mokval norval women make layette for indian childrens home norval prabyteriav quitch wjcst meeting was held at the home of atra craig held ge orgetown oo tuesday may th with the president mn and rev ucoun is the chair tb roll call ftil answered by about 30 with aty favourite uyma the secretary atr twa atc- gee gave a report of th sec tional meeting held id uaf bouea rfccnliy mrs y l- tbotsv- pno who was a guest at the dwtint told- about the council meeting bwtd at fcwart college the iikiuibm brouxbt artic le for a layette for a child rena llonw in india alo ud clothing tb dedicatory prayer follo wing lb offering wa feivd by mr craw mcdur a ebep- ur fnwl the study book wu given by mr itaold ucclur lb scripture laakml wu give by un w j rd followed by praef by ur i sulb- land mr o hunter waa u plenut for tlrf hyoiu un albert hunter snd un t uece fcuuud th boitu uj serving lunch the nest tntling will be held at the bom of ulu hettic u- clur on tuesday jum had the overall tnaeting of the norvsl united church xi c w waa btd la the church on tues day evening uay ihb with tb president urt jsmes laidlaw a the chair unit two were in chart of th program ah in spiring devotional on the lord prayer was given with ur s xithburn reading the scripture wuott un o isldlsw led in prayer and un paul johnson gav th address uu g bovtlrd or eorge town thowed colour t1 des and told of br trip to honulula tasmania new zealand and australia which waa very inter fcatlng a abort business period fol lowed after which lunch wss served by unit onr sympathy of th district ii extended to un tom c wad dm on the death of her huabarvd in georgetown and district ueipo- rial hospital on friday uay 28th follow nf lengthy illness yttvpathy la also ei tended to their family ur and un wm potneroy uarjorle of the vil lag ur and urt david leslie francis of r r 3 george town and ur and un keith king kathleen of georgetown although ur caaraddn wai in paar haalth for many yan he will b uld by hia friehdi lo th community capclally thoaa who shared hia enlbtul aam for flahin un doa uufray ura gray doo chstr un ed burk and ur ue donald kvomenbad the norvaj women a inaiituta at lh dutrict ahnual udni hckl in caopbeuvilw od wednea- day may xjtb thu sunday jum 6th will u nortel presbyterian church an nlvefiary berwicea with juv tjmvhart luyal aj jut apra ha at th kaorula jdart of th tovening fcerflc s recital will ud kwwii by th wll vnown aobrand aoioiat jfob lenrl ly w th rvk in norval unjud chkwrh abd in utiioa rrbytc han church will be canud for tha day you r rordially invltrd to atund a uuue uciul by th puvlla of joy uclrt and un jan uay on kriday vrninf jun 4lh tr norval united churcb at 8 u social arid personal un cliff myth of vtaumi rrtlitb coliunbla wu th wtk ffld gueat of her cousins ur and un ivan ifiry and family and un luy r of albert stwt ur david brown newmarket suffolk kn aland is here on aa extended visit with his ton and daughter in law ur and urs dennia hrown and child ren 11 parkview lllvd uebecca uarie daughter of ur and un water hau was christened at st stephen s an gliran church hornby on sun day uay 30th godparents were ur and ur dave white of toronto and uuj janl ulno of feoretown attending the service were her grarulparents ur and un wltf uino and her great grandparents ur and un andrew ulno all or re orgetown christened at the sa ma service waa a cousin brad ley ctustave son of ur and un wayne hau of hornby his god parents were ur kraaer haas of hornby ur fd newman of georgetown and ulsa carol pug aley or georgetown the paternal grandmother of both children un g hau of french river was also present for the service following the christening a fcntlon was hetd now local handicapped can enjoy group activities lack of a perataneat meet ing place u the one big handl cap facing georgetown a newest ortfanualion the georgetown and district handicapped club which cam into being at a we ting in the georgetown high school monday night speaking above the aound or the ys judo club working out in the background cliff lespercnte 14 byron st call ed the tint we ting to order at s oclock it wu ur lesperen c investigations of the put few months which brought about the initial meeting activities in which members of the handicapped club can participate include swimming picnics hobbles handicrafts and film shows what we need now is vi cant star storage room double garage recreation room or practically any large empty room where we can meet one of tha taemhers commented to the herald one stipulation is that it be eisjly acceaslble to members in wheel chair the georgetown handicapped club alms to become affiliated with the chartered handicap ped club a place to meet re gularly is the first objective but they intend to create a com ttlned workshop and club later a warm and sincere wel come la extended to all bandl capped in acton snd brampton aa well as georgetown and out lying areas to attend the sr cond meeting which hu been aet for june 20 in room 110 of the high school a apokemsn said at this meeting they hope to establish a constitution and choose officers anyone without transportation can have it arranged by calling un it uendham at 877cmo0 or uita sandra uurden at 877 0481 anyone physically handi capped in any way is eligible far membenhip cohosts for the flnt meeting were ed hietfnson is cower crt and un cathy hunt 2fl hale dr oroiib0btikg was fomer dinrict scout commissioner a former district scout comcniaaioder and resident of georcetowv uaac cexon bill beuechem died on uay 10th in the oawillatracai aiesnor- ial uoepkai ux bellfcchem who wasi born in caxofl saak wms the son of gertrude urn ue htiiui and xrneat bellebdi u wu 31 air bcilehecii served a a fctrgtiiit ifl the royal canadian aruury during thtf aecond world war in canada the united klocdoa and onntinentai ewv up 12 wm a mwnfwr of ails aiaaavsta lfrdg4 ko 04 a a am lort credit ouker no 230 and was a former district scout cootfiiua lonr wbll 1w ibx uoadowval b served k u achool trust lui wif tb furmar kathleen djfcon whom be niarrd in 1642 id st jobji a anglican chutcb tui wrvwej hkn u do their daughters vmf jana snd ariel klleen his prtu predeceased hurt 1 brothara noble jtcfc uelucbfarn port cre dit and stanley of torofttd ar alao left prior to eomihf to ceorc- towa and after his oven wrvic the family lived ui uadowvalt end strcebrville nwvihi to cookwill in 1m hfta gvofetown whar hi wu a matnber of the staff of the board of kdurstion of tor onto township he wss an a v roe wnployee frcwd 1k0 to lttm rev g billingtley or s4 john s angticsn dixie vasisted by rv archdeacon hanks for mcr rector of that paruh con ducted tha funeral service at the si inner snd ulddlbbrook kmer si home port credit on sjturdiy uiy 22nd the pall bearers were all nphaws lelfb eellejhem jack tuueghfroi gordon betlaghcm willltui iuu fred duon snd robert a daw ton honorary jallbesren were williun snd james dawson interment wss in st johns anilicsn cemetery dixie your inquiring reporter asks should ixam kisucts k rubluhedt the headen asters association autgested to ail high school board that they atop pubttah- iog aiudenta kojsxka and stan dings on final exams do you think they should or sjutuld not be pubuahed roger sum i grade 11 i think that not eoouth en phaais la tlcd on th tu dents mark in th prceot achool yuxa rmbuahlog final u a greaur inceoilw u acblcv anpv spiitclc grade it definuely cs they should we pohhahad th coninujily ku right tn know how the atu denu in the total high school ere procreaaiilg the news may bot all u ood but this wil aerw u an incentive for lb lodreldual student ut do well thi oioaoitown hirald thweeey jwtw 14 itts page 13 curvord lew i think the student should have a aay in the matter he ahould aay whether of not his markj sosty be pubiiahed nancy korzaoic i dont really think that a student s marks ahould be pub liahed because they concern only th student and hu fa mily however if the marts are published it ahould make ih atudcbu work harder so that they won t have to b ert baraurd when others se their tuarks judv uiurs i think that a tludeut s marks should be published in realct to firvt or socotid rattva of tbir ptrciiitagr this wiy pa oule know bo the sludrot did but not the exact mark which could b a anore peraonal mat ler nylon carpet 1ust received jutt irt specially purckesed sptce betge coio at aucfi low ryioe rku 100 nyion glw4 exceptional 595 still some left cushi0nfl0r still torn lll mi cru tlripd nylon capt aim bck 12 ii wyu uoo holl floorings a vinyl floor for aiywkee 439 by conooleom like wet- king ort airl new vmyi oembck floor cover 3o ciiricx maim s 6jwn st andrews club on treasure hunt st andrews couples went searching for treasure at their usy meeting ten couples in can left the church at the cor ner uountslnview and sinclair ave with the flnt clue about a o clock and returned there if trr somng all the succeeding clues in their hunt for the trea sure chest the winners were un k johnson urs william robblns a skilling and j pickup a social hour and serving of refreshments concluded the evening the club meets again for their annus picnic july 3 ice in wash ftatift ken nash hummno nj hiayino water syttam niptlrt i aluraluni tr 72842 charcoal nude worth art prize a georgtown boy bnim sclmkl urn ur aud mrt walter sclmkl 60 norton vxi mcatly wn th ucond anuu aljutilor u canada smioyoa art contml i1ila u the teeond time he hu won the drawing and aketchlntf competition he alio won the senior end of ue contut thla year and hu been aent to montreal for the ivanacanada tinali bruma aketeh waa tha hack view of a nude ue haa never taken an art leaaon yuma rcsldenta can figure an 280 sunny day in an average year rrr fs w everything for lawns gardens wa carry a large ukcllsn of famous mavtime box hants howbt vtfjetanul t jasj skds srhcial uro sl rhodomndrons varletleiauitadtooureluoite aa bejonui ipuihclu cleome id petunln snapdragons marigoldi aiysaum bedding dahlias alu bums fi and a variety ol porttilaca geraniums csulkflowers cabbages held lettuce swnlih onions tbrrtato plants if not tw lata km lanwcapikw vull range of lunloers flowering surubj in pots n i and i pots i wynfield nursery and garden centre mania avanua wvoni irrwsi u hilla was af 7lh llna on check llna mcclar y easy featured this week at wigos giant yms is wl klwost ee vmt tuy ht agliawua yu hd at ihe adverllsad pru 01 analhar ltnt fer nly 1c if hie wiuj lc cmunatlaa u net mr yeur asset rtaeds a iihrenl c4hblrv aluh can ha srrsnnms mcclaryeasy range meclary easy refrigerator 24 slfl feakrea cawact tiia modit si34s4vthf one ii priced to please yet equipped to giv perfect results in either surface or oven cooking sta up hlements are con trolled by four seven heat switches and there is a handy appliance out let the mirscle ilroadwsy oven bakes or roasts to perfection snd is equip ped with the 3in 1 broiler both oven boor it storage drawer sre removable to make cleaning easy si 5995 1moiii ruvt yhix fleetwood radio jy iwiliiii w hiiii1 iiwui w lllllll v mcclaryeasy freezer dial drfitaty model dm1 frit feature deluie interior trim a foil width so lb freejer and a frcrsrr drawer that balds 10 lbs more lufrlgerstor baa chrome pitted glideout shewei and a giant porcalala enamel criaper dw storage gives hm rackav butter kifcfjcr and big boi- ua storage 22995 1c moii1 1 wm a lewyt i vacuum cleaner madal tlil mcclaryeasy washer with cfcxfrmayed spiralat0r a five second comparative demonstration will convince youl spiralatt keeps all clothes moving all the time there are no dead spots 1 and spirals tor works just as f ficlently with a full load where other washers just hoe down splralstor keeps clothes moving in one direc tion no battering back and forth safe for the most delicate fabrics us a fact spirals tor ii tougiest on dirt but easiest of all on clothes low pricg on jvuclarymasy freezers topyjuallty freezer with fibre gliss insulstlon tut freuze com partmant and ftyear warranty this is the proven way to cut the family food bill 23995 1 mom ruyg v tape recorder 15999 f mobuyj i c famous mcclary floor polisher television appliance north haltttrttaroeat tv and anellanca gtara 92 mfthi straat north 877337evt fj i