Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 main sir avoaorgrtown onurlo w c i pace 4 thutsoay may 13th 1965 editorial comment cool heads needed t rrriavfti of numbf 1 ehlldrn from cuu ill woty cvo ttprt 6hoo on moncu in jtpu with tk koel board pot gotgpkwn in ndltn4 gln ikij wk tk bctkrtl board inittturttci bikrvgu iuiei fw yr oo to toecbmmodst kd com to gkxoowi lo mk thjl hom i tkj ptnt trlkv ilommoj from tkondi that th dui b- xndd to i ndoda kindfgiiifn th pfnt hiv t point tvt tttw u vkt toofil lii tv t mr osoqi bofd on tk othjr thtind lyt mil uvvy uww thl clut room will bv rdd for tsno qfcu in sapfoft-b- nd loath to tublitit klndfohn wkicfi woo id titv to b crv tolud in sptvnbr ytv pjf enh group cuml htt ti onuio bparwnrrf of t due ton kt rc- ottwnndd iuoh kirdgsti for frruh iipd4king pupil i tk bord u4 klrvurgrln li not oompuliory uodr trw txtvaol tyttm announcemrjt4it tkj cnr kpfis will clow kir 1hi iwwtwt mlt fen rjlii tti modcrniiation hit torn bd tutur too tk ohc km bn located kr ilnca tj nilwty wi frtublihtxj now in ttratmlinlng proceti railway enprcit will hvj 6rmpton at lit central depot from wadrtf dllvirii will b mad by truck tk mov it tcwnw4iat timilar to aut- ornation of tka ull telephone euetano soma yaart back one an kvportant tourca of mploymnt for lown woman tuddenly the town had only an empty building full of automated equipment and the local hello dolliet gave way to unfamiliar city voice no one leatt of ell e buineii which vtm e telephone at much at the herald can argue that the new tyttem ii not more w u rgrettbl met tuch action kas bn taken over whet aeemi a relatively minof mne tba aapeete achool board u not danying bllinguel aducetlon and with a full tcala bilingual befool operating it woukd be raaaonebte to eiaume mat in du toue uch educetton would be of d at the kindergarten level what u of moat concern to us u me currant etaphatl on quabef natlonalum and teparetlim and the ahacf it can have on local resident in a town whkn ka pndad ittalf aa ona where people of many rcaa and varied religions heva lived in btmony it it not puetan lo ia barrier being erected which need rwt be mare our town hat ban ft hod by e tubilantial in- fluu of people from ttxiny european coun tries- it would be a parado if gaoga- lown wi not to ixtnd at warm a wal- coma to nativeborn canadians we hop tf4 dikarancaa will be tpa- dily tolved and that cool head will pre vail among both partial in the ditputi ehiciant yet there it rvostelgla for me old dayt too when the phone girl were itke rural mail couriari given to ill kinds of tarvicet that the job proper didnt call for one could always find out who won e hockey game away from home where the fire call was who had called if you didnt an war your phone before the other party hung up if fire threatened the bus iness taction everyone got an immediate call in the case of express we will doubt less get as good service the new way but something will be missing too when a stah of four is no longer located right in town an express office tike a phone office it e small industry and its removal means that many lest jobs available for local res idents judging our own products each year the canadian weekly newt- vpepers association sponsors competitions for it members choosing the best news- papers in different circulation groups t up till now we have enlered our pa- t per then cursed the anonymous judges c for dealing too harshly with our weekly pride and joy t never again t this year we were asked to act as one t of the two lodge for one class not our t own i and sunday night redeyed lumpy i nd bowed we compiled our final figures 1 end mailed them off to head office we mutt explain that this not fust e competition for what look like the best newspaper marks are assigned for from x p0 editorial page advertising excellence pictures general appearance proportion 2 of new on inside pages when we returned those 40odd newt- papers some of them were as thin as tissue and we had worn much of the ink from their pages in our countless thumb- ings we started off thinking what a fine bunch of entries countless hours later they turned into scrooges ghosts we udged paper in our sleep we revised standing we checked and re- checked forty paper spread out on the kitchen floor and the tad fact t that despite all our work the netore of a weekly paper 1 such that it i impossible to scientifically dluaot it classify it ingredient and say with any degree of certainty this 1 the winner one thing we have grd if nothing else well be much kinder on our own judges when the class 1 result for paper over 3000 circulation are announced for we now know just what a judge goes through news desk extras by tarry htrky mobllh idiat and daffodil id th uui profmlon thi mail mas wnita thla tewn can prflbab- c ly boast mora eluhi and organ t cation than uoat otter two- i tnunltlm it alw w props the addition of on mor to tha list j tba boelaty for ontotnplatlbg i hackles erratic and adola- est motorist scream it one organiud scream could perhaps ajflllata with tba audubon society abd be the tint autoboo sodety with the members spotting and catalog- lng such very percullar types at bird aa these unfortunately for pedestrians and other driv er tbey could hardly be termed rare wandering topless bubbehneckeb seen in great numbers during sirnny days and vara anrenlng drlvea coavertlble but iohu7 0ffwhera in particular bird watcher have recorded thai one wandering topleaa bobber- necker under urvelllance paa- aadow mat dow point u4tisia la h fan day-ma- tln can tfplaya enatotn radio at ftjlvoltame which usually neitjjow within three u j wrt block to look around for pa truck blackgocglfcd cyclkhi- bell sldoa travel alone normally moves in covin of two and three moat ar mem- ber of a larger group known a motorpsycho club shy away from barbershop and bath tub natural enemy of little old ladle crossing street and anuols bylaw petition- tiresqueal1ng junkpilot eeaemble goggled-black- cyclarlder but haa uothlnc again wearing coloured cl- the and can only afford candidal ior automobhe wrec king yard usually with no muf fler use apannar wreck to bold ear apart for lack of cere bellum coin out of hiding place in early evening and la easily identified for complete diarecard for drivinajlawa and public aafety slow down only when paaalng reatauranta or oppoalte gender wbft u it about the first nam day that brim out th i- cv tnar ar certain ancient and bofaorabla ritnala tai our society which help t giva oar uvea a certain eentinniry- atany of tbeea are geared to the aeaaoe asrlng cleaning atacuner yin tha borbll of tb leavea get ting atoned oat of your ekull as hew year- bve now weve got one to kerrs column mpp ftcpokys yo oiofconown mom queckis at wv dlotok keu last wnk the provtaclal at torney gteral arthur wubrt qc introduad amfivdmenui to the police act the main aucnd- bients include a rjulrment that munktpalitln having a po pulation of 15000 or wore wuit have a police com minion this ueana uiit oakvlllr and hurl- incton will now have to t up board of comeiuiiontr of pellca to govern thir rtp tiv forces such a board is made up of three people the uayor or rrevr a county court judfe or if sell trite and a third person to be appointed by the attorney general in rality the third person is recommended by th local council this move wn suggested by the ontario police commistion in 1u recent report it is sup ported by nearly all the police chiefs in the province and moat of the mayor and reeves tba reason of court i to remove any political influence on our police forces and their admin istration other main amendments to the act include the power of neighbouring municipalities to their forces to in protection and atflcieney it also provldee that munici palities having population of 1000 people or leu need not have force and such towns and villages will be policed by tba ojp whan these amendments are passed by the legislature a pol ice chlaf would be liable for ejvll damages incurred by a policeman in the performance of his duties under the master and servant concept in law and this liability would be transfer red to the municipalities towns and eitiea will of course hivt necessary liability insurance to protect them from civil actions the act goes even further by allowing councils to pay damigea awarded against tha policeman for acts commit ted outslde the scope of his em ployment the department is takin tteps to enlarge the facilities of the ontario police college so that every recruit and constable in the province will eventually have proper training tlie re ference i made to the permissive legislation for amalgamation of police farces may eventually be come mandatory unleaa certain municipalities voluntarily take steps to improve their forces by forming larger unite other provision include the extension of tha police inter communication system in ont ario which la considered the fin est and only ayslata of tu type in the world today thia system facilitates the apprahenalon of accused person and by cover- lng the province with such a system a feat accurst inter communication will help to bring the province to the high est degree of police efficiency finally an lmppartant amend ment to tha police act provide that municipal force under e hoard may form e committee from their rank with the chief as chairman to negotiate annual budget and requirements with the council if for example the council doe not accent the fee a hi r by jill sii day of ml bays one of the taoat sacred of thaae for am of us la opening tw of the trout urn efe a r tails chuckle w rihmsmig watery ap el wild eveks aklasj af free wl taj n mm est ul ash apraeaueaj r bare heme w heeasst 4 r- immwj iuw at ke e 4 b sandwich wltb het tastieiasdj a a tke hlna wkuh uukei ha sensed suenee hi kedy al its wlehr stupes t- a m ai is niu u and tbasa a lonia of tba rea sons i bsv never bilfesd the rite wbttber tbe mortgage u due or uy wir u having a baby or i have a data with so phia loreo and i bop to do so until tha day when thy have to carry an to a quiet spot on tha stream and leave me thrr la my wheelchair to watch tha black water swirl around tha while rock tha yallow tun pick up the golden gravel of tha streambot tom kerh year the ritual li the isme and each year it is differ ent there is the year when you fall off a log in the first three minutri and wulili and squelch yourself through the rest of the day a sodden mesa wet fags wet matches soaked sandwiches and there it the yesr when you hit the stream at the crack of dawn fish with all your skill tlniste of h polk force the until tunset and eorwe home day rtacbot it turned oat we bad to have aosn of the vtattiag ugstan for dinner aa my wif la away avery saterday lor loale lessons wtta the kid thla normally rd have a cbancf todiaplay say aknx in fajd i had th planawd beef atew abrmeewd tax bear followed by aeoer craaum aouffie roast ene pep i pennint ufeaavera aa deaaert then t reallaad it wa opening day rwaaaghaa ir to be a i anod hoat but dangad if i wa going to solas the rite of spring then it struck ase wby not give these city kids peupered for years od kteek tod chicken a 1 toortbeountry dinner speckled irout lovingly fried in kouarr theyd sever forget tt with a ught beert i bit for tba trout streets 6d opeaiod day everything wa perfect it wee fin day and i knew there were at least 47 big speckle in there just waiting to bit that butter see he at fjm wttb tw als4aci crb and a 144et uw weed te tba meaj wvsrke they ked eebu but eeeae ietr- ty laroe wblmli whlcb aeeee tf dunt ueb like teveebleel fruit called all wy trleeida tbey bad either keen skunked ilk me ar ueted tletty the kell wltk vau snduyf wera puttln an a speckled treut 1 dinner er theea vlsltln clantj teadln feor of beusht tw pound af iwsmbvra vou know there are times when my love for my wife i overwhelming when i arrived at the house st 530 aha grilling steak in tha oven board will then negotiate tha matter and make a final ruling at present in burlington oak- vllle ulllon and georgetown a committee of council has this responsibility news echoes from the pe of tha herald ims and ims critical of facilities beverage rooms offer on saturdays 67 sargent rd t the editor a short time ago i expressed some of uy opinion of the un favourable condition at tha beverage rooms and hotel in anavaround town bacaut of th desire for change for th better several questions come n mind of which some are are these place regularly in tpected by tba liquor control board 4 if so are these the standards for bubevra4e roorast i it true that the recent in crease in the price of beverage i t beueed for baprovenientat and last but not jeaat what ar tba opinion of tourist stopplngoffat these places there are not likely many aniwera to the last question for obvious masons albert a porter 10 ycaks aoo two georgetown high tchool graduates have graduated from ryerton institute of technology toronto at con vocation caremonies latt week julia devriei graduated from her two year courts in home economici and skip sargent tjcceiifully completed hit four ywr course in journljsn clifford hlbbert king street who it employed in tor onto with canadian national tolegraphi will be olnlng tha municipal office staff next month mr hlbbert wat hired by council monday night to replace mrt aileen bradley who it joining the herald daft an indian arrowhead or tpearhead 4 long wat ditcov- ered by a georgetown youth vklnng terra colt play ground this week don ford ton of mr and mrt c ford found th curio near the swimming area 20 yiais aoo i the housing shortage in georgetown wat a topic of discussion abrmecouncll meeting held latl thursday mayor cleave hat obtained preliminary information about a government houtlng scheme whereby a block of about fortyor fifty houtetjcould be erected t government cot with tha lown supplying the land citizen and industrialists have been urging the council to take action to relieve the shortage erid the mayor said it wat hit intention to call a public meeting in the near future- where further- details of tha scheme could be dltcutted end a government man present to xpleln weekly bible thought h a bean per wkere two er three are eetkared teethar bt my nama- tkere am i in the midst at m maukawe 1im it doesnt take a crowd to as sure tha presence of christ nor a multitude to do mighty thiags ona man plus ulra aptlls final victory over ovary- thing with two speckled trout eight inches long and there is the yesr when you go out st 730 am jutt to toss s line for old times tskr snd have caught your limit before worktime at 0 am georgetown herald fuhluked to hem nempeanrs llsslted georgetown ontario wetter c huk publisher csriuld moshvrey production superintendent and tksrel the veer when leslie clark yeur ksllcen fellt trt yeur kelt into e torrent end vou snap the tip stf your red and put a kale u yeur new waders and til keek le the ear te find a list tire and al keene te llnd yeur wife calling the police keeeute its tour hours after sundew but ibis yesr topped them til it was eomplicsted our high tchool music director with in credible isck of foresight hsd scheduled an exchange concert with a city school for that very dave hitting gllaon 3 ueclsmente charles ultcheaer terry hsrley allien bradley news editor accountant rrsnk vfulltn advertising afanager ure william ceggl clerk typist anna currla reporter t peter jonas ritolgrspber alamher of tha csnsdlsn weekly newspaper i association and tba ontarl assoelatlcei business directory chiropractor etonald a oay bc appointments msda dally call tat rmol m mill it eeernetewn chiropraqor earald w carbeh tc open dally by alhseenttnent house calls arranged 177ttjl ha main it hortb ocyometrist wmcmilligano 35 mill st appalntmantt 17371 cami wmtwood ontario land surveyors lid albuntalnview rd s tttlanajle hill w h carr b wetwood tn rsjob kea tu ilm dax develoments limitid builders ef floe homos prop walter pscholcjr 774411 or i77p415 jarf barrager c laundarer tr 7xr ib maid a ids guelph all weird dene a t walkilt ko doe prtomtitut 13 liain et s brampton nlm7 rat 313u uourt 0 am to pm tuesday to saturday tmday 0 am to 0 pm evenings by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 uounulnvlaw rd s carretal bldg for appointment on 8773971 monuments pollock a camrbull dtsldns on request inspect our work in creanwood cemetery phoniuljao u water street north oalt hank r i tc h licensed aucttonkeb prompt service po box s tr tlooi georgetown oeorqitowm animal clinic 108 oaelph-streeb- dale bennett latimer bainei irrbtere a letlekwe douclas v latdaxb tkrkncr ba1nm trlsnglt 7uj1 m mill sl ceorgetowe frederick a helson barrister snd tellelter 11r uounulnvlaw rd s ctrretal building caorgetown th ytto h e mautderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tl 72464 tvan sickler ba barrister tollelrar neter tor wuuanui bldgo m uald a tr 7lhj dr r- b oaakln v lavltr dvm olnlo open 8 8- pm monl wbcfw l- saturday t 11 ajn wallaci thompson srd division court clerk ft commissioner tv73j apridceton university searcher aay it ll possible t send message huv a peraoii skin even those with tab

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