Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1965, p. 4

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tt jurt geoqrtown herold asssje wj bw errfbjjaxalar esjm 22 mtlnstr 1 5- o pmwlo wci page 4 thursday aprk 2mi 1943 editorial comment ycbalk up number 5 for th fifth yer gvorolown bs tttttod th lntemtidfwj fenttm mockvy jfoumftmvnf ahcj for th mti tlm wt- tar bao h guided ft to wc- oftuful corkli4ton kid by doxn of mi nd woman who devote atar every kpre momnt to the cdunttets chcret s4lch a tdufnemont of ihli mqnitod nuilt we refvember the dy when the idea writ propounded at j ckmbf of cdrhroefte meeung the chambef nuh group expressed nttwr thoooh declining to ulte on the dul coiun i nent a meeting w called and wai a happy day whn w aiil ne volunior d the toornarrtent wt tuccekit from lurt there wat no humbling block loo big to urcom vmf wr made lo other towiw wkv umiur type affair had been held committeei wr formed to ortpnln the chore of bnwttng ng end ftwtwmftg huodreeti o5 vltirtng puyerv tteferee ticks taker dearvup squid were aought through ft t the guiding hend of th tournment director arftoothed the rough patteget 14 one worker fell down on hi t enother wu ihee fth tpof the fie it tournament it the pace and there waj never fcny doubt from thart that it woo4d be yearly event wow erv trie taught month ahad of he deed line dita and veiling taami a enthuiltiltc in their prai of the rcp- lion thy qt during their georgetown ttty to mr aitelhne and all thoi who thared in the work w tay hearty thnk you wll be looking forward to lixiir week next yaar another successful event while the hockey tournament drew urge crowd lo the arena uil week there we feature at the high tchool which extracted junior audience which averaged lmott a thou t and each morning it wi the return f rv frank wat ifrtg ion the muncal tloryman sponiored again by maple ave tup tit church mr wellington proved that he hat a way with children ml youthful eudtenow returned day after day to liiurt lo tyi llluitraled bible horiet and a the word tpred motj and more young- tier appeered each day to m te tchooj audi tort um rev bruc wood nd hit church congregation are to be thanked for bring ing tht feature lo town again churches like alt organizationi muit count on to day youth for their future hrwmberihlp instructive entertainment geared to the age aod mental abihtli of the audience i tome thing which wi tome time forget when ble honai and hockey gamai hive uch appeal it li comforting to know that the beattet and the rolling stone have not completah taken ovar our young peopla untouched by progress- r rr to th past 7m mitt vast relenile mffcuaiat tbef fat mas aodal utji that he proved uoperrtoul and oblivious to th mai overboard news echoes tnm ih mom n turtu 1ss nd 14s checkers and fan faubles a rtdr complilm tnti ha tin hn imbla lo buy n old f tihionj qim of checkers in town tn kind with th blck nd white board and th black and whit awi which makes us reali2e that this fav unt gam of our childhoocthas wtnd m popularity along with other ilk crokinol and croquet it has sue combed to othr entertainment forms perhaps on could lay that young people today are more sophisticated in their tutet or pleasure where a timpl om of snakes and ladders was an enduring favourite a quarter century ago today we have a vest choic of games which require lykr concentration more brainpower to master many of them are modelled on tele vision shows qui typ games ar pop- vler dolls have evolved from the cuddly baby types to teenagers with wardrobes atraight from th fashion magaxines marbles ar still relatively popular though far from th crai when w ware a schoolboy you see e few g rls playing lacks now and then but not on th scale of the twenties how often do you see youngsters playing evey ivey over run kheeprury or red light there is on gah w remembei frr- our public school days in windsor which is ust as well dispensed with in hspa days every available corner of the schoolyard was devoted to marbles now and then the bigger boys would raid a gam preceding this with the cry fan faubles as long as the magic words were first said it was considered quite ethical we still wonder whr th phraia i originated so far as we know we have va never seen it in print perhaps ii was a colloquialism if so w would guess it was originally a french term as the city has a predominantly french background is yiatt aoo a s31 000 town debenture issue for a 2 room addition lo the howard wnggleiworth public school was given approval monday by council the debenture will cover the 2725 building contract awarded menially con structlon last wednesday by the school board plus arch heels fees and 12 000 in furniture th ohicers of the georgetown chamber of commerce were elected last night john gunn is the president james f evans is secretary end bob darou is the trees urer james linlon membership convener traced th steady growth of h chamber to its present 52 menv beis th board of d rectors includes id silver james linton w lllam hamilton dick licet don barragitr charlos wray and george sivill two are people won consolation prizes in the 1955 irish sweepstakes nelson johnson r r 2 acton and an mclaughlin lintehouse were potlfled that they will get cioo each v j 10 yiau aoo sixty five rebekehs of verdun lodge attended th reg uler meeting last tuesday the decjree was conferred on four new candidates mrs james dobbl mrs gor don king mrs g cavanaugh and miss eessi whit th main charges were given by noble grand mrs myrtle dron vice grand mrs lllllen ritchie chaplain mrs w mertdham junior past noble grand mrs viv ian arnold assisting at the piano were mrs dora pelch pianist and mrs lucy feller soloist bible thought for the week mile seme jeetm wkuti take u fren yu infe h tkall he f h tike iiirttr a ye have hint kite heavert atti 1 11 just because jaaua km beea oae a leai tkna la bo aim that he will net return be held he ceuath too early to report on owe drjve with tuoy areas hot yet re ported the coi can- mr society arooaln la tub blnj just altchtly under ut year acoordloa to camoeifn chairman re rearnbead ii toe early le really fore- taat any resulu added the chairman jwi mail ba6 ays christianity and fvqlution not at odds i ft charles street t georgetown ontario april 23 ltkis rhe editor the georffatown herald certetftwn onurio dear sir s as a person who aocepts fcvovutlori as an accurate ecfen ilfic thesis well substantiated by l lgreat body or research and knowledjte i wish to reply to the open latter of hey bruce tvooda on this subject which 1 appeared in the april 12nd edl eton of the herald k woods a no doubt sincere in hu re- lectlon of evolution but i feel hat there la evidence of inac fracy and oontradktlon in his bumenbt inilnt one here is delln i te iosatl evidence of life in the reoarsbrin period several shch depoalta of preeamhrlan jfoaatls have been found in aua- slnce 1m7 there la alto dence that life misted in the period which luted mo00o00o0 years before i precarobrlan began thla ev- denes is available despite the act putt two great revolutions the earths crust on over the living cell can and does change is no longer in doubt the present problem of aelance is to determine when why and how mutations do occur la the genes of th cell it la very true that most mutations at either useless harmful or lethal but only those mutations which are beneficial to the organism and aaslat jt in better- adapting to its environment are likely to survive to be transmitted to future generational aaharmful or lethal mutation lead to th destruction of th mutant org anlsm the transmission of ban- ellclal characteristics which have appeered through rnutat ion la the essential actor in the changes vhlch occur in llv ing forms during the proceea bf evolution producing organ urns which are successively bet ter adapted for survival in their environment the theory of the origin of life slates that life began hot in the duet but in the chemi cally rich ooup of uweartha water that thla la possible has been shown by the experi mental production qf organic oosnpounde in the mboratory by simply eipoalng similar cheml- bdhon years ago and the e nurture to electtjeal j ostj e rajjllon v jeara csraaed a great loss of toe- rrocarnhrlarj life not only ted it included life forms i si jellyfish corals and nested worms wmch i mexlaleoee today potou tfy wdmtjjejtaj iau- die- charges from the aatsngauon of thee orgmole eompounds u- vlng forma could develop dr vine of harvard tjrjverasty hag stated thai liven the con- dltkma exiuni on this planet several billion year ago the origin of ufe u an orderly na tural event on utu planet waa notonly poaerhle iff waa almost toeylteble once life wsted auocessrvojrjutauona wouh7 ov- t winejkm pertocv o tim i eause it to ramify into a wide variety of types the evidence suptwrtlnl evolution can be found ht many of th books av aluble la our libraries tboth public and tehool and la any standard biology teat and is surely hard for any thinking person to aununarlly reject rev wood has stated that afoee erruufed th fifteen it ema of creation in the proper order an amaalng feat i would like to ask proper or der baaed en what the only poesrhl for comparison la detarmln the proper order la the evidence presented today by acleno ao i must assume that iff woods is himself us ing thla evidence t a baals of comparison for the biblical ac count thla la circuitous logic i have examined uoaea account of creation en many occasions and i agree that given the time and place of 1u origirri it is very superior explanation of the origin of this planet and the life upon it we must bow er remember when it waa written and consider that we have in our possession today a great deal of scientific knowl edge not available to moeea we surely do not reject god by modifying ancient writings to bring them into line with mod ern knowledge if god u accep- tedraa the aource of all know ledge we can only assume that nor present day knowledge co rnea from the same source as did that of moeea if we insist on the fundamental doctrine that uoeaa writing an lrref- utafciy literal and not aubject to any objective interpretation baaed upon modern finding then two things must be-reall- nedi first the entire protest ant movement which insists hat the laymen has not only th abiuty but also th right to intelligently interpret the word at god must be ecrepsed sec ondlyjfthe translated word of nropnil of threw thotuand i phenomena of th unlvers and our world then we must not presume upon the omniscient powers to lift ourselves physl cally or culturally above moses level sway with electricity central heating entlblolica booka and universities it is difficult to conceive of a universe ss vast and as com plicated as we know ours to be without accepting the idas of some master plsn some guiding hand uan is still as waa moses so msny years ago groping upward in his search for truth let ut not reject any knowledge which can help in this quail evolution may dlssgrea with the biblical ac count of creation tn details but aurely not in broad concept cannot we adapt th seven days of the bible to cover the billions of years of science and accept the two explanations as complementary rather than con iradlctoryt respectfully yours vuflma daac1e thi mail rao says church scientists head towards same goa o charles street dear sir after reading mr woods let ter in last week a herald sever al times i still do not exactly know whit ha la trying to aay la m implying that we should atop scientific research because it involves us in ultimately in soluble problem apart from di vine revelation or does he mean that th knowledge about evolution of ufe on thla earth must necessarily destroy the belief in a creator or i he out of concern for his fellow- men telling ua to keep pos sible judgement day in our minds i have the feeling that god la a much more sophisticated being than we give him credit for looking at what he has created w must admit that he likes diversity and if he creat ed u at all in his image he will want ua to like diversity too jfudgement day i am afraid wih be more like a school exa mlnatlon with god asking what did you do with your bralna that priceless gift i gave your did you use it to ask and inform yourself and to widen your horlsnn or did you ua tt to make peopl conform to your narrow dogmatical otrv lookl all th religions of tha world are weaving on th earn loom and their goal la or should be to make the crealor or the de sign of thla world vlaible to the human eytr the bible is an ad mlrahle book of course but it u art and aj auchjjt translation of human experience into a ugher pattern the church can only gain by looking at aclentlau as brothers in arms in my case anyway science made me believe in a tremendous creative intelll gene far greater and more complex than anything former tlme imagined the churches wlu not be able to aatufy a growing awareness in our edu cated messes if they are not able and willing to grow them selves they remind me a llthe of a nice old crandmother she hug you and brings you sweet and sometimes she starts thunder ing in my time people were not allowed to do this or that do you love grandmtherr sure you do but at times you ernlle at her and find her odd i do not know mr woods hut i am aura that his profession 1 ood and necessary one he seams to treat the words pro bahly likely and perhaps la a rather soornful f maybe it woulda t u a bad idea 11 he would us them himself once in a while after all not too long ago it was discovered that the esrib tu moving around the sua and not vice versa yours elneerely joha sommer ww it may have rtianasirr ua term at reference ellghtty oth erwise tt ha altered ajaneet not at all atacat man first envied eat of the os i am talking ahour th family i eeesnat eweea stale ewtee perael t by sey majh eetwel etvis thai xesau wee erfr marrsa yewh be adad ts luesw ibey eve too eee exeat nalnet ttmamt one penellat referred to the eseeay saccharine phoney vex aloe of enarrlage p on tv and movie screens she said it gave teemacare a false idea of marriage a boy promptly snor ted nobodys taken in by those we all come from home with married people id them marriage isnt uke that at all kveryoo agreed and haw right they were those mil tomfoeuue and rontrlvni families w as on the ttred ar stout u much like the real thing a a ketchlm- splattered bouywood war is like a real war with reel blood reel bodies reel terror ob i know there are broken homes and tasnage delinquents and all that jan but dont you think there were any such things la rome 1000 year aot or athena 1 000 years sgo its just that they get a utter play in tht paper theee day eam- lly life always has been and ktill u a fascinating eomslne- tlea of tun and frustration comfort and chaoa ilavyeeh tkeussnd rra this week aai sresy kilry wsntaw weewd thnueei rk tuck and bsnea s the hash el awe ek e uefc ereond went bach le the fire ktaked her ktewy ncuwbent hush end end swbled cre tat buster were teal t ua and the day before yesterday uy wife took u by th hand led he down cellar enrr burb led caw en busts wt going to clean thlsralo up th cbly difference in 88000 years waa that the first guy baerely had to carry soma honai and hide eubude i had to make eight trip toth dump and then whitewash th eav thre thousand years ego go- crates told mi wife xanthlpp that he was going to a aympoel urn you mean your tonne tat stoned with all them bums talf the only esttffl in earned apt utm the etber bight my wtfsr and where hi tava hell eke yejsj think yew getnc pray v i replied with some cfxv ty exa sxxeg it s i wel msex rer estsw f0t ill i ssnesif et the two th years ago mr caroniu chealiu a boenajs aa ator toppled into bed at urea u after writing a brilliant epso for delivery tn the eenalar oa the morrow at i ib am he waj vaulted into wakefiilnss hy se sounds hi sob psvcxtatpal on the bueinafa warhorn that- sounds like a udy moose la la bor his tbuaghter rhantlag cysr and eyeeye mal eysvee it and 11 uakeelvm and hit wife who eouldn- sleep cracking walnut on the hsed of greek slave knseunr i 00 her side of th bed thla ourning after- mrklsi i aay till three aja i waa hurled into the world at 6 15 by c ee sounds my daughter practicing on her itench horov which sound like a trench lady inooss in labour my eon chant- lag latin conjugations and ny wife who couldnt sleep txwvav log not aueklng ulesaver about three inches from my left ear doat ask me where t got th ufeeavera or macs wtxef got those walnut at that hour j georgetown herald kdjhafcaj hy heme itewepeewre uesmed geergelowa oetarl wshw c bleha publuher ewewtd meolrwey rvodurtloo superintendent uell clark beve luatugael l gllsos 3 mcdsmeota charles uluheoer terry harley alleen nradley hews atdltor abceuntant frank mullld advertising euaaewr mr william geggu clerk tynlst anna currie beportar peter jane photographer member of th canadian weekly newspapers aiit and the ontario association business directory chiropractor donald a oay dc appointment made dally caii nt yuoi m mill oser chir0praq0r oersld w cenwt dc open dtlly by speknfnvant house calls arranged iryuii ua malrt t nerrh omomltellst wmcmillirjan j5 mid st appelnhrtenu 17471 ca k wistwood onterle land urvwywre us mountalhview bd i tklenal iu1i w h carr b fwe lee tt evilm mx beveloflllmts x limitbd builder pine henvae prop walter pacholok 1 thmmmr etttlls sew barragers cleenen4hlrt leunderwr tr 7w 18 main a 1 gueiph 11 wfll xesafff jn pveltntm 1 f ji o y walkir o dole opyomiykit 1 mala sl s brsmplon illufi res lmj hours sam to 8 pra tuesday to saturday friday 0 am to 0 p in evenings by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mouaulnvlew rd s carreul bldg for appouitraentv 15 8773971 monuments kjllock 1 eammbu dks1gns on rkquest inspect our work in screeawod cemetery f phonb talmb a water street north 0 a lt p ft a n k pitch ucatnsed aucnontskj proajpt service fabmt a13 t tk 78bb1 georgetown x 3booarrown animal clinic 108 gtselph street v zevlhvdvm dr ft b tteakln clinic open 8 pjn dale bennett latimer baines srrlstenl sellehef dooolalf v latoocb txnjlncr f batnb trlaagl u u mill sl georgetown frederick a helton barrister and sellclter 118 uountalnvlew rd s carretal building georgetown tit mm me mabdersob qc barrister ervaf solicitor a1 mill st georgetown tr 72do4 t van sicltler ba barrister lejieuer netaru dr william bldgi m main 8 tr 74ssu wallacb thompson ird dtvlslen court clerk i corrutthalener tftt4t44l m 163 total of astf canadians diea of cancer fujht thla wur support appeal of thaeanadlan r- boclety r n-seefutsicas-

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