Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1965, p. 16

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it li i coming events g dessert party bald it st- andrew united fcbmdl mgudulavimr rd mod piwuly avenue on friday june 2sr from 7 to 9 j m ad jljtj 50c children me conn 10c 8h ixhiutinham baptist wa chicken barbecue corner 4th una wvt mj 7 mdrrotd i friday june 25 5 xi to 00 juuu 1 jo ckild7rt jic ln xtiptut chuih baswrikitt in event of mil 8 24 smauwooo acres camping swimming raising picnic grounds canteen across lake from acton c s smauwooo k i act- us15 v wedding iiciptim entertainment u our specialty mow this include toft tow supper mink a ra system or spa and announcements and a fun filled evening of damcimo with ootheot polaroid pwotogstaphs o dx funniut uddcou all ttt vm and yor toolset jack sulllvan yunwvs dj rortslfwnftt 24 cuiwu st a bvempled 4si470t 1 4si0im enoaoement rev and lln b d duncan son xeorral eneninco the en casement of their daughter kathryn u mr winston anth ony newman aon of air and mrs harold newman of jam aica b wi lb marriage will take blace oo saturday july 3rd mbs in marvel presbyter ian church at 3 oclock georgetown citizens band band concert cam park bandstand bramjton sunday june 27th feewn 8 30 p rn 10 00 p m krty uisuraly sunday evening com kaer your btruji emgaocmikt afif and mr a milcbeh 49 weber drive announce the n lament of their daughter 104 um to wr hriu purvla eon of mr and mrt r pwvbj ccort- town the marrtag will take puce id st paul 4 anglican church norvtl tut saturday july nth itxu t four oclock ftoy scouts of canada ceokceyowh district camporee friday june 25- sunday june 27 brockton farm ii come to the lvf campbell home neit to union church tor coffee and dessert june 2h 7 to 0 30 t hake table puny ridra auspices i nion w a sioylicht- with dnj corner 6th i ne ditid mopla a esqueiing e we it cimp thame conservation forest water soil pub c is nv terf to four l r camps tes from 2 4 p in saturday artd lo atfe d the mammotli campf re trom 7 10pm cattds of thank knclkfiy thank jo rlrndi relative and neighbour for kjlldttaj fltrwefr and gifts which wad rny stay more ciifortablt whil a patient in st joavcph a hopiuj curlph h tibial thank to thj nurui mivj ii- whlir yeur vobir iiitft dnvir art rnjiuby kvvies i would hkf to thhk frirndi irlihbour nd rtutivei for the many lovrly rrdi icifti and flower re rrvl while 1 wn in eor lirtown hospital and ntue rf turning imme a very pedal thank you to ur hebfk and the nurmm staff mr i jinny luln uatthrvs i wlh to thank family and friendi epvrially mlu inl m for jlfti and kindneii thown uhllf 1 wa a patient in rorvetown and dutnrl memorial hospital llianki also to dr ltebenek and the tuirfcing itff mm hue maltheui coming events isths ewxaes bill and glnny oe barter ar bafipj to announ- cm tha arrltal of thalr aos brian william born on mon day june 14th ibm la o argetown and xuatrict manw rial uoopiul piathk ancuuk donald iuhahb m guiy j 30 lmovai 1u mil ton onurlo donald menabb sinclair formerly of ballinaiav in hb 4th year aort o th late john v and 1ora sinclair and dear brot hr of bed0 mrt- v uc xckchnitji krd ctr kate mr- h mcjtneryl fcule mr j cryrobu stanley korman yiorcoc mrt h ituilej- aortaet mr w deutkey uid the utn cllbrt runeral arvier ja held on wedneaday at 2 00 yu at the harold c mcclur kunra hoaie 4 rjith cortvtown intemieiit crmiiwood ciiiftrry tspretowrp watk1ns kevinsld harold harry at wlltoi lhtift hoipital oa tburtdgiy june 171b 1009 kfkunald harold harry watklnj btoved hut band of anne iiaunon and dtar father of david at home runeral srvlr waa held at rf afttflican church utl ton on katurday afternoon at lhre o dork interment li in i verkreen inelery milton mimowttams iii aih in loving mwnory of a dear mother and grand mother mora lllalr who pat lud away june 23 1d60 within our itore of menionei mie hold a place apart ror no one elie can ever le more rheriuied in our hearts llie rmnily krikmt in luvhng memory of my dear wife huth who pauud away june 24tli 1cm i have oit my aool ronipanian a life linked with my own utu h j cra blf yr ana- and day by day 1 mlu her more folio urvlcm 110 pm sort l i walk through life alone day jurw 7hi cwch yv tar y ri ty hus tnlohamllton chtmrwl 11 band norman irt memorial arire at mjent in loving memory u msmmiams frxklgt in lorinf manury of a datmr znothcr aod rand- another both feoxar who paa- aed away jum 34th ibm- tha tears in my ayca will wipe but the ache in my heart u ther to atay your ufa wa lowd and labour d your lov for your family was trur you did your beat for all o uj you left uj cuivfly yoiir jl ulnuwn but tnecnorie you left we axe proud lo own what ww would xr it w txuld wy hello mend fu the lam old why te hear her volr k her mui 1 mt and talk wilh hr awhlur to you who hv a moiher cheruh br with rart kor yti will ntwr knaw the herurhsri till yu ae her vacant chair vvrr riiiembered by ge orge ixia and kvelyo rajcmt in lovlri tnriaory of my dear daughter lira nor man etker who paued away juiu 24lh ltkm gone li the face i loved so dfr silent the voir loved to hear too far away for sight or speech but not too far kor thought to reath the blow waa hard tlie shock aevere to part with one i loved so dear alwayi remembered by her mother mrs henry san deraon thf olohoitowe hibald tnuraday jurv 24rh 1965 harley motors open this sunday and foliowing week every night til 9 p m 31 john street west 8772591 churchill cemetery one mile north on churchill road ac ton on sunday june 27th al 2 30 pm gueit ipeakrr mr g tutri student mlnntrr of ballirufd charge special mu ale in event of inclement wri ther service will be held in the churchill united church briar hill riding stable 1 hour trail rides 7 00 per perien for appointment call michael faris i77u04 elated sunday for your shopping convenience ilvers now open thursday and friday nights until 9 pm this weeks specials mens sanforized foiished cotton slacks 150 pair thursday 6 ta 9 p nt only one pair to cualemerl mens summer t dress shirts short sleeves stripes with snaplab collars 100 friday 6 to 9 pm only 00 tvj cuitotnar presbyterian church public worship 10 am church school 11am minister ft d duruanian organist richard k phillips bingo free bus t st marys church binoa bramptan ntxt monday leaves wilkes lucky dollar 7 10 pm by main water and guelph sti of a wonderful neighbour and friend huth eelker who was sudilenl taken one year ago 7 june 24th 10m it only takri a little space to vrrile how much ur mlis ou hut it will take he reit of our livei to forget the da ur lost ou alwavs remembered hy her neighbours irene and fred fkuvkn in loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother huth relker who pas trd away june 24th 1cs4 god look her home it uaa hi will rut in our hearts she liveth atill fvrr rrmrmbered raht ann and hobby fkucejl in loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother huth relker who pas aed away june 24th 1wu your last parting wlah we would like to have heard and breathed in your ear our last parting word only those ho have tot are able to tell tne pain in the hrart of not saying farewell kver rwniwnbered by ma rilyn bill and julie b gv ii f in loving m mory of a dear husband and father siuncy arthur morris who pated away june 24th 1057 rorget you dad w never wilt fight years hive patted we love you still like ivy on the withered oak when other thing decay our love for hun will still be green and never fade awa lovingly remembered by wife kathleen and family o nnikn in loving memory of kdward o rnen who wai instantly taken away in june 2th lt0 his charming ui and smiling face are a pleasure to recall he had a kindly word for each and died beloed by all ahwaji remembered irene and kred s1vwart in loving meo ry of a dear mother and crand mother lillian stewart who passed away june 21t 1h past her suffering past her pain cease to weep for tears are vain she who auffered is it rest gone to heaven with the blest always remembered by bob ijllian and family jessie and ilill and family mar andy and family jack and tooty inhe and family st1wart in loving memo ry of a dear grandmother and ireat rand mother i an stewart who passed away june 21st 1mj1 nor clasp your hand grandma dear your face we cannot see f hut let thla hltle token tell that we still remember thee vver remeliered by helen and ron jatvon and shaw juniors will replace dead elms on farms the june meeting of the nor val jnninr 1a un held at the home of hill robertson after a disruilon it wat de cidd that each memh r te up plied with trees to plant on their farm to replace the elm trees that have died from the elm disease a suggestion was made that vorval junior far mera plant a tree in hornhy park on the occasion of halton junior rarmrrs 10th annivrr aary celebration the guest sneaker for thr boys meeting was doug mcdonelt as slstant agricultural hepresenta tive for halton and peel the guest speaker for the girls was airs dorothy wiluon from brampton limine s college mys willson spoke on careers and charm modelling schonlt llie meetlnff closed with the committee in charge urn ing lunch iorne 11 1 a thanked the robert sons for having the meet ing jacks driving school 8774450 tt safe way i learn 42s the pirst next thursday our country i birthday this yrar falls on a thursday the july 1st or dominion day hoi day la next thursday anil is a statutory holiday 3 miles north of junotlon highways 401 and 10 at yellow briar tavern on steeln ave west thursday friday saturday all celer thew elvis presley kltsin cousins plus western action ouick gun- audle murphy 4 sunday omlyi soldier in the rain end hellrire club monday tuesday bedtime sy6ky in color plus flisht to ashiva wed nishtl i baturas above two plus beast of hollow mountain ihiitwihiilti bingo this monday t00 pm at the riviera in norval full jackpot 1000 minimum jackpot 55 numbf rs r uu in 17 prizes free bus this monday 1 phone e772mi u routino cerpersllen ef tha tawn ef caergatawn tenders racanslructlan f guelph st kings highway no 7 sealed tenders addressed to m c g benhim clerk town of georgetown municipal officer 3fl main street north georgetown ontario will be received until 5 p m e d s t monday july 12th 10as for the reconstruction of guelph street from mountain view noad 0b2 milei westerly to maple avenue including gra ding granular drainage and pa vlng the contract will include si 000 cubic yards of excava lion 36 500 tons of granular and 6 650 tona of atphaltic pa vement plana apecincatloni and ten der forma may he obtained on or after june 24th ims from the head office of bamai and smith limited consulting en glneerc 10 codeco court pon mllti ontario upon depoalt of u300 per aet rtifundbl when the plana and aped flea 1 1 nna are r turned in an acceptable eon dltion plan depositi ah ill be trtade by certified cheque pavable to the corporation of the town of georgetown tend era muat be accompanied by a certified cheque tybl to the corporation of the town of georgetown in the amount of twentyone thouaand dol lar 12100000 the aucceaaful tenderer will be required to furnleh 100 performance bond prior to the execution of the contract agree- went the loweat pf any tender not ttoctjaaaruy aocepted c g benham clerk corporation of the town ot gebiilelomnr office georgetown onurlo mamchtlams sikwart in loving memo ry of a dewy mother and graadmother lillian stewart who td eway jun 21st 1b61 four year haw ptaaed irt tnlaa btrf ao hwvvf khatl hr memory fade thouarhtat of itwfj will alwaya go ttt the puc where she u laid lovingly remcnbrtd by daughter jean d grandeb drm kltlott and johnny itifwakt in loving taemtv ry of a dear vif liluad su wart who paj wy jul tie 2jt 1001 1- our yajxaualnrtj tiie lad diy the one i loved was called away god took her home it waa iji will tut iu my heart the liv still always rtmiknlvred by bus band j ni strwaut in loving inwno ry of a dear grandmother- ajid great grandmother lilll an stewart who patwd away june 21st 1wi when dayi are dark friends few grandma dear we think of you friends are friends if they are true we lost our beit uhrn we lost you v sadly mlued h trend ehlldren karl and fturla jim and ioma and great grand children dresses dresses and more dresses silvers in georgetown and brampton carry the largest selections of fashionable summer dresses in the entire district priced from 398 to iq95 announcing mcgibbon hotel under new management introducing entertainment evary thursday friday anh saturday night in the ladies room notice to creditors in thi bstath ef emwarua i leruaio can ham an decaasad all persons having claims against the httate of i- mman uel lonmo late or the town of georgetown gentleman who died on or about the- 7th day of may 10g5 are hereby noti fird to send particulars of same lo the undersigned on or before the jflth diy of july a d ims after which date the katate will be distributed with regard only to thr claims of which the un dersignrd shall then have not icr and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then hive notice iatrd at georgetown this 31st day of june ad looo michael william lrusno kxecutor of the estati of vmmanuel iorusu by hn solicitors dale dennett latimer and tlilnes 23 mill st georgetown ont 130 attention motorcycle enthusiasts motorcycle scramble at acton ontario sunday june 27 practice at 10 a m races at 1 p m admission 1 00 children under 12 free free parking 1st ecncasslen west of hwy 25 just north off hwy f premetsd by nsrtown m c c toronto sanctioned by cma the j l lambert award fund will mtovidc a leaving scholarship ror georgetown district high school and a permanent reminder ofmr lamberts term op oppice as principal- contributions should be mailed to mr t e beer georgetown district high school and cheques made payable to the j l lairrtwt award fund all contributions will be acknowledged the first award can be made at the next commencement if you send youf contribution now mjl j v ltj vi miivjjfl togg

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