Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1965, p. 5

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critical of police newspapers ycotters in sixpoint letter bind any further decision the oacbool uojud waa gulfl io ahftke id tb toatler txiiio kiot rvtiapo 6 tbe im petition has ben ciwo that th school board avurrtinderwj to the threat and a georiowb holy crou pa who ortaniied tba which broducad the that a evcnioaily by the bstaxd tjiiihm to the kchocil boycott i letter to lb herald tvndiy containing 0 point hkh be said a to be hritvd to ihe general public llwi actio of this minority motfdlatt he airi cro4ip phillip carny in hu thrcv 1 id nility the board tttxfeed fef statotaent w m sth propoeul wbicb camfruttj eod io rd in your lat vek the floor it the abw trotio- r a factual repoh about thejbrj mrtinj and la tt ititrrt fawuiw fln at holy j of lb wbool i whole fend vm school rtrljllly idnr lf all rhjldtrtf triwrmrd d oy inaccurate autrioents elded that ihey wrfaj wllllus towj fillabcully muftd slid ft mfev bevq made in other bw- admit lh krvtvch rhlldrcn tnto waivibw for all couki wll ytpcr tircyiated lit thu arrfa taiclasi kiiwlrrfcartrn tai jwijltns to rech it fur ikinif it one hllihjjual ktndv ront only and not i 1 kiio that many ppl in rr romumty have brei f jlif jsjbtrbin the uolrtmoa cod kilt j not know exactly what lap- jjiovv pprove h wu put before the committee representing the striking parents bot aa a propo sal but a the board a decision tf we want to know whether the board w buy e point out that the boycott started because tb hommlttr tvquntrd krettch klndencart en aod the use of tbe empty room until the rod of the term both gujemls were rtuu u ihi coouuutre srithrf ne of tboe request have borfl ful idled tb hoard rea hutijf that the owiuai which lhy did make th ceoncrrowm mmald thursday may z7ttv hi page 5 dren of un frad wuuaauoa bernice wilson spent aa tv joyahl afteraooo at the home of aiiu jean bird rcuqlaclnf co0ratulatiooj to ur and urt clayton wiuoa who cele brated their 40th weddin aboiveraary on may 20th tbeir daucbter uernlce and her hlla- baad fred wililatiuod and their children of santa babara ca- ufurnla were hrr to help tbem telebrit silvck wooo silrerwood wi to hold meeting at pioneer village bl auctioneer and the plants were aoon purchaaed aod dj- toice aum added to our treasury mrs moore read a apiebdid patper on teachlnc children by example rather than by crki dam judjita o tea blacuiu and half aproba wa if part of thu knectiot aiio alxa- atckennl cam up from woo4brdge and judcad both bekintf aod aw lag urt d uodaay ut for um uacviu urt c burt 2nd for tea bltcuiu ura h scott lat aprons uri mkhn and btri burt tied for tecoftd ur w kurt wal the iv runt of any ould a uiiiuitly gr illrfcal up action ad whal thr allow nte to fit a lion ikiri luur ttie- liune vhu h1 wlluul tb srhoot lkxard waa ap- d by th rririfh can aaaoctation brfore the int of ihe trhool ysr auut pretwh kindrntarten not a ttual klmlrrjiftrlcn ai uion th new addition o the hoo would t7 romplrtrd f the trhoql bosrd alter ilu all tirfumttaiun reached concliiaion tliat thli would tnpouiblt for ihe time g the main rrasnns being the one empty room wlikh be available after the tion would b needed thii at svptemuer for one of grades not leaving room fcceond klnderfiarten it d be economically unuund build one room juit for thli ashgrove w j meeting at mrs john ruddells home iheutd the hilverwood w itburdy averting for wonthly inbtlnr aittt the us ual oiieniti roll call wt an itvwerrd by the ra- ttow da i tach tiiy fifhjtly to be ti dy some ood rwnsrki were well worth remwuberlhj urt hurt president wu n ihr chair urt k uuffield jour nw tacreiary treasurer i was tirktii notra and minutnl tb june ueetibfl wi arfati xed to be held at hooter vii 11 e at 12 faciodf jujie ltb utia wr made to atwiul lxalton annual at liiotbeuvill and the oiijsy uf blork priu 1dk to he shown the botrj wrved cup hglet4i csioklfm ilr anil a uwru th8 mail 1ag on hour wai apent their urt ceor hurt hie horticultural w i birr i u tvcr uur who hti a jirdrn i je wi hrld at thr home ofjat hi door urt thai auitln urt john hud dell on tueulty read a poem ob dtrdrni un evemnj may tfilh with the j u v iqjt wt on a prk once a ynr the ut have i i plant iale to lwot the fundi ami urt i camnchael nude aa and mrs w norton uf sjlver woo1 w i attended the tu dinner and the meeutme tt oikvilte uy ut truck held up ambulance says letter writer mr editor oa saturday may 22 w wit beaaed an incident the result of which could heve beea wry acrioua w were pruceedibt alon goelpb st benotf maple ave wbed an ambulance with al ten wallinii xauocd on us w pullvd over to aljow it to pasi aod it w iitt fouowlns a bakery luck al the oncoming ixmitxe was heavy the amuiiaace could bot pa an4 ww obliged to folio at lhf truck a rate of apred foe aoni dmabcv th7 truck dflvrr bladei bo fort to allow th auihulauce pajtafe aj it was unable to mak haite to its destination until the retarding truck alowly turned into its nest atop at the jeorfevifw plan as lata would hava it the tim was already beyood help in abothcr eitojnatac to few minute daiay could ham coutv ted lb the aavioj of a life allowtfl aa amhtilanew os a fire truck to pasa jj not only courtesy and conaiderauoa but also the law it ii uniortunale that it takes a trafedy to ma ke aome of us realize thia we hop by reading t letter it will help save even osm ufa your truly mr j e colter m mclntyve cnsac tau tim to tbnk h u the source o power v ttir ainluilance was thrn able to apard oil lo 111 dcklilalud klnr uiwifcbers of silver hel which wt uie scene of tra le llomanaklng cluh with thnr it awidenl involving a child uidert eijjuynl a day on the uruce trail on saturday ulyui the watfr wat to warm thr 1th startlryf on thr 7th uue rwt quickly jiuirped in and and walking arroas to he bth tpent half an hour they en the river ii he challenge and joy rd lunch and then trekked tbe tours were ilifj and 4 home ajlrr an aflrfnoon in the fciflt rndid up in thr river indlofwn s trtf ah canadfan i ac okoup of comraklics ti looftino kmt young men to train foe a rewording career in business age 31 to 35 9 junior msfculst on m n mim pfvio4j expr not foqu fed fet cqrnpsliant v and conl nu rvg tra nirvg il provided uury tnd vmpuy benafltl are fciiaiuni if vw kaj aplltude fr rapid himmni u adiltretut lit ar teu apaly u writing fdy hkexta m inlevlw industrial acceptance corporation ltd 9 man si n gwyeton 77 ac3o new preldrnt uri jainet car nry preuding and opening willi the ode ami mary stewart to itvrt minute of last meetin were read alto the corretpond rnce all agreed to give thr a uf aeedt and mrs hector lurd on serd tuouiht follow mi by a ill end id pper un r low er arranging which had lyrn prturrd by uri uilbert cleave and givrn by urt r red cwnetery committee 130 00 io nurw u told where to tlart purcdiaie trra to plant in thr fall to replace a couple o dead one alio all were in favour of helping to make picnic far llitlra plena ntrr at krlu hwtaal aetlm s tbe ryench canadian atso or th committee of it was voted not to have a short courtelhii time un c 11 dick fportcd on thr bplrndid evening thr and un gordon uinicfield had at the ttl bamjuet in oakville in uty urt james carney told tome very interesting highlight from i the conference the hid attend nu of ryeneh speaking lt l yt tnrfne w claimed to he acting no one u usfrsi all parents of ryench i id log children this wat not i in that they dldn i contact vhe tiwrhrd on omr thoucht- th prnt of french apeak f rom addresiet by iv uarjrar children they demanded urrdv mrs uonard tr krench apeaking kinder i th l ur stewart ui nutrr of agriculture and ui helen mckerchrr in flower arraiiling how in make flowers tail longer and the three thing helpful in ar ranging ththii oam ilro roam and wire urs percy 1eslie cave nir rent events after wtnch urt hob cunningham tpoke on the splendid two years work mr john lurd had accomplished a pretident and presented her with a cup and saucer uith the lnttitute rrett on it or which urt liinl etprcurd hrr think a plant and lailti ilr i ihitheld and the mrelinj clnvrd hv i unin the qurrn a wwrul hour followed and the ute of the empty right away and were un t to accept any othrr o- tlod whenlhe school hoard not tee any reason to their dcition arrived at er this committee tbrea to use boycott in order fore the board to bi 1 y did carry out thia threat withdrawing the ttudrnti in bilingual clatsei and taking or the parking lot the old church and the arch iuclf tins withdra waa clearly an illegal i for which the hoard id have proafeuted them ri law cthe parents of 32 the french speaking child did not withdraw their reti from the bilingual sec of the achool me pllca prl tlart after week they hecltlrd interfere with the teachers holy cross school t- neaping help of a group of unlver ty students marched to the i and started a ait in kst in the lobby of the cl and gradually moving to the corridor mocking ent to different classrooms nling the teachers and enu the normal use of the the local police were ed to wmove these peopple nt the premikea so was the ri office and the crown ttorricy ahhouch the chief police did tell the demon tors in the school that they committing an illegal act action waa ever taken in words no police protection requested was given those who had invaded the 1 were there all dav mon all through the night snd day tuesday forcing the to eloae the achool on ay in order to protect the children and pprevent r irrebuurltiei al beards ttaquett 1 in vour last week a luue writs that this demonatrav waa called off on tuesday oori at 5 oclock and that hours after it had ended the 1 board requested the r- of the i itdown atrikera the fact li that thli nstrauon did not end at oclock but after the board netted lt ai condition for alon with the com ttea late in the wenlng the lutlon banded to the preas protest of complete lack polic action that had been cateuly requested over the oua 48 hour by the school u regret that you ddlnt i the fact that the 280 present at the open n on monday evenlfsg ejmjnjly endorsed the tjuid dedalona- of th i board and expressed 1 that they would be- be- 1 mr and mr maurice dnon of kapuakating wrre vititing her mother mrs it j drahjm lat week mr i ion flrw to u iruniin on a mailer of buiinc at the conclunon ihe thank ed the member lor tending her to hit enoyabjt gathering of in l hr coinlolile lovely workers jrisht noa were to gltd at f last that winter it psit spring the roll call wa a hornemide r with aumhinr aid conage to he judked and tome re sly lovely ones had brrn brought after much thought and commentary mrs john iurd declared mrs percy cos at the winner for hrr yellow and white cor ace with green fern urt ralph cunningham waa in charge of the program and the railed on mrs hrucr mcclure for the motto none cheer the birds are mftins eheenl at they hop on m u icm trer we hanj out the wih and putlrr atuut it t to nice jutt lo he out oh spring were o glad ou did arrivr and r jt to very glad lo i r alive on may 24lh about turlvr former friendt and their ohil ask us about the master plan of feeding to produce more grade a hogs whl lo how lo lod when o ilert vhyltwo master hog feeds maalar feedi hava a hay fd far yeur every need mailer pig mllkade pelutt mailer pla perbtene pelleli mailer pie warmer pellet mailer pla starter math sr pelleli mailer pla crewer meih er pelleli mailer dry sew ralien mailer saw nurilng ration mailer 3s saw cenaenlrale mailer io hag cancentrele matter hag mineral matter hog feeds are rnada from the highest quality ingredients and ara farm tested and proven at the master feeds farm atthornhill there are many master- fed litters of hogs going to merket today that are grad ing well over 80 grade a on records like these it does not take very long to figure out that it pays to feed master enojulhi about a mailer hog faad conlracl today we sell mdmommendmi master feeds master feeds stfwakttown dlaw733j oaorgetown know s merchant georgetown cycle sports 2 water si geofqeto 877 3630 ont n rvcler sjlrs l seric sport i kquipmcnt and trophies uib discounts avaiublt don jarvie prop we featuri red t uue brand beef 100 saf itaci o 1 guaranteed blue valley meat maikkt 148 guclph si georgetown 774331 for fresh dairy produce call 7734 j 1 stehns dairy 10 water slraet refrigerated fur storage barrrjgers cleaners j dyers main st and guelph si have your diamond remounted in e modern setting nly 27 50 mcnamara jewellers 33 main n 877 2481 summer white and straw purses 19t to ihi 5hoprite sc fa 1 oo store main street n mens sue be look casual shoes sizes to 1 1 jacksqns bargain centre 28 main street n contest kach week for is weebi the herald will puhliui a know vour uhr4iant vtuture a brief description of two of uie advertuert will appear in thia apace each week t ontritanu will be atked to identity the advertiser from thr dcwnption and enter the name in the coupon below i- irtt correct jueta drawn identifying fcittw or both firms described wint the pnie prize 1000 each week if entrv accunpanied hy talea iltp fnnn one w 00 if no talei slip encloinl of the advert ten in this feature contest rules feature salea tlipi to he ehgitilr mutt be and must bv thr ojiml virmt detcrihed are advertitert in ikti from one of the linna parllcipating all entriet mutt be brought or mailrd to tli herald entry coupon which appears below employ eea of the herald ar not eligible ijitrlm for each week s contem mu be in the herald office by 5 p ra on the following monday they will be placd in the contest bo when receive tbe fint correct answer drawn from the contest box will be judged the winner and will he announced in space indicated below the decision of the judges will tie final in all atpecu of the contett if there la no winnrr one week th woo prize will be added to the following weeks contest who am i you name it wa hv it it the tlogan at thu ttore located on the mam st for over 10 yean the buiineti hat grown itead ly and a complete new lad es wear department wat added a year ago need a sleep ng bag any one or a new urhmer hat we have ti who am i rnd the located on ma n st n the north thu ttore only one of its k nd in ne ghbourhood ha been in but ness over 10 yean ownersh p wai recently i red by a huiband and w fe team lit known for qua ty food product at money lav ng price coupon oun if addrkss tllr anvrtltismls dtsciuflkd ark winner for week of may 17th mrs e corbett 50 byron st american dress i furs ltd 23 mam st n georgetown 1774463 fur storage 3 of yeur fair valuation includes insurance repairs remodelling r 60uge0n household furnishing 14 main st s operating the colonial furniture shoppe at 28 mill street phon i771s33 out of office supplied youll find all your needs at georgetown stationery and office supplies 23 main street s 773451 hymouth chrysler valiant fargo trucks sales service maveal motors 40 main st nertfl 877361 1 the s bakery home made fresh daily bread cakes pastry 6 mill st 87734b1 urge selection pierced earrings from 3 00 up b0ught0n jeweller s main n 8774313 our beef is always top quality red brand superior food market main street north v portable ideal for summer take it anywhere v 13995 wigo lappllanci main street north the evelyn shoppe 7 main n 8774831 home of the mst bathing suits e tanlten cole ot california caulltii graduation dresses junior misses petite s es from 7 up delrex fashions deipex centbe 077 9441 for freshest produce finest meats always special singer vacuum cleaner 49 95 singer towne sewing centre ma n st n 877 4331 nylon hose seamleti nylana good ihihal all sum valuri 50e to 1 is 39 garners alrt st gaarttatawvt commits 1 expert repair service radio tv hifi gs tv delrex centre georgetown wilkes lucky dollar foodmarket formerly artlilea 117 main s n special thli waak swlffi all surnr margarimel lie lb the perfect graduation olft sheaffer s0o set carlrldga pan and matching ballpoint au 595 barbers jiweuery oifts i a

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