Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1965, p. 14

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social and personal r ncoia gardiaar 67 aupte wast hu returned a trip aouth with bcr r sherman scott uud fa k ah travelled through th and pxitfcem state aa iby west worlds tad tort v u smith ansona wcr rtnt ntvitb th uiftrr broth- and sular air ad garfield hxcilvray and puelph st buday 1 taatheriot- with fcfr ad mr f at jplatuojf fcd fvnily m drive art br toothe j j miliums and his atrs a e wolun i oi krgfuwril u ui will first viajit b bud art third 3r homes tfl lliiuii huuixd fcd vlsitin with mr and mr a uilchell 37 park a v ar their parvsu mr and mr george aadertoa and mr aod mr andrew rennic of turntf ab- erdeeoahirc scotland they arrived at toronto inteftiatiob- ml airport tuesday evening recent visitors wittj her fa tnily and friends in town were mr and mr roy tcarcc and boony jean erf jedmonlon she 1 the former barbara tfeorac soa they stayed with be p renu mr and mr wiluaci tktdvmd 27 qorg mr arthur wiuofl is vic urim mjfrrt lai jut received wurd that hr uiu kl john wiuam hu wife and family bv jut krrjvvd trt tdtnontsn htf wih b instructing at the hurvlvl trlnlw hwr r c a h at natnao e has laen stationed at rrrntun fur the pat fuur years fgi school board lts fyo year bus contract contract fot providing atioa fur rural sluj i fco ceurtvwn high school fwrd vrrn kirhy clen at a westing of the lutact high bord monday night tb contract ww warded for r ri at a rate of 70 per i dy xarby tuwa handled thr transportation during i put trm for the first time u th firj tun that a yr contract hai been mas to erect i chain link along that part of th i aehool property borderuu 1 8lcorue a anglican church ty hit a aug monday it wai difccloam that a of tre rifiht on tha aur uoe would make tome chin fcwttaury of the i2 fret of fence have to so on the church alda of the tree and it mrana moving the t line acryra an embankment i hjctxf fence will be required that aeuoh and comequrnt fhe price quoted by ilutt btreetiville the luccei t udder will have to be chan 71m board secretary trnel i wu inalructed u find ith addluonal coal tha de- i will put off the installation the feac until september hlffa school board original rgrd to inilil tha fence 10th te fteeretary waa ilao in ed to wntt to the town apply a second time for r fill riultlnjt from a guelnh ftaprovement project which ba kettinjf underway this the board ha alrea r aawd once to have use of frotfl tha project but they no answer i va hlaii sctaool board wants i till to level property abut on maple ave at the rear ufh school playing doming events cf wuh to he held on sat july it tt douj wood i stitlon by th georgt- i cotatu hockry club 7 13 tv sur gordle tim with skyllncri wd jvnny pro- tms street dance rre by iuubunh coounun cntr auoclitlon july 23 to mldnlfht admltalon public scbool children jmauw06d actes v swimming rlihlne picnic grounds canteen erou like from acton c s smauwoqd r r 1 acll us3u july swimming classes draw 318 youngsters thrte hundred and eighteen waterbabiea are going to school every morning at the eorye- lown cotiununity i ot i w4 ere ju ly arwtmmine rlaues are under way the rourtei for beginners juniors intermediates and sr nior started tlmrday july 1 a hundred and sixty lwin tiers have enrolled in the swim course 00 juniors 56 internir dlates and 12 seniors ihe clas siflcationa are based on ability howtnrr a swuiuuer must be over 13 years of age to be a senior applications are being accep ted now for the august term which will include the course from beginner to senior plus a bronxe medallion course award of merit course and a elias for adults wlmming instruction begins norval norval remembers departed citizens memorial sunday the annual memorial service oi hiucrest cemetery norval was held on sunday afternoon june 27th with a good atten dance at the service vr mac lkird of cuelph was the basics of cvrem6nes and kev l dun caiuod of th preabyterlan church waj the speaker taking the lwu the lord u my shepherd a this theme the gorkiowd ciliiefl hand pro- vrved kfxclal toukr lod puy ed lot the bymns the fceyvlc wu held in a bue ahady asxt of the frjirt- ry and stacking chair were used ui place of the plank teak da the beating mucb more tcwuort able many brouubt ulr wn folding lawn chair mr hyatt mcclure boke on bhalf of the omrtrry lloard and thanked thot taklha drt in th sr vie and promud lo have more thajr for the service net year coiifatulauoiu u due the ra retaker ou the rxcetlent neat evpearance nf th cemetery v vikitlng with mr nut mrs murray ijlrd tm sunday june 17th were mr and mrs mac laird of gufelpb and mr and mrs hob rwford elaine and 3 little girls frftni near ouelph t congratulationa to jenny may hrownndge and david iowe who were married in norval united church on saturday ju ne 26th they will be living in brampton there will be no service in norval united church during the month of july as nv anl mrs liny irwin and family will be on holidays adherents have been invited to attend the rrruyterian church services ttobt ic mura son of mr and jane collett at guides national heritage camp a georgetown girl 1 one uf 96 girl guide chosen to attend the national heritage camp at doe lake from july 13 to 2xl jane collett daughter u mr and mrs trot collrh 0 mc- habb sl wuj be ktudymj folk lor hulory crafu and sing ltirrouag dlffervnt parti of canada houeer craiti will be revived at the cwnp kbd vut tor will be wrkoiaed at the enp on provincial day july 17ib tt e centennial toinmliuon has given a trant to the curl guides of canada far th cauapa which were startd mt yenr and will be 1 eld fh r ai prelude to tbe bbi camp lit 1087 the grup which jane will join at doe lake will empha me the united vu loy ukts in their atudies luking rug hooking putpet plays scot ukli dancing and folk sinking will be among the activities there are field trips inclul ing visits to alt rwjuln 1 ark snd tlte museum sn i the msrtrs shrine and huron village at midland mrs stanley mckay local womans mother after a lingering illnrss ha ie allen thihupwin leloved wife of stanley mikay uetph died at tirlph genera ios i tal on june 22 f until hi health forced hrr to give up any of hrr cti illrs she wit very active in 1 wige snd church uork mr mckay was marrird vj ponald muray left last twice hrr first husband being i w f chalk itiver ontario the late joseph thompson of he hss a poaltlon ai acton who died in 1020 in draftsman at th atomic entr 1034 she married stanley mc i gy plant robbie attended lh kay of guelph who survives institute of trade wiocmmoj cleave tbe marrisge is annoudcad of slhaafaeth hew son to william harold cleave on june 30th ims at st george a anf llcan church kv j h- mcmumin okicjat- lnat diatms yoerrat suddenly on satur day july 3rd ibno at st joaeph 8 hoaplul guchjl george r voater of 10 barah wrt in his 74th year llui band of tha ul mul ieid sharp and daar faster uf mildd of toronto sad the late uoyd runeral service was ronduc irj at tha harold c ucclure runeral home 34 kdith htrert georgetown on tuesday aftrr noon at two o clock inter went was in greenwood cern etery gumuut on saturday july 3rd 1065 at georgetown and district memorial hospital rjla ms clarke ummrr in her 82nd year lie love 1 wife of u alter gummcr and dear mother of zrlla mrs marsh 11 timbers peterborough norma mrs oeorje chaplin georgetown grace mrs 1 massey peterborough mil dred mrs a mcdonald to ronto and uruce of george town luneral service was condur ted at the harold c ucourc runeral home 34 ldilh street georgetown on tuesday after noon at four o clock inter ment waa in greenwood cem tery hrr as well as a daughter mar garet mrs rupert heaumont of town and allen thompson and conclude at 2 in the after noon the staff of instructors is headed by chief instructor cliff johnson each weekday morning at 0 of waterloo and a stepson vic tor mckay of guelph mie also leaves four grandchildren su xeanne patricia katherine mc kay and jeffrey thompson the rev cordon hastings of st pauls westminster pres bytrrlin church of which she i member conductel the service at the wall funeral home pallbearers were wm moore guelph v rnst gilroy st thomas robert mccutcheon and frnest west of kitchener harvey and robert jestln of fv erton burial was in woodlawn cemetery guelph antinoise bylaw is wanted by reeve reeve john flliott wants an antl noise by law for george town and when he suggested this to council monday mayor gib bons detailed him to study the question and make a proposal pve never had any eom plaints about noise said cr bob francis expressing puzzle ment over a petition he said had been circulating in his neighbourhood tbe only eomplaint ive ever heard is about the cnr diesels and we certainly can t atop those tf w1ddin6 rkchptlon nycrtalnmalny is our specialty now includes soft low supper music a ka syftykm for he and announcement 3tjsd i fun filled evening of dancing with on the spot fcf ld hoyocraphs of the funniest incidents w for you and your i contact i l jack osullivan lylbraa dj snlehslrtmanr im clarence jr brampton i mi70a or 43101 s2 ontario scouts launched from plaxa for pq the entire ontario contingent of scouts delegates to the quebec provincial jamboree near drummondvttle pj left from the delrei market cen tre georgetown by bus friday amonf them ware four from here scoutmaster ken rider 245 delrei blvd stuart daniel 4fl delrex rlvd brian- you mam norval and gary mur ray norval the quebec jamboree will run from july 4th to 12th scouts attending muat be 2nd class or higher and be over 13 years of iffe coit per scout for bus fare tour meals enroute and jam borca fee la approximately 70 w norval byterian church wonhln 10 m bool h itn omhlwn ml n bim coin car wash service station for moore park first announced businesses la the moore irk subdivision when it materialiiei will be a service station and a coin oper ated car wash council was asked in a letter for permission to erect the car waah adjacent to the service station but they were punlcd i to the exact location if it is in a eommerialxoned area councillori decided per mission would not be necessary and a building permit could be applied for through normal channels five bridal showers for mrs d haynes mrs daniel haynes who be fore her marriage wu may mc nlven waa tendered five show era before her marriage last month her cousin mrs bruce car pill waa hostess at her home in acton for a cup and saucer shower and mrs sheldon lawr ewlng st held a personal show er miscellaneous showers were given for the bride by mrs gesr hayes mrs fred tolton and the groom a aunt mrs bert haynes snelgrove firemen learn operation oakville aerial ladders if a 50000 truck and aerial udder recently purchased by the oakville fire department are ever needed by the geor getown fire department through the mutual aid agree ment the local firemen will know how to work with u firefibhteri from geortfe town acton and milton eom bined in an exercise in milton recently apeclficsslly to learn about tbe operation oi aerial ladders the operation was part of the regular training proce dure for the brigades from the three north halton towns the oalovhlerlruek carries an 85 ft aerial ladder with mouoi ed bom and uozalea its pimvp are capable of handling a stream of water of over 500 per minute school in toronto mr snd mrs gordon laid law mr and mrs roy laid taw mr and mr uoyd laid law and mr and mrs garnet jidlaw spent the weekend of june 27th at wasaga beach union ptesbytertan church women held a very successful strawberry social and bake a le at the home of mrs lee campbell on monday evening june 2jhh with about 200 at tending the very heavy rain storms drove the huge crowd indoors and cancelled the pony rides but the rain was so very wel come that no one minded and all had an enjoyable evening the committee for the social were mrs c g bishop mrs leslie young mr erie leslie mr clifford cook mr roy thompson mrs art uckahe and mrs wilfrid leslie pouring coffee were mrs star ret leslie mrs andy mcdonald mr j mcmenemy mra jtennte mrs vonzuben mrs ceorge leslie and mrs r duncanaon the young girls of tbe church served the strawberries lee cream cake and coffee in charge of the bake table were mrs owens mscdonald mrs rraser macdonald mrs jack mcdonald and mrs clar ence anderson in thursdays exercise the ullton pumper parked beside the town s mill pond and be gan drawing water and passing it along a double lay 2vt inch line to acton pumper in the mlllalde plaza the acton pum per passed the water along to one of georgetown s trucks and it pumped the water through to the oakville aerial truck al most 2 000 foot from the pond before long the aerial hou was shootinjf water at 500 gal ions a minute into a creek a large crowd bather to watch the operation snd got a playbyplay commentary on the demonatra ilon as the pump operator and fir chiefs irv lewis of geor getown il holmes of acton doujflas- wilson of oakville and a e clements of milton pip ed orders over their radios ltmehouse news mr and mrs regent were guests at the mcsherry alle mang wedding in willowdale united church and the recep tion following in the royal york reataurant on saturdiy mr and mm carman maltby and children were among 38 st the family reunion of the turner family at her grand parents home at north bay during the weekend miss beverley langille who makes her home with her grand parents in nova scotia arrlv ed by plane on wedneadey ev enlng to spend the summer with her parents and sister here a mr and mn robert mcvey of guelph visited mr h mc dowell and mrs osborne rec ently a miss wilkinson of new york has been visiting at the shll ing mr snd mrs woloshyn vial ted at rolleville during the weekend a misses bennett of brandon manitoba and miss blanche brig ham hn of vancouver bc are visitors with tbe rough leys a carry hlelier and linda plouffe were winners th the composition on weeds of onj tario which entitled them lo a day in guelph as guests of th oac last week births allen uaaen and betb are pieaaed to announce the arri val of their daughter lisa anne 7 lb ot- at george town and district memorial hospital on july 3rd lmd a later for peter special tfcankj to iv paoahaker mcajmiok angus od aud rey aie pleased to announce the arrival of their aoa kevin ttoai on june slat in ceo j town and diatriet memorial hotul special thank to dr wtiabakcr ind the nurv log siaff m1moriams costtoan in loving mem cry of our desr son snd bro ther umer jsmes who pas sed away july 7h 1064 we little knew when wt woke thst morning the sorrow the dsy would bring tbe call wsi sudden the shock severe to part with one we loved io dear sometimes it is hard to under itand why soma things have to be in bis wiedotn cod baa plaiv ned beyond our power to aee j sadly missed acd ever re membered by mom end dad brothers and slaters cootigan in loving mem cry of a dear father and jrandiathr boer james cotiltma who passed way july 7th 1h4 juet wbeo your life vj brightest jtut when you year were best you wer called from this wurld of sorrow to a borne of eternal rest m always rejiinbrrd by jim join and childen kves lo luvift mwnury of a dtur tbothcr vbd grandmo ther kdith eve wu pataed away july 8rd 104 love a greatest fcit reoirm bfaflce lovingly rmhiibered by ida alujrt aud ureiuu whhklkk jn loving mem ory of winfleld curly wheeler who died june ir7lh 1660 sweet memories vtil linger for ever dtp cannot change them it s true years tljat may come cannot sevvr our loving wnwiibrsnce of you 1 ver remembered by the wheeler family tlntraatey july mfc 1941 page 14 cabdi op yhamks i rkaumont w would 1 ke to express our sincere thanks to relatives friends and nel ghtours f ir their many acts of kindness beautiful floral offerings anl repression of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement rupert and margaret beaumont grfjtg mere words are in adequate to express our gra titude to each and every one vho tui helped us through these days of sorrow with besutlful flowers words of sympathy snd deeds of infinite kindness especially the georgetown lions club and their ladiea the dlrectora and employees of acton ume stone quarries neighbours of gower court snd duncan drive rev john mcmulkin ucclure funeral horns anl our nuny friends snd rela tivrs we can only say thank you ao much mrs ldna gregg jay and bruce sprvcltlunka to my friends end neighbours for msny kindnessea eitended while i was a patient in toronto wel lealey hospital jack s pence saions were the leading mln era in europe dunng the 16 th century l m brown od announce the opening of h t office for tha practice of optometry t 35 mill street gtorgalown ui off ma n street fuon 77 371 summer holiday special 8 lbs dry cleaning 8 quarters at delrex laundromat limited dhjutx makket centm s mum north of junction hlf bwaya 401 and 10 tt vmllow bkiak tavirn en steftlm ave wett thuhj kayt all color 4w tin bach party cans tui drajrtrlp in bikini beach plui fanuilic adventure in hmt mkn on th moon i ii unday only thk thin hid lini d thb cklahomaw fj mom wbo lautib 1 ulnute svlth jack lemmon in good neighbour jam ttlua xionpoit to murder both adult buobss j bingo this monday ioo cm at thk riviera in norval full jackpot 1000 minimum jackpot ss number uu in 37 prizes- free bus this monday hone 7722s1 re routina ilvers open thurs fri nights until 9 pm this weeks specials labiev swim suits or a 8 98 lo jla v8 thurt ivpm enly s5oo t shrrts sfvort evh cfsuw r eck wt ie cotton 25c ykup 6 9 p m 6nly terrv batfi towels 1 a 22 42 friday 69 pm only oqcea name kxano golf shirts usually sj98 ss 9b friday 6 9 pn enly 299 udies cohon shorts mini suits f ne all wool worileds txfra pants ir eel reg lo s3 98 198 55 lanes summer dresses orq nally to s19 95 special s8oo closing for holidays kings cleaners 19 mill street office will be closed from july 19 to aug 3 legion picnic sunday july 11th georgetown park picnic tickets w ii be available at the branch each paidup member will roce ve 4 liclceu ver child up to lo yean of age they mult pick up their own tickets between june 30th and july 10th no tickets will be mailed or handed out al the park picnic tables coffm tea milk and lea craam provldod pleaie bring your own cutlery platei will bo provided mtmkiri children will hava uia of lh j oorotown swimming paal f 1 lo 3 so p m trnporlationvill be arranged from pool lo georgetown park race hart at 3 45 p m ponies darts horseshoes jj canadian legion branchtlo z r m

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