Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald w pub m by hmw neweapei limbed 22 main street georgetown ontario w c- mttih nbbw pa4 thoasoay july brti 19s editorial comment land release again it ami lob rw ptculr icl ffvst town toonal pltnning fcovd wtd tiv tustflel tonwniiuon kx bon hewing talks which coo id lcd to trve rlmi4 of mof rlldemit build ivq in t- arj of coqkwv th tend rus boon hed up urtdr a 105a lubd visum too4ktwol wtth dw develofwianh ltd which povidi only trtiin amount of rndntil uxistroctg until industrial rnquirarrventi had bn mt bateau of it ldid wci iub3j of twhf controversy in tt cotvrvur ty fo some ye- mun c pa- ctcru were fooht on ili pros nd cons and op mom or rvd ga nit ipl t tlve town and occup ed tfus headl net week aft woilt as courvc i debet lod tli- quell on before picked gatler a sufficient cooling off period now ihould allow th mailer to b dislt with in i buiin4iltlte wy and wj would topa there will be mm mum of the bias which teemed to hold wiy in years put it wu be councilt ob in the lorvj run to decide on whet if anything i to b done to ret eve e situation wtwe a uo tvmount of build ng land tome of it jlrjevdy tevicfrd it lying idle the popoatod gffttenf we jruli stand would rleaie firdnlil und for build ng wivh tlve kwti acquiring e luge cfoe of irujuitr al und el a pnte of 100 per ce a loui ng vubd v dvf would be bqutfd lo prov de add tional vervicei 1o those dev gnatd in tie og nil delrex ftgrefnent if the e add tbnat service fulfil the requ rjnenlv of the town s peient sub- d v t on by law passed subsequent to h 1v54 agreement then we would lay that the proposed agreement it somewhat along the i ne of reason rg which tfie herald has suggested on several oocat one it would mean that the old delrex agreement would be washed out e subdiv ular allowed to proceed in delrex al he would in any other part of town and ihe tale of induttr al land to the town at a bar gain price would be s penalty for ihe un fulfilled 1954 agreement it could be a happy end to thorny problem wh ch muvt be lolved tooyitime in georgetown i future encouraging industrial novs expans on plant announced by twb georgetown industries recently make en couraging newt on the industrial scene vanan associates and eagle s gnali both relative newcomeri to town are mak ing additions to the r plants and it is assu med that in the normal course of bus nets there wilt be more jobs ava table in a town t search for industry we are sometimes inclined to overlook whet is on the spot wh le trying to hard to induce newcomers to locale here what could have been disturbing news vms contained in a k tchener datelined story in a recent edition of the globe and ma 1 the art cle inferred that av an indus tr es s cons dcrmg build ng a plant in that c ty we have been atsured that the story is n error and would hope our industrial comm ss on will ensure that the company it fully satnf ed w th it georgetown plant end will if expans on is necessary keep its georgetown location pehaps the commas on would be w se from time to time to consult officials of local industry f nd out if they have any beefs or any suggestion which they could make to keep relations cordial the bird m the hand adage certainly holds true in this case it is well to hold on lo whai you have while looking for more changing times for merchants inauguration of thuriday open nightt by number of georgetown ttoret indi cates that times can change jutt like fath- iona and for any veteran of he merchan dising bus ness there can be wry humour in watching a battle where a proportion of merchants are fighting longer hours when we can remember to viv dly ihe past dis putes when merchants were crying havoc over a decision to hm t evening hours when we were first in business stores observed five and a half day week wed nesdays and saturdays most stores closed only when the last shopper had left at midnight or later there wai a thursday her noon half holiday over a period of time the wednesday opening was eliminated daily hours were imiited to 6 00 p m saturday niqht was re placed by friday night and an allday monday closing was adopted each time there was a spirited fray as merchants divided on the issue t times change as we have said shopping plazas have sprung up within asy access to georgetown most are in communities where there are no store re atrictions at all and they keep open two thee or more nights some merchants here particularly in the delrex market centre feel they can do more business w th a thursday open night many pay days are on thursday they say friday night has replaced saturday as e n ght out a night to entertain the five day week in industry means many people ere going away friday nights for ihe week end and there is not the business there us ed to be on that night against this other merchants argue the difficulties of persuading clerks to work two mghts in a row the lor0 hours it meant for a store owner to be on tha job the fact that there are only so many dol lars for shoppers to spend anyway town council it caught in the middle and some councillors have expressed the thought that they have no business regu lating store hours anyway and would throw a closing by law out altogether we hope this doasnt occur it would be bad for merchants to have no control over competitors and doubly bad if some stores wore open nights and some closed for this would be confusing to shoppers in this case we would hope that all merchants might give the extra open night a trial it could be seen if extra business is obtainable and if so it should be pos sible to solve staff problems and if there is no extra business then the proponents of thursday open nights would loon drop the idea too recommend 150000 rust removal plant for town the vticux tai ttedero rt- lrt to coundl wtdnefcuy bight rxmmnded 11mm0 iron removtl pinuj m mom si ridding the town of nuty wtr tildnj tmnttdltta utln on ihe report coun don port lnltuted 1 motion or n puli ation to thej onurlo uunldpel board or their tentttlve appro- val tha cost o ths plant would coma out of water rate over tha objection o mayor gibbon and reeve hltott the motion patted with only thoie two ojtxoed the mayor clilro- ed he wottld have aupportcd the motlostt be water ratec were not affected but felt an incre ase la water rttea would be the but etraw he contended that aay increaeq la taiea or water rata would be detrbnen- tal to present or future indus- gtnr tha tint thing the o mb will tak uj u how will it be paid retorted coun power the money hai to coma froth somewhere he eittmated the eoat of seven thouund a year into no ealgon will be used cutting present coats by three thousand dollars industry will not even notice auch email in create ha maintained especi ally tlnce many have to remo ve the iron themselves now keeve elliott objected on the grountis this was neither a firm price nor a inal report he elt there was no guarantee that this iron removal plant at auch a great coat would really do the job we were told chlori ne would do it then calgon would do it id uke an ontario water resources recommenda tion before x would approve he concluded engineering study planned to improve glen channel the credit valley conierva tlon authority hit received the green llcht from the ontario department of energy reiour- cea management hon j r stmonett mlnliter to make an engineering study leading to im provementa in the credit river channel at clen wiultmi the announcement of appro val of a grant of mt2t for tha atudy wai made by llalton re pretentatlve at queens park george kerr m p p tlila iludy will deal mainly with eliminating a aharc- bend in the credit branch aoulhot village where lea jama in re cent yean have originated other projects in process will correct erotlon of tha oleil williams cemetery embankment and add a dike helton county plant to re place a bridge on the wett tide or the village with a two lane span in september the cuurbh ibuds the kmbix of vksctim sj7 vl sa ijww- vfcjsa3 the bljovona herd vhws suhox ofesfcthe usa vrttivctkock amtabb tuoh hi weak way by bill smiley british ghosts agl lw all mmr ihe werid ead ee llud p u edmmi wfce ewaed eu- ee- the era tyreem h- im end hitler welt teeter liii elegy ih a couhtry churchyard news desk extras by trry hsruy 10 whays a we uk if you r one of the llaw herd who twlicvri one haa te hic a dick tracy chin iter tip mouth urfd nostrtli and wild cast in your stroly orba to display a flan take our choice on this country a birth day you couldnl have been pay lrvg attention when your pub lic school tearhen were trlnc to pierce jour cranium with the pride inittlling facli juit for old timri uke lets recall few of them canada is the world s av ood it ret it country it stretches 9 700 rnilea icrowt half the diatance from north lo south jt has the worl 1 a lonkcit railway line the worlds longeit natural fits pi peline the worlds lonceit crude oil pipeline and the worlds urge t fihine proundi it is the world s leading pro ducer of nickel platinum and aabeito- and ranks second in the world in hdro electric power wheat aluminum and typsun it leads every other country in the world in both imports snd exports and is siith in th world in manufac turlnjr canada i newsprint production accounts for 50 per cent of the world s total it has a 2300 mile waterway into the heart of the continent and a 6 000 mile tram canada imshway it hu 40 000 fac torlei half a mlllon farms and ona third of the entire world a fresh water so you feel like you should have done some flan waving last thursday and you re won derinjj if it would look a little strange han1 out he co lours a wot k late do ahesd and do it you ran alwsi tell the nriibhoura it took ou that long to decile which flag to uic no metering milton has water consumption problem eorgelovn s system of me tering water is being looked on with envy by milton council who are wincing theie sunny days as that town a water con umption soars uecently milton doubled its water aupply but rcmdrnti kept pace by almost doubling their wster consumption through un re i trie ted lawn and gardrn wa tenng comparing the consumption of georgetown 12 000 residents with that of milton a 500 mil ton works superintendent llruce mckerr noted that both town s pumped within 100 gallons of each other on tuesday of last week he pointed to the fsct that georgetown s water la me tered and milton s is nnt he said the water in tome milton ditches was running fl inchei deep from lawna that couldn t ahaorh it i people go to work and leave their hows running he complained its like pumping water into lake ontario he said georgetown s sjstem of metering is the only way to place reasonable limits on lo cal watering and s unset ted mil ton adopt it news echoes from tke pas of the harald 1955 ant 1945 10 years ago burning brush at tha community swimming pool silo be hind the arena brought firemen twice yoslerday whon the fire got out of control a prefab shack erected ear lier in the day by pool contractors milne and n chols received minor damage when it caught fire 0 georgetown girls pips band won their first champion whip in compel i ion at the sault st a marie centennial celebration last week with than cup went a cheque for 100 members of the band are anne luke elma stringer eileen kerr joan cummins mrs jamas tors- wick pat day june aliens virginia walker shirley wright mri homer stanner helen muckart mrs har old raimussen barbara akott ann tucker mim grace and chahene day j landmarks are disappearing as the delrex development plan gets roning the wllbert cleave property has entirely djiappaared with the barn raxed and the house moved across the highway onto the reld farm the glkhrlit house has been moved to a new site on the errvtlle farm and other barns have diiaopeared while several oiihe farm houses are being used by the devel opment firm as offloai 2b years ago ay vacation closing for both industries end merchants seems to be the accepted order this summer in george- town industries cloied include alhance paper both provincial mills smith and stone j b mackenzie and son georgetown lumber company harleyky day foot shoe company federal sales end engineering w j layole and sort glen textile industries beaumont knitting mtn and georgetown clay products among the merchants who have cloied for holiday are smiths shoe store p lv blackburn the georgetown cafe pensbns fish and chip store balrds bakery g r mu ckart and the georgetown herald eyes on the sky as residents watch gyro if you re still wondering about an unidentified flying object that flew over georgetown s rooftop twice lat wek you probably witnessed the avisn gyroplane on its way to and from a meeting with ottawa of finals wednesday the avisn piloted by grant hawdion of uelph flew to its anntrong ave hlrthplscf from the waterloowelllnyton airport to demonstrate its short landing capabilities to the visiting off clala here for a progreti review ottawa la assisting avian air craft with the development ma nufacture and certification of the 6th craft through a develop- men grant the gyroplana which fle in wednesday was the sth bird with components such as rotor blades which have been built for the gth crsfl when it relumed to wster loo- wellington airport it mar ked the first lime that it had been flown from here to an out of town field oca britain etna o timirec- rumuinat td the qov pbcre no it waut tiundr mo rl taunacr suxywey though it bounded knicbty like- il er mm twiting in tw btvj ewad vef twi w s1 e w slr ttwh ivmi attu ki if yod listen carefully you eti tnttti distinguish koala tof thf in dividual voka in this cvuim but thuode tjf prott una ih bti world tlrly khl timqitifl growl tf loap lo m wuuun cfcurtwll raof eld cha hsrely uld to rt whrt sstaikthlntr like this rohes alng to destroy his huj firivsj per uoceoi t thit angry bellow be long to kir krancu drake could that bulls ror of rage b anyone but henry the fight j hr tkew tkeff frkev 0 0 ho1 o eui be xfjt zf2 dost quil lis thai eld ehep poei rip ell your victoria cm or your i so mad throm it in otm farba chin lip rn a tirf drink vou brillsh ban ways bn atl te teedate tfarousii v6i buy evfi muddle rtusn tku oa hut it will writ unls to ike lit luijhly brltlsb beoln and prha ii but mis y after all tb kempir tos tbrinunt llkr a twcdolur all- wool awsitrt u jou eouldn t nd wltii a hta- bw uluiinl wltli a uilcktr bible thought for the week h tt diah hudyartj kipling yh a iut tke ingry irurl l tke dvk f wallltli tuvd ik eulrsitoej kelur ef w- yj hvrlle nttn and there a trio it sounds murh like the pontlflral tnnea of arrhbuhops tranmer ridley and latimer martyrs three gruff gladstone and dapper disraeli roaring prole t ere in tune as tbey never were alive id bet money that female squaal rising above the others belongs to good queen heas hurtling down the hill of five centuries as she rages name sake child elizabeth how could you me think that magnificent bell toned baritone with the shudder in it could belnnu to none other than the ilard sob bing in sorrow and frustration is this a heatle which 1 see be fore me there it s out i knew the sus pens wss killing you yea the great ones of britain s glorious heritage have good reason for their eeleatial atorro of tndlffna uon the beatles were awarded the ube member of the or der of the british empire y 4d this tuettt ef ttepravlty have sunk tha aivcr f these qlsnta whe tek on the spanish arrtma the pepe the prenth the crmttt wh cuttrj na- 3 ylrthy 1 i people who are bent on tak ing the bible out of public life would be just sj happy if they dldn t have to fare it from the pulpit jesui slid if ye ire shamed of me and my words i will be ashamed of you before my father and the holy an gli georgetown herald puliukj by hm nem9sra umtltatej georgetown ontario waltar c luhit publlihar cshuij mechvfsy production iuperintendent leslie clark dave lufcuntf u g 11 son j ucclemanu peter annatour terry harley alleen bradley news editor accountant frank uullln advertising usnager urs wlllisn geggla clerk typist anne currla reporter peter jones photographer u ember ef tha canidiin weekly newspapers associatloa and tha oatarie assoc la uon business directory chiropractor donald a oay dc appolntmrnu mad doy call tr 7501 m mhi tl uumttmm chir0praq0r crld w crbah dc gm dally by balmlmnl house calls arranged 77u3i 11a main tt nrti cakr wkstw06d ortlarle land turvsyer 118 uounlalqvlew rd s trilnel 7 5111 w m crr bf wtwed yr 7jj00 km tit 441u dax develophents limitid ttulldar fine menus prop wilier dcholok ittuu er w ml barragers cleatmrushlrf laundrr ifr j117 18 main 8 168 guelpo all work don en nrtmlwa printing- or distinction btat6ments ustte11iieads ftnvelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald i77jj0i italy la aecond to france wine production o t wauc1r 10 dotc 0tomitlft u main sl s nrimpton imm74 111 512 hour 0am to 8 p ra tueidiy to saturday rrlday oam to 0 pm evening by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 uounutnvlew rd s csrretal bldg for appointment iw 8773971 o l m brown ro 35 mill si per apeelnlmanti phmie insiri monuments pollock ft camcmll designs on request impact our work in greenwood cemetery phoni m17sm s3 water street north- 0 a lit prank p t c h licensed auctioneer prompt serrtm po box 1s tr 74884 georgetown dale bennett latimer baines blrrulri a sellcllen douglas v latmes tcrence f baines tnunfls 7sm1 13 uiu sl gurton frederick a helson ftarrlur and ulultw 118 uountalnview rd s carretal building gaorgetowe tr 7iim he mandersoiiqc barrister and solicitor 41 mill st georgetown tr 72d64 tvansicklerba aurrliter lellelter klolr dr wllllw nun s8 ualn s th 74ui wallacm thompson 3rd blvlijon court clerk a cemmlulener tme3 oioroitown animal clinic 108 oeelph street dr r ft oaikln v zavlta dvm cunlo 0pn 88 pjb tarurnay eyay

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