Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 27, 1965, p. 6

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good lead to follow rl lr jonri photo bos family makes blood giving family affair tlka and ikftfltt k4 63 mounlj nview uoid n hava the r blood typ claitif ed by red oct blood dorvor clinic techn cian 4 th lait gorqlown cl rue the r parenit mr and mra g boi arvj their brother harry alio gave blood at the cl nic the geor gelown branch ol bed croi society hope mora local famil e will follow the bo i tlyi ld erd attnd lha opcom ng btood cl ntc aaorvday jun 7th at a qroup t chinned kbolcs george kerr mpp levels blast at sitin demonstrators here georgetown gardener liven up that bunk wall with window box smith by qaitm ltody nolwnj wffi brithun blank wall of add mar euty ta a hotim front vcraiulaii sauo at shaded oror tiua ft window boi pot of tub filled with bright flower tb fcr very infeuiv tort trdnui vitii ikiw oiljid a lot of moori cxfcld therefore th boll muat b flo hod very rub aod tber will imv td d tlsaiufe in tbv form of ctr travel ot broken twttery id lh boltoai bi fcadb box of bijiiitf fxt alio wtall rkpord to 1b ki on all aid 4by win u wa lrrw fcluuut dl thrf box usually filled twjy witb quick and 4udy oowvrlng thin kuch u pn fcwi pttunlu uklurtluu fniuuii ubltsi felywurti aj ratuhl fttllafc tlnti and fur tituhy fcbadtj wvl tlona fubrrviii rwtd bonlai him9 ofth flori ihould 1 of a arm i trailing typ 10 that they wtll overflow and hang down hi loin facially made of wood mint b itrongly bulll with th corwri iwrfer ably reinforced and well nip ported a they will b lnaw vben filled with moiit toll in th fall wlin the first frokta threaten thr amalur tuba ami boiri ran 1 tnovrd onto a covered verandah or porch wher they will continue to bloom until late fall car dm dwy m a admple record of plutioc date time of if of ma turity will yrwv valuable and iobsrcstinjc next year of later nothing euborau u need some people alnrply lot oo the lnalda of tb mft wall tbe daja tbey wrr ut aide to dig cacb od tbo add wbed tbcy lb tint flowers plan tad or ibe tixat veublca just aocae thing hk a rcord of wbeat lb birds appear and uv ejurb yea other kept fcocn thing tnor pennamcot ukc jr dixry u which they tool briafly mil cjurdrtf developcncnti thru ar abto to tak a com prittd from ca to year thy tny alad 4lat wbrri particular buaf o dbrfii avpard fcl u to be rdy blt umr tir they jot down th ritabi of th flower or vegeuu they tiay have an in a nrlghbour garden aitd which lbry wht to ha aure and onfr for thtmlvea the next yw a garden record like ihli will not only help plan and create a better garden in fu ture yert it will mui a lot of argumenli one ran rfr to tt then beak with authority on the nwne of any particular plant or ihrub and give th aact year when a certain tre waa planted know the tim of the firbt or lat frotu thera fore when it la ufe to put out i thr ivmdlni planta or when it la wise to bring in thr flo- wering tuba and u on th ocoftorrown hiald twcmiay may 27t 145 page e cody kipling circus nets lions 140 tmeaae vera kaar and we netted about tu40 lion john zorgv ehajnaan of 9m fynmfr ta in charge of arrangement with the gene cody and kip ling brother clrrua which played here tueaday told the herald thhi th eircuai dxv cloe to a thouaand people to perfurcaatn ce lit the aizrroood and cwtn- tug tfa ciku cocapany eacne into lowd tued taurnitig and had the ug top wot and aide vhvw lent tap id fhye bour- aflea the final pewortnenee the tenia were down and the ttwnpaoy vii enrvute to their jmx atop yrrf m two add half hours bedding plants pans1es petunias snapdragons etc price 3 boxes 100 is bom tnd ovf wkeluu pc also weil rotted fertilizer george r brandford halton cooperqtive medical care plan rockwood international send britain 15 canadian holsteins a croup of 15 richly lrfj canadian holitrin hulit wrrr ahtppfd by hockwood intrr national of ccorctown to drrat britain thli month the itilpmrnt left montrral may 18 thry vrrr riurchaird by thr milk marketing hoard and will be uaed at arloua arti flcal iniemlnatlnn cenlrea ope rated by the mmll in the united klnicdom the mmll ii l interettiii to note that all iour breeders on the committee have milking herdi of at least 60 rowi i llie bulll uere secured as follows two each from it ii ilennis oak itldes and len allon lirmi aillston ontario one each from kred ii griffin iturlessville harvey free in don newlands farms dorchrt- unlvenity student who par alabama earlier this year thry holy ucipated in the fuurtt behool diapute in wlvlnjf french ipeaklnt fami tlj were called funy chinned wooka lookine for licks last wek by llalton county mpi oortce kerr xerr who wntea a weekly tblumn for the herald hit lb mudent nonviolent to brditiatinl commltlee of the unlvenity of toronto with a broflited attack at the aame thin amuainj uicm of pro- lobitnt the boycott ol holy k separal school ceorfielown waa hot selmi kerr declared nor did the sludenta have any buslneu lke the matter could have keen tettled much earlier had iu atudenta minded their own fcttalneu and had they atayed kerr id the ttudenli came uninvited to geortetown and ante here instructed the yount ttera in protest methoda used durinl civil nchu demonitra llona in the southern united bates there waa no question of rthu belnc denied in the ge ergetown dispute the llalton upp laid it ou a quntlon erf iccommodatlnj blllnltual ldnderjarten in the school ataee available kerr noted that the vrench peaklne famlllea in george town have been elven blllnuual cliurs in gradea one to eight in jloly crou school how can any broup be so foolish ai to ausbfut rljbta were belnn denied he won ilered a newspaper report said that the french families have uted they will now protest ul favour of having aome maa uu at holy coaa church aald lit rrench cross are now attempting to turn r orfietown into a poor man a selma let us remind our university studrnts thst gearlc town is not selma nor is on in thrlr fieokraphy tario an al bania or miislnip ji i tnp direct pur lf itirh schlelssner jersey pi ve are disappointe i that chase of hnlmrin bulls from i h mcintosh call cord these people of hifirr lear cansda by the mmll althounh s marklin oboum uod mc nins should be so mud lie in their thlnkinc and shsnti at least one of the bills that rae l son balnsvllle it f went to britain in the 1046 brown iarls jjtate of a d mucd u by the ilrltnh i hemint ileaboro donald harn frleslan society later stooil i woolstock and uoyd powers tells urban board need assoc but not metro ly in favor wednesday of ontario setting up a regional develop- 1 raent association for the count association in nine of lhcr le of llalton feel york and hair been act up lo dell ontario the only counties number of area de in the proilnce not having auchl j p lour b auociation jdustrial promotion agricultural problems conservation parks the fact thst the rest of community planning remonal canada is formed into asso- research and county and re elatlona la good reason in itself h publicity al the mmb centre jllrcslau it of the bulla sre from dams classified rxcchent for type the highest rating seven are from very good dams and two from good members of north llalton formed into two regions muk rlus dams in each caic the urban board came out strong ina ten economics returns in j aire is progeny proven for tipe and production production records on ihr dams ranged upward to the j0 day total of 25 771 lbs milk made by the escellent cow boncrest rose dale and in eluded 531 lbs made hy the rxccllent unmack nosafe rlo ris 21 674 lbs made hy thr very good glorann admiral kcho 21 000 lbs made by the rscellent and twice honorable mention all canadian aged cow sonwil rteflection bee and 20 604 lbs hy glenaflon nettie knawdcn b the best 305 day or yearly record of the three nearest tested dama of all fllteen hulls averaged 10 470 ihs of milk testing 4 m percent hultcrfat thr selection committee was headed by allatalr macdonald chief livestock officer of the mmb from thamea dillon breeders john alston norfolk peter rlseborouflh norfolk boss targlll suffolk ilalpll clifford suffolk and thomas alsnp minister of agriculture bucks in charge of the bulla durlnb their ocean trip is iloy campbell chief stockman for the report aiid that the hi uitkual famlllea have atated that if anme maasea are not celebrated in their native ton true they will start their own church during the boycott the pro- teatlng bilingual parents and their children were giver per mlulon to use the old holy crou church en guelph st to hold their euuuca permis sion came from bishop ryan the sncc group from the u of twaj alio blasted in an editorial in llalton county new- paper the oakvllle journal- bocord tho editorial which appear ed in the tuesday hay ib laaue alt there la only one laaue in georgetown and thla la com pliance with the law thla then leavea ilk wondering where the jnlveralty ot toronto atudenta get into thef ctt baring not i been able to afford a trip to ve why we should give thought to the matter in this area chairman charlca johnson said aclon mayor lea duby polm ed out that the reason a re gional development association hasnt been set up to take in the four counllea arises from feara that metro toronto of york county would dominate the association mr duby slated there is little almilarity between the big met ropolll and the rest of the area its problems aren t the prob lems faced y its neighboring counties i hot metre don powers of georgetown aald that it might be desirable to form an association that would exclude metro and the lakrahore area including oak vllle mr powera noted that thla area la highly industrialized and though relatively amall compared to the areaa taken in by other associations it could form an association of tla own burlington which is in hal ton county belongs to the is gara regional development as sociation this association is made up of the countlc of brant wentworth haldlmand welland and i inroln limehousg chairman menefy pnioted out that milton has invited prov inclal government official to deal with the aubject ot a re gional association at a apecial meeting planned for june 2 tile- meeting will be held in the martin street hicth school and various committees and boarda in town have been in vllad- including ratepayers similar avanl a similar event waa held lit caorgetown recently to hear a ii lemaiurler vfho is the chief coordinstor of thejleglo nal bo ontario department ol economics and development regional development asso ciations go back to 1084 when the province waa originally di vided into nine economic re gions subsequently the region in the lake st clair area waa ytoiifo43ft jy mrs brown mrs gisby best biscuit makers the may meeting of lima house w i was held in the me mortal hall wllh 8 members art cwrring itoll call who was president unen 1 first joined the institute the tea biscuit bakery con test wjs the highlight of this meeting the jiuilcb were two of toe til girls mary lou lirown and joy patterson lluy did sn excellent job and their ressons were well given mrs ted browns biscuits placed 1st mrs sam glsby s second the dclcgatea to district an nual were appointed mra s ciabylrs s klrkpatrlck and urown mra s jiuij and mrs g booth were appointed to represent the women inatl uito at bite till dinner at oak vlll e also appointed were the now catering committee as they have two banquets and a wed ding to cater to in bha near fu turo the district director gave her report of the aprlng board mee ting the district annual ia to be held in st david church in campbellvllle may 28th roll call pennies for krlendsihlp and a written smrgektlon lor centennial pfojocl wl planning a district aoww day and a lucky luncheon in fall the current event was an llesn given by each member the motto another year has just begjyulol 111 it with work and fun waa well taken by mra noble a work meeting waa planned to clean our otnrounky hall this summer make it a great ontario adventure vacation thrill lo uic drama ami historic piiprnnln of ontario s southt isl two artists show at gallery house sol thr lowly month 0 uy and t rharralntf eiiultiuoa t cal ury houi kot go together hiindijly irfllrry lout sol 46 chihr j cforifttwb will ilkow tbj work ul uo srluli iuij jrou ftd andrru dfn urs from uy 22nd lo jun 10th 1065 ifcss jacobs knt nr rluld ivood in rfrttuny and yuo- ilivib sh bttulim iainliraj in tturliruhf qttntny rul m hnikifli iukmi villi the imlnlrr jin tntttr in 10d3 she fuiif to cjnsdj and kid ihortly after in the hnjf 104 a one huh uiow at th uptln galury toronto thli exhibition uw a kvwtairular iikvfi sh had a svond onf nun thaw in ntvwitwr 1044 at thr albert white llery lo ti rurito ulu jacob worts are in thr fotleottoru of mr and mn i isam aufla mr and lira j d 1 katnn mr oiaud bithll ur willi m wlthrow mr and mrs k filler dr uelnrirti alt of toronto mr and mn uhilti krr ontctown mr and mrt w wrlr astncourt and oth i era anihuas wujsmls wai bom in uelzium in 137 hr la th brother of the well known sculptor om jventeri and of llendnkui ilerrr uho u alio a sculptor liwng in cror grlown andreas exhibited irt at gallery house sol in 1063 and bad a oneman ihow at the fttlwil gallery in toronto in 1064 hls amuiing assetmtilajiei are well beloved and in the coli uon of senator a grosart un g iloavenaer ot toronto mr g preednun detroit mr david llotlcton moniraj ur and mn n t itratdi acton mr and lri k pro k op streets ville and others lie u llvinjt in aclon ont ays ah ior op it too b4v calu ktuj fgwt pui vult anihtutt lrvua atw inllixit juultv maju liuiividuili w kkrijjoy orupd uiay ttrflt at any uw a tb yrr kvl4rj uh4 wxnuily 5wanru monthly 11 toapu uirithly 13is ywnily wymlr quai111ju y or ytmrty halyotsi coo ucdical stbvickt iu 474 mlllt bul i71v7u pirsi wild me infumuuun so obligation naue addrri4 rojj can have 1000oo ib 60 months by investiag 76240 now or 10000e 7624 hm intmrst stomt s t th mm 0 taw srisdpul tmd k poyobl 1st 60 tasosstlax laa otaf tswimulatfv guaranteed investment certificates snail tr amoimli etvofom juk hot toltltr g f f 1 c al tru e i p n r r halton peel trust savings company 151 main slri milton trjg2u4 tainm sfcue mir business directory will share cost in treating elm trees council accepted n offer by sam mackenzie to shire half the cost of treating elm trees out side hli house on main st south in an attempt to save them from dutch elm disease the ttwalmmt u a new shell oil method it ftjs a fiood experinunt said coun francis iv1 hnte to see these beautiful frcos eut down apart from the fact it u much more expensive to eut thmn down than to pay thli twenty five dollar share council car wash 1 a meeting will lie held with mr and mrs j van v inter who proposes to erect v car waih on the west aide of del jublvlnear no 1 highway to discover the details of the operation coun yountf felt the hours of operation near a reside n tlal cone should be investigated to see if they plait to adhere to the present garage closing by laws oulhaait in your onlalo lomlry rocot on art n chd by h iory tind mad woodsfi by cotwopol loo mc tamnl and tuil c tranquil ty blurn lo pr conudaral on dtiyi 31 upptr canada v llagt gl v hitoy ot klnoioim old lo i hanty s th tptctocutof paroda of in roil henry guard thn wulch in pi torn lhs isivan iat pan through lha alnonl c si lawranct saaway t d kovtr otlowa whtn naw chaplan in h tlory of wflllan avary day vil lha tlouiat ol porlamant and lamtd nal onal gallery national war mi mo rial and coyol canod an m nl than lat icanic high way 17takayoutoolanl wydro auclric gsnaraling llallont ihat harnati ha ollowa divar talan and rouqh it if you m iconic modawailta valuy bacom a amauur oolool oni hurt lodan roctl omid ths oiclnoltna rock lortwilloni naar bancroft thar i to much wo ii in g for ydy ond your family o on advtnlur va- calion in ontario i soulhaail sd ui ihli coupon ond w ii moll yoti our graot soulhaail ontario advenluro vocaiion booklal 124 pagat in lull colour 1 hovlncs of oftiorlo dttpl of toudim k ulorwi raillomnl feuudlnoi toionlo 3 oitlarlo httaia land m coanpulu ulormoflah on gf hot sduthoatt onlbrio advonlum voclltvti horn chir0praq0r donald a cav dc appointments msda dally call t 74w1 jo mill tl cmroatewn chiropractor cartlj w carlsth dc otsan tlally by apa4kilmant house ralla arranged i77u1 ii a main tt nerth optometrisy wmcmilligano 35 mill si apsalntntenta t77u71 cakk a wistwood ontario land urvayra lit ueunulnvlew rd s tringl 7mu w k can- b wslwooj ik 74j00 raa tr vil4 dax deve10phents ltmitbd bulldvsr of fliw ham prof walter pacholok 77hor an9415 barragers clunarsshlrt lauisstanr th 7m7 it ib main 8 168 guelph alt work datw an prsmlaaa o t walkkr o do st optometrist 12 main st s brampton 4s1u74 res m82u hours 0am to p m tuesday to saturday friday dam to 0 p m bvemnsa by appointment robt r hamilton optoma ir i it 116 uountainview ltd s cirretal nidc for appointment 8773971 dale bennett latimer baines barrlsur t solicitor doucul v latiuer tc11knce f batnes trlaaela tsu1 23 ulll sl georgetown monuments pollock a campbell designs on bequtst inspect our work tn gntenwood cemetery 1 y phonb t5175m s3 water street north 0 a li crank pbych licensed auctioneer prompt service p0 bo 413 tjl ts884 georgetown georgetown animal clinic 106 guelph street dr r b oaskln v lalh dvm clinic open a bpm mtoh wd prl satunlay 11 m frederick a helsoti barrlstar and solicitor lid mountainvlow rd s carretal dulldlng georgetown tr 711m t m e manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7 2464 tvan sickler ba harrhhtr solultor notarv dr williams biti s8 ualb s tr 74831 a wallace thompson 3rd division court clock coromlsalorsor tr rii african nysriiy will atta ancl all an elophant with 0 a apear as a vwanon

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