Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1965, p. 11

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five bridal attendants haynesmcniven wedding raj 4 mm amd uk bamiil way hi j whlu md ytllo tudlou od ulu pitricli turk wrt trill mtittj dcorid knoi lyfcby trrliu diureli on jun 10 for lb miniiji of ajfnei iy me- navj and daniel jouph hay iuv kortiun yfru ofriite nd wayo rfttot wo orgi bio mm girfe crtitty ung wjiji inyrr ind th lord i lvyr given in nurhige by her fit wf in he douue ring ceremony the bride wore i mnnr length a line sown of white summer t utia with fingertip ileevei and ft lire brortde bodire the yown bid j floor length train of ny loo and lire and the carried bouquet of red roiei and white button carnation there were fite altrndanti llr lister gill waa maid of hon our wearing a yellow a h fown and carrying yellow faa and white carmtioni the grooms aister betty llijnri and maida and uia bride eipce cathy ann kendley wai junior bridesmaid tliey wore tunjuo- ue gowns and carried wbit and yellow mums fie finder girl dehra tolton wor white floor length uovn and carried a basket of yellow and white diumi norman llaynea wai grooms man fur his brother the bride three brothers were ushers james wayne and ilicky mr niven htr nehev ilark 1end ley was ling bearer at a reception in the churrh hall the bride a mother wore a three pieca ae green linen suit with brocade rim and white accessories and a corsage of white mums tlie groom s mot her lira gerald marchment of hornby wore beige lace and a corsage of bronie mums guests attended the wedding from london acton brampton toronto snelgrove hamilton 84 entries seek honours in georgetown flower show yh evening aowrt which brought welcome relief to the parched uwnj and grdenj on uw zsrd ended id tiro to allow everything to proceed on ached ttlj at ukd georgetown horticul tural itocuiy juo flower show id tb howard writfle- vorth bcbwj sixty v ithrreiud flower xrowejs jfr on hand to tee the 94 eatrir iu uu 10 ej aj plc4 by lb judjeit leon ard butt of iluttomtll and airs vlahlyn oldkain f nor- tj 7ij tt judgta wj lu rdru i itardro unit wj or gaudxmj to ajlww those with a recd thumb and an eye for beauty look over the ardeni f lttt caw and the cordon smith at ivrcrk oa rurnlng to the tcfaool h s- zuitrt aa catuurtuan an boutwrd the winners in the turmxr ahow tbf flnt wrond and laird prine wlnnera follow tb4 rjiu in earii case tingle ht rasa ulu v sir hird bsui lurley vm hrur itar ivy 3 blooms h t row misi klie lurd hruce hirlfy sing le other vamly row hruce hailsy urc u sunders urs ii srot 3 blooms other var lety ruse unit llarlay mrs if uarculngion urs l thomai tinjla tke delphinium urs w cleave single bloom pony gordon siuth miss elsie uird urs w scot 8 blooms peony urs jf uarrhington ur l ja mleon iix j v luffield sin gle tnke i a mn h scott mrs ii 11 vrlgrt mrs u ja mlesoii 3 spikes irli urs i jamiejon mrs w it norton lppy bed caw ur h- 11 wright mrs c di lily ms a inghs h s barlr pan ay bow or vate mrs c dick mrs- h scott uui k bird lu da m wu horiaa swei wtliani rrangemett un j k duffleld urs w h- norton vu of otter variaty bot listed ur w tt norton urwart sro4t mr a lagus foliage houw pliut urt c lmck urt w w nortou liowrruig bihiie txit mr h 1- wright urs h maihingtoh miaa kill bird floral aitta mrs h 11 wright mr l jtlrort uui klmie bird junior cuu hiwib jaalluoil charles iiujiujis u bora tfcooua ulucv harlky ywophy winner in addition to an award of points to the winners mention ed atiovc there wai a special award this year in tht form of public school promotions park school hon mb v mrs sadie may lived all her life in the hornby district sincere sympathy la eitended to mra wilmer mason and fa billy on the death of her mother lira adie may who passed away on monday june 28 tlie funeral service waa held on wed june 30 from the lee fu ral home streelsvllie inter went waa at the eden cemete ry mra may who waa the far mer sidle orr lived in this dis trict all her life and waa a mem br of kden united church and very highly thought of by both young and old left to mourn her lou are one daughter mild rd two granddaughters ruth and wltma mason and one sister mrs fcthel south of severn ilrid e congratulations to donna gowland a atudent of the per ry merry school who waa the winner of the elementary school wd eortrol euay contest pon itoied by hilton county council donna waa presented with a cuh pxle dlring a tour of the orturlo agtiulural college at guevph by uie 150 students who tittered tht contest a mr ind mra arthur riant mr and mra henry arnold mr and mra ron plant miss gen ennf and jim plant enjoyed a dejkioua chinese dinner at hoya reataurant in streetavll le on thursday evening on the eecailon of mrs arthur plants birthday which waa on july 1 ur ind mrs peter gates da vid and brenda of lowvllle we ir visitors on saturday evening of ur and mra jim hamilton mr ind mra mcchesney of detroit were guests at the gra duation banquet at the percy merry scrjool when their grand son douglas mcchesney gradu feted birthday greetings to the fol lowing who are celebrating birthdays murray g rex ton on july 11 robert and roberta brown on july 12 urs harry la on july 13 and to sandra hamilton who celebrated her pedal day on monday july 5th ut and mn bill croider of severn bridge attended the fu neral of urs croxlers aunt urs sadie may which was hold on wednesday june 30 from the lee funeral home in streets- ville ur and urs garnet howden and family spent sunday at wa sags beaeu nk on wednesday evening tte ibjral loiyiicowan of tp ronto was hostess for a mu cellaneous ihower in honour of her niece barbara break a bridetfrbe of july 17th the members of eden unit ed church enjoyed their an nual sunday school picnic last sunday at the north trafalgar community centre with an ex reliant attendance a bountiful picnic lunch waa served by the ladies in charge with rev kel vin johnston asking the bless ing following dinner a program of sports took place in charge of the committee paul and pi ane may and albert and brrnda awde mr and mrs george dolhy returned home lt week from the west coast where they en joyed a very enjoyable holi day mr ind mrs jack mccanon enjoyed vacation vniting friends in the barrie and land aay district mr and mra bill stout billy and mary mrs george hamll ton ind mr and mrs william hamilton vlaited with the mis aea iiobel and anne stout of guelph on thursday mr and mrs glen giles and family are vulting at the homp of mr and mrs delbert downs mr and mrs jack fries lau rie and debbie spent uie jong weekend at fordwlch mr and mrs john pearson and family have moved to tara where they have purchased i firm anniversary greetings ari ex tended to mr and mrs sammy sammlt who are celebrating their wedding innlversary on july q mr and mrs archie gates and family of acton mr ind mrs kerry jcison and family of georgetown visited on thurs day evening with mr and mra jhtkjhamllton e anniversary greetings ire ex tended- to mr and mra dick snyder who will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on july 11 i- the coral onake is one of the smallest venomous snaked hippopotamus ivory is denser and whiter than elephant wo- ry- sixteenth century medicine re lied heivlly upon burning in tense jnd swallowin strongly spiced medicines oh to gradi 1 tesckar mrs j dwyer david barber deborah bor land katherine bruton julie costigin mark cuthuert lorl draper mark fennlng john harris brian lubtingi anne haw hunrll hogan rhonda jones sandra krrby alson micdonald susan mavcal jan ice mcbrin ujtir mccandlesi susan mccauley debra mccoih susan u d lor linda mkldleton megan mills michael morette roger ord gregory schenk diana schouten diana simony tracey splcer rodney white patrick woods pamela vogan to cradi 3 taachsr mrs g cromar paul alhson wendy bar rager pjui beer donald brad ley thomas ellison peter fong deborah given douglas gray janet greenslade nancy hall james hammer michael hast ings fhlllp henley richard kella karl lance andrew long swuin martin laurie mccolgan grtnt mcmurdo steven mcna tnara joy middleton bruce mi tchell anthony perkina brock rush irene smeitlnk ronald smcitink susan storey paul thompson joieph viner peg gy walters randy white susan williams jeanetta schoulcn uicliael borland to grade 3 k tsachsr mlu d blear robert arthurs carolyn bar ber wendy bradley nlcolaai brouwcr marge butler put rick cummins deborah dewar thoa euteneler cynthia gray albert haw joy howat gilbert jooase nancy kay debra msc cormack david mcdonalj neil mcquarne mary ellen moffat frank morette philip mulder michael sawyer leslie schenk blake shortlll stephen tim ma kimbcrley tumbull to grade 4 a teacher mrt l fldlar tamcla barrager pclcr bru ton teddle darcie cindy day jack draper john goudy hea ther hamilton elon hayes jef frey inglla anne marie mauj encat robert mcjican ronnie mccoah evelyn mcmurdo wesley oliver clive ord kim perkins larry petteraon bev erley roberts msrk rush kim berley schenk marie stlef ar thur taylor dlanne vogan penny walters leonard hard ing to gwadfi 5 mrs r wrleuuawerth lawrence allan christopher ball leslie burns brian but ler jambs cummins yvonne dewir william ellison lynne evans shawn fisher robert given lindsiy gunn dsryl har ding cheryl harris bruce heed martha hogan roberta howat barry james philip jamie so n mirilyn jooase doris undiuer jeffrey uiodonold jane macmlllan doris mar hall sonya martin john mc- farlane christine mcnamira brenda uuckirt karen nell dariene puckering liigrld smeitlnk poxanna sweetie bet ty ann tripp jane williams allan wright to grade a twchert mrs o mcbodtern iain adam dduglas bellamy beverley bradley jack brou- wot jeffrey brown- robert burns john chamberlain ger- ldtdrcjrholwrtdwpoiv deborah kllison beth hrmin james toudy betty hamilton 1 trophy pxtwented to th toeo- ber having the best aingbj bloom roie in the ahow this trophy donated by lb 1063 board of dirvctos li teiiaije for oue year it wai awarded this f to hruce ha r ley in co imii nling on the tichib- u ur butt drew attention to th inwhuutice of tvuhag the rules of che xhow very careful ly and making are hat the atry ulfilf whit is ullrd fat u the eutry cu w uidcie wbethrr it is ntf variety or biore tluo 0u4 rw riuct bm- bei of blooms railed for of the iyp of cobtainer lu wmch uwi entry is to b placod alsd ktre- atad was the imporlatu of having the tiwwls frre from ueuuhes ind with a trmh ap- peargnce careful atteouod to iucb details could often lutsn ihr differtnre between a win br ur a iumt on uhalf of uie loclety r s lurbr thanked the judges albo mr and ur keith utbb who hid undwtiken to arratlgft the ekluuls for ivtwlng and to aupervii the show and all oth era who had brought thbiui or aulted in any way he alio hid a word of thanks for ben caw and the gordon smith s who bad acted as hosts for the gsrdcn tour vullouing the viewing of the exhibits refrtiuaenti were served by the social committee it u kpcd that the naxt pub lic meeting lh society will be hejd m september and will uke the form of a fall flower siiow robert mcbryde heads london grade 8 class when mr ind vrs jjn mc brde and family moved to ion don s jrar ago inn piert en rolle at riverside publi- school wheres promised industry ratepayer queries council wlsat is council doiog with regard to industry s klock ftaii norton crete challeng ed council but wednesday nirht he reminded the wtxubrrs of touch uh of industry and jumplni on tw bjudwagoti utk in vfbrmkry and mirth the herald tuted that the mayor utd he bad knowledge of a bt ituluilry xiv wuuld be krre by june wll its iuj ju ly uid mr sockfuh continuing he rid a torpn to nrwktwper clipping which atated that allan lattoed to build uijjjxx plant bean waterloo airport hs ihyoue i approached avian about aty 1 iitg lu urwti be di nunded in thiy mayor j ibbonj hit culuittd the lufuiu ml the bjuiwaiont ststrinetit and at tributed it to a deputation 1 kjhakiii of tlie iiuiijttry the mayor uid nioutiuvii were still going on an far as he knnw hut since it uui private ikhj iis be ft it uukble t ducloe anyiuiig iiore regarding av ian he siil tie krnw only what appeared in the jivn cr lliwion rxplslnm tint avian plsrinrd to fijand but lud riachrd no difitiun on a location deputy keve w hunter sta thst oioftcrrowm hbkald thwrwlay july oth ts pagk 11 led that no 2 ttat wilh the industrial goaamiaaloii to dii avlaa and wre doing everything poasibu td thxn m town malcoapa rwumb a btcrober of the udustrial commlaaioa who wmi peacoi backsd up tha devety kev0 autettiet and prwoued beguhations would b continued electron tubes from varian to defence department x geanatovn fim vai amocuu of ouuda hu ba anitlml by i dwrtnl of prodnctloa it tl bn by taaumtrr mlnijur c k1 dmry 11w tonintt in um of u70 u for um hvniy i woob tube h u in of it far tlbmo or nx by too tf lu durlo tooj orrthlm of may tu1 of um amtittti u ilt5u3e july special one free 8x10 enlargement with kach tomajt oo kom for appoj 8779298 or 4594081 cfiitch le photographic studio roger heed ruth howat midi there to complete his elemen johnson michael jonr wendj liry rclurauon he attended kelu ian ung mchael mjc ichaph ktrwt school here for donald chruuaan mjugenest i j ven ears suunn uaugenrit nimy mc bean ian mellor ron mitchell ial week h was presented david moffat hruce niven lun with the aadrmic profic ency dy dope steven pullen mnda award for hia class when they robertson stephen stamp held their farewell party it the jane vlsser carol wauh jul srhftnl auditorium in addition een young to crade 7 taacbar mlta o uwit sara d matfat robert allison brian tin rett dobri clsyuin willana cummins bryan day dild dewar patricia fans kimber ley rusher sally hayes janice inglis brian james marsha jones james joossr bradford kells catherine unce iatn cia monckton dale morette gerald neil randall perkins julia rundle robert runham susan stamp ste e storc dale turn bull denise urtcl ross wicks neal mlton llr wmfeld tcter todd dawd warren to grade i tsachan mr b brown nelson barber david brl limy mary bonathan daniel brown janice rrown barbara burns blake chamberlain fritz conle gerald dewar judy draper fraser gunn helen ilson anne hams gail jam leson philip jones david kisg sandra mcbran john mcnal ly kcvan mitchell gerald nash paul perkins peggy per kins joyc iullen paul sander son wolfgang schmidt anna smeitlnk rita timms gerald walah jerry wrljht kucn ya tei to grade 9 taachart m3 w franch peter armstrong philip ttar ber robert bradley david clark douglas goodlet marg aret goudy sherrenc herbert unda jennings ivan joosse reginald laws hmile maugen eat william mavcal karen mintern brenda morette rol- ert nell william neil linda oliver robin ord douglas pen rice domiris tope gary stomp murray stamp unda stuttart wlutam sykcs unda vinill hugh williams richard wright wlnnifrcd young rtopp murray allan now j p court clerk a 15 ycir veteran ontario provincial police officer mur ray allan hal twitched ills baio of operations from the oak- vllle detachment to the george town maglitratei office thii veelc hes new justice of the peace and court clerk for wal ton mr allan commenced his tlu- uoi july 8u1 ceorcc kerr mpp for halton announced tin appointment he will cover the courts at hilton acton aribtgeoritetown and the ilnlton county ifamlly court the appointment of the now jp u described u a chanco in the former trend of appoint ment made on a political bajls 1 varttlme jobs william sargent of bronte has boon acting as jp for north halton since the resignation of davbgreenv t to this hob received a bronie trophy earlier thii year aj t place winner in an oratories contest held by the oikridge octlmut club and he was presented with the iodk award on commonwealth hay by the london ilellmuth chapter for profirncy in social stuilirs and clllienhip writing to tell the news to his friends here ur mcbryde san ve enjoy 1ondon but miss the hockey gimei at the arena there u not the tame enthusl asm here i remember so well those saturday morning early games and the msny parents we certainly met some wonder fill people nisehall is not or gantzed and we mils it ss well georgetown is fortunste in hs vine so msny psrents interest ed in looking after their child ren family picnic brings 35 harleys together mrs dean llsrley is john st w and brock harley brampton had charge of this years liar ley family picnic held sundsy june m in wolf tark terra colli most of the 35 attending used the swimming or waiting pools on the new property before as sembling at the picnic arrang ed in one long table for the cold turkey supper games contests and races for both children and adulla filled the hours between meal time and dusk those attending included mrs dean harley nrock harley brenda and brock jr tom win ters mr and mrs doug ryer and christopher mr and mrs ray harley and mike mr and mrs frank cook and roderick mr and mrs gord harley mr and mrs jsek sunnucks col leen and pattl mr and mrs bruce harley dave unda and heather mr and mrs don han cock dean and jamie mr and mrs terry harley gay and rusou church wants deposit on cedarvale property is you la or la you aint our centennial project could well be tho theme aong of the town regarding the cedarvale school the indecision prompted the owners the united church of canada to write council wed nesday night asking for de posit chefua of tenthousand dollars plus an arrangement on the cost of upkeep since do- camber 1064 whan the deal waa auppoaed to bo completed coun w smith wearily ex plained ha would try again to get a final answofrom the o mb and then inform- the unltedoiurclir i s buys on sale at your superior store it mau st n ouim yf mikacie whip 3j ar n salad dressing 69 crisco cooking oil 59 schnflofus mo hots wieners mapu uaf by tki bologna 49c 33c 33 lb hp chicwn or tuakey swifts meat pies 89 fchheidcks kire pork country styir sausage lb 49 3 plcgs nsw nom shopsysi ue n oravy s si meat saus n gravy j os 4 mm turkey n oravy s ox look for them with frozen foods tuicurr hatuhs pal pan aftafttoofi taa lamfrn puff assorted craam may bok 3 100 wuni jakpu b1au6m1 ckaklal ftufful n 29 kraft canadian a f aa cheese slices 269 iibbys fancy aaatv baaav tomato jui 37 39c 69 summer special club house spanish olives i ax sr harnly dessert sjaa aa gasa choice pears 2- 35 olim spray starch ibc off h u iih pkenchs prepared mustard 55- 2 29 mesh new crop ontario vegetables cabbage no 1 nw crtmn firm salld had lb 8c radishes v bunt xoc green onions 25c cucumbers hx 2 si 25e green and yellow beans v 25c hesd and leaf lahuce pass calstry stalks naw polatois fuld yomakma asah etc cawoftnia sunkrsy oranges alx im 49 lemons 6 33 pries effadlv this wxltend thursday friday sahlnbyl july 9th imrt vy

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