlv iduala or inveatmant flnmi who by buying company ateek or bond make telephone growth paaalbu tk ruan tkat they tirrtit la tha carnptny nl cooreal that they kpct tk uonty ta ba wlialy uaad and i ply ibtareat or profit ovtr tha yatri your tilaohone bill ayi tha colli of providing yea with talepkon aarvlm tha wage malatenaao coat air plui a reitonawa profit which la returned to tk inveeter taut your telephone bill dot net pay tka hut ajbunt namaury to roaka th company row fait a- ush pkyaleilly ta aarva now tamlllea aod bualnaaeety por thai aunu tha company depend ou tha lnveatlof public and in turn iht invattliuj publle demand uut our builneei b kealury and wall managed u it li not and doe not return ahem haaonbhu profit tkn ka would invent thalr money euewberc rncmeotauy any canadian oas invent in th ball al indicated by vb jvrtflm bkaroholdar tka lugaat number of any caov adla compiayho banoflt knmadlitaly and directly ol aouraa brom ch aucceiahll year ol company operation but a vait tlanwv other canadian aye alao indir ectly effected boeaunethe ckancat ar uut their b or mutual fund tnrnpanlea or tha penalon plan thay j ooraka to alao lnveat in ball ilock- and flbauyavanl parasn who ba no direct or indlroet llnancul uvtaratuai aooceatful comtwny operauoni alio benefit tvam jlljl arowtk bocauee u trowing it halo matt addlumial a a wlda variety of induitrlea thli of oourat ea ta tka proaperlty ol every canedun jjv hryoljdoaira acojjt aaajal telephone w atdbhaas ty vej i 1 lijmu viijliltw r m iiijal ifftvmf

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