Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 17, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald by hesese hnt 22 main street s georgetown ontvlo page 4 thursday junt- i7rlv 1945 editorial comment wte to7 we leave behind alw vlwtrt trtjufel of 4r ktjlp- ure artd erckitcluf0 in euopfe won deri wket ike twntirti certtory will lv behind o future qenftioa and live rtiwtf mutt b vry utile ftrf ll it unlolunld tfiat wblthy rnarl todey conosnlfaltf uor on cojutfmg otnctt of tlw ptt than in ublduirvg th prodoc tton of wo lu of if by modern mitrt tim mqjtf uit wk of en amricn mllnnir wo hei tpnt mil llont of tiollara squiring painirvga fo tut prlwew coludion end for i art oetley in hit home city sodi pinhrtga could rwvr kw been produced kd not my nun ooturui woo ectad it pron for a young mitwrhlo o bembreadf tk tikimhrjtp tte ihtflcela ejr aji tke itetut which abound on old build ingi abroad owe tliir birth to te foturve tomiitbd by kings and knighti mixji of ftfve work wea to gratify tkair own vanity or to a image thair conuievice for the way in which vheir wealth hat ban accuvnule tod but thay qoi lolid value for their career thresholds tie pagai of the hrld thai pait fw ww have rportd tucceu for teverel of oor young popja in their chotan car eer ai remit of university nursing schools and othar ftalds of learn ng are announced aaeanwhile h gh school students ere m the rrndst of exams end public ichoolari will soon be writing their tests to thou who have been successful tongr alula t ions and lo those who have misted a subject or two better luck next tune in that days of automation we urge young people to go as far at possible in ichooj absorb the most learning thair abil ity allows become as skilled at possible for a carter for thoe whose talents are in the aca demic field push on to university for mote who do not lake so readily to this action long overdue addition of two more constables to the georgetown police force as voted by coun cil on monday is long overdue and we hope it is only the first step in giving the town what it needs for proper law enforce- went it is some months since a report on policing which council requested from the ontario police commission was received the report recommendad a 15 man force tape rate police ohice training program end creation of sergeant t positions until monday instead of discussing th worrvyurvclationt soma councillor had been actively imping at the department underscoring its weak points while nuking no attempts to overcome them whiu oth ers maintained a silence money original tualgr yeera of labour to create on painting on moaalc such patrons must be fotnd today be they individual buvlnvta organization or government if the twentieth caoiury u to parpehiele ittelf in the fields in thu infant country wa ate already in process of leering down mot of the patt canturyg buildings- and they n no loo much of 8 toil bacauie they wrnt built to llt for hundradt of years we are lacking live extremes of wwfh today which twisted in the middle egei hot there are still mn like our american millionaire who kv acquired a lions sju of the world s good and who heve surpjus funds fsr bvyond pndng in the nomel way unuss a uw of the start paying for modan works of art thn we will have few maitarpivcat to aqual the old masters a painter like any man must eat and ha can not spand a yr creating one painting uft lass ha knows he can gat a year s income for the finished product there is opportunity at high school now to bcom a tradesman or a stenographer ryarson tnstltuta offers advanced counts nursing schools need increasing number of trainees there js no sadder tight than a young parson capable of doing mora who left school loo aariy because he wouldn t apply himself for every one who rectifies ihis in time and goi back to his books there are hundreds who leave it too late however you do in your exams this year resolve to go back to school in the fall and put more effort into your stud es the years spent at school are small compe red with the years you will be m the work ing world equip yourself as much as possible for job you wilt enjoy and which will bring security school is the best investment you will ever make a police force is at its best only when it has full support of a majority of citizens and if the force continues to be criticized behind the scents and in the open it can not be expected to operate at paak efficien cy we should have an immediate and to criticism and more constructive action in our opinion we have a department which is doing its best with what they have to work with certainly we cant forget one feather in their cap whan georgetown was threatened with the type of rowdyism last summer all too prevalent in some on tario communities the police took action than and there was no recurrence when we are prone to criticize we should rem ember soma of the good points too harley to halton weekly otttlvattoni kv b hakftv harley jvu k halyom tli ktlr tl election ulk on pirlliitttnt hill hu hiwd thu talk suddenly boiled up lut ek became of the oppoiltlon partite unhipplneu with tome ol the feature of the reaolutlon dealing with change in the ru le and procedure of the house of common parliament audden i began to hear repetitive spee ch retnlnucent of the flag de bate it teated a quickly it had begin the oppoaltlon tug teated that the resolution be apllt between the eonlrovenlil and honcontrovertlal item and debated leparately the govern roent agreed to thll provided that the resolution be comple ted hot later than thu friday the house of commons mem ber agreed to this arrangement and sudden peace arrived on parliament lull and ulk of a audden summer ejection dlssp- peered good humor and a spi rit of cooperation returned to the house of commonaand de bate proceeded oa the changes 00 jto role and procedure tastsrgiiaieotatfcm section of with ti me limit on debate this ha been done in the united king dom for years and prevents re petitious debate this section hss been referred to a speclsl committee to report back to parliament on frlday the go vernment has proposed that a builnea committee made up from all parties decide what the time limlu on debate on any legislation should be if the committee eouulrtot ajtree the government could recom mend time limit on any de bate which could not be le than 2 days on second reading two day on committee stage and one day on third read- intf a total minimum for de bate or 8 day some of the 6lher proposed change in these procedure are a follow 1 the house of common may ait after regular hour on any day to finish off busi ness before the house in ad dition to thur the sitting will coninue through the meal ti me and if a vote come up during normal meal hours fi ve members esn ask for a de layed vote until the meal hours are over 2 appeals of the speskers ruling will not hi allowed- thu move should d the speaker more power and certainly save a great deal of time most of the appeals that are mads are not on legal point but on the hope for political advantage 3 the question period which at present is not restricted in time except on wednesdays will be restricted is 30 minute every day except on monday when the limit will be 60 mi nutes thl period i the most inter esting time oi the day tor vl slurs as it give then an op portunity to see and listen brief ly to many varied member of parliament usually of course the cabinet answering question from the opposition these contempleted changes will be used a a trial for the re mainder of this session and the next session they will agsln be discussed in parliament and changed as necessary before becoming the laws of parlia mentary practice do you mdjd it we play through news echtres h riw p9 hu 135 and lvts 10 vcajtl ago anothar georgetown riidrt jolnad tha ranks of the nonsgensrisni last week when mrs h l hull celebrs td her 90th birthday june 9th for rnsrvy yeirs the snd her hutbsrvd operated the farm now known ai notre dame de besuregsrd on lower mam st eighty percent of rhe cars docked on guelph st near wngglesworth school were driving over 35 mjlei n hour in a 30 mile zone speed checking equipment re vealed last week mew teachers hired by the public school board to beg n their duties in september induoe mrs shirley borland mist leta gallaugher mr haian allen mitt sh rley dswton mrs margaret biliborrow mrs ann gwiidala mr harold calling mitt ruth mcbride and mitt lo mensry 10 yfats aoo on thurtday afternoon about 120 members of the urn ted church sunday school tnd 60 edultt took advantage of the ideal weather to enjoy sunday school picnic at stanley park erin race winners were junior grace joan dobbie doug richardson joyce denham dill thompion jim buck jean tyler don burnt billy am old georgetown herald fublltwdi by h kupr tuu georgetown ontsrlo wsltar c buha publisher csriuld mccllvrsy production superintendent lull clark davt hastings u gllson j ucclemenu peter annstour terty llsrley atleen brsdley news editor aeeountsnt frsnk mullm advertising manager sirs wllllira gauie clerk tyout anne currit reporter peter jones photogrspher member of tli canadian weekly newspapers association and the on tart assoclstlon sugar and spce by bill smiky a sentimental ending tfala u a time of year arisen acfaool leather haj mixed em- etioas oae t tbe ttraagnt wta be honest u relief aa e4 of term bean tha overwhelm- laf eertainty that yw ere going to tuve a etitoka or start nuv aifljj rirmicht ue the wall or cnirat inio um u trout ot the claatt hajjieu utade but there are oomt uax uvolvvswi and the eoubiaetiod oi emotloiri rcaulta u biiir- wi toxijklict4cui youre cud it but yu hu u aae it cad twa u aire i ttink w the witi a c4m which u eaww wrtf ffa tm wiu kwi w ma aekeet ikef iw cuw u lul nejk toutsgsswuh simtia uf thfcxi kid yu hav uuibt for our year tby kr itakast like tdftiutkev f our ftnily irriutiaa aud lovkblc frtiidly ad lulun ffvtty tnd hoijily tmil jaople cut tuui- tlri hire la janft lb girt wko w tilth a twk in cride 10 tha wi ausular end ewfcwird the alwayi hd cold the worf traeaa on bur tatb ib dipl md boy ahc winud to ha mijuiouary lu airica and look at her now inn ning up at you on the utt diy with thotr two prly rowa uu la built likr birdot ahr hat hits and ibe lovei bov and the off to take a rouri in mo mil- tliare s jim in die hack it it as uaual in radr 11 he was by popular agreement of hit trach era th molt obnoxlout kid in srhool surly whub alotenly kaworilt queitlon wkadda uf hafte learn all ihla junk for anj ltvbh al uu haw turly whiih tlavatily obnamleua but yjva 4luvrj ha human oai ih a while ha cruka 4mll at yaur wluuat lake and yauva dltiavarl he hae hralna all he haw la e lrvrtlrvud vaurtff wwtuh ta turn him inla a feed clhan and there a nancy who wat a real rip a couple oi yaara ifio and ii goinj off to teacher college solemn at a clam and thew a cert who wanla to be a doctor and haint a hipe but will make aoma woman a fine huahand and there ken avho bepk the hljjh jump rword and ban who broke hie lag eki- imt end sywu wix lanhi tike heart oi every teenage male 1b the achool jurt by wlkia ar ound and looking h beautiful and ecerln the wfaej hem who ljj uut u qunk aodejo te work in the auemexket aael wlw wha wa 1olud hie car over twice and tela u oghtm oat wetitodat and bu bammly avoided jtljtod john the poeu fco u mu wag ta get people to fumi a piclvt line hecauae tbe principal wool m him ipvw beard w 1s bece ujhiojj lor tire year bow and 1 hevent tnny uimloaa i am hot dedicated 1 atwit go woluid uulia about tbe joy f fcelti vuujj tuioda flower llrck anylhlni will ucitoer u ynj uitvw utth fertlujux about kut tiwi e tu1 iruitiw tutl 14 ttftevthut iniwrx tfm rhaej if tihivmr rkirl werk uhi irt a talt hvltm ywe la a wai al raality that i tklnk t toy id tiod u afrhf vou are not dealing with torta and trials like the lawyr not symptom i and curs ilka the doctor nur survey i and ttrcues like tbe engineers nor goohj and wrviffi like the buin tu rn in you are dealing in raw humanity whrn you tangle with teenagers sorry for being aantluanul thl i weok hut today wy home form gave ine my praaatnt for the year half a duller whick and i m ttill a bit tnihyayed it a detk tet with two pent tny name intcrtbd and a the rmu meter in it that dot work trut a better than ut year wbrn i got ihirt that didn t fit and the year before when 1 got talcum powder shaving lotion and other asr- ted mala atikum that 1 neve uw bible thought for the week he lard a h mt aa man aahi far mart lithseh imji the lard leaketfc at the heart 1 tsemual lit- god hat a way of slng ua as we are and miking ua what we ought to be kerrs column mpi gapaila te uvelewrt frm quaans park during the past week the letlalsture hss spent consider able time debating the medical services insurance blll the house hss been in committee considering clause by clause the act hu 30 sections desl lnf with the plan in detail and the opposition psrtles have mo ved about 30 amendment to data most of these amendments have been sincere soma in or- der to mske polltlcsl hay ror the moat part however there has bean intelligent debate re sulting in the government ma king certain changes stter con structive criticism the one obvious fsct is s fundamental difference in phi loaophy between the govern ment and the opposition the liberal and k d p members contend that there should be compulsory comprehensive government plan with everyone in and paying premiums a plan such a in ssskatchewan the opposition also refer ta the hall commission report which recommends thl type of plan for canada they say that the only way that everyone can afford medicare la to make it compulsory the opposition fur ther contends that the insurance eothpanle stand to make an enormous profit from the plan and the doctor have blocked aa adequate scheme for onts rio 4 the government on the other hand points out that b3 of the people irs- ontsrlo have a medlcsl insurance plan mainly through employment we should therefore look after the per centage of the 11 who do not have cannot qualify or cannot afford medicare the govern ment feel that it 1 not neces sary to disrupt or cancel exist ing plans which are working well and which in many case are part of the labouiscnanago- wy daeree kerr rnrnt agreements whereby ma nagement pay part of the em ployees premium it also refers to certain rural coops such as the llalton county coopcratl ve medical services as provid ing adequate coverage at low coat to its subscribers tha government party is the progressive conservative party and basically oppose eompul slon premier robert has em phulsed that if this govern ments plan doesnt work if people who require insurance are net being protected the necessary ehantfes will be ma de the insurance carriers and the medical profession have an opportunity to prove that a vo luntary plan will work if it doesnt within a year drsstlc changes will be msde the premier hss pointed out that tha hell commission re port is health pisn tor ca ttsda involving hospital care and facilities nursing college medical schools clinics doc tor tnd all the personnel end facilities required to maintain is ugh level of health care the provincial government within oh month of tha publication of the hah report implemen ted a construction crash pro gram to provide these facilities and personnel and will be ahetd of the deadline by at least a year for ontarios need hirilho first logical step at recommended by the 1111 commission doctors nurses hospital beds medical schools and college are needed more than a compulsory comprehen sive medicare program to im plement hoth at the same time wjuicmrnpose- a crushing burden of taxation on the cltltens of thll province in the meanti me anyone who want medical inauranee may have it regard less of income age or condl jon of health and the govern- business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made dally call y t44ol m mill it ceimtewi chiropractor carald w cerbatt dc otf dally by appointment house cslls srranged 77eui 11 a main tr north opyomrrrist wmcmilligan 35 mill st appelnhttents i77w71 cattn a wksyvvooo otttarle land turveyers 116 mounulnvlew rd s ykithtde 7m w h carr b tf westweed y y4j60 me t eells ww developments limitcd builders el trine heme prop walter pacholok tyyun yywis barragers cleanrshlrt lhunderer th ysm 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premise a y walkik ko dofc oryombyisy 11 main sl s brampton tmm7 ttes 513 hours 0 s m to fl p m tuetdsy to ssturdsy rrldsy sam to 0 pm evenings by appointment robl r hamilton optometrist 118 mounulnvlaw rd s carretal nidg for appointment phone 8773971 monuments pollock it campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonb tl 750 u water street north o a lt prank ritch ucknskd auctioneer prompt service po box 413 th y4m4 georgetown tmokobtown animal clinic 106 guelph street dr k b oaskln v zavlht pvm cunle open b 8 pm mom widu tri saturday 11 hm ment will impose a i maximum premium on a basic stahdard of protection running a doubtful channel on a windy day favour the windward side in case of grounding ssy mercury boating ekperti the wind will assist you in working your way tree dale bennett latimer bainej barrlslere a telumere douglas v lattmix terencz t bawm trungle tsu1 13 mill sl caergetowe frederick a helson barrlsur and lelkltw 118 mounulnvlew lid s carreul dulldlng georgetown yk 7m h e mandcrsoa qcj barrltter end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72464 tvan sickler ba barrister tollclrer netery dr wlllltrat bldgj m mala 8 tft 74u1 wallacb thompson srd division court clerk a cemmlsslener ykme3 1 exi public houday thursday july 1st printing 40f distinction statements uetterheads envelopes wedding invitations aiaan

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