Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 1

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ads tjiat pa yl can alace n w in ha hwama cuaslfm eea y sfeertlne- i772j0i awylnf w ifelllssv the herald u wear saw will find km remit yew georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown andipistrict printing publuhfngt th aaiaalii kurajd jiaij aarvw osar aati dav rlct a printers and pwuutm inc im7 faeririaj th tot la prlamst aaa nawa ftuhtailiail a tinrd claaa malt poal ohica cvl ottawa ami la awpimttt i caak owatswtewtv onf thurtday jun loth 9au s400 pw ywat tl catty mm tat cattta blackpool deal collapsed but lonsons will perform anyway ctwboy ar a lough lot and it will ukr uors than -o- kncthlng like this to throw thva mtt hoy lotukqn of wy flld suek rami o6iiiowa told th herald today in com menting oi th plight of kvcrt canadian cowboy and 33 hor nwirlty shanded in hri urn the group uu to hive bwn prt of a much ball virtu d tvidisn rodeo how it mack jxol which eolupsfd roy and join lonton were to hav joined th troup liter this month wen st ii tointf over ther but not riant away it e said kortunately other arrant menta have been made and the ttoval lancashire roeietv hat mad their ground and stadium available to us as u n s thy complete thrlr own how at th end or thii monui originally the canadian nw hoys and horses were to have had their passage paid bv the transatlantic rahihitlon servl but that deal fell thronirh when a new invfdlor did a switch nd turn 1 thumbs down on llnanclna the transportation prter jottm hioto wis conventioner finds a cool spot i txizautrl jokiis one of the vmng jhovah i wit erlandirvg a 3day convention har on th weakend i isnt pfticulfy fond of huffy avdiloriunu on hot day i to ahe found a cool corner of the georgetown hoh school i to park in during one of lh sessions burglars pick up 300 in hit and run thefts traffic study will be useful for twenty years a trsfflr and v study and destination study on all that could affect crrtoiii ihi approach to town thl iowrw7vlm auuon aniurall th turvti were successful grab cash at drug store factory and service station a tiring of xiuju glean d clow lo s00 from a goirruswi drujf tor aa indulry and tttl the neitt twenty tr iot aurvey it completely paid for underway lafct week vhtn on by the provinr llowrver the aultanu daniui and smith ti information ronifillrd li avail uoned jnople at all intrree able to damua and sallh to uoni anl railway crolittk l coinplrte their atudy record the iiiuvunri t of traf iloha kovacs tic tlir puri f fcrvry li the plantutii of roadi an 1 traf fk network for the nest twenty year- aocordins to jim mrock of damua and nltli in the planning pnonuea will he etahlihcd to eliminate hsph aiard road development the and of major concern in netd for railway crontrik p llvlock nd m of the a dlrlct fh cowlvoy had already made the brj1luu y k crolna and were branded in jc dlui r of mfn j j ko ll t and an oriifjn and deitination tudy 1j eiartly what it tounda like win re have ou been and where are vou fiolnjj are the qui itlom atked through thla information the uepaiiment of hichwaya can determine where the nerd of hlthway tm provement and construction la grcatr t sunday hiht or early monday tuornlni tlie larvl take ainvroxlinat ely 200 wta lifted in a break in at dlfrx d1u41 in tw del rei uarkt centre 60 in petty cah wai itolen from jrrrro ktructural tlel i3 armtronjf ave and tpproxlmatety 10 waa the loot at a norval aerv ice station norval auto ber vice the thief or tin eve i in each cite tried to jimmy a door and if not lucceuful broke a window to sain entry at the delrex irujj store aevere damage waa done to the front door in the entry atterap utien the door failed to bud for the burglara they took more direct meaiur and nattered an adjoining window damu and smilli and the ha nn in jf totuultant will work closely with the technical co- ordinatlni orumituee coniitt reroniin the ing of the town engineer the britain largest retort crnnmu j vueyph and the traffic count at inlertectiona ctunly enklneer the police hlty without l show to pla or trorkp kuvacj moved and rnlwa cronkin the acci chief a npreentative of the fare home i d nurmi from dent atatutici for these 1 ca l n it and a representative of tliourfi the ones over there the toronto cncrl hos ttal at tlons were also invrtllaled ibe i laniung hoard will have some time to kill now tonocation hall lrmrrtityof pun rriort ui at least they can reu wsured toronio reccnu r nsullanl future require presented to council for their that the rest of the croup will av incuts arc rojectid along with loption it is then up to the pro able growth pattrrns o council to implement it that the rials- uill he built ro of idr f b kr m y estimated at 4 000 but there ly damaged but could be repal u some hope jt vrll be less red alchem incuiding and his assistant worked for two and a half dai on the field survcv with most of them either local retired people or students look at bf joining them ihortb mr lonson said our new show in iifflylirr the ijncashire society s nadium hfc wfcaihfck will run nine weeks and even before it begins we ii be do juw ing an hour performance for 1 tum each of the three ijncashire society shows the cash register and money was carried off and police con stable deorge martin discover ed the empty till later in a field near sinclair bld the delrex drugs itore man gcr slid the register was slight 2 med 3 thurs 4 in 3 sjt hlh t when they re all assembled there will be 23 cowbovi and e sun eovgirl there j7 mon s tuci hich 97 low 33 precip 21 alicia low to occur jj hsrn v mr strock 37 the brvik in wad diaeovsrad monday morning by i clrrk lu jimmying th front door t vvrro ttlrucluril ui wber rby snatched the puy cah box iroia a secretary dek drfcwtr and kprparcntly uft v- erythlng lu imdmurbrd the box and change wu ml- sing whea an employe went to fnake change monday morning tltf hop foreman discovered scritebci around the door lock when he checked the entrances after th discovery a money tray and thang wta misting when norval auto ber- vie owner vandrvldt earn into work monday mornln here the thieve w tymlcd by a dual lock and although tluy managed to break on lock they again resorted to untitling a window to get lit neighbour told investigating ontario provincial police offi cer that they heard a noise at the garage at about 4 00 o clock o clock monday morning the breakins are believed to be connected with a rash of similar incidents in the are west of metro on the weekend ten of th 32 horses already in ln gland ar from the lonson farm no bl ti separate school trustee resigns after french kindergarten vote used public service to do politicing francis claims seven high schoolers to attend un seminars ln addition to the jurvcv nlthln th town which h w- sihwm cttzjn a member of the holy cross mr nleuwhof wu en of lugnwava conauciru k upte school board in hulhr who voted against the third year jack nleuwhof 23mouon which carried 43 be mcgilvray crete resigned last cause one of the board mem week after a apecial mretingben waa lata arriving oted to establish a fvench a similar motion at the re kindergarten in the batementgular meeting last monday a recent radio talk by may leave but the chairman declln joseph glbboni waa the aubed he said however we left of a bouquet and some the meeting anyway ckbats at mondays coun cr don powers said the may meeting or nd made it clear that he was not welcome at meetings councillors are elected for a year and if people don t want them they will be defeated in december school board hires six new teachers seven eorchown lilgh school student will attend eminars this summer through the apon sorship of local organization the largest group wilt attend i the i nited nation seminar in of the new holy cross church deadlocked 44 was iiui i iivnuv m ii a i i hla talk the mayor charged 0 council a number 2 commit m p at this point the mayor wax larding reckless expendltu which keep the tax rate councillor with hiding be i the arecy of committee uns ivoldlna lh pub- j l nk knowing thlr opinion on mayor you re not welcome lo ittara of public policy and my mcctins i rn at im bid mid an pathetic public thu came up your comra tee mrtly rponlw for dl meetn are like he quiltlnc p vv ndltu b the ladle ued to have the only difference la they were nice old udlea you dl cum mattera for houn in com mlttee then reah them all 1 can t point in conmittce t all i monday a ratepayer william iimmty congratulated the may oer acain at council for hla rtrnark and he a- if any member of the pub can attend council a com site meeting and meeting council appointed hoard l mayor gihhnna reiterated a aiernent made many times at any meeting over which a prealdea la open to the pub- but i rn reasonably ure here are meetinbi where the ublle la not welcome he ad thla brought a ipate of de alt from irate councillor tt bob francia led the at k denying he had ever heard any aecret meetingi alnce oming a councillor and i take offcnie at your h he tald the broad la auppoted to be a pub- aervlee not a chance to lliuc and you took advanta i of it it tha ahae fill i cant help aniwered the mayor if alalemenli arent true you i the privilege of correcting ban i uidiaome thlngi that the truth and i dont care each whefher you or other it or not polltlci lint a word for me thata what here for to transact wlc bualneia with a council tee any meetings a you don t atlend them any way so lets do alt our business at council said cr towers cr hill mlth opined that the discussion was wasting time 1 11 sail my ship alone us teachers hase hern hired waterloo for 5 das during the to fill sacanclcs and new re last week in june stewart saxe iqulrcmrnts on the eortcton riaud illaney iloger smith and puhlic school teaching stalf valerie kitchen will be spon use every trick that known at meeting wednesdj ju jore1 by the iddf uj on and if it sink iii ask no ne the school hoard accepted branrt uo vrun associate bolp around this table he i the applications of mis jra emarkrd nettc smithhceorretown miss marie ttrooks of ilramptnn iteeve hliol said it would mlb8 hlrn tllack of grand val be difficult to operate a town this aiie without commltee work and since you set up the committees you should attend their meetings he told the mayor ive attended more than ou have was his answer vou didn t attend an in may said the iteeve if not i didn t mus much was the mayors parting shot ftbe mayor said the planning had recently asked a itttpbei ot apectatokb to leave i meeting but he waa eorrcc jjbty deputy tteove hunter t bpard member auggfested staff will inaugurate j l lambert scholarship on friday june 4th the of flee and teaching staff of the georgetown and district high school held a dinner party at the terra cotta inn far mr and wr j l lambert to mark mr lamberts retirement as principal after 30 yeara of scr vice mr a c prou0 presented mr lambert with a set of the encyclopedia briunnlca great books on behalf of the past and present staff and expressed their appreciation of mr lam berta years of service both in and outside the school he also announcer that ijl lambert scholarship fund would be in augurated with the balance of the subscription received and expressed the hope that it would attract widespread sup- kxmember of the staff who were present included miss f luke mrs j cunn miss d stone mr and mrs i ilohert mr and mrs n doncsster mr k donald mr o brest n and mr ii lewi port from exatudentg so that it la 100 opposed tomaau lamberts name would al ways occupy a place lit the com mencement programme the chairman ask ua to the achool 7 mr lambert thanked the ataff for the presentation and reminisced briefly on some or the more amusing event at graduate of st michaels in arts course slater louis marie tha former joan cummins and daughter of mr and mrs johto cummins ib morris street who la at lorth to college graduated from st michaels college in the gene ral arts course on thursday june 3rd in convocation hall mr and mrs cummins at tended the convocation after attending mass in st basils church on the camptfltand a continental breakfast in bren nan hall a garden party com pie tod the days activities europe makes about 80 per cent of the worlds wine ley mis verda kinne of prca ton mr david jlagcr of inger soil and mr john llommrr nen of i- tohicoke at the same meeting the school board accepted the ten den of w ii krntnrr and son to xuppl coal for the heatlnt season tn chapel street school and fin i oil to lurn and ifon1 kennedy schools and the georgetown high school student council the georgetown lion will tend two lesley buresh and donald young to the geneva park conference at lake cou chiching in jul andy splece wit chosen over it others to attend a seminar at the un building in new york city through the verdun be bekah lodge a written exa minalion and five minute pre pared speech were the bams for selection ballentine finds no support in try to change store hours ward 3 councillors bill smith and noy ballentine received no upport monday in sn at tempt to squash a 1012 bylaw which allows stores to open 1-rl- day evening only cr smilli said neighbouring eommunltie have two or three open evening anil a number of merchants including loblnwa which is the largest taxpayer want to open thursdays also at persont council i dlctat ing to merchant with the by law he ssid if it wero recln ed merchant could then come to council to say n they want i reafiio a majority of down town merchant dont want more open nighti but the plau rncr chants do he snld mayor gibbons sold he might agree with cr smith if there was agitation for a change but he has hoard of no organized attempt theyll bo here next week promised cr smith cr roy bhllontlne said the realdonts must bo considered a well as merchant i oata lishing open hours heldents who go to their cottage on week ends or who work satur days are forced to shop out ot town he ssid there s more residents he re than a few on main st he observed cr power said he couldn t favour a few businessmen dic tating to a majority this is an annual chestnut observed cr young 1t la 781 against 2s1 news at a glance bockwood two of rock- woods old landmarks went up in smoke recently under the watchful eyes of boclcwood firemen standing by the land marks were two old houses on main st which were demo lished to make way for im provements acton acton was thd mecrt for builders of flying model airplanes sunday when the acton hi flyers club aponsorod a model plane meet some ho entries from as far away as the united states took part in the teats orakill tha prosposal moved by paul lgge and seconded by ed le- blanc was that the george town separate school board institute in holy cross church french kindergarten classes ef fective september 1m5 unlesa the board can supply other suit able accommodation at the regular meeting school inspectors j hodge and g beaulleau expressed concern over the educational value of the present aetup in kinder garten in which the children ar taught in french for an hour and a half and english for an hour and a half in both the morning and afternoon ses sions tha system wss introduced to put an end to the recnt boycotting of the school by a- me french canadian children and parents peter jonea photo everb0dy wants to be on wheels 6loria iee 6 morrl 5t loco on pair of nsjw rental rol ler ikalevat fiooraelown memorial arena vhara roller sltef- ing got underway las week the arena boafd introduced the sport- lo makeuse of the bulldlnp nd the cemtnt floor through the summer v walkout by express workers delays local office switch though georgetown express office employee didnt join in the wildcat walkout by cn weight and express worker which began in tvronto last wednesday and ended tueaday the stnke had it effect here became of it the scheduled aemlcloslng of the george town expres hfflce which should have taken place mon day was put off snd it apneara now that the switching of ge orgetown express business tn brampton will not be made un til this coming monday the potponement also means one weeks delay in the trans fer of local employees te other pojnts the georgetown office la staffed by milton brooker carson rae david held and david ennleby the strike tied us up ss far a rrettlng anything in and out of here so although we didnt take part in the walkout things were t a standstill here mil ton brooker told the herald the strike hsd upread as far west as brampton on thla line freight and express wor kers in oakvllle hamilton lon don ottawa and brantford and connecting pol hd joined in by friday the walkout ended when an agreement between the railway and the canadian brotherhood of hallway transport and gene ral workers clc negolatcr was announced monday night cause of the walkout was dissatisfaction over what wor- keraelaimed sjsettv abuses of bus railways demerit ayatem by which the employees were gi ven demerit point for faulty work s-

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