Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald i lr leasee h i 22 main street s- gwgriewn ontario wtuwici pag 4 ttufqday 24th 1965 editorial comment do teenagers buy nescafe do tee9e4t forrrt ttie main market lor rwtefe and oaydol if they do then tka iponums ol th sunday night canadian telecast of th ed sullivan luw should ba vellioo rtuiir product lil hoi cku but if not tome- on is rtdifbg a tor of money for noth- lncj as w have don on mfy recant sundayi w flipped off the let uit eftar ed announced his re a 1 1 y big attractions tor the evenmg soupy site and i ha dave claik fiv th sunday bafore ii waj tha tolling stone and twfor that the beet les and dear knows wlet auamolaga of notalent if popl who want 1o tail tolt drinks toolhpaita and tricycles lo th kld vvsnklo spend llveir monay on ihn dp- no distinctive songs hai it bwr 6ttuvd to you hut can- ku h fw dtillfctl iong w noticed thl recently wun at ijthig whic oomprlud popu from tvrl urvdi ttv mir of crmonui aik d wker people ware from then improv sd a nttonal song for thm h ran th gamut highland lams iwtfll alwayt b an england mather juuckr and a fuwrvb of stale torvg- yallow row of taxai carry we back to old virginny and whan finally canada ntrd hw pc1ur th bait ha could do was alooatla now w don t for a minuta mean rkt alooh lint a typical franch cana dian folk long actually thara ara dozens church union on horizon lrp rtkx poxw fo thm eot kf ponor want to booit 14 u of iop fcnd cohatf and odn product then hwy thould it a btw y on th tnrkl hy want to roach if thy adult with n 1 ct of ovv 25 tn iufftf through oa prfomtn4 of th lwiltta of soupy salsi of itslwi to 6a mor drwry beetle ooop wlilna tkatr way through anorhar unintvltloibw wltw of touocl wd ba much uirprlaad 4r djo fcw a show which tommaiv dd th prestige of ed suulveri sportd in twllnlncya frying fo cla o art adulri uua of what ou youngst w lrt 1irwant yh would b no faiur way lo wtka ed up than for ipontort to cancvl tnd put thatf adsanu1n doit art to work wh trwy hava dune of gatting uwna raturni which fill tha bhj thara rut an enguih canadian long w dont tam to hav mayba our long wrif can gat boiy and wrila torn othar provincial tonga to w won t ba ambarrtiiad in futura tuau tdul ontario dp in th huart of mani loba cary ms rack lo old saikatcfwtwan of at la a it how about lorn city tongt i took lacing in kaputkailng i mde hay in north bay or torn tuch now that wa hava our flag crito ul vad it might giva a parliamantary covw mittaa tomathing to tmk it taath in at tha uait thay might ba abta to provida a malody for thara nothing fartoma about latter paarton or wa don t naad haarki wa va got robartt tt hauaa of common i con unuea dabale on the budget re lie heiringi oo objection in aolutiofu th main intrrctt in ottawa aurting on sepemtwr tiiau retolutlon appear to be 28 at 10 00 a m in the nation eotrd around the netolution calif ry auditorium and attwaa setup one of the problem dealing with newspaper and ma kingston starting on september will be the difference in llalton eaiijes the purpose of thee 21st at 10 00 a ii in the city currant tahtt btwn tha anglican and unitad church indtcata that a futura union of thm two urga canadian chur- chaa u a poaaiblllty bohll a oirf public announcamant uld that rha two church hava rachd agraamant on tha prlnciplas of faith and orow and rconvnand that preparation ba mad imrrwdlamy to prp p union yhl u tubct fo ratification by tha governing body of naoh church at maating thi yaar and naxt it it to ba hopad that if union occur i h will ba fowl without tha tchitms which occurred amoat forty yaars ago whan math odith and praibytariana attamptad lo gat togwfhar at tha unhd church in that cat famllua wra dlvidad and faalingi ware blnw t torna individual churcha rafutad to unita if anglican and unifad church gat toga t ha r thara will hava lo ba undarttand ing on both itdat church union mutt ba lika a marrlaga to ba auocauful aach part- nar mutt tubdu torn of hit idaai changa toma of hit wayt of hfa in or64r to craala a naw whola it doat not ma an giving up any of i ha batict of ufa it a mora a qua it ion of turfaca change so it mutt ba whan tha two churcha gat down lo datail tha argumantt ara iiabta lo coma not to much in fundamental a in tha tmaltar trappings of religion knaallng to pray wakly communion chcuc of hymm vatt- mantt forms ol prayart it it particularly hara that mambart of tha two church mutt avoid patty argu ment which coold ruptur a mitlar plan news desk extras by tarty hariay tiw for touuti you bava ta ba eiftful what ym uy in adwrll- tna tbaaa daya wa baani at alory about a ca daalar bs advahlaad that ba waa ouarlbk thli apadal supatr stz wltb wblta wall urea for only 1 j4o baaanu mm barnlm wyajybakl arri- ad at bla ofttm and tbraw a atalk ftl s on bla daak tbli aba aald waa tba down paytaant and aba would taka tba balanh in lo eaay terrai ilka half s doaan baaanu waak tba daalef tjplalnad that ba didnt really mean bananaa ha meant bueki but lira wytttytu- kl rtuck to bar baainaa tba uat wa haard aha waa taking jt to tha columnar protaetlon cootmlaalonar an tharga ol lalaa kdvartlalnf paopla n to canada from ovaraaaa moat bava a difficult uma laamln our tat uih untuata which no osa will deny la rough for baftanert tke tha word itmv tat lnatao- m u tnaana to uovi rapidly but it alao tnaana atatlonary and immorabla tf thara u anything our fa vour however tfa that wa cat usually aay what wa hava to aay ho fewer ayllablea tba book antload flow turned tljdoo into a wu in eal eruta i my span time in oarmati would become wfai leh ala omndatnackv imd llaua- makler in majaer irelielt aui iwti aaannqllonan f tatt aend aditlniadaft jfaben und ftwnftit mark mid -drelund- inmalg mnmu matbet our childhood baroae wt a pretty unhealthy lot when yon coma to think of it- uttla mlaa muhet autferad from ar- atbnopnohll aar of apldenl uumpty duiftpty bad vertigo and oataonalacla dlnlneaa and lack of ealdum utla polly kilndera baa ayrlngomylela a cbronle dlaaaaa of tba aolna column jack saratt likely had dlabetea and wu married to woman who buffered from borne ualadjuatmedt which mada bar pathologically obaae tha ultla girl with tba curl waa echlko- phrenlc utile jack lfornar bad a fongentlal daformlty of tba thumb and utla boy blue probably bad a type of alaeplng tkkneee ocmnd to comvtmttom mayor joaaoh clbbona la plan ning to reereaent caorfatown at tba annual meeting of tha aaaoclatlon of ontario mayor and reevaa thli year he waa delagated to attend by council on monday it will ba held in kitchener from june 17 to june m news echoes rvm th paawa el tha herald ims and ims 10 viak1 aoo a danlltt in goorgalowri or fifteen yean dr clifford raid li trartiferrlng hit olflco lo erin and will open a new office they next month terra colla inn had dlitlndulihad oueth on friday whan tha unved kingdom high convnlulonar and hit party had lunch there council monday gava the first two raadlngii to a bylaw which would grant a frenchlta to helton natural gal co to supply cm for industrial and domettie uta in town it meant gaorgalown will hava natural gai within two months i latetf addition to tha district racraatlon teens it water falls playground which will opan this saturday natr llmahouts joe prucyk hat purchased a 305 acra tract of land and plant to maka it a complete racraatlon area la vmm aoo reeve w j robertson at county councllthlt week brought up the tubsd of the stowarttown road which he claimed would not be paved because lt wat finan cially impossible to undertake paving the line would cost 30000 he said mr robertson drew only two supported and it was agreed to pave slawarltown road 7lh jnethlt summer a walk in space a as harley to halton weekly orisiivayionj iv dl hauy hari1y mp for ha1ton sugar j f lt new breed of pygmies well tatber how did yoo an joey your day jperaotuuy rather day daned ma mi it aaddaaa me d year tlw merm mxljocp o tucb a day u ad hbduatioc a tha sew lo to wbiafa tha father ha wank in the family tmtt joat a tvm de cade bso every day waa f- thmru dmy uad lher wj bo toalw hout it when i waa a kuiw wa tmrio commltxion will hold pub- ontario lfreulatura over ihr put two yars it can uicraforc b clearly rn that thl i an independent conunlulon uiat two controversial ttfrn arc 1 to prevent fore inn take over of canadian newtnapers by liitereit other than canadian cd to discourage advertising la nan canadian magazine in attempt to save canadian uafailne from flnaneial rollap hall council chimber after contidrring all written and ver bat representations and there after making any adjustments it consider necessary or desir- between frederal and irovincl at boundaries but thl is neces sary because of tba different number of ii ember in the on tfcrio legislature and the on urio liembert of the house of thereafter any 10 member of parliament will have 30 days the newspaper are afraid that whlch o flt with lhe com the first resoluuon will be the oni sw any mo eon thin edge of the wedge in go- wrnlng th 0 cotumisij able the commission will then common at ottawa protest may file its official rcnort with par be filed s outlined above from haroent any interested person croup or organization md left alone ba retired to km chair and read his paper t he waa called for aapoar dvmj the meat ha waa not forced u uaian to a kvamlnote rifctc about the terrible day saother had kor did h have to 5k tap quaxtxla tmoo the flhtr they woumol have dared qua and on h wekestt my dad waeot expected to turn into a perty bey ha wu urd oo safe tmiay nlrht mad ha went to bed if ha fait like going to church text day he did u he didn tm didot but ha waaot peatesyd ail day bundy by klda watttinfa to be uktui awlmmlnat or wife wanting uy go for drive er ttofnhody in m he tnade tha derlalaofl ii ba just feinted to kit d tha verutfuh ud look at the grau growing he did vu hut tw waa m ht u- all we want tw a punid wm ufwy bwt titamai watftffrat btf iw fwluhfwm aui bad ffaulfag hiua kwetaiffme wml fcuti mamu k lguiv smhj bad wmui h tm a ttva u hu sumy hex itaufi with dlertlfy and a t4lf timut 4 jblhi at khtw anef umek ka wuu rwtua at a buntvee u the shade ha w ewra f tntieea una he utcliewi ftw aw iheir day and betw wtti the dlshea w mnnmf tm the ajswd u deya iwiw atlevt hawe a day u the rw pucm bnd t wewuwt h m ku tivy the dih u ha macmtdf begsa ifha knew h ku w hli pcrhap it the lnrri la uuum tiu that ha turotj the head 6f tha hoiisa into tha foot of tha family a iuutltut baby sitter an unpaid dotiiestie u vy a baady walling wall and la genoad a pale rrfwtlou of hi dlcnifled rparted wale for bear until a eoupla of decide ago father worked a sixday to hour k blit b dldut grt ulrtrt or drop dead at 5 and do you knov why because ha dldn t te u much of hla family a th poor cripple gutted creature who bring home the hacoa to day kowadayi fatlier gt a day off doe he potter in tha gar den doea he go tlahtngt doe ha play golf with the boy would it were so he is kicked into the street with tha children while mother doe whatever modern women do around hotae with 13 000 worth of labor sav ing machinery yhr i hathl nra ejtuhu hi tha aiam el a father m hi day aff wandarlhf wurly ahaut a iriwtaat tralud by fwa r thraa whurt kllda when my dad got home from work he dldnt have to set the table run around looking for the lard 1 tad a afcwe the kid than jump la the ear kld ht tha day ef treubu and and go to get a quart of tallk u uwh tha that teuat u nor did h have to pukup a m hthuwi 1 7 few thing oa tha way lme another reason for hi uoquee tioned head of the house aiatua wa thkt we didnt argue with hitt now you have to ducuaa i everything with the brat to day s fsther can get into a 20- tnlnute argument with any kid over the ige of five at the drop of a buggestlon and coma oat whimpering oil generation ha turn fa ther from giant to pyguilea and now if you ii pardon me i have to go and make the beda hile my wife dries her hair and watches a utile tv bible thought for the week because mother looked after her own shopping no air when my dad got home froxd work ha wu greet ad aifectionitely but politely karth present no problem that heaven cannot aolve the real trouble 1 la our failure to aee it i am with yvu to deliver you aailh tba lord vemment control over newspa per content while at the mo- laent it concern only the sale on a report house of common dehate on of canadian newspapers as far uch motions muit start with u the canadian magazines are 13 dsyi thereafter with no ii concerned it la felt by many that if advertising is directed away by tax measure from noa canadian magazines it will gtt to tha radio and televiiwn media rather than the canadi an magtxlne redistribution 1 the common talk on parliament hill 1 am sure everyone i awre of the change recommended for hat ton the new riding or llalton will be everything north of lake ontario between the oak villa town line a far as the top of erin township which would therefore include oak villa georgetown milton ac- tan erin and eaqueslng and erla township n sis c a way a township would become part of wellington riding burlington would form tha major part of tha new riding of htlton went worth generally apeaking the refor llalton will have two member repreentlng the pre sent llalton under the representation act combined with certain provlsl on of the british north ame riea act the average ontario riding under the 1m1 census will have 70 a05 population thr representation act further pro vides that no riding can have more than m ww population nor lea than m 150 popula tlon what happens next con cevnlng the ontario commis aiona proposed plan for ftfl seats for ontario 6236 002 popula tlon an increase or three seat for the province these are the step let out in the repreaenta uons act anyone wishing to file objec uoni to the proposed ontario riding or mike corrective iug gfsauotui wut do- o within 23 day wlui s 3 gadiby com mission secretary room 1us mackenzie building 3d adelaide street kat toronto the on mlt flsfd on the length of the debjtr the ontario commis on will then have 30 days to consider the common debate from the hansard report and make any alterations in its re port it sees fit to make the com minion s report will then be sent bark to parliament for its information only as the final federal redistribution will end the ontario redistribution que tlon similar procedure are provided under the representa tlon act concerning boundary commission report form the other nine province the member of the ontario boundary commission are mr justice edward a richardson of the ontario supreme court a chairman dr k grant crawford political science pro fessor and director of the in stitute of local government at queen university kingston roderick lewis ontario lcgl lature clerk anil ontario gov emment chief flectoral off eer and mr nelson caston guay ottawa representation commissioner chief electoral officer for canada the first three member apart from mr caslonsua constituted the boundaries commission for re distribution of riding for the business directory want policb subsidy the ifcwn of tllburytirtee1e- ing aumhirt tram other ontario towns ia asking for more sub tidy on police expenditures the town claims that it pays a huherahtre or its policing hian rural municipalities which have provincial police in charge oeorgetown council took no aetlon on tha request whan it was reaif on jlondayc j chiropractor donald a cay dc appointments msda duly call y 7mol so mill tt caartfatawm georgetown herald published by heme mewteaaart limited georgetown ontario walter c blthn publisher garfield mccllvray production superintendent lesllo clark diva hastings u giuon j mcclements peter annatour terry hnrley alloen bradley news editor accountant frank mullin advertising uaniger mrs wlluun goggle clerk tyolit anno currle reporter polar jones photographer member of tba canadian weekly newspapers association and tbo ootro association chiropractor carald w cartxtt dc open dally by appetatmeat house calls arranged i77u3 11a main si nsrtfc optometrist wmcmilligaiik 35 mill si appointments 177171 calt wbstwood onlarle land surveyors iis uountalnvlaw rd s yriangle 7ttll w a carr b p wettweed yk 7ttm has yr atltt dax developments limitid ulldart el ina hantaa prop walter pacholok 1771111 er i77m1s barragers cleamrashlrt launderere tr 7 aw 18 main s 1m guelph all work dene en premise o y walkir ro oou ofyomhtritr 13 ualn sl s brsmpton i514474 res s182u hours 0am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 0 am to 0 pm kvcnlngs by appolntmeot robl r hamilton ofvtomatrtst 116 uountalnvlaw rd s carretal bldx for appointment 8773971 monuments pollock campbill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phonr slt7sm s3 water street north o a l y prank f itch licensed auctioneer prompt service po bos 413 tr 7186 oaergetowd ceohgbtown animal clinic ids gatalph street dr r b gaskln v xavlts dvm olnle open dd pm mom wrd prl saturday 11 ajw advertising pays i ip service is your business kmf your nameqi sufor the public with a rurald ad dale bennett latimer baines barrutmre a telkltara douglas v latotldl terenck p baiku trungle 7ssal m u1u sl caorgetowa frederick a helson barrister and salkllar lit mountslnviaw rd s carreul bulliung georgetowa y 71m me mandersoti qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7 2464 tvansicklerba barrister solicitor netarv dr wiulsms bldgj so usln s to 7453 wallacr thompson 3rd dlvlsletl court clark cemmlulaner tstysml printing op distinction a statements e letterheads envelopes wkdmno invitations geonjetowitheral w71j01 r raid rv

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