Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1965, p. 1

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ads that pay yw can aaacat am mm in rtw clamtftaa paeasa ay actmi r r stafcsa tv hu w abn wlo on tfc nawhs ywi georgetown herald tie home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing w omka dapeoteaa u cm ontario tbuncuy july 1st ims pa year setts cats mesa tea casts car ripped driver okey a cooksrida man yttjwmt wriwui injury wm ri cr 01vpd 0 lu ioi fcad aa t th iadexaactlon f gotjll sc sd msoaulav r bmt 5uday lry o wkkajn wkerllk dvivmg u cuelpfa st ead vtf alowing to make left ra uu uocqij atolon b ft taa drives by acauric a ifgrwt terra cotla toludv with w bee end tbj wtciu car rroaaed ui6 tw opposite ian hod ruppd tt roof llhaily coming to treat to burib id6taoc o taw toad property data wi iwa- ad 00 to tb er tin- ecidaot kappeoml i khoruy after former stewarttown resident buried in greenwood cemetery a former sierw art lowd ru mis 1iok jeiiklnsou 65 had in st catharues celttrtl boapital ou julie xi tb fannrf mary jtut low y b vu born la england hr and acr jenk 1 rtson v ho mto uarrud in idod etn to fcanadj b 1013 lived in toron for ud yar and bwved to 9twahunn in 1023 iir hut died a year latar fay continued to uv in the until 1043 then ttovwl i tborold and later to chap- she returned to cejorg- vrf for few years and since 1953 bad mad her home in and for the past frw tha in st catharine uaves three children of thuuelnwn mrs it uh uary of thorold and d mccoh franc of st riom 10 grandchildren 9 threat grandchildren and titer and kuten john lowe- tbronlo george and robert and mr annie james kiitund a aon john died in 1057 and wu alio predeceased by r and alsler in england ptluu mr api town mr tnranca barker and klixabetl lviton har ivtirr smltb 6f st jaua church conductad th srfivlc in st cathar ed june lt3 during the ur- mr joy blion huntfr unto th hill six krand jallbarri kdward uk wetland rkhard 0tt sound rnde- sundlb welund herb don jenkltuon thuiletown hob jenktnaon georgetown rsv james e uaxwrtl of st church stewarttown ducted tfravetide trvie th burial in greenwood ce georgetown pnncipils at rec pvtar jooa lbotd district headmasters lose one of their own ywo dkyftlcy high tdvool principal at robt mr e rtanien of ac ion and mr f fmni of trin ware among the many well wuhan al recsption wedneuiay for gaor gelown lugh tcfvool principal j l lorrvhart who terminates thirty year in the poiition tint tummer alio eovofhj lite viutoi were dept of education public school impact or o w mcdowell left the millon high uhool principal mt hunter end high ichool imped or mr vidteri alio dropped m reception honours principal retiring after thirty years driver killed at level crossing eagle signal expands addition for september james gregg fatally injured when commuter train hit car july mli it- rund will be brukeu fur 7ao0 q foot ad dltlon to the kige in i nil ul viikot of k w lulu of canada ltd on ouelph st ihe iww buildint m fret by campbell vi lie youth dies in motorcycle- ca accident a campbellvilu boy driving a lavin hi fioitinn this turn mr after thirty ycar as hih bcbool principal j leonard lambert wai feted last wed n pi day at a public reception in the hifih school cafeteria u lambert is returning to ucuaiter university for pott graduate ttudiri in ijiliih which will lead to tin maier of arte doeree the informal reception ar ranged by the school board wai well attended by present and former students parenu and other friends school principals from neighbouring towns for mer board members the public and high school inspectors and a mrmber of the firm of archi tecls which planned george towns new school alio paid their respecis hoard chairman william carr and his wife assisted in recrl ving guests with ur and mrs jmbert a number of the senior ciru served coffee and cookies and cadets acted as doormen and parking attendants a num light motorcycle was killed isle sunday night leroy intrtis of it h 2 campbell villa was on his way home from milton along no 3 sideroad wlien hl- mirhtne was hit by an east bound car driven by maurice uonseon of thornlnlt iolire said ingua was killed instantly and was pronounced dead at the scene of the acci dent the accident was approxlma tcly the 20th in the county this month in which motoroclri ber of old school pcturrs wrrr lnvo hurleys drug committee sets meeting for fall ottawa specul to the her aid the commons special committee on drugs will not commence formal sittings until late in september dr harry harley up for halton and com mlttee chairman announced here today the new committee which was organized two weeks ago plans electric storm aaakes extra night work for hydro crew violent wind during the elee- storm monday night was ed f or number of line which interrupted hydra in some parti of geor end gica wulunu two- primary lines were taken by a limb on main st s 015 causing a hydro break ntf the area south of ber- 1uu servlce was also in- ted to homes in the park while georgetown hydro nude the repair a one phase line was knocked t shortly after that at union king atreeu where another ng limb put area house in gaifcnesj for a ahort time cedarvale is site for st johns church picnic a hundred and fourty child and tome so accompanying j found corgetown can 1 projaci tbe cedarvale properiy ideal for st a annual sunday school i monday june 11 t tm followlnk enjoyed it jtut jljue bit more tince they took aa home for their aucceai the program of gamea and ml 4 and s yean old 1 bwfinlg race 8 and under dean searrow david glru joy huvat laird suaan ilillitof race over a koy darcle fred ioare don girli sherry searrow walsh jane wiluami back nee boya gerry darcle getty dave hoare glru stamp- beth fleming scarrov jloma kicking ahoe ura m hogan lira doralhy ha vbttrthrowlng ikuiband and mr iai mrs tom darcle marsha jonea bobcrt hall judy draper olentpdd glen wllliama homri lost their hydro service twice once before midnight in the eastern section of the village including the be aumont knitting mill and again during the night georgetown hydro linemen had the seeoml break located and fixed by b au two very brief interruptions at the start of the storm wen the result of feeder line trouble east of georgetown a secondary line which broke on emery st affected service to just three houses on that street r television aerials ami at least a half doien chimneys came thumbllng down during the height of the turbulence and amall branches and twigs strewn over lawns thlsmomlng gave evidence of the strength of the guac study conservation at weekend camporee scouts from georgetown dlst rlct numbering 135 plus their leaden attended a weekend eamporee at brockton parm on the check line owner roger vincent made the campsite available for ihe outing tills year they were joined by a visiting toronto troop from sllvertnount district don li vingstone was camp chief the theme of the camporee was conservation among the fe atures was a talk by oac gradu ate doug flshburn on soil ero sion and one by ii r parker of credit valley conservation authority on forest and water conservation a a practical demonstration the scouts diverted part of tie streams with a dam they built parents attended a camptlre on saturday night and camp tours were also arranged dur ing tbe saturday afternoon one more meeting on tuesday to discuss the agenda rut with parliament expected to recesi for the summer any day tbe committee will not start to hear witnesses until the fall session we hsve been lining up s list of witnesses and all of them hsve asked that they be given time to prepare and ap pear before tbe committee in the fll dr llarley said al ready there are about 15 indl viduals and representatives of groups who hsve been schedul ed and 1 erpect a lot more than that dr harley said the first wr neu will be heard september 28 and the committee will meel twice a week through the fall he slid if the number of sub missions increasea as he expects it will probably be necessary to meet three times a week if the committee is to have a re port ready for parliament be fore christmas as it is hoped the committee will be eaara inlng the controversial question of drug costs after having ex amined aafety factors related to their manufacture and distrl bution displayed around the room add interest to the evening mr ijmbert who served oceneai with the iome scots in world war 2 as a rsptsin wss also honoured by the re glment when col john it nar ber and major earl llnce at tended the reception in dreis uniform they presented him with a souvenir of his army days a mug on which his nsme tras inscribed which ht hsd not teen for soma 20 years nephew dies in accident on freeway carl tremhlay 17 of streets ville one of two people killed in an automobile accident on thursday night on the mardon sld cartler iyeeway near port hope wss a nephew of s glen williams woman mrs iochle shlrreffs tremblsy with riding in s car with 57 yesr old jsmes sirsrss nf ivanhne who also lost his life the 1053 model car thry were nding in went out of control and rolled over mr and mrs shlrreffs and uis thelma tixxsrd glen wil liams attended the funeral on monday morning cyclist passenger are injured in collision a motorcyclist and hla pas senger were injured in an ac cident involving a motorcycle a car and a truck saturday raymond roy 83 queen st brampton suffered lacerated note and hla passenger edgar gallant 18 main st n bramp ton an injury to his left eye in the accident which happened at 5 23 opposite vf guelph st the youths were taken to georgetown and district memo rial hospital- by police cruiser and treated by dr c a thomp son police said the motorcycle was westbound and collided with a 1051 plymouth driven by thomas paulln 117 raylawn crese georgetown the taulln ear was eastbound and in the process of making a left turn the motorcycle flipped over and landed in front of an east- bound 1058 cmc truck which also hit it the truck- was dri ven by charles r valantlne 3 cieaveholme damage was 200 to the mo torcycle 100 to the car and 100 to the truck cp ted scott investigated ith accident l ilesjdrs his parents mr ami mrs douglas inglis is survived by his three sisters llonnlr 17 judith 12 and ie borsh 6 ss well as s brother john 13 and a grandmother urt j whalry of london kunersl service wss tuesday afternoon 150 ft will be constructed east of th ltt building with completion date svptfember 15th in the new controlledhuml dityandalr building electrical and electric mechanical instru mentj will be assembled and in dustrlal timers counter rcas snd trafnc controls will be mi nufsctured in addition fire alarms will be built here recently the esgle lulu co added silk screen processing to their activities with the completion of the addition more employees will be needed no damage as minor blaze doused fast firemen oouscd a minor blue in the paint shop of twin cec industries umited armstrong ave thursdjy night before it could reach the combustible pslnt the fire originsted in the joul over an euiaust an at the 1rrearh rfar du smoke for ced employees to vacate the plant the alarm was turned in at s 00 o clock share data processing studies with ghs some leorgrtown high school students will be allowed to take advantage of new data procrs sing equipment purchased by the central peel district high school roan at a meeting this week the central peel hoard agreed to permit a certain number of ge orgetown students to attend pra malea secondary school for one halt day per week for data pro cessing instruction starting in september the georffetown board had asked that 10 students be al lowed to take instruction but the central peel hoard felt there might not be room for that number georgetown high school board will provide the transportation to those signing on for the instruction drowning scare will limit kelso pool users the number of people using the kelso dam swimming areas will be limited it was decided fallowing the neardrowning of an oakvllle child there sunday david uurtsy field omear for the halton conservation au thority aald that in future only a limited number of awimmers will be permitted to use the wading and swimming pool faci lilies at one time we must place atrict controls on the number to permit proper supervision said mr murray tracy spells son of mr and mrs robert spells was pulled unconscious from the keso wa ding pool late sunday after noon the youngster was in about 18 inchea of water when he got into trouble he was given resuscitation and later taken to milton hospital by lifeguard janet coulson the child was released from hospital after undergoing examination jami crags 40 of 3 cower ehiircbiiian wa court was killed wbji his ear was hit by a paueggrf train at a cn railway cedttdng ou the 4th line of jcjuting early aviday y he was on his wsy to acton lamwiouse quarry whrre he was merhanlcal superintendent ur greg was going to work earlier than usual to repair a conveyor belt his car was northbound when rammed by die eastbound train carrying some 200 commuters to their j oh in metro police placed the time of the accident at about fl4 the late model gregg ear was knocked over an embank ment by the impact and was totally wrecked damatce to the front end of the diesrl wss es tunsted at o0 ur gregg came to forge town two years ago to take a position as mechsnlcjl supenn tendent with acton limestone quarries a native of cobalt he had his schooling in timmlns then entered the mining business he wss a qualified mastrr mech anic machinist and electrician and worked for some ears for the ralconbridge and inco mines in sudbury during the war he was with a gold mining firm is nicaragua for a few ears he was prominent in lions club work in the north as a charter mrmber of the creixh ton lively club and later as the charter president of the new gudbudy ijons club he served as tone chairman and at the time of hii transfer here had aspirations to become district governor he joined the george town lions when he moved toj been an active tlw ahglic thurcts ia nrv twdbory and fcerved a prvildent tf tin bn- lbhod of anglican cfcuretv- uekl lie uivti ids wife kduj salt two sons jfauits aiurrt jay a student at teachers college and bruce alia a grade s p4- pll at kennedy public cboo hla mother ura s crrgi guelph a brother alrtt gregg turonto and sutera ura uietv ael hukeuan cuclpb amd llr a lesbian lively rev john ucuulkin ronduc ted the funeral service on vi on- day in st georges anglican church six fellow members of the ijons club were pllbearrs krd and john xorge clare wancls j g gob collier uo- hart clark and lya mclaren kinployeea of acton limestone quarrtea were flower bearer interment was ia greenwood cemetery gorglowd georgetown em0 team at rescue exercise flight member of the halton county raergeney measures or ganization rescue team attended an 11day rescue exercise at mount hope airport oa satur day june 12 the team consisting of bob howald henry ott and w a howald from oakvllle c 3 has- enboah and charlee cairn from milton and uilon hanky colin uing and paul lelanc of geor getown did not wtii tat awmrd chief instructor dad scarbo rough of georgetown and hil ton t u o coordinator bruce mcgregor also attended the event ecaf lome scots at summer camp this week the lorne scots p d ft i militia regiment from george town will wind up their week of intensive training at camp nia gara this weekend the lornes are one of 13 mi litis regiments from 17 ontario centres now under canvas there when they leave they will be replaced by 16 more units mo ving into ihe area from points aa far aa ottawa and port art hur township schools showdown the georgetown ciuaen sol diers began their camp sunday june 27 as a result of the recent re organisation of the mil ilia trai ning emphasis this year is on corps subject after several yean of national survival trai ning the militia is once again concentrating on basic soldier ing skill for example infantry regiment at niagara are con cerned with basic tactic at aec lion and platoon level summer camp also give an opportunity for component of newly organised srvlee battal ion to provide logistic support for other unit in camp thl new organization follow the re gular force pattern of grouping all service unit under onehead quarter for greater flexibility and control adon express office follows town closes georgetown is not the only canadian national railway de pot without an express office due to a new cn express hand ling policy weight and express service to aeton began being handled through guelph last week coy transport former con tractors with the cn for the acton service was finished as of a week ago monday and ac ton freight and enpress discon tinued at the same time peplow transport guelph is handling the service for guelph headquarters georgetown express is being handled through brampton beaumont knitting trophy goes to stewarttown stewattttown f ubtlc school olhlolos augdsta strickland and toligls thompson accept the beaumont knitting will trophy from the firms coowner sam pohrlce whlla ihe other half of the partnership gore graham and stewarttown principal rob gibbons look on th stewarttown ichool won track and field showdown of eaqgealncj township achools n georgetown park wednesday jc s z a look at the weather june wed id max 67 thum w rw er wday 18 saturday 1 81 w sunday 20 8s monday 21 j8 tueeday tt w wed s3 80 thum si t friday is w saturday m 1 sunday st 1 8s mondy s8 bo high tor th wee 90 low 38 precis 47 rain i alicia r scott ml 42 51 4s 8t 54 64 49 sa 48 38 43 87 r l

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