Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1965, p. 4

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sugar and s by dill sml when movies meant more the oliver twists harley to h alton wmtly otoorvaiwtt hy ml hjuty mjulty fclf po halyon oe4 bill ukt column th hous of common has bn hsrd at work nd hai processed tjulte i iw pcs of let nl tlnn tb hive betn grtly varied from budct rulution to an indun claim commission it ii likely that the house of caramons will rwss by the ttlddle of july it the litest on day wi spent discussing thm drought situation in onta rio and quebec it was pointed mrt that th initiative in this kiad of disaster has to be u lti by th provincial govern toeiil if they in turn want aid they ask the rederal govern urnt to help them the worst kfj ppirs to b in renfrew county around pembroke and th provincial government has 6ela6 to try rain making ma dua4 iii a deiperale attempt t fert rain tor th droucht area u t retarded u a twenty to ttvwaatytoww ou chance th federal go vernment may share the cost with the provincial overn ment a meeting is to b held between the two governments to discuss the problem other aujeated movei are to post pone mortcage payment on th farm and to pay farmer to cut their crop now to feed their hungry cattle litis la to cop with the ihortgage of for ace for the animals ine malt amount of rain e have had hu not been heavy enough to make aay significant d iff ere n ce the integration of the cana dian armed forces pined an other significant milestone re cently with the announcement of a new command structure purpose of the new plan is to streamline our armed services into a stronger organization with i boot flexibility and mobility t contribute to ib maintenance of ptu mrl h jeftkinsen dies w once stwarttowd resident wife- kiid erutfttd fail laxfa turtfcdjy vith a party at hd lrw bose oa ksturday af ienfioos juw 16th ills tueti uarit pratt bau llunter rvuj aid eiy urheiu paul tki6oa j ami nurs fred hsdl aad brahtr bill m m cfiratub to laurie and alary jaa uaiwclt who passed tarftf gride 1 vocal music exs tfcutiaa with honours at the toronto conservatory both re ivd 74 per nt- atr j c uurray left on sunday to visit relative in pe urborouh air c a grant received his commission as district deputy grand patriarch of lncamp- tant district lfl when he at tended the grand encsmpr it suioni of the ioof at the royal york hotel in toronto 1 this past week district 16 takes id the area from georcetown to brougham and north to new market sincere sympathy of the com feminity is extended to the fam ly of the late mrs ii jenkinson who passed away monday morn lag in st catharines general hospital the jenkinson family were wllknown resident of this community a number of years ao when they moved from mount dennis to the farm now owned fay miss nora krantx after mr jenkinsoni death the family moved to the village to the bouse now owned by mr and airs harvey clare mr jnklnson has lived with bar daughter prances mrs do nald mocall in tborold for a awnbar of yaars and moved with them to st catharines pi ottt three month ago another hter mary mrs richard lirs in tborold and jbank lives at thistle- aou jack died th savings in manpower through itmlnatioa of dupuca tioa has had on unfortunste hi product a myth hss develop ed that the forces no longer require recruits this is not so as a matter of fsct our arm ed forces will need more re emits in the neit few years than we have required in a long long time about 06 of the manpower savings from inte gration are being made through normal retirement i and dis charges also in the neit few yars a particularly large num ber of wartime soldiers sailors and airmen will come to their normal retirement age actuslly more than 10 000 recruits a year wilt he needed for some time to come not on ly are ther ice l lent job op portunities in a wide range of trades but also a chance to serve canada in an exciting personal lytstisfy in g way with fa o mti taw tfur r th local ukoviechmu oi tw twos torsnosc center of scoftohaad cts mad mt viol- and valor rxritosaenl kad waiaay u darkcuin tu urcnar bright apot oa ih main wired ad cloaiag its doom to stand tsmt tat uk s haul tetiaoy to th hawf that is bdnsf wrought ofl out ctdturs b that ooyd toonsw rh uu- vhdod kt rd th frther day that th tfctatr bad ba tlod if toy old tkkd town fend it gav tm quit a pahg uk lbrnlng of th datb of a uyod friwwl atill in kis bt yan rot nm of th4 bot fumativ days bt toy life that thitr drw tow into lu black maw with it twmomi u oi a whau yawning to m 0o small brring mlm lxkld am a kmll kwy i w kw- rj w4tit tex wit uvkfr kmj kuwl dud i w w4mm u hvt hhr i dlm uals wit ywtf ui mt om- iy ut uw witi hurun i i mbs bar gosaa to ovory ftineo i could oianaga moay wao acaro is thoaa day and raiaing a diss was border for a kid than rsdsioaf a dollar now gnaa iirasiai it took so a solid boo u tnoadja the sum oat of sny kid brother an lpduatrioua typm who had a toeiapepcr rouu thcr was a wuhoc atooday wfldneday and saturday in thoa days and it ud my ty gwtuity to rnakv all thxw but i idonl fediaaml u couldnt awd av okty ber botik to ah and my brother was adamant la kwfuaal d hit u my pal tusr kwg ha fajually ardcot kfi dorado of th hlkot bcrn but oo with a uttla- too knouts if he had only a did wd buy ooi uckit ad both try to mjimno past th ticket takar utf knw wht w www dolac and if h was it s feuod takood ut uj both in on l- i w ciwyutly to w yrm wy frwrt 1u who w ct aiaansj ost mm loat saturday i a ma las aia cants front sy ass trs ajsawt av yaara iwal w0s ptathans wt a m 1 oshrdf i aoraasd tho ohar w froa asy aaos4isjf4s awraa if morla on fte local show i cant understand when tha tbeatra in tbotr own toamfooa dark thoaa who haw tajoyod a thoaaaod a to it vm ha aorry ioo saora btttarr ro- filmstrip on smoking valuable to students hjtaupton a bramptoa eoundllor harold loughlln told cauacil last wrk that subdl vidars and to tractors in brsjaptoa h in their beards after an approval of a subdivision plan he said they tuaka whatavcr ehanges they aoe fit without consulting thalr town authorittos and proposed a subdivision by law with teeth la u aoextltkhau residents of chcltenhao vlllaga have been incited into action by the opening of a urge gravel pit in tho village a aeenle hill ahl taring th east side of the vlll age is bslng dastroyed by the pit and is a source of nuisance to tho hotneowners who have cabled thalr up milton the department or highways and milton council are at odds over the width of th tow main st ullton plans to rebuild the main st leaving it at u feat allghtly wider than it is at present the department has rejected the plan calling for acquisition to widen the pavament to 43 feet durind th past year tu ca nadian csncar socuty in con junction with the dvpartmrnt of education conduct- a sur vey to evaluate the effectiven ess of the filmstrip to smoke or not to kiiakr which had ba distributed throughout a great number of sacondsry schools of ontario it wss interesting to note thst only 30 of the students had seen tha filmitrlp indicstlng thst a great deal hss yet to b done it we are to place ob jectively before our younger ge neration tha inherent dangers of excessive smokinff and its re lationship to lung cancer and other possible health haiards it must however be stated that although many students had not seen the filmstrip so me hsd possibly resd articles or hsd participated in cists dls cussion on the topic of smo king snd health those studsnts who did see th filmstrip felt thst it ex ptslned the fscts clearly and it indicated that smoking wss a dangerous habit it wis also of interest to no te thai the survey showed that 23 of th students in grade 0 through is smoked in analysis this seemed a very low figure and further invest gstlon might indicate a different percentage one of the most revealing points of this survey was tha fsct that 34 of those who hsd seen the filmstrip and had previously hoen smokers had now changed their smoking habits as a result of this survey tha subcommltteo on smoking and health which comprises representatives from tha depart ment of education th depart ment of health the ontario me dical association tha medical oftwra of health th ontario tuberculosis aasoclstlon and tha canadian cancer society has suggested that there is a need for how and additional ma tarials with which to carry on a continuing educational program ma in this subject area tha ontario division of the canadian cancer society is now prwparlng these now materials for distribution asstsort worth at tw as a waodarfut part of my eujto- ral attncattioji in thoap days thougfc i djdnt realls it at- tha tim was th music tfthi in as at th show when they wer still running silent picture down in th pit watching th picture and fng its every mood with cooadtnmate skill on tho sdano sat lomi mooaast mot b eouid make yoti rweat ast the wheels started coming off jb staectch how h could make u weak with hot salty uar of a touching monxtit during th ffceo 4h theatr wa a dlftrrot but equally thrtluag plac lo its comoiurf darkneas th knoat uknid boy wvuld find th eourag reach shyly for th wid of hi girl aod sit thfcr clutching it tun ly until both thlr paws were lipp0 with ewcat and if th girl whoa hand i dung to on many a woudvrfu hatunlsy arurngd with th uiisg crowd in th gsury mads this 1 hop she won t b orohjrrfcid it was one of the vry nlct parts of trowing up i m sorry if you v been borrd by the reunucncs thy started fro uiy horror at th rapid decline of th smalltown theatre how people en sit and watch that appalling junk on tv when there s a flrt rste tni fwetorrowai hwalo tmoroay july 1st imc page 4 grot tt than your hnsbhl aas it has fcuo bd indicated thst th need for education on ui harmful aspects of enout v cigarette smoking should he aimed at a much lower age grout therefore future pro grammes will be developed for elementsry ss well as for secon dary school pupils it is only through a constant approach to our young people thst we csn hope to eliminate whst csn become in future years a major health hatard students placed in summer jobs by nes a number of georgetown slu dents have rrgiilered with n i s for summer work university students hsd little difficulty finding employment some were placed in locsl fac tories to uhich they were attrsc ted by the higher rates of pay many of the older and bigger bns were able to secure em ployment in vsrlous fscets of the construction industry there wss not a great deal of office work available but some students returned to jobs which they hsd held in previous years mr ouncer students are still haing difficulty finding work but the local offtce is hopeful thst those who srr willing to accept joha ss berry or fruit picker will be pi seed in em ployment before long due to the late growing ses son berry harvesting is only commencing and the nf1 ex pecta to receive requetta for this type of worker in the next few weeka georgetown herald tsibllthed by me mwptt limited georgetown ontario walter c ukrt publisher cahutj mcgllvrey production superintendent lsll clark dave haitlngs m gil ion j mcciemenu peter annatour terry harlry alleen bradley news editor accountant frank uullin advert ting manager mrs v ilium gfjili clerk tjpist anne cuirle reporter peter jones photogrspher member of the csnsdlsn weekly newspapers association and the ontario association 1 the evelyn shoppe open wednesday jone 30th til 9 pm sale now going on blouses dresses suits selected types of bathing suits 25 off 7 main st n 77u31 business directory chiropractor donald a cav dc appointments midt cn tk 7wai m mill ii urlwfl ken nash humbino nd heatino m wttor joflkn wlr jyilnns kpilrt i alrllh tr 72842 chiropraaor rll w ctrlxh dc 0 jlly by plrtlmnl ilouu call mnljd rrua lit aulh tl hahh a y walkck ro oosc orromimtist ii utln st s bnnptai i31474 rlt 4s1ou hour 0 t w ta s p u wimdijr to siturdiy rvtdjy tarn to 0 pa kvnlnjl by appalntutm dale bennett latimer raines douglas v lat0o3i fcbescb r balvi3 rftlufla tsu1 m hill si cmfttowa save more more more m more easily with a commerce automatic savings plan just oil us how much youd llksjto savo each month thon woll make all tha necosnry transfers from your chequing to your savings account theres no cost to you thousands of our customers have found this simple plan helps them save canadian imperial bank of commerce overlsoobrdncheatosetveyoa ortomrrtut wmcmilligan 35 mill st alnhnntl 177lim carr wistwood ortltru land torvtytn 118 uounttlnvnw rtl triangl mill w r caw a mthmti 4ih rm tr 4tlm djw developments limiyid ulldtn fin huam prop wiltm- pacholok tttuu or 17 wis barragers dunanshlrt lundrm tr tw ib utln s 168 guelph all wwk ilon on promlaoa robl r hamilton optomomt 118 uounulnvlaw rd s cirrtl b1uj ror apfwlntuent p- 8773971 monuments hillock a cammiill dks1qns on requgst iuapet our work in groanwood comattry h40ni 4j1jism si wiur strmt north 0 a li f r a h k rlch ucenskd xucnonbata prompt sorrlm tr tatm gmttitrm oiorortown animal clinic umomlpli strmt tw r b oukln v juvlw dvm cllnls opa 88 pjh mom witt ml shlnuy f n advertising pay if urvicc is your business keep your nam before the public with a herald ad frederick a helson lurruur tnj uiuwr 118 uountalnviw rd s citnul bulldint coorfttowi tr m e mandtrjon qc ftarrlilor and sollclhv at mill st gaorgolown tr 72444 tvan sitkler ba aurhsfer solicitor hrtui th- wulluas bliuj m luia 8 th vu9i wallacr thompson snl bllilon court clork a commlolonor tryams printing op distinction m statements lktterhkads envsxofes awhldina rnvrtatlons georgetown herald s774m1

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