Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1965, p. 2

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back to soldiering rysnesft in fcls 45 aluna7ao seven new members join ballinafad united church 150 lornes drill through holidays tut lokht icotj mjlitu moimiwt of gikwqtiown bmplon ind otltvill drilled tkeir wy lkroooi 4 weeks kolidiyi at cmp nijr it niirontltail list wel they vi it tumm mp with 1300 otker ircopi enqaqed tn fiejd training ind vigoroui bitic toldiermg trve train ing of tha reorgaiied rrnliin will frmphuie corps iub6ch irvd frtde iltilli the mvcn yona peepl who were accepted u munbon oi the united church o caj at thevonhip aervicw in beilliiv aiad gburch 00 sunday morning vera pitne aov donna sbortill kitoryn 3ociir car olyn hcznerf ftarbu hiwtv braadt aturray junieaon and bob blade tbey nav been t- tcftdiajj conflrnaalioa or tn jul t weeau kinder the direrdon of afr goie teatba ctodeht mlnaur 00 ubii chart- hav- lad hernia of georgeuwa toodijd coouuu- aloo acrrk at bolii rhurcke during th month of july re will b trt tcrvl tcb fluoday at tihurcbul lh flrmt two wvi tbd t lullinafad on tw 3rd kitd ub sutidi tbt sunday scbool will hv holiday for th month ur ami un du 1111i1 and family r bolidayiiitf fur a iwj djye uill vk it saiiblr hfcch i ur and urt norma d hnd of union vilu w jutua of ur and urt j lilac on sunday ur and ur uatt iwr frwn i virtoria jlirtiour visited over uw wtkend with thrir fiiuly j in thr gforiittown uwnrt ur and un chat uckun tir brrn vintins with thrir dfcuxliiir in aylracr cottxratxtlatiooa to mr- 1 afjf peter lawr tnof barbara adama- who ver autrriod la st ceorgaa anglican church georgetown od saturday kixblaeil boy frool tb lai cwllinafad soout troop attend- ued th district camporee over be weekend local delegates attend brantford v conference at regular gorktown co d wtink prior to conference weekend memben of y coed club were ehotfn u detftalfi lo attend conference uemtwri choaen were mike pickup gary arnutronfi lull mckeown hru- re fendley and uile uitchrl they left gporfietowo in two troupa about fl 00 md arrive 1 in hrin i ford between 7 30 and g co they cheeked in at the lloum kerby in brantford which w to he their weekend un3 quarters upon arriving at the urait ford y they were arreted by what teemed to the hrintford bunny club but in rey j were merely llrintford deieja tea in their wrlcominc uniform j sriwarttowh after registration local delega tes were taken on in informal tour of the building by the pre- tidrnt of the hnntford y uoard til ere uat a set acquainted dince far ill nnnberi in uie teen ixjunte while the dan ce was still in proreu a mid nitht swm look plire deiei veic tlen dided into heir planned discumcn erois rday the cay was takrn up tiy a trnn of three dir in topics jot fen ces md bridges in the y ard in everday life tfce theme sprter was ur xtcttlon from mitlusn srtirday evening a hanquet and scni formal dance were hrld in the lounge ind dining roojd at the hotel kerby dur ing the dance each y-organlia- jtion in attendance put on a lihort skit 1 aa the dance broke up each jperwtn retreated to bis or her room to rhinge into more eaiu i1 dresa more music attracted 1 georgetowners to itoom 1 where la hootrnany was in pro urt- u j on the closing diy of tbe conference the awembled in the ludilornni to summarize their previous diwusion the evilution speaker was mr ken mcoaricar from toronto in their free time on sunday they toured the historical ute of urantford ttten they bid acquaintaneei farewell and hit the road for home secpnd hay crop get bertef it from rainfall tje rio which cow the akin ty unevenly laai we4fwiu booat the grvtfifa of pasture and the terood bay crop id boru ualtod e ifalloui dairy fkldmad gun y white uld tbe touutyj future aivd hay tiup yield wr be iiij affud by the droubt which baa bit not pru o outarlo the rain will induce betur lafcture growth and inertia farmer counted 0 taking id a arcond ttfwt j bay lauf thlj aununer ha uld parmer in lukoa had fcuud eartirr they feared tie total bui of a aeeond hiy eutlig thia year iaaturei were not grttwing either henry stantey county ig riculturil refireaentauve uld drought condition itllt prevail in thekouth bilf of the county since it didnt receive raucb rainfill- lle stated tint twothlrdi of an inch of rain fell in this area sou hi hilton didnt re ceive this much he uld in tbe ktorm that aeemed to bit only the uppe p of the county dont think it did much good a all in the aoutb bilf be noted there no cfcing in the drought there as far as 1 know ur white said the rain in the upper hilf of the rounty will help germinile tome of the grains resting unrhanged in the ground since being sown the first week of uiy germination has been spotty in nmt of hiltons fields be came of the run shortage he said auiot prices wf prvlf 0am qrvnti e qeawj plcaiu hk drinks 4f orange wee 5 j kuy v wmcmam 0 t ica cmhij atuy ca mi soft dripks fhu4m rftu j drink mixes 10 14- 49 6wst ckrry 1 nestleikeert 11 w ur 49 reception dance follows ferraro- atkinson wedding congratulation to miss 1uth atkinson daughter of mr znd urt elmo atkinson of h k 1 omrgetown and mr nick kcr- iaro of brampton son of jr and hi- fvrrsro of tororo who were married in holy crrs church georgetown on- satur day dune 2dth- the wedding wu followed hy a dinner in holy cross church hall afid at 6 oclock a recep tlon arid dance was held at the banquet hall in delrex ur ferraro it the proprietor of ninos hair design delrex uar ket centre flowers in st johns church kunday morning were in loving memory of mrs h jrkinon former member of the con gregation who passed iwiy on u on day june 21st in st cath arine general hospital the graveside service wis conducted by tbe rev canon j e mav well on wednesday afternoon in greenwood cemetery gcor getown members of the 1st hornhy scout troop and their leader scout er pat hippance and thomas hlgglni attended the morning church service in st johns church on sunday the troop were attending their district cimporee qq the check line tt lamporee on tl a urvice ttl itoly biptism wai conducted sunday after noon by the rev canon j v- muwell in st johnl church thoie blptlied were- linda ruth and john douglaa camp bell jammlo jeanette and ja- uisa gordon coiliy all children of mr and mlra cordon corby paul williams and karen jean vlcary cwldren oi sir jktii mrt thoi vlcary and be nice joan ward daughter of ur and uridonald wrd suhday vlsltora with mre e lllcken vnd family were mr and mm 1vank hlckea and lira violet rote of utterton ontario annivwjaxy greeting are ex- tended to mr ind tin llelvlo penney who will celebrate thelr flrrt wedding- unlveraary on juljr sluol promotions pineview new books at library slorm the gates of jericho henry plantigenet first lady brendan lie nans new york pictorial kncye of animal kingdom the barrymores book of the high mountains the heart of man toward world tesce old markets now worlds hiitory of rome 4 volumes kffeclive speech the search of the western sea stand to your work the cruise of the neptune the comfortable pew cortex and the aitoc conquest love hate fear and anger world of st jmp man md time ancient coins asia a to z invitation to linguistics a special way to victory no iron bars a cage stories of fsmous spies famous sm battles michelangelo israel years of challenge le m slide iiflagiiulre the house guests designing l making stage costumes the history of napoleon bori parte utilitarianism liberty l hep govt history of the french revolution memoirs of the ufe of benjamlnfranklin life oi lord nelson social contract and discourses constitutional law of canadi the republic of plato ariatotlei politics basic botany iiaw of torts prealdent wilson rvuraohs resurrected fein berg barber dennis st a nek alperl thorny from m u thant wiseman mommsen with ins burpee harris 1ovr bertor blacker call wood mackay priestly wear kane pci wailzmjn wilson cribble welch bertram bencurlon mollere si aeon aid motley lock hart mill mignet sou they rousseau lfroy spena ellis emerson underbill stokes gardner j to cradi 3 i jim arsenault leonard brown jraul rrown dale burton bri an catlr mike codd robert colgan bradley gillis uartin glecson fjrunerton laver ann jlaurson scott ienlle peter may sonja may wiyne may susan mccallum jim uckerr naney mcklnnnn joe mrnaughtnn john ohearn george prestidge i james reston jim shanrhi irene tarnowsky cathy vanden- burg colleen varcoe gregory wood billy martin to grade 3 janet schrflber joanne wil son daisy burton jsne wil son lynne thomson rotan- ni marcucci cithy jefferson j laurie ijughton joanne south- wood shelley lsmond neil wa ters jim mckay rosa rrigden i arthur miller rob prestidge 1 david vandenhurg billy strhv jgcr bill bradbury bob foster keith mckinnon to craoi 4 fred bailey craig brown bob burton vickl brown dianne carter linda grlce blaine groen elgin hyatt kent ls mond christine kreutz elaine uughton michiel leslie deb bie leach leslie mcdonald ro ger mcllugh jeff mcnaughton stephen marshall nancy ne well chris nell cathy ohearn barry held trudy sales vlcki schrelber peter vindenburg shawn walkem stanley wilson to ckadi s jean burton sandra foster david mckinnon yield tyrer i wkl f lrj r- while swan ti 2 49c 1 ptn of hoipiulit v cl wlw pcy aiu free wiener rolls wm iu pa rflsalw ba p t swift aipjmpd atth madeans toothpaste tnt 79c httmium vvictnicixo uks fuct hojd bran muffins 35c 2 iz 55c t 69c wieners cooked meats a n ytkhellt vuikhh m vutj cottage rolls t puiuj 1 tu fresh side ribs lean uk ici hojp bran muffins 19c 49c 65c lb mm uhthvi july 1 t od 10 we bwvi the klm v iwb ouihtllu nlw ctof ofltakio unnlntrun crewn potatoes r swfft juicy vaumcias an sunkist oranges z tm ot 99 2 is 49 rioduct of usa can no 1 ck cantaloupes hlomici of s awica can mo i m j f granny smith apples 0 hr j7 iavi thtil txima yat h9 ntf g aim latowi mkiiu crmii rmi u ukln ujbtl imh yi wttt mjk uouw mtfloknt 3 74 oi ilje lutolw m lalr mm yut wllh muooo jwclai if ii 01 pk javfx uquid buach 64 01 in atimlve m kslra 1160 ylm with ma ivaoatt0 mhk 4 tall tint mastw htln hih t chirj 7 or pv ou chhil jtix black diim 8 o ni such uot lacom table r bleu lb chio produce of usa yomat04s can no i 14 oi lube white sugar w 75 beans pork 4 69 margarine 2 55 apple rhub pie j- 45 stones straws 2 29 brent laugbton uirhatl kruti bth caitlr dlant whalfy glfn cillli virginia rotxruon david lfach ivbra mittrr laura r- tlilgf licrnif hachmann micha el diorrolamo uary digrrola mo john sohreitxr bill mac- donald dale llrledn randy llowdrn valrrif ella gordon tempelaar linda salci wym ond walkmn sandra prtiton randy lauchlon barbara brownridec gail strcctrr taul laldlaw joe mccarthy david koley to cradi 4 keith auatln kenneth austin hobble rradbury suian curria bruce cattle bobby rerrler roger harrop mary lou jeffer- on gillian urnfr beth lald law krn iach hugh manhall marilyn miller sberi lou mc- nauehton gall nrlll allan nor ton john ouwendyk spehroa perhany david reld pcdfr roed kristen roed jamra strrctcr tom scolt terry tyn- cr lrne wllon jean wilson carol kchreiber to 6a0s 7 gail brown susan collier dieter isenburq susan lsmond donald leslie sherrllynne mc- kerr harry mcnaughton wil liam uccready robert nelrop donna prealldbr jack robert son philip ramshaw david simpson christine sates jim sales patay varcoe ivan wll son paul whaley to oradi i david austin nell bradbury dianne ferrlcr billy green klliabeth groen harold isen berg leoaard lauxbtoa jim marshall roberta murdock debbie preston roberta south- rolt zandra miller to cradi t howard arsensult murray brownrldte thelms carney do nald green anne llorniby lin da itowden peter lamer peter marsh carol martlnow patri cia mcnaushton psul mc naugh ton sandra murphy richard prestidge sharon prestldce barbara preston leeann sales rosemary simpson douglas wilson tiny zlnk bid vou know thayt dlsteiftper la eommonly con sidered a form of influenza advertising pays i if sbrvic1 1 your busi ness keep your name before the public with a herald ad harris floral arranoemhnys for very occasion daltui cut 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