Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1965, p. 1

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kst that pay yen can place an m in tfce imaselats cuwlflad tatar by i a ml 77m01 buylne r ifflona n hatim b wttera vm arill find lb mulb you georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tk ga hoim ha wd caa and die- met u prinmn and pubuahere ilnc 1m7 herb tha bad la fine printta and newt caver- lea seca claaa laalt pear office dar ottawa al far h i t efc ontario twealey july lab 194 4 00 par ynr seaejw copy prior tan carta incw face on force s e4 1 i jiiii-v- imar jonn ltuu ideputy chief bob wilson on job friday an txcttewcto police offtcet wirti fourteen ears l wry wirti rh toronto polica dapt is georgetown police departments new dpury chief bob wikon who started fil ob hera friday when he oined the force it brought i th number of men tn the department lonne the ontar o rpolic commission has recommended a force of 15 for a iyjjn thtt size delrex proposal would resume house building thursday open nights says survey shows 1c for 31 against win student trip to united nations mackenzie gets contract pineview school addition with one man abent f-sque- laintf council split on the en drnent of a county annu lment commuttloner at thelr monday night wwtlnc sleeve george lealle and coun lehlor walter linham favoured the county aaicaament centra i fixation but coun george cur lrle and deputy becva wilfrid lelle opposed atseuor art benton assured i council that ai far aa he knew i the preterit staff would he kept ion if the new system were atfop- ited the deputy reeve felt the i township would be inline all control of aiaeulng while coun ourrie maintained thai it was i smother itep away from local kovernment soon we 11 be run inln to toronto for everything law added he concluded hy ad i vising council to stay on the i old system as ions as possible council approved the fcaque ilrtg school roard s acceplan u of two tenders for additions i to the pineview and llmehouse schools j r mackenzie was awarded i the contract for the two room 1 addition to plncview school at cost of j3h330 and a j mccarthy was awarded the li jmehoute contract for another llwd room addition al a cofit of lf24d an unusual and pleasant lsurpriae came when trulec w lawtnn told council the ten drr came lower than expect ed so the loan applied for un der the dominion provincial mu aleipal works assistance pro- frfcmme could be reduced by three thousand dollars council appointed dclmar french assistant clerk treasurer for the township of ksqucsing building inspector wm hulls reported pcrmiti alued at 177 707 were issued during the month of june in the township a letter from the 0 m b informed council that the appli cation by the credit valley aut hority for a five thousand dol lar salary plus a six hundred dollar car allowance for he authority chairman had been dismissed by the board the report said no chance was warranted since they lld not feel this was a full time job the amicable relations bet wren ksqueaing council and the heeve was pointed tip when council decided to leave it up to the reeve whether or not snow fencing should be lent to hornby ball park for the annual garden party council could not agree so left it to reeve leslie who was told wc ii back you what ever you do two weeks ao jim buck vo lunteered to let an ounion from downtown merchants on a proposal to allow iburuly evening hopping hours monday he told council that lie had made a complete ran vats and of 37 mcrchanti con tacted wtio would be affected by a bylaw change 31 would retain the present hours 3 want thursday nights and 3 were non commit a 1 with seven merchants in delrex market centre wanting 8 change this would mean ten for and 31 against thursday evenings he lumimniul cr bill smith observed that the by law was to have turn presented that evening tint had not yet been received from the town solicitor eighteen suite apartment boosts building permits building permits valued at 233 133 were mued in town during the month of june ac cording to the building 1 rupee lor s oftice an eighteen suite apartment building on water street ac counted for 160 000 and an addition to the hagle signal div of f w bliss accounted for 44 000 j lie queried mr bud s stalls itics i i there were at iratt u sto j res outudc the plaia ojm n thursday nliht- he said naming ji1ver i otton a jarl um main r american dm and 1 a dismiss charge in cyclist fatality a charge of rartlru driving laid aislnt a iorval man fol towing the death of jl yeir old jackie hamilton who wai itruck while ridum a bicyclr hay 22 uai dimivr in ma gistrate s court monday itie 42 rar old accused ail he couldn t slop his truck when the boy suddenly swerved in front of him on no 7 hnh ui on norval west hill the youngtrr wsi killed in stantl the man told the court he first had noticed the hoy as the youngster was pumping his bicvclc uest on the highway the man naul he couldn t iwrnr around the hoy because he himself uai tnini paued by a ear the driver of the car stopped looked at the boy and then droe off he stated the aceidant occurred as the truck overtook the bike on the bill the hoy was standing up pumping bis hike when the col lislon too- place offer to sell industrial land to town in exchange for release brutons 68 is second low in miller trophy tourney a georgetown golf profes sional doug b niton of the north hallon golf and coun try club finished second in the millar trophy canajun match play champlonshp for amateurs and professional in toronto on monday just one stroke he hind the winner brut on fired a ib and was one of just four professionals to hreak par f 1 wwo high school students quebec exchange visitors two gcorgctwn district iush school students ictt by train friday morning for que two of 2 00o taking part jin atudent exchange visits be jtween the young people of que- and the oilier provinces deniae lcmay daughter of hr and mrs r- lcmay 11 by st will live la montreal two weeks with montreal git school student diane cv tau who will return here with benie on tho 17th to start a i week visit robert saxes5ti of mr and ittra tsrey sax rr2rcor etown will spend a month rith jean pierre grottier aliip cf alontreal two weeks at each their home- the vlajui jmoject is the lar- igest project 61 lb kind ever rgtnlied in this country and i sponsored by the canadian council of christians and jews in cooperation with visit es in terprovinclirlej it is assisted by a grant or 10000 from the centennial comission while the quebec students are all frenchcanadians those from ontario and the west rep resent a cross section of racial ethnic and religious groups the purpose of the project ji to build good human relations by increasing the knowledge that people of one culture have of another a0t0ftcycl5 accident kefip pace 3rtie motorcycle registration rate in ontario li up 35 per cent and the motorcycle accid ent rate is up 34 per cent held forsee chairman of the safety council said addreastiig county meeting this week doug brut0n al flood of toronto was tht best golfer in the senior sec tion with a score of 78 the tournament which drew 62 proa in a record field of 24fl to the pine valley golf club waa won by the smallest man in the field five foot four inch johnny swann who shot a four under par 67 the only other proa to break par were joe rice and murray tucker both of toronto and both with 70a john swann a toronto ten nis star and canadian amateur and ontario open champ ntck wealock of toronto also broke par hach shot a 70 but swann won the toss for low amateur honours but alf heakns and bill dig gins both of toronto won the top amateur prizes alt ex pense trips to florida heakei teamed up with rice to shoot a best ball score of 04 while diggina qualified for the trip with low net of 04 the team best ball champion ship was won hy a foursome of camp borden ont profession al norm dovle diggini tom clement of toronto and jim stilly toronto andy sphci 1- sjm ndlnt tin- wttk in ntwork city ai a jinemlxr of tin 1 0th annual united nation i itgrifnai pon tortd hy the i y i andy who u the von of mr and mrs w s piece it it 1 and a rade 11 student at e ortetoun hih m h4 uai uni ner of a contest eonduited att the school km trip is sponsor el hy verdun ketx kuh 1odie during his two weeks sti and will jsjt urh hist nc spots as camhritk mass t s ton valle ror t ttyshurj an i vr a slunk ton his su dass in new rk city itrhidi a das at thr worlds ljir ami of nwrve an intensive tour of the t ruled na tions building he is stayin at the mieraton atlantic hotrl n route to the states an ly 1 visited kingston and ottawa as well deboer family picnic brings 48 together ibe third annual de boer family reunion took the form of a picnic at stanley park krin on tuesday julv 1st 4fl jmemlwrs of the family younj ifnd old were present from e orgetown acton guelph dray ton and clinton le memhers were unable to attend mr and mrs john de boer 27 prince charles dr were the j couple who instigated the af fair the day was spent in games getting cauuht up on fa mlly news and of course top ped off with a picnic of won derful food a long standing ilslfsmate which has stalled tlrtt uvptuent of the de ire sulwlivision for lojne years caime close to an end monday but il tailed wlun town eounul ditlined to release the former cleave wrilit and hep burn farms in a purchase option submitted by drlres lies- lop menu ltd which woull sell 13 arris f industrial land to eeirletossn at 100 an acre 11 e devhnpnent firm in turn said that if the three pros erin a were droppe d it wnul i enly sell m acres at this price to the town the otu n was reviewed at a council committee meeting preceding the regular eounnl meeting it uas the eulmina tion of discussion which have nt n latin plate 1m tvveen ciun eil industrial commission and the delrex firm r jim young acted for council in the talks malcolm tree man for the industrial commission and william sun- nurks for the firm margaret hunter acclaimed princess marlaret hunter 10 of r b 1 liurbngton became halton 1 1 ounty s dairy princess for 1063 i friday by acclamation the jkire4iat ohjun was re viewed at the committer meet lit seve ral changes were made al of uhlfh teeen e 1 sciential le to the itelret firm eirejt for live elroi in de seloptni lit acre ai in the plan defres a re to irov ide pas ed ruadu a s si dewalka sanitary and storm 1 sew i n watrnnaint stret i i sjini curbs and uttiri no building permits wnul 1 le issued until underground ser vices and g rail eel road tuse is sullied ahutunk the lots ttie town would airee to certain building stipulations for industrial construction on the acreage deeded to the town and gravel pita and service stations would not be allowed on the purchased pnvpe rt at the meeting mavnr ibhon eiprexsed concern that the ag i reement would mean a costly addition to the srwage dispo sal plant but cr wn rvtwcrs claimed that the water he source commission has given assurance that thr prrse nt plant will handle all existing land in the town i the mayor said unrr stride 1 iha onb replv came from the house building would dcpreci mayor ate existing houses in the area i i i would rather refer it bark 1 feel it s a matter of get for further studv by the com the industry and if ue had mine town solicitor and mr even one substantial industry heal op he said fouling i inllit 14- iivelinid to gonw this uid he suiii ited the coiiiniti- sit in with the firm am town tohcitors aiain and come lrk with nun fawt vvese disruibed tins with the developer lite re t no uve going back unlfij we can tell him what count il wants tai t r young urging mrmlx n to state their views mayor cihluins uid the town shoul 1 first hae a starulard housing hy law so any future i building would not in detrl j mental to present structures i tli ii land is registered and toned replied r oung riirre is very little 14 in it the committee meeting end led at this point as it was time to start the regular council meeting ijler cr young ajaln preit ed ceuncil to take tome action i he urjcd council to decide on what changes it would re quire in the option submitted and send it hack to the delrex firm for consideration county dairy field man glen white said this week that hunter was the only entry the competition before the r n tfju fufvf priest compares education to triple stage missile rev father jude ol the ca puchin orderr orange ville spo ke to the graduating class of holy- cross separate school at a graduation banquet shortly before the end of the school s year a turkey dinner was prepa red hy the members of the ca uiolle womens league father jude in his address compared the stages of educa tion jo the recent gemini flight to oiter space he said in fin uhng public school the pupils had completed phase one in phase two u high school atu dents th gradu wil pre- pare themselves for phase three a university course others adding their encoura gement amui congratulations were rev odevent mr t x kltxmuurlco the principal and dr m g odwyer of the separata school board following the banquet the boys and girls enjoyed an even ing of dancing to their favour te records in the new parish hall a special graduation church ceremony was conducted sun day june 27 at 2 oclock by parish priest rev o devent flic service stressed chrlit air and moral obligations in the lives or the graduates it end ed with the presentation of di plomas by mr fittmaurice prlxes donated by- thecwl for general proficiency and progress award for girls were presented b mrs a wsvtker trttgirerrtsorscy and1jrendt crajus ixesor boys general pro ficiency and progreas were provided by the separate school board and represented by tho dhahrmatt robert thompson to leonard landry and peter nl euwhof respectively day deadline margaret hunters sister ma rion was chosen winner of the dairy princess competition in 10bj miss hunter a member of 3 county 4h clubs has just com pleied her first year in kempt villc agricultural school near ottawa where she is taking a home economics course she is a member of the hoi atein calf club the grain club and the conservation club the new dairy princess will be crowned july 17 at the horn by garden party the day the judging had been scheduled for y high scouting honour c e collis a woman who assisted in starting scouting and girl tildes organizations in norval in the 40s and also assisted in the formation and training of group at hornby will re eeive the order of the silver acorn from canada closer nor general georges p vanier mrs c k collis now a brampton mother will be pre tented with this hikh scout ing honour at a special cere mony in ottawa october 20th mrs collis who has devoted over 30 years to scouting first became interested in it when four shirc jiyccc awards peter jonea photo best on bikes collect their accolades homrt mnnie lljtrtnca chariot drwe lorna peardon 97 norton cr pater cloke 2 shsllsy st and tlnda frsser 62 delrax blvd hold the trophies thai identify them as champions in the junior chamber of commerce bicycle skill tests hajcdri georgetown park jaycee al teeter chairman of the affair madethe presentations the four are senior and junior champs respectively the tests rated the cyclists abilities in balance and control her inn jamrs now s rjiotft- craphrr in wmlkt was a mrmlwr of thr ut ivtrrboro cub pack tn 1035 shr hn plurrf ikf cllwrll hsdgr courw and holds the st john ajnbulanrt gold mrdsl linn piuinc lirr fourth hir x animation in ivmtwr 1d04 mrs colli ii i former dill net cubnuitrr for thr rerl district and wai cubmistrr for thr 4th nrampton pack frah 1051 to 1053 in 1b52 ihr was onr of nlna raprrsrntatlvei from canada at thr first intrrnational lradrra confrrrnre in i ncland she waa auranlrd a lone smlce mrdsl in 1052 and in 1055 wis on the staff for thr world smut in jamhorw hrld it nlsesra- on lhmakr kin suit of month to port credit man bojr odorlco 1373 indian gro ve road port credit was the lucky winner of the kinsmen with ticket 147 the draw was made at the last meeting of the season which was a joint one with the kinrttes on saturday june 26th in the loof hall mr odorico will receive a hundred dollar suit from cot ton bros the proceeds of the draw will be used for the low rental apartment building for senior clthrns project some tickets arc still available from kinsmen for the next draw student militia the second stage of the stud ent militia raining program got under way this week for ty militiamen from george town oakvitle and rrampmon areas are training in llramp- ton the sludent soldiers are to learn to fire fn automatic ri lie and urw guns a look at the weather june high law is tuei 71 m so wad 70 iu july 1 thura 70 in 2 krl 73 51 s gat a sun 74 87 78 t 5 hon 71 st 6 tues 71 40 illfh for the month of juna do lows3 preclp for juna 220 tallcli f 0 scott ai

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