Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 17, 1965, p. 9

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welcome to the prairies provincial customs costumes depict canada at cuboree bfoju immrtim iiio tth itr jontg imiote anyone for cowboys and indians sotae of the 5th georgetown ithirf was a good turnout of ft pack gerald anson douglaa cuba at the annual cuborre cown michael uady and but the local public itayed dsvld nemlth representing the away alio miuing were two rly day of the province of province ontario and manito- ukltrhewan poie for the he ba 3rd eorietuwn ulu repre raid photographer at their dii tented newfoundland lit ge play at canadaramj 63 in the orcetown prince rdward iiland coorgetown park saturday lit glrn williami noa scotia the georgetown girdcner dont water garden at night experts advice 41h georgetown new bruns wick hornby quebec 5th 0 orgetown h pack saskatche wan 3th deorvetown a pack 1 alberta lit norval llritish co lumbia and acton the yukon the dlsplayi stressed the hli lory of the promncei their pro- durla and culture if your boat trailer iayi when you are underwiy it 11 probably tail heavy or tire preuure 11 too low say the mercury healing expert move the hoat forward on the trailer or ihlft equipment forward in the boat by gordon lindsay uniu at r i georgetown lteit iniurance acalnst bug and diseases if thriving and healthy garden keep all weedi allrnlnatfd as they often pro vide home and food for pcsu flower and vegetable should i b cultivated regularly and thinned out where necessary u promote vigorous growth so metimes however in aplte of mir best efforts the garden is attacked on the first sign of l wilted or eiten leaf or of tut worms tomato worms aph ida or slugs or other enemies 6u should lose no time in get tin out the duster sprayer or bait its a lot easier and cheaper d check one of these attacks before they really get under way and tt is not difficult with all the modern matrnali avail able kvery aed house is well blocked with sprays dusts ami other controls very often there u a combination of chemicals ready packaged which will hsn du any bug or garden nest thou that eat holes in foliage thou that suck the juices or tbaae that attack fruit or roou jfuuctnber that in this as in other types of warfare the best defense is to attack dont wait until the hugs are in complete control before starting the of naive waarlno never water anything in the evening and you will save your self a lot of trouble that ad etc comes from a professional gardener and this applies to all types of gardens lawns flo wer and especially rosea the only urne to use the hose or watering can safely he tayi la in the morning or early af ternoon so that all surplus wa ter on foliage will have eva porated before night and thus there is no encouragement for fungus disrates to develop and there are imne other good ge neral rulea too the first of the se is to rwnpmher when we wa ter that it is heat to soak well so that the molsure will really penetrate the soil several in ches and then leave alone for several days or a week this en courages deep root development in grata or other plants thus protecting against drought and aur damage if possible it is better to let the water run di rectly on the soil through so me special equipment for this purpose rather than spraying over a foliage cold water u al ways a shock for plants and humans to avoid that in tome rose and flower gardens tile are placed vertically here and there and in dry weather these are frequently filled with wa ter which soaka directly into the toil rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wtbdino arrangements came specialty cut howeri and funeral designl we wire flowen m albert si tr 7mjj everyone wins byfollowing the bargains in the heralds know your merchant contest see page 6 end every week some lucky person wlll witt aaaetcul 1000 aria oat saturday june fit lftfis to gmutw district wolf oath bald their eobual oeboree tn fee georgetown park tte than of scouting una year has been ct u knov canada and in keeping with this ihw tw cafaorewwas called caneurama law and mi a diaplay of can ad her pt prmwtat product mod people the c6rgeliwti district u smd off w turust cub pack from gorgciowd aciod nor- vil cua willisana balllnafsd uomby and awcb block tu ra s a total i approkitt ataly sco txtys kfid 43 wider ot tfdj talmobrr ifty 4 pdu jtod aad ttih ceorfviawn u1 tiaeisd end scolcti blatfc did bbl periicipsu ur this yw cb kdi drvw irou hat tw uaiimr of a province or ares ef canada that tbry would rapreaeiiu were about and dut- play at tha ctuhor tha boys u wu aa tha laadrra sot wrll iau tha awing of things learn bin about the province the popl and their dris tradi tioual cuttoms and folk tongs and tha producu and resources bf the ara rveral parks wer iaiud y natlv f tlr pro viae who told thffl shout uie dlatricta aad thvd eolouivd slide or outvies all in all a great deal of effort jwai put forth 6y tha cub sad utiijt who hsd been studying canada for apcroxiraataly two months frvlfu latr u wul on vjturdsy june sth rarh pack tet up its display in the allotted area inside the rare track at the park host prov inces erected a gateway to their area and in each the boys were dressed in costume the provinces were arranged from kail turting with newfound land to west ending with bri uh columbia the afternoon actually got underway at 1 p m when re i istration of all the groups was due in this registration pro vided each boy with a canada raraa 1005 crest milk for aup per an afternoon treat and a souvenir crest for the pack at 1 jo the opening grand howl and rlag break was taken by akela and cuborec chair man host colter thlt wts fol lowed at 3 by a grand llarch o tbe provinces with tha boys ar rayed in their costume ranaj ins from tha fathers 0 cos- fedcratlon to indiana and ruh arcaen during th remainder of the afternoon th boys al oag with tha public had tha opportunity to tour canada and to tak io a film canadas her itax ttiawin a croai actt5 oi canada and br way of bf ahrt fa strayed soma acllwnrbt il jener tad for a whit wbn a pony trod alberta decided to do torn jjthtamlna fend took bit for the ttaid fctreet where be waj voimded up by i during caor ajee cowboy at 9 pid a aecond ctand iiaxtrb took place for tha tmncfit tj thoaa via- kutr who uitacd tba tint to a yat biany of tba toy a boe of tha ualn hlghlitmj of tha day pp to t frtapfprr whach waj supplied in moat caaes by tha aiothers auxil iarjr of tha pack tha amell of barbequed hambuasa and hot docs lingered for miles around tha georgetown park alter good flllinj tha boys were re dy to change back to cub uni form and aettla down for the fellowship of a roualne caoip- ire however as the cams fuw drew to a cloea shortly f ter s p03 the boy wert rath er clad of ihe tneny parenlf and car available to provide the tranaportauoj for tnaby a tired cub all in all the boys ap peared to have bad a wonderful fun filled day deapiu the faci thar huffy leader were very dleappoinied at lb ucfc opa enta and ubliahartlclpetloa and revvtlud of ahe loviuuofl bailed to tbem ta lour canada u gueau bf the ceoraleluwh djl- trict cuba won wej y floral arrangements shown to institute restaurant in strawtavllla where everyone enjoyed rrmn food following dinner oaey mil re turned to afra bouafleldv where a abort buaineaa meeting waa held alra barbara snow 1 president presided for the mee ting tha deeotlonai period waa in charge of alra barbara snow a penny sale foiloweal mod a delicious dessert lunch was ser ved by aira donalda naelanda and ura olwe wallace dua to the summer vacation period meetings are discontinued until september 11 kecorauozl day waj held at st stepheoa ah cburcb 00 sunday with a good atten dance following the service a cup of urn and tooki w4i r vwd by thudia 9 air and urt john buaaeil thm qmcmom thursoay jum ijtfcw paae t pent the weekend ad ula get well wishes are to aaaehaal fuppence weav day birthday greetings geoffrey drewbrook 1 to alra garnet laidlew htr jack fries on jons edward robertson 04 juaa air end tan thomas de4 atteoded the weddtaf saturday june u f grand daughter laqr den to gordon coojtar a4 beeiod rveabyterian cherck the third line muton uitmbrrs of ihr m uphrn a anglican church ulld met at the home of urt john llutxell for their flnsl mung of the suduner on tuasday night ju ne 8 mrs arthur plant the pre udent welcomed the ladies the roll call was answered by all members attending the mlnu tes of the last meeting were read by urt pat klrppanr in the ahaence of the secretary vfrs craig royce the tressu rer report was given by mrs goffrey lrewrrook during tha busineta period ihe corres pondence wss read which inclu ded two thank you notes which were from mrs j- rank chisholm and mr and lire arthur plsnt a requeit from ihe sldetmen asking for help in their booth at the annual steam show in hilton in september and it was decided that the ladies would oblige the men by helping them out as in previous years cater fng for two weddlngi was dii rutted and the convrnrrs and their comnutteea picked a cook hook is being prepar ed and wilt be on aale in the near future each member was aaked to donate a recipe plus on from a friend rinal arran getnenla were made for lvrora uon sunday at the church c metery following tha hutinrta peri od tha progam convener ura cliff hunter introduced the guest apeaker ura stan uay who gave an illustration of flo ral arrangewcnu theta wrre put on display and a draw was held with aacb tncenber being fortunate enough to receive one j urs arthur johnson thank d the tucat tpakfer and clot ad the mealing with prayer lunch was served by the host t and urs cliff hunter es j tended a vote of lhanks to mrs i uuttell for having the meeting the evening unit of thr horn by u c w met on uonday night june 7 at the home of mrs huth ilouafletd with is ladies attending tha first part of tha avenin waa spent at a georgetown community swimming pool ft jolvn slewt west georgetown onteio hojt b7yrjl5 enrolmont for red cross swimming lessons claiei n bag nw d junior ci lmrvwdiaw rj soor monfhs h july or g auqimt pleave irdcaia which clan end rrvonh is tuilabla for your child 1 would i ke if pon ble my cwld to be at ik pool rh tain time as pleats print all uuoni will be for te keur durehoh vry day v monday mday efvolmervt form and faa of 5 00 io ba forvuerdwd to the georoaiown community swtmmirtg pool out of town chequei add skchango not later than juna 19rh 1965 must be over 6 yaart pleasf print child name surname sex addreit phone age parent will be informed when the chrlden are to report mauutum fee 15 00 par family all enquiries reahact imuai call i779015 or i77a094 si 00 will ba charged for all cancel la t torn y 3b qrampa just one more grb i alw deliiletl to read jiut one itiitt for iti a very pal worij betweui grirdpn and gtandcliild he cui give he littl thing kjmal her jiut a little joanuiea grampa came to aee u a long time am almnt planning hia will together we planned hu affaint to look after joannm and particularly her mother to eiuure that his wishes and deairea would he carried out gome in aooa and let ua help you planjrour estate well lie pleaaed to eatlmato your succeaaioa dutiea and tuggfat how bent to keep them at a minimum at no obligation of course rtfsu thetruthv the whole truth and nothing but the truth about home heating ajmty trwo vour iocmi truit compmny walton tbei trust a savings company bhampton 29 main street north g walton kennedy mar milton 252 main street 1182134 lome skuce mflr ah you eonfuwd ahont home tiraline hielat what with ovcrybody and hm brother telling you how eeonomiad eonveniciit quiet and automatic hia particular system u you must feel like flying south for tho winter but if you have to stay and face a cold hard winter like most of us better raid these cold hard facu wood and coal are probably tho most economical fuels to buy but thoyre also the least efficient and sooner or later youll get tirod of slaving over a dirty furnaco then whatt you can ehooao between a iiquict fuel or sotailed uumcleas heating or natural gas all of them elaim to be the best who should you bcliovo initial installation costs are higher for liquid fuel equipment than for gas a gas unit has fewer moving parts needs loss maintenance and thercforo jasu longer in orrjer for flamolcss heating to eompeto in operating cost it wquirescxtrathick insulation through out the home if your home had exirathick insula tion no matter what kind of heating 1 system you use youd naturally tut fuel costs with extra insulation or normal insulation a gas heating ayb- tem means iovnr fuel costs by jar you never have to ofdar natural gas its always there a good old- fashioned canadian an cant stop natural gaa from heating your home storms can atop truck they tan also knock out power lines and very often do unless you have your own generator flamew heating can give you tha eold thoulder just when you need a warm house lets face it- nothing is as dtpdahlt as natural gas with modern gas heating there are no hot and eold layers of stale air dust and dirt particles can be filtered from the air and humidity controlled wouldnt you rather have a heating system that took tare of these silo functions when you get right down to it modern automatic gas heating has the edge in just about every department but if youre stul not convinced may be this will help if you install a gaa conversion burner in your rrishn fur nace now of oven install a bcmndnew gas design furnaco you pay absolutely nothing until next october whats more well spread out the cost ot the installation in easy monthly payments over 6 years if nee4 be unless you know someone wholl chop your wood for free you wont get a better deal than this anywhere 1 why not make ihe switch to natural gaa heating rightnow f ileal a united gas limited s ojjv amu tnaka uubif iiffttnu x l w-

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