Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1965, p. 14

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mombtowm hrrald tsssartatev may vtk 145 pagb 1 coming events beauty salon t albert j bentoo farm 4u line kaq nim styu far appointment call 8773001 mil bsnto preruw port elgin safe beach beckoa all tell ityae for avec age varied datioo writg hox 404 disc jockeys available lmn1 warding recuni ottka rartlee 0 c hiuak to euat ah bceaalon tim wat in auaaonatle rale ynt ucmnatlori contact tulaao mooocttiowj till wrlam 4sttm earls fish chips and bake shop 45 malrt si n t773sj store hours i far summer months for lmutltartcoltl is mill ihw m6n0av ii widay s am to 6 pm saturday- sam lo 1 pro k i h e o run bus t it mar church rufce brafta4et awxt mandey leave arcklea glrirdi 7j0 bm by main water and guelph fits norval presbyterian church public worship 10 a m church school 11 im minister rev r d duiuansen tvttenltt richard r htmla coming events bake sale at united ou of on friday may 18th 10 ejn afoneored by stmiohalaa guild j first ball cam of tha ache- dula to ba placed in tha glea rriday nlghl may 28th lam bean cancelled gaoraetowa women insl- iiuia meeting june 2nd 8 pan knox chorea halt speaker kuaa lola rjlvao iaacher oat school for the deaf sale in delrax drug store saturday may 31 10 lea bponsored by fee ladle auxiliary of 4jh georgetown cuba end scouts globe production iovllea all who art inlereated ia he production ol another baoto- oiun to a general sdeeting la the koae roooi ylleaday june lit at 8 pm men may horsrthocj in the georgetown 1ek every wedneaday night- georgetown lloraeehoe club mrnlbarahlp z for mora tnlonnauoa jttn andrew 4tvi319 c cop land bt7iw2 w collier 6t7som 4s7 blood bowoat clinic i h 1 4s0 a i 41 pal at kiu ckortil hall mew benefe med- j ae ui yratlh rehtalrtlna eveluku fr jiirt if reeoled otmmx mr births ajicmeb ron and maria are happy to announce- tha birth of a daughter brenda le on may 20th ises a dear baby alater for david and bnad special thanka to dr c a tbomoaoa hmfnl mr and mra cordon ttoltfc ne gail thompeoo 101 court street milton ontario are pleaaed to announce the birth of their uucnlcr julia gu weijbl t u 1 ou at milieu dis trict tloeplui may slat 1683 a auter for ronnie sunmikso u- and mrs wllliexl bunboctc are the proud parent fv en ft uj behy daughter deborah del mi born auy 12th 10o in oeometown aivd diatrtcl manorial llokplul a alater lor bill j keeruae k7ul7 43 engagements ui itvd urt cordon aiuler tan of vlrtttrli vuh to in nounre the en44ment of thir tuuhr stiun uiry to mr rjtrfrt italic grtbby wn of ur tiul uri vut crsby nor vil ontirlo the nuirui to liake pjr on june 3dlli at 4j5 in tb fcftfrnoon in trinity anlkan church cijujxu a croai onurlo ur and un raymond dutch burn 70 dlri blvd georse town wish to announce tht enj2tipnt of their daughter dune uillf to ur robert ed win salter ion of ur and ura rinuey c salter m mpl av enue wt gvorijetown tfce nurrtaa will lake place on saturday june 2fith at 3 00 oclock in the afternoon at st georgei anggliran church georgetown mr and mr andrew culav re pleaaed to announce the en saghnent o their eldest daugh lm- jane uarle to mr krank oavid ctfenfcer son of ur and urs joifh omerkbeher of aktoa ohio tha wddirvj will tkke plat in st joseph l church acon onuno o june lmh 1000 at 11 o clock in tha moraine acornon twudcx mr and mrm j tknick 30 normandy blvtl anmr um adoption o tlielr oephaw edward dennis wttha who shall now be known aa edward dennis tknledt biayki uk1jxhi1ui tron i oilll at oaville traisljar ueinor uj lloktillil on wdndjy usy 10th 1005 caron 111 leghwti ut of iiis cnlre rod s cookville inloved bunband of kathleen u daw son dear ather of trtnly and ariel deit brother of john sunjey utnber oi un fcluaiwa xodie no s24 af it ajj and ort credu chap ter kau vuneral service wsi ronduc twl at the sklnnrr uiddle brook kuneral liobl 128 lake- ihore koad kait port credit on saturday t 130 interment vaa in st john s aiueltcan lm hery dule aisilol pearl w at her residence r2 main st south georgetown ontario on iy 20th wda heloved wife ol dr k c bishop mother of joan mrs donild greiory nd of audrey ur w a coataln of toronto ineral service will be hrld rom the harold c mcclure fcuneral ifome 34 with street georgetown interment in green wood cfflietery 63hhaid richard mcintosh on sundjy may 23rd 1065 at the georgetown lt dutnct memoriat hokltal richird mcintosh suald of 10 bur low crescent georgetown hustund of the late janet show and dear father of enid mrs j cutbbert and crandfather of jack cuthbrrt luated at the harold c mc clur inerai home w edith street geonkfetown where fu neral service was held tueadiy afternoon at two o clock with cremation followlnx mkjaomaam eomuands in proud and loving memory of owvon corporal bonald bon l tldreundi who wu killd ia keren on my 30th 1b6l o4den chain peats trie to break but u in vein to have to loe and then to part u the greatest kmto of ones keert the ertf may wipe out tnany thlot but tius mr wipe out bever thf kbxnory of tboee baapy darya when we were all loetber m tt lovvd vui adly tauvaed by dad wotb and alaiurs graxs2 in imni dmniory bf a dear wi and hiolhcr nora dorii grc who paa d wy uey 2mci 106 jut whu your uf ws brwhtekt jutkt wbcti your years were lot you wrre railed from thlj world tj sorrow to a boiiw o eternaj ret liwinxl rvnlteuabetrd by husband and fiumlly rcartaca- 1h lovitiaj rttnory of i dar dausfbtchr and vu- ter mjra gree w4io paaacd bwiy uw 2dth 1064 cod kiww that she wae buffer intf ttial tlie hilia wer hard to climb so lie clotved rtr weary tyelidt and whlkpred i be thine awy in the beauuful bivu of god liy the vallry of ra so fair bume dfcy we know not when we will weft our loved one t lie re lovingly reraemlered by her mother cm t rartletl sialers edna eule and pearl and brother tom motop in loving mnnory of a dear huubjnd and fsth er james daniel who paued ewsy hay 23rd 1063 a beautiful memory of onr so dear we cherish still with love sincere a day thst comes with sad regret to one who will nver forget kidly miued by wife ena nd amtnly jacks driving school 8774450 ttt tale way to uam 429 cards of thanks thank you gray i wlih to thank all those who acnt so many be aullful flower and cards and visited m while in hospital also thanks to the nurses and hospital staff for the kindness shown me during my months stay there it was very deeply appreciated mrs walter cray harding i sincerely thank my relatives friends and ami nruaibouri lor their tnany acts of kindness ma ease of sympathy and beau tiful floral olferiny durliw the recent loss of my faiwhand i especially thank the itev kelvin johnston for hi many kindnesses hunk you all so bhich ina hardin weavhh my sincere thinks for the msny nice cards and gifts received while i was patient in the general llos- rjlut guelph also to the people vfoo offered transpor tation to my slaters so they could visit me fred weaver wiggins i would like to junk those who visited me and tent cinls flowers and fruit especially the canadian legion and the odd follows roy wiggins st hqtumy m1moriams laws in loving memory of our dear sister evelyn laws who died on msy 31st ims in our hesrts you will always stay loved and remembered every day ever remembered by sisters annie and clsrs cards of thanks ucalustfai 1 am most grstoful for the honour given roe on may 16th snd extend tny sincere thinks to the rev ian fleming friend palienlj and doctor in georgetown dr arthur mcallister jjann i would like to tharuc all my friends snd relative from georgetown and toronto who were o wonderful to me wjiile i was a patient in the private pal- lent pavilion toronto gen ersl hospital a very special thsnk you to dr f mslle mrs helen msnn i would like to everyone for their swann thsnk kindness to ma while i was a patient in georgetown and district memorial hospital special thanks to the staff and nurses also dr bebenek mrs elsie swsnn dance club ag0g0 presents the georgian iv featuring canadaa neyv sound sensation the georgian sound s at u r d a y maw iffih junior raauwrs rlausvampton jatodms 13 run- boor priws spot dane r available name five man board to run pool appotnltd to tha communl ty centra board by council monday nltht were l mc lajeri wn garbultgu fan- tui s g walsh and r cock court d power felt that the swimming pool now administer ed by tha community centres board should come under tha uxna board since tha same employees are used in both he contented that tha com muntty centra board ahould administer cedarvala school if and when approval la received dfa reply coun g hewson explained that to qualify for grants it ww necessary to aet up a community centre boari fortthe swtoraung pool only everyone wins by following the bargains in the heralds know your merchant contest see page 5- ihu every week tvri lucky petto n will win special 1000 pru world tour pictures shown jr farmers the hay mating of the norval jjinlor fmrmeri wms held t the bom of ruth and wu- ma uaaon on may u at i30 pid the bmetinjf opened with the junior farmer eonjjt the jeninutee of the ust tneetinjj were read end adopted there were aujuexxiona to what county the haltoo junior would chance with the boys ere to be reeponsibu tor havinf the dlapiay board cut down hod the letterint repainted on the kueet speitker for the evenlnjj wu axii karen walker sb showed picture which ahe took on a tour around the world and gave e vnry de- avfripttve talk on vu4ouj pl tn which wj vry lourutiii to fell ojl bebali of that roup keith lliwawd ekpreaecd ku thank to karen th junior ltutltute prepared and aarrved delicious lunch jrw nune thanked the uauotu for ope nlng tblr koie to th kroup the norval junior karniert held their annual presentation euchre and dne on k riday tilght may mlh at thb ste warttowit hall with good crowd attending card were enjoyed for the first part of the evening with the pruj gantf to the following winner mrs j carney uri n snyder urs lngha and ur c wtuon ttte latter two ladles played aa men lunch wis krved and keith dawson thanked every one for coding ruth mason and keith dawson presented mr and urs paul may and mr snd mrs john wilson with card tables these two couples were married within the year paul and john ex presaed their thanks to the junior kamieri dancing was enjoyed to the music of joyce s orchestra with cliff may cal ling out for the square dances the norval junior tanners rowling ranquet was held on monday night may 17lh at the milton inn with an excellent attendance paul may welco med everyone to the banquet and john wilson led the singing of the grace after enjoying delicious meal of southern fried chicken paul may thank ed those from tke onurlo school for the deaf who had bowled with the junior far mer this year and rxpressed vote of thanks to ruth ma son for looking after the acor ing for the year a vote showed that a good majority were in terested in having a bowling league again next year joe love president or the halton junior farmari and ruth mason presented the trophies a very enjoyable evening came tn close with the sing ing of the junior farmer song the annual niossom tea of relhel united chuch waa held wed afternoon may 10 at 2 p m with a good crowd attending mr len lister welcomed the ladlet to the tea and opened with a hymn fol lowed by prayer the guest soloist was mrs garnet laid law who wai aiilited by her twin sister un jack fries at the piano the guest spea ker mm joy cole was intro duced by mrs wilbert ford mra cole gave a very inter estlng talk on her work as a policewoman a reading waa given hy mri john hamilton thoae taking part in the pro- cram were thanked by mre v unstead end the clnalntf hymn wai sung a delicious may a month of moneysavers at ilvers oht of ontarxtt hmsht famrt oothino stork ladies spring coats oigtrteu vrt to now 1 qm ladirs swim suits suet up lo 38 oolnally to 119 95 tint group on ta u t00 leal ladies- stretch slims black and pastels values up lo u 98 special ladies chino slims black and pastels ladlei bras and girdles 398 298 clearance of famous brevvdi from 59 spring millinery now oh sau at half price and uss ladies shift dresses 3- mins sport sox famous brand cushion tolei 3 pair for 200 otrlv shorts at hell pk rsoctwn pel short 1 lo 6x r0 il 98 8 lo u beg 12 4v al at w 99c 125 girls slims by teaclier t pat 2 o 6n reg 12 98 l 7 lo 14 beg t4 98 at hall pirn ula s149 s249 soys swim sua 4 lo orru swim 2 to 6 7 to 14 suits 98 suits si89 198 miens sport shirts halfprice sale reg 12 98 lo 14 98 now 149 to 349 mums ties marts slims terylene and cotton 698 r io is 3 for 100 mews swim suits lunch was served in the base ment and a sale of home bak ing waa held which wu a real success sincere sympathy is mended to the family ol the lata wu bert ford who died suddenly thursday uay m al the oakvllle tralalgar hospital lett to mourn his lots are hit beloved wife agnet ruddell ford var garate lira james kccles ol norvsl and robert of r r 4 milton get well wishes are extended to mrs frank chlsholm who is a patient in the milton dis trict hospital recovering from surgery congratulations to mr and mri ronald archer nea us rlna hall on the birth of their daughter on thurt may so congratulations to the proud grandparenla on their first granddaughter mr and mra victor hall and mr and mrs bert archer everything cvary man carries with um tha world in which ha mutt llva v hotice to property owners destroy weeds notice it hereby given to all persons in possession ol land in accordance with tha ontario weed control act i960 sac 3 13 and 19 that unlets noxlout weeds growing on their landi within tha municipality of georgetown are destroyed by data of june 15th 1945 nd throughout tha taaton the municipality may anter upon tald lands and have the weeds destroyed charg ing the costs against tha land in taxes at tal out in the act i poison ivy irnaclt many children and ragweed it large- ly responsible for widespread hayfever tottering in tha interests of public health owners are requested lo famlllarlre themolorwlrh thai plnirandto des troy tham wherever found please note that dandelion and golden rod ere not considered to be noxious weeds under the terms of the weed act anyonymoui complaints regarding waedt cannot w cceplad paulaanperson 1 weed inspector a7745u municipality of otorqitown a we carry a lartya selection of famous maytime box hants flower vtoetanu t orass sheds top quality geraniums shi annua kinette kruise to outer space at the riviera nerval may ih dentine 9 la t reg ryalls orchestra tubal 5 par cple available at door or rhone 8774794 1 uuaa north of junction hlghwtgra 401 and 10 at yrllow rriak t avium m steelesl ave west i smowimo yhuttsv fri say- all color show deborah kerr hayley mills john mills th chalk oardrff plus laughs galore wath tlmsicw mjlvkr gardens begonlss fushclaa taeytne alse raaii all spanish onions cauliflower cabbages head lettuce nd a variety of tomato mants if not yaa lata for landscaping mil range of jurupera and flowering shrubs in poti wynfield nursery and garden centre tht last of yhr vikihcs wild guitar arch hall jr maple avenue prtoni 7ts1 mile watt al 7th line ori check line mom wt in color stanley kaker lullf plus claa ford nioht train to okhrdrrown oou s country club kusiness merk luncheon daily special luncheon tervod from 12 noon lo 2 pm aaonday through friday lurwh4n iiuilmui soup or juice dally sfcll da u art tea coffee or milk georgetown golf country club r fc v oaarwowri it4011 bingo this monday 00 tm at trk wviera in norval full iackp0t 1000 minimum jackpot r 5 numbara 41 m37muzis free bus this monday prtoni tnaasl u sk i js v

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