georgetown herald 23 mjeln sttihl s gaargatown onuru in w ibm nnwimf pac4 thursday jun 3rd 1965 editorial comment opinions of others heeju ewultur w c timim ipm aw iwu us urtorui cossurmn wifl 71 jjoor irwrt k oefcvuu iwm fcnmrj the fg gm took it oo ww thopi wheri sonny littort kfn poved mo tab by hrt ttgr and tonod his tsround bout wirh that lip into a owivct uro bouirtg kai hd a black and wo linw n it dunrvg ct yswi tndm liiion 61 i hv don norfmjy lo cwwca tt pub lic th hport ki bocom rtotktrx ftcrf th quck pydy or a bunch of bumi lutoi huntf hi obvouily bn n ovefld iirt bwu whrth ilwxtld fewer school boards hmmt tti ojiwa yutem a wind ol chtrq it blowing hroooh vh ductonl lytam of ontario ondtt frh qutdaric nd direction of eduction mmulf cuvii on of the mw charvo which ti baxrvg tfudtd by mj davit and vhch h mnltoad at a pteit confrrua is furtnw htntion of th brodnirg oi th dffwilrtv hat or ducaleon m davi tu00ltd that th nw jownthj uhocd bordi rcnhy formed l th banc fcdmmiitftiv omt for provm ol education mit be repuobd by school board ach kjvrvg uritdnrleon over a courv- ty oi i rgion made up ca mvtnl coun ai committals have alrdy been put lo work studying tha mamer which it tome what m line w m tha government propot- u c reform of the municipal aovrurtittra live iytiem in ontario by divid ng the pro- vnc into region in hi luggeition the m n iter of edo cation it moving closer lo the bntith tyt- nevr be c6auid with pme ighlef arj gy mor of chonip thn chantp alt ij the belhyhoo tiwroviidirvg winfcdy night t rrntlch mot cofvcted wtth boding r uft dng lot of boo- hoono ovr thir tpot which like lulon hai tbvi tlk count happily clodircuit tv kit tpard w fight fans from watching bowing kod wirti punch itvat wouldn i hve knocked in tfve ltde of a ctar puff nvr mind ttrtdnng the p tender to the hvy weight kingdom out on the deck boxing it no moe e tport but a tpoof lam of ducational admimttration one of the handicaps of ducalonal admimttra i on in onlcno hat been the eautence of to many hundredt of vchool tection boards of truttet moil oi them with urndittion over e tingle tchool the time it long over due for getting rid of that archaic iyitm in england with a population of tome 50 mihron people the tducahonel tyttem it edmimitered by 47 educational authon- ttet one for each county thete authontiet ere not elected at in canada but are ap pointed by the county council toely on the bent of their qualification m the fields of ducatori and businett administration the britnh tyttem workt tplendidly particularly et it it tubct to e much grea ter participation in it by the government t mm viry of education than it the cat in thit country it it intereiting to see ontario moving closer to the bntith ideat of the s ze of admmittrative units and there are other features of the bntith tyttem which m ght be worthy of contideration by our deparment of education sugar and spice by bill smiley time hobbies on ml be s uu tat t one of tboae ttihtr dedsiva birttuuyl like 13 uid il uu so only 10 yrrl brfon ill be ulddlftlxed a good tim to utn ufl i can mill swim in i yard and tramp a trout i or xou court half a c a tlay i cu aiill ait up all 1 and aru about bolitlo or 1 torn or rvbrioa i tad alii ct exited i dc4 or a koo or a lay can atill tbru to thcai of a brautiiul broad or a i riab or a rull taooo or mi bird or a booflre anlay llln an hard modem young people are seeking action from ttte krajitfon tusee although many young people may not listen to the advice given them by ad- ultt they can be impressed by their elders behaviour according to roger dion the federal director of fitnett rd amateur tport our younger citnent are more irrv peited by the wealth of adultt than by their wisdom young people these days are seeking edion they are anxious to change the world and they want to move tnlo adult oocy as fast as they can throughout the centurim deleicns have been eager lo gam a foothold n soctety and prompted by idealism they have been eager lo work with adults to improve the orur of things the current change of attitude indicat ing admiration of wealth rather then wis dom means th young pppu are more fcgar to enoy the privileges of adults than to share their bvjfdeni however we canno put all the blame on the young peopu for this the reason could be that th minds of our young peopw r being influenced by two opposing forces edu cators and commercial interests educators strive to prepare them for re sponsibilities employment and participation in society while teaching them to reason mnd mttihirvg proven scientific facit and pinciple4 meanwhile commercial interettt utmg the new and hypnotic power of mast media bombarded them daily with slog ens about pleasure comfort status and other ttimuli opposed to clatsroom teach ings parents have been brainwashed loo not to much by television es by the hard battles they have fought to reach the niche in life they have attained leisure is e gift an asset we owe to butmets people thanks to science and business end their merger lo give us time end prosperity we can plan for leisure however the only purpose of leisure is for many to progress in e human way if the materialistic out look of business is continued into recrea tional activities we could create another monster the aim now is to have planned pro grams supported by government to qtve youth balanced leisure activities aimed at helping them grow a civilization bated on material values cannot survive this has been proven by history professional recrea- tionists can ld the way to that the human part of self can be developed if we have won the world of work for them they will win the world of leisure for us tu mail ba6 i wjl johnson claims wenedmorekooks dear sir when crs kerr mpp for hilton county referred lo the ttudenu from the unlveraitlei of toronto aud ottawa ai fumy jhlnnaoftokj in the national prtaa hla remark were in very toor tute whether or not the people freed with the outcome of the uuue or not these totalled furry chinned koalrj tot twllt declalve action aonwthln gur elected repreaentatlvet have been unable to et on practi cally any lasue if helton county had ipore f thete to called cutty thin ned koolu at permanent real- 6etl perturp glen william 1 trooldnt have been faced with lb threat of flooding each jfephnf for the last forty yeart 1 became ejected repreaentatlvej j 1 llwiejluin airlhoiiilea have hirgi t jjeertjn who jfjar flood 1 allllon once a picturesque town would not now reeomble eait berlin wal led in at it it with a maulve embankment geortfetowni main induatrlal area would not be a pedeatrlaa deathtrap and a motorlttt nlihlmare andllal tont double track railroad croa tlnsa would not have to asitre- ste a number of deatht be fore harrlerf are instilled w a johnson down in feb up again last friday iitiimtiniiini witm uhacoaent of the cenadlen coal of ermi wilh lha ontario coal of erms the only chanrja the red ensign nude a comeback as th provincial flag of ontario it was raited at a caromony in front of rhjrllambnt buildings in toronto el 930 m the ensign was hauled down as the klallohal flag february 15th v oh yk the hoep news desk extras lay terry hartey osad kditok good kditoft witcenain prti her is at lratt our tnini- ho fcfxirttiati thr rditr ao editorial roninlion a h one tli in a lht ttnkfi ue u th amoubt of j unit a ellow on ojlua in tufh a bri apau i caiiie into tlla world vitkout a ktiurb or rf bitkrl abd lit tujy four and hilf du- 1 have ahuird nirimlmf of thtthfi about 4g0 nlcltuj a hiue with twe morij a ctr itu wwj jy nw payments i u two tnw j vm t wmm4 lo put lhouih unlvrruly and m 4 eklur u wile furrritly ulkinjf up the faj w lm llorlei m an fculohutlc duh tnrlly wjshr a not ud for k old ccubp 4t kmhiuh a ktwuj hrm doiit think ttd fuiue hitfi tall do 1e u what im doing u tolmaw u lmtvin foil t mfr bi of uunitmxlvla for ty br botili m tlh ml l uwrr 1m luok and bet rury tol bod woium twyujtjlwilatka for you blrd iwvd fcrt mu ml 4 klevtk iulrr ttr pi ti up bd is a lot of pwle burhle l hut t have no complaiitli otli l ov kno about life 1 was the cunt of the what i do now not llttrr iii our family and ve i wouldnt uiv wy thiwl grown into a majenlfirent physi rotninlir thy imniaatirr cal spefimrn twnni five foot 6ny m nt the thrill rililil on hot da and tipping porti s enter fall th iral at a trapping 108 in i n a doam my wintfr ovrrroat j on t t bnfi and what a valine that arid ljr mrurf marhinr ha lakrn in 4 f klfu a f rri mr term ta irk and lot p fw shd b air mik at 1 utr mrl i rollm irir in a rar rrahland d in n aircraft and imahrd into a stirl hriilli- t top ped o a dw my hik mr twin lieatrn into inlwilink job iincniivrkhimirv h a cnp of oennani and hit uilh rrrv thtni from a trli phon and good talk tnanriaie kidi wrrkly nrwtjitpr edlf inch trhnol trarber a too cmkk with yhh yah vvhn ihr fan stood in front count would because not ko uohainmrd all i ininiitrr 11 rrnnrtid to hac p f rnait lw by nn iff however h stopped the nulu helrrhairi in thr uuiston wh notifj h he xmr hockey arena and chantrd fix of keeper a irnior official had tier ordrnnl cke and hrlnc w tomd a couple of rruml the ml tln may urll hae been ahoutini the truth to the raft r hut kuch beintf the rat we think t tlirrrs hardly a aerate on be known in the nurminf i as that old devil smltey i pinches your bo t tow every 1 you walk put hit whelc outwardh me lrokrn finjeri and to offered the foil mini bt to uve an editor from starvation hi paprr and uf lor it prtunplly to iae him nun banicrito advirtiuc in tm pa and now three times i vf had per liberal to jr him from hemmnrhoidi and hanoers despair send him rrr ilrm ir bad m walp laid open b a me irum 10 inr rau n nui m of nftw ran hhl a liocke tick and a horseboy when the press was fmuhrd nny lton i a point to me hlml unm pr lfjni r hj mflfcl nd mumil wth the tar and featht r we in hli rr write our corn nd nee im trots arlct felt that mabe they had rone pl t ln huriu nd l rp t the job too ferwntl mah h fr vt md n l drnlr tb layer of tar was a tauiauvrflrc lat week so ur lva had a good and i m going to keep ruhtl running wlien itii 85 1 waafl thick and just majbe some of it had splaihrd on prop didn t drunt it trs they 11 wait far an 8 count u before getting up liston of coursr could not hear the time and uii stall waiting are some defense of a couple of malunrd participanta which haven t appeared in any of the pott fight ink that we ahorhed we certainly don t intend to keeper and uai ake a case for smellnrama pro for ualcolt to count 1 when he ductions like this meeting for discovered it was over th heavyweight rhtmnionoip unanswered queston are t tb world turned out to be onm mike but there are some point in ut why rfldn hammed ali go to a neutral corner why did ijston fall un drr such a light tap why was the timekeeper not equipped neferee jrriy joe v alcott with a mike m that the referer look more on the chin from the could hear him and why did sports wntrrs than ever slipped he count at all with mobamtifd through his defenfes during bis all still standing over his pruit days ai a scrapper vrt close rale victim examination of his action wilt show no evidence of poor officia the preu who staffed the ting the knockdoun count does debacle next day ironically be not start until the fighter still rame a party to it when they in hia feet is standing in a wed in print that it was alt neutral corner as most fight nnf mtnutr wc timed it fans know and if the other com from th hartlmr bell and clock batant is on the canvass for 20 1 minute and 41 arconds to sacondi while the official i the knockdown attempting to get the deliverer of th knockdownpunch to a neutral lone that s just touch a gem cannot be polished bananas for the vertical fighter without friction nor man with waloott did not start the out trials mistakes bury him ixad people and vr smaiinely th e4j are the only ones who never carcass prattas tvn slobt and make mstakes weekly bible thought h b daan fw matt dacalv y with vain words for bacaus i thasa things comath tha wrath of god uo tha child rn dlsabadianca rpheslans 3 6 more work anil ts words more walk and lev talk would seem to be the need of u uorr th hour ha a ring art sound as a ball ikauah tmalllno i twi cev pulaly appatll is unimpalrad and tb old auts can hand i any thing but brokan glass hair and laath ar thinning and bava chanoad color but ar still erlg inal mad it fnilurance isn t what it used to he 1 mvi id n t run 200 ards at inp speed if the tlivil himself were afti r me with a red hot pitchfork lint he rarrlv cha sundav school teachrrs georgetown herala fuklljj by hw hrutrt luho georgetown obtart well c bulw rubluber cariuu mcgiuny production uprrlntenden letlle cltrk dave 11 cllton j uccimu ivtrr annslour terry llirley alleen bracj nrwi mitor accounti rank uullln advertltlnx uanatr ura william ctgh clerk tyout anne currle reporter peter jonct pbotoerapb alember of the canad weekly kewipapera aaiociatlon and tha oatl association business director news echoes rvorn th psoas of herald 1955 and 194s chiropractor donald a cav d c appointments macle daily call tr 74401 m mill st cmruatewn 10 yeafcs ago 0 two employees of smith and stone limited were offic lall welcomed into the 25 year club of du plate lim ited and associated companies at the annual dinner and reception in toronto brigadier f c wallace presented gold watches club pins and certificates to john h dav idson and mrs john holden a graduate of georgetown high school john nod we ii ha graduated from the university of british columbia as a chemical engineer and has joined imperial oil in edmonton 9 part of the conrtact for the new waterworks extension was awarded at monday s council meeting dunlcer construction co kitchener lowest of two tenders for erection of a new pump house reservoir and other buildings will receive 02404 for this part of the work h to avoid a confusion of street names- f henry street which runs from elgin to sarah streets will be renamed durham st there u a henry st in the new cloverdale subdivision 30 years ago ajj mr alex maclaren georgetown director of the ontario farm service force is urging ell cities and town 1 or ganize local farm commando committees and asfes that those interested write to ontario pftrw service force the parliament building toronto there was close to pric on main street yesterday morn ing when fruit and vegetable merchant dick llcata got a shipment of 125 baskets of potatoesbld in five pound lots the potatoes were sold to 250 customers in less then three hours since dick llcata was in toronto on a buying trip the whole shipment was sold by mrs llcata end joan main the news of the end to the potato famine spread so quickly that in less than half an hour after the potatoes arrived customers were crowded at the slorer r chiropractor garem w corblt dc ootn daily by appointment lloute calls nrranctd 77u31 11a main st north o t walker ho dosc optometrist 12 main st s brampton 4511474 ucs 451 0243 hours dam to 6 p m tuesday lo sjuirdsy vriday 0 a m to 0 p m hvenincs by appointment optometrist wmcmilligand 35 mill st appelrlmnls 1773471 robt r hamilton optemetriit 116 mountainucw ltd s carrilal iude for aihvointmcnt 8773971 dale bennett latimer baine barristers 1 salkltera douglas v lat ikltence f balnt3 tttlaiule 7sm1 s3 till sl georato car s wesywood ortlarle land surveyora us mountalnvlew ltd s yrianglo 73311 w r carr b f wettwoad ttt 33o0 has tr cvelm du develofhents limited isulldart of fine home prop- walter pacholulc 774311 or 17794i5 barragers cuanarvshlrt liunderere tr xmlt ib main s ibs gilelpb all tvork done on preroltee monuments pollock ft campbell designs on request inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phone mi7sm s3 water street north g a lf prank pbtch licensed auct10neeh prompt service j p0 box 413 th v99s4 gobrselowa georgetown animal clinic 106 gttelpb street dr r b oatklrt v zavlti dvm clinic open 08 pm mon wbd prt saturday 11 ajn frederick a hels barrister and sellcltw lie uountalnview lid s carrctal dulldlnn georcetowa tr 7jjfte ft e manderson q barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 wan sickler bj barrister solicitor notar or wlulaut u ualn s tr 745j wallaci thompson 3rd division court clark ft comrnlatlener tl7j african pysjmy will l and kul an elephant wttfc a agear as weapon jr