Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 10, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald p wy m roa uiell i 22 main street s- georgetown ontario wcim pag 4 thursday june 10th lvo5 editorial comment back on tbe job uj caw anyone thinks tt the ednor he returned from vutl with hood jo emmed with editorial idesi h does t know wkeiv to siert only the last phrase b hoe tha type of holiday we chose this year a three week ghmra at london ami the connort was uit what it wti billed whirlwind tour neve before and pro bably never again will we lee 16 much in so little time and were hill reeling lllll glutted with the kaleidoscope of anliquity beauty history and drama which posoed be tore our eyes ai our tour but took us lo one highlight aha another people eski what country what c ty did you like beitr and w can only am war aach in m imin or each european community has iii own special delightt tor the tourilt before tlgrvlng up or a tour we had toyed with the idea of renting a car and tounng a portion of europe on our own random impressions perhipi llva unoit inutiting thing feboul travel in counlrlai harjj to ui 11 v hill things on 6tk w hjve already mnond li licit of fi0wy q wharf our naighbourt to th louth tvjit thmtlvt of yry mn to mur ha tour i it vmli tfva d 1ft t irtiiom tk european wmi to dlibritaly undenute h i thar are rvo tignt laying only fiv mora mil to th laming tower don i rrxu tlvoll cr cwu so on hai th feeling that he it ditcovanng them by htfnietf one can rvit ful lo b wnpfiid with tlrvg buitd- vgt which have stood tha tit of centuriat the etruuun viluget in italy ttill hab- hble the parthenon st paul i cahsedrat undirvg firm on their foundation for hun dreds of years do we bu id to last i ke this today except for the absurd hair styles of young londoners there was little evidence f this in other countries young people were better groomed than their teen coun terparts here breakfast of rohs and cof fee w never did get used lo nor the habit of serving rolls without butter at other kneels and coffee always with hot milk if water safety week the red cross drawi attention this wek lo the summer hazards which can cause heartbreak as ontario prepares for us annual exodus lo the beaches and tourist retorts statistics compiled last year by the red cross show more than 170 yourvgters under 12 years of tga drowned because parents end guardians failed to supervise them when they went rtear the water the red cross urges that conditions be investigated before children enter the wat r that warmng signs indicating undertow end deep spots be carefully checked end that e child should never be out of a par ents tiqhl whan ha is in tha water only good swimmers should attempt howaorr tomantls after laming wht would be involved w wouldnt tdvlte th unuu onf 4pn1 a lot of time studying points of lnlwet cmt tamlyjt would be next to impoaiibw lo ovar m ground we dd in fccnl ihf wks in wy aaoit of wttn europe 11 tinguuly unmrid by highway ilgu and while it is a rt lo nalure unapoiud by h billboards wa have betvr4 fuatoftd id in america it u difficult to find what you r looking fo as a loottat ard 1efflc in tha bg cit itvujoji soma and pall particularly is walrd end wodrful hat tan ona aauma that bxuui europe il ftooovj with american viiljos vry riidnt in vsy country automatical ly h4 uanad to ipaak englnh in tha largr hotels and 6ty kkopa tulnh thera is always iomeona on tha kfah who can rut many times you are on you own with a dictionary and hand signals your only commo n ice t ion american style or sugar only for eipreuo which is much the most common the ut of every inch of space atpc tally m holland for flowers or e bit of gar cwn tha red tile which make villages so attractive from e distance though our individual homes in canada ere much more attractive absence of traffic as we know it on the highways where motorbikes are much more common than private cars but th reverse in the big cities where its every man for h mself as pint sized cars vie with buses and taxis m a great melange of mo tion sidewalk cafes orchestras playtng m tha public squares stores doting for an hour or two at noon and again for an hour in late afternoon so dilfarent from our own retail work waak tha feast of art in nor nee and the louvre priceless matterpiecas of painting sculpture and mosaic work and over el tha underlying tadnets of past wars buildings in rums military memorials n profusion to one wonders how so much could have survived tha mad nets of man canoemg wear approved life jackets for water skiing be lura of your footing whan fifchjng from tha watar i adg in georgetown we are particularly for tunate in having swimming instruction avail able at a moderate cost aach summer your children should have this advantaga and every parent is urged to take advantage of tha pad crow classes conducted in july and august recently in a formal agreement can ada s 300 000 boy scouts have adopted red cross standards for met award of their swimming badges royal life saving socle ty standards for awards in ufa saving and st john ambulance standards for awards in first aid loom g ovek his shoulder news desk extras ay terry hwuy tiw 0ot poueui m dan be uwn la by tht is tut fraud pop art h th utmt rcent layer on rolling uwy4ial that jeu hi ttobrn tua ttooi lu ef bing out yfc art isn t art at all bu because its in to be an appre els tor of the ridiculous you it flad there la a grwlbi number of ample at pop art nhkbitions aquintini perceptively at such ihlnfii as a jumbo dxcrgfnt box on e plank a tin of soup on a ptdtilal and a stack of pot cuantra we d like lo see aomabody entrr an rxhibit with a suptr market shopping rirt and itroll the length of it casually drop ping the art plcrri into it as they go a question i keep asking my self without getting a sat iifactory answer is why do wa try so hard to be a carbon copy of the us of a two things uade me ask it again last week oac was the gala opening of the beverly hills llotor hotel in toronto unless the place was financed by somebody na toed devcrly hill that one qual hies as a peeve and the other la the stamp in of local base ball tea ma with names of am erica n cities ivtrokl nrw york cleveland ua angeles ct al the georgetown minor ttate- hall association is e fine ex ample of an organisation that la making a great contribution to the community and we re not knocking it in labelling the town club with names of usa baseball cities they re cer talnly not doini anything that hundreds of similar canadian group aren t doing but we are suggesting the youngsters would have just es much fun on the diamond as vancouver halifax edmonton and ottawa ea theyre having now as san avaneiaco chicago cincinnit tl syracuse rochester and the rl aa nobody can write an euay like a public school pupil ei this repoam from a child of ten it a genulaetuu la guar aateed asked to write about a bird and a beast at exam tttoe bari out a hrj j name withheld at dad a request the bird that i am goinj to write about is the owl the owl cannot see by day and al njght is as blind as a bat i do not know much about the owl ao i will go on to the beast hleh i am going to chooae it la oow the cow is e taunt- mil it has six sides right left an wpoer and below at the back it has a tell en which hanes a brush with this it sends the files away so that they do not fall into the milk the head is for the purpose of crowing horna and ao that the mouth can be aomewhera- tht horns ere to butt with and the mouth is to moo with under the cow hangs the milk it is arranged or milklnj when people milk the snilk comet and there li aawr an end te the aupply how the cow do it i have sat yd realued but it brake uot4 sud wot th cvw hae a fine utue af aatal eoe can smell it far away this la the raasou for the fresh air la the roubtry the man cow la tailed en ox it la not a mainoial the cow does not eat much but what it eats it tats wire so that it gels enough whan it is hungry it moos and when it seya nothing it li be cause iti inside la all full with gresa spain had a flourishing tax tile industry in the lftth ren tury ki porting wool from kngland was prohibited by law from 1600 ta ilia flew books at library aoult moafptction whltefcouae da quince meditation of kaarcu xureli tea balrjro tnmu anety zauertxrf r fniialmilimaja my lua with gem matin tha tew path rraifaeiiiiiii p as ofium kaiar deal wallace vaa tbal btrw fudory waacceaa leuuia4t loaboreuai att sdiweluar rewball tbt klalh ounkr u vi a la cuit my lua oka xalmali tha uabcuue sana the belectaael m ihrlsta aad tie la make jtkca tbe creal haiaa the uveri aad laaae boaua4 trim tula oi tratel xdreatue 4 llnumf karty vkteriaa tnrstliir tha camj klihlc tha murder of mail had the kattle of utlaa4 bl mlcfcael aarl the iv the sualey cop bfery loei of the bew i the start of my peuca the tnla kohbm maa had the ualmraa lloea ru beak tbe cmw hook er wrhua uit a mui tha rioeat llotiri morka news echoes vraea u heaa jl th hereu 1u i 14j georgetown herald rsaiuhaj by ma mewieaeere lleutaj gaorfatown oatarlo wahar c uha publuhar carium mteilvray production superintendent laalla clark dava iliiunjn u gilaaa j ucclemanu ptter aonataur terry llarley aitean bradley neva editor accountant rrink uullln advtrtitlbjt ulnhaf un wlllua gtule clark yyolit anna currle reporter palar jonai pbotofrpnar liauber of iha canidlaa weakly nawipapan association and tha onuria aaaoelatloh forecast larger units in rewriting ontario municipal act iy cwyri klniey tpeclal a the herald the mott recent amendmenti lo tha municipal act introdu cad by municipal ahilrj mini kter j w spooner continue the alow proceu of updatlni and tldyinjf thu complicated and aometfanei archaic piece of lesiilauorr major thinner will not occur until next year when dr come cummins formerly de puty minister of munldttil af fain and now ipeclil advisor to tha minister may have com pleted his massive rewriting of the whole act some of this sessions amend menta can be considered as pre paration for nest years than lea all assessors for euupla are to be licensed by the mu nktpal affairs department rational nwralng queens park is nudlti tha munklpallliea towards accep tance of larnr units of govern- bient aodtha ooaptanca of re gional loaponslbulties any unit of g to be effective t ttt taxing amn siib- ji ttsntlsl control of revenue there may well be some ad jusunent of taxing powers by atatuta nest year after current investigations of taxation have been completed and their find ings studied in the meantime however mr spooner wants the municipalities to put their li nandal affairs in better order municipal revenue is based on assessment u the assessing is indifferently done the munici pality suffers and spooner does not have a high opinion of as sessment practices across tbe province it u safe to say that if the edmltilttrauon or the tmbsse by the senior levels of govern ment were as inadequately ad ministered the nation would probably be bankrupt he says bluntly survey findings ills opinion is based on survey his department conduc ted last year in the course of which m0 assessment rolls were examined in detail the depart mant found 84a municipalities had neither revised nor adjusted assessed vsluei tinea ism 408 municipalities did not use an integrated assessment system or manual although soma used parts si several dlf ferent ayitems 1s4 munlcpalltlis had no ap praisal records of any kind sos municipalities did not use mechanical systems to prepare assessment rolls us municipalities did not pre pare their easeaetnent rolls in accordance with the act 170 municipalities did not in cluda population u the assess ment rolls mi municipalities did not bother to a aasess or collect business tax hit municipalities did not sand assessment notices to te nants many of whom were de prived of voting and school sup port privileges sm municipalities show com pletely unacceptable deviations from the value norm for ear- tain classes of property tor example if the riialn value for all property was ss per cent of market value then reslden ual might read is per cent commercial 45 per cent indu trial 10 per cent and farm 30 per cent kwrtualltlaa meted in every county there was an unacceptable deviation in the ratio of assessed value to msr- ket value for the various muni dualities department comment it la true thst county equal sallons reduces tha impact to soma degree no etjuallutlon program no milter how well considered cin remove these inequalities the survey produced other startungeyldence otpoor as sessment practices spooner cl ted such examples u assess able properties missing from the roll summer cottages assessed foe business aasessment and what mutt be termed deliberate oyer and under assesamert of property the aasessment office it the moat important function within a municipality spooner polnta out it not only raises the tax monies which make possible all other municipal services but it also apportions the cost of these services among individual ratepayers some ratepayers are now paying too much others are paying too little and more than you suspect are not paying at all- in these days of escalating taxes many municipal organl rations are demanding access to other sources of revenue without making a reasonable attempt to properly administer the ona they already have need trained man training facilities ld asses sors are available he says and it is up to the uunlcr- palltleato employ theselrained men pay them attractive ta- larlea and allot them office space and equipment ao they can work efficiently we can not allow a tax base our total municipal assessment which produces 8t4 million id taxes in ontario to be in hands of part time or untrained em ployees j only 10 counties and one ter ritorial district employ thecen- trallied assessment system de eplie the factrihat grants are lo ylaltt aoo 4 eg tall dunctn wal tfx arrvy ol fisherman on rvuniloolin recerttly wrula vlllllng with tfw stan finlsyt who mis spending nseir vacation rwir i hit currant ha nailed one or hsa prire fish ol tha season a 0 northern pika manuring 41vs inchei and weighing 18u hu ts the rww varun astooaips building al tha mounlairv viw fioad and river viva corner being eroded by mcntlly construction is axpacled to be completed by midoplmlar 9 hawet nation are contradol on a tb that w ii add a large addition to tha coop building on guelph st tha naw ipac includes a warehouse at tha rear of rha pratant tiding and cament block addhion which will contain a business office and showroom fronting on tha highway so yiajrt ago -a- robert webstar aged 8 suffered a badly fractured shoulder a slight skull fracture and numerous bruiiea when struck by a westbound truck ha was on his way noma from school g among the group returning last week from overtoat service ware s sgt thomas wernes sgt trevor wil liams pie albert sunpton sgt charlat wall pie chudc laws dvr sheldon lswr and l cpl j mecdonald business directory chiropractor domald oay oc abpolntmaatt made dally call t ymol ml mill m fleiel chiropractor sorom w corwh dc oeer oally by eaiei house calls arranged tyyaaji 11a mel tl north ortomirmut wntcmilliganoo as miii st aotiolmmonti 1774471 cakt wiitwooo merle land surveyor iis mouutalavlew hd i yttlenejle 74111 w r carr st p wrwd tt 74jo0 has tk 4414 sax develorments limited auilldart el hh hornet prop walter paeholok t774111 ert77m1s barragers cl th launaarera tk lixn ii main loo guelph all work done ess promisee o t walsiik iltx bjoju oitrimattlt is main st s nramploai 4814474 has 4814ms hourt t tm ta i pas tuesday to saturday wrlday un to pm evening by appointment robl r hamillon 11s morutslnvlaw bd 8 cartotal bldg sor appolntuant 8773971 monuments pollock 4 cammiiiu b2ucns on wwur3t uapect our worit u grotnwoed ceuetery h40nk 4il7mi ss wtlar street north 0 aly auk pitch licensed aucttonkes prompt service pa box 4u tk tsstm oaorgetowsi eujoaarrowm animal clinic ids oeelph street iv k at oaskkt v zavhs dvm dlnle open 9 s pbl mom watx ml aturday 11 ua murray rurrtack stern co chahtkrad accountants w yestpe st telephone tororthv s fmvjii dale benneli btinief haines surrisiors t seliamors douglas v lattaotji msmcxr suunts ttruasja tsssl n mul st frederick a helson merruer aaai solkhw us mooattiavlm id s calretsl hoildlng georcetewa tk 7jo emarmqc barrltler and soltdhv al aa1ii st georgetown tk 72444 rvansicklcrba isarrtator solicitor notary fir wullsmt uldgj m main s tb ytall wallack trklmmoh srd btvulast court clark 1 comraloilonar tk7m4j printing of distinction statements e lkttsxheabs envelopes wedding mvttatlons georgetown herald s774m1 available for this purpose and so per cent of tha coat of from a minimum of 3o00 ta a maximum of j12so0 towards salaries plus so pee cent o um coat of equipping the offices i renting data processing equip ment would assessors object to be tas licenaedr b reply was aharp m an aaseaaor cant do hia job properly ha should make up bis mind to da eome- thing 1m tjjnaaacwrhwmihi 4jl

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