Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 1, 1965, p. 5

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award cord looked gold but pride was 24 karat rmf oou coto in the argmony wasnt lul gold but the pride in mr and mrs jim i york 25 bairstow cr w 24 karat when thair daughter betty received cuidingt hiolteil 1 honour at a ceremony in st andrew i untied churcrt thursday a lelr n mrs p m 1 howard wnite oaks ajma commmionee who nude tto pfeiantelion guide betty i york and mr arid mrs yoik knox church picnickers games races entertain member or knox lyeibyte- c hut- eh held their eoa- jjitloual picnic holiday june sat at terra colt a playground the usual picnic lunch wu ded with a program ra uid itimrj for younjtkters grown up airtoiu prizewinners wfrf girl 9 jne cartwriehl morab km bin shelley uartin oyf 3 lrew sawyer flrenl kry girla 4 cindy ann sawyer sharon ciiula susan kwena blldren 5 lynn cartwriebl dale urink low alice henderson ilru 6 caroline kweni ptenne mar shall itacey 1attullo larry tlurni david hender son paul uartin tfru 7 karn krndlcy margaret armstrong sheila 1 lender- fcon urbt caroline itarber kvelyn me uurdd marie sulf boya 8 grant iattullo allan densmo- re douglas harlow ciru 0 sheila capptrauld donna llurna jennifer linton hoys 0 john henderson david alei andrr kevin ra girle 10 mary gudgeon suaan mcdon aid klleen young lloya 10 john unday jeffrey ilrown ciru 11 llonnie henderson debbie taut joan mcdonald lloyi 11 ilrue- cartwricht jim yei don robert given rirli 1z and up molly henderton ijnda paul tie ijnda capperautd roys 12 and up done mcdonald robert uit chrll don id demmore sir walter raleigh race nnwr cartwrigbt and jeff itrown bonnie henderson and debbie paul traey pat- tullo and gayle hutchison lets play bridge by bill coats oe of tha problems thit fa- i dhurer u whether to trump or not to draw up i have mentioned the lint before and i aive the tame dvice now draw trumpunless have a good reason not to one very good reason for wins trump la to protect o de auit it doesnt matter how your trump are aa ions you let the opponenta np oul here la a hand that occurred week at the acton ilniue 3ub this is noard no m aler is north and neither aide vulnerable north s 10 a ii 8 i r a 10 0 0 3 c s 4 3 whi east 3 s qj s k q 10 0 6 11 j 7 5 3 q 3 ij 8 s 4 10 0 5 c a 6 south s a 0 7 0 4 2 11 void lei dk 7 c k q j 7 3 stutteited blddlni east sourti- i pan 1ssj 1 c pass pass 2 s fail wait 2 ii 3 ii 3 s all pass a few comments on the bid south ahould open one not one apade a weak lit ahould be counted aa one leu- that la a weak ail i ault ahould be counted afj five eard ault for bidding therefore south uld opett with clubs and plan i bid and rebld apadea if nee- veat has i good strong over 1 of two hearts and enough i reserve to go to three when quired the bidding ahould i at the three level in either or apadea weals opening lead will be a heart which south will declarer ahould make hla he must draw trump to ict bjjrgood club holding i beat plan s to lead i email the defenae will win and con- nue to leau hearta declarer iff and leads the club king eaat wlna and leads hearts the third time er rulfs again at tbla nt south has ruffed three times and led trump oace that is four spadea gone but he still has the ace and nine lie should plsy the ace and when good fortune gives him trump from each opponent he should lesve the last trump out and run hia clubs when east ruffs a club that is the last trick for the defense south atill haa a good trump and good clubs and the areklng of diamonds all he lost was two trump tricks and the club ace kemember always take out trump unless you have e good reason not to uonday night bridge club win ners end of aeaaon 1 itlll lurbour and gary ellis x george solly and illll costs 3 tom warne and gloria coata kilsed tho putile alary ucuurdo and m ko- suuk ur and urs j k wo jag us and lira iauulla suveslgrr hunt h lloiinie henderson afed krvd kvnduy joyce iffccdonald and ualle ultcbll jlfrey ilrown and irry llurna head and hand coalet luibert uitchell howard gal kin jeffrey lirown nail driving susan uitchell janice rirowu joyce uartlouald keed the baby ur and mrs win mcdonald ur and urs ii ilarlow ur and urs j e kenning shoe kick ileth young ur ii har low janice brown 3 legged race ur u ucnsmore and donald vlr and mrs 11 harlow mr pattullo and grant girls 13 is deborah mackenzie joyce uacdonsld lorraine hulchl- son maricrjalj organist appears in first baptist recital a program of fine music was presented in first baptist church june s3 when urs wal ter harris of uarkdale appear- ed in recital on the baldwin or gan assisting artist waa ulss joan lie sty milton urs- harris whose husband is a former minister of finance la organist at uarkkilale pres byterian church she la a mem ber of the baptist congregation in that town mils beaty is a well known district musician shs haa won awarda at the peel tomato klwanla and davenport festivals and with nancy hun ter and barbara evans she will be singing at a recital at the canadian national exhibition this fall hev ijoyd whan waa chair man for the program selections played by mra har- rla included handels largo and a number of hymn variations she ended her recital with kin- undia by slbellua miss beaty aang two groups of numbers which included how lovely are thy dwellings and when i think upon thy good- neaa banquet dance ends harrison grade 8 year thai harrison pobue school eight baaague asad dues 11 ims prored to be all grade eight outaide sl t7nttss9 cbmrcii to tism serossp picture takes txularwed lv a dclirinsm tarfcary disuse- aer- tcd by the ladiaa of use cknreh tospmy marcus acted ma toast- eater for the evening be s lrtenh said grace a toast to her majesty queen elisabeth ii was made by city clasary and anwyom aang cod savw the paea marilyn emcraoa brcveo- tas a toaat to the school and taacbera which was replied to by mr d crigg a toaat to the taaarhrr parent aaauciation waa by loms peardod and was saptud to by mrs v coddw after the dinner tnasjmaslcr tommy martin tntroduoed the head table which consisted of mr j anderson mra s boruod jaaica guminerspn luv meuul- kin mra m macuonaid mr l macdooald principal mr j u lambert tommy martin uus m kcarlau mr v llilk mr d sigvlrdson mm v cod- den mr u crigga uri v ct wu and ur k lurruun jooiih ltts lutrodueod the cueai speaker mr j l lanv ksbrt wiio garea aq lr4etfaitlni and capchrating talk on us to pic of high school rosea ry h1h apeaxiag for all the gra- de eight astasia thanked him for ht infus asativo aiwswli mr p d hoigeeock tnea pre- atmted tha cttiaenabip awarda to mark woods unda capperauld bronwca mcxnighc brent bark- toe acadamie awards were presented by mr g sigurdaon to jamas buckwald and unda capperauld the tliram fflhrer award- was pr to tp top stu dent linds capperauld janice gummeraon valedicto rian for ibrd delivered an es- aeiient spch td the baaqnet the graduates the returned to turrteoa public srbool for an enjoyable social evening of irlng and g schools out ii jtcbol li but lurw and tb kbhju of bivppy trbitdrvn at tuy can be beard 11 day coo krvtulauobi to all wbo piid la uw bkt ttmd to tjom wbd didnt try a utlu htraw twit yr government gives nod to glen flood improvement lstat week approval ra re ceived tram tbe provincial go- crnmept for cranu oo tbe pre- hmtnajy ngjnrrint bi the channel improvement at clen wlluuu by the credit valley ronpen if inn autlwrity tbla mtmam oiatwork u proceeding oil ute dm and fteservolr at ormifevilu tne clefl wluuuna project ud tne dem and be at leeaadijwvil eatons viking hearing aids incorporate modern re ft rumen is in desirjn and tha results of tha mott advanced electronic research mr d gander eatons hearing aid consultant will be in the gorglown area tut wednesday june 30th to demon it rale the latest advances in viking hearln0aids just phone eatom 1773361 for a consultation home demonstrations by- appointment only repoln cordfnd batteries ate available at eat on v for moat makes and modelt of hearrjvg aids toe yederel oovcrmmeat turn ed down law overall flood con faro pun uu in 1064 al tbe lnauarurml tneetwc in jamiauy u9l chajxiuo- rjc atcatiuan preeested a pna7ain dvslefned to aluvuu a u of tbe meet hazardous flood pmbletili on tbe river mr mialluan ttmend ed tbat tbe authority proceed with rtttod and river rontrol in- rbidlni the ofmjcwluf glen wllluiju ka4 udowvu ptro- t im vry pukd to jrport lbatj wllbld aiat uottthj had with tbe towperatloil bt the jtutbof- hy tombe prrully klood cosilttji kdviwry uoard chair- tuail it u barker w hiv tb aptwovat and prlltnliiary njri bmriat i prtftjinj oo all three kowta ur ucwiuwi aaid the cooaervauoa alithoe- tty hu oo many ognajona in the pact been acco of apeod- uf too much money on recxaa- tioa he continued tbu pro- sram haa cbanjed the pktnje tn oaoatoarrown rtsutaxd thuauoav july ls ims pagc- ensranaetarjr tbroogb tbe iinrirtna effort of use authority along with the cooperation of the de partment uf riiiiu anil bishii ca management oar raadast 1 ssow raetng ejtuaoaafuad tt eouraty ato don csmstral webster jackman umited streciiville a good placs to buy sales leasing mkcurymtteorcomet uftoh fou murcuety ttucj service to all makes 14uvl wa1- ttiul7 hl ill jo pjsc war i bom know wl merchant r g0uge0n houlwtold runishiwo 14 mam si s operating jha colonial ruinifuie shome at 28 mill strut ruw 772s21 american dklss i kjts ltd 23 main st n caocoetown r74a3 fur storage 2 of your fair valuation includes insurance repairs remodelling w katutl ud t suue brand beef 100 satisfaction guaranteed blue valley meat market 148 guelph st georgetown 8774331 for fresh dairy produce call 877342 steens dairy 10 water street refrigerated fur storage barragers cleaners dyers main st and guetoh st boys deck pants washable sanforized sizes 3 to 16 198 jacksons bargain centre 21 main street n 1 see our selection of canadian pottery from colunowood mcnamara j ewt hers 33 main fj 8772481 contest kich week far is weeka the tlrreld will ptibliah a elnow your fclckint rwur a hrit4 deacrvpuon of two o the dvfiarurt will aikpir in tbie nub wek cmetaiu will be aaked to identify the advthr- trotn the deaeription a ad etur tbe name in tha coupon below first correct zua drawn ideiriifytna web or both f irene deuvtbed wins tha pruc prize 1000 each week u entry accompanied by tale ilip from one of the advertlwr in this feature 3 00 if no talri alip cnrloaed contest rules n ftrmi described are advrtiwr in tku feature sale slip lo be eliciwe must be from one of the firms participating all en trie muat be brought or mailed to tbe ii mid and must be on the official entry eoupon which appears below employee of the herald are not ehgiblr entrie for each weejcs contest must be in the herald office by 3 p m on tbe follin uonday they will be placed in the contest boi when received tbe first correct anr drawn from the conteat box will be judged the winner and will be announced in space indicated below the decision of tbe judge will he finsj in all aspects of the conteet if hum- is no winner one week ihe 5 00 prue will be added to the following weeks contet- who am i this store located on main st north has a fine reputation for quality tho repairs in the fishing season theydis- play rods and reals and a wide selection of work boots and oxlordt including hydro brand is available all year round who am i a well known ha me in the jewellery trade this modern store in located on mam st north near tha but terminal they carry many nationally known bran ded imei and offer a dependable repair service coupon your name adlwess nre anvramshts desoubed are winner winner for week of june 21 mrs a murray r r 1 georgetown boys oirl ladies and mens swim suits swim caps beach towels 119 to 330 shoprite it to 100 store 9min street n georgetown cycle sports 2 wlr st 8773o30 ckhf equipment oou cujbm attention kldsl your report card with pais mirk entitle you to a discount off a new bike out of office supplies youll find all your needs at georgetown stationery and office supplies 23 main street s t-w- visit our baby bar for a complete selection of baby wear diaper sets from wvs delrex f a s h i o n s delrex centre 8779441 special for june brides diamond sets of beauty and quality b0ught0n jevyetler s mlri n 8774313 our beef is always top quality red brand superior food market main street north portable tv ideal for summer take it anywhere 13995 wigouu main street north local cherries 29c lb window shades thy ou ttoom barkbnins per fummer daya garners i malnu plymouth chiysle valiant faktso trucks sates t service maveal motors movim6 to 341 cuexrh it k t the evelyn shoppf 7 main st n 8774831 home of the best bathing suits j cole of california ejt jantzen m catalma f our buutlful suctlh ef blue mountain pottery barbers jewellery t gifts the scotch bakery horn mad a mesh daily e bread an cakes pastry 6 mill st 8773481 wilkes lucky dollar food mattel formerly archies 117 main st n lucky dollar 34 ex bread i 39c complete repair service for yv kadio and hifi gs tv delrexjcentre georgetown midsummer sale mok work boots and shoes some with slool toe sienko a 88 main st n

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