Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 8, 1965, p. 8

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irphaned racoons rascals hit everybody loves them that baby reinwito mr wuaoa found lio pet just aakjaelf the adopter of tbe our ori igjgr of the speace wilaoa family apslng which have beca lite cent t k 1 norval inon mo1mn jso a town can vouch their rvpwuboa ol deanii- and aifectio sine h i the otter father of a hule ifcjalty of young cootu long i to know fa nprufc la protecting his rtf of ovortm ai um ana for thepaait f aaontha a young couple from belfoun tain took two of them off hi ianmi and lb hintainliig pair haw bee aaked for by just about everybody who ha teen tbey ar easily bottle fed oft hck a cecaa fraaft feir vid amiak and can in a abort time the wllaoo r cwu t a det of aaeat bread but like most child have to be coaaed to uke their veub- but dcapile their tuufttu the baby oa a quick and with boedl fcharp ueth are alert de fender of their rights oac4 adopted and gjve good care they adjust to ihe atmae- pfeere 0 a home and diapuy no vtcmane ha they aaaiure v jlanji wilson oilers bottle 10 baby racxoon holidays hampering lineups but girls bait limps along state vans insurance had real walk away la their came against 5unnuckl beal stu when sun- budka could only field i players the came ended after 6v in ning btale kami xt sunn lick 1 ccorcetowii cycw and sport oho through with only play er and was over leone uair styling 13 star of the came was jill cunningham bo play ed jrftr field and brought u s hototf run for cortt7wii cycle m poru coprgeurwp uphomeria fcftr wng their ttrat mod a player who broke hr ankle rmue frut u win bvrf belrva kaihunj li 18 w i t h jala vitta j 0 0 4 sunbutk 1 i 0 cxla and seorts 1 1 a 1 uoiwi 1 1 0 1 cihh uphout 1 1 0 1 bclnl raiblol 0 1 a 0 whadayigotudo dept dore fires three hitter still charged with loss skbut woftia runs quns clary hydvale 3 jill cunning him 3 tbr are b players tied with 3 ruai each j l jwe 34 the junior league two trams ar ngnting for lop place luiry qiuen and hlurriy uotora are tied for firtt plte fteaver lum ber and iuirior roodi in wc- and plae jarkion llargain cen tre and kinette kruiiera in 3rd plaf scorei for tliurulay june hth dairy queen over ktnette kruiwn 1012 leaver lumber over jarkon hargam centre 17 ii liurray uotora over sup erior rooil 4 3 junta leaua tlahlivft dairy queen murray motor i supenor tootl reaver lumber jarkon i liars ktnette krulteri by fee hn thin turdy july jwh i our tajf diy ao dotit krci t ftllows all player uut r la ut taut be at lb dwrvx pi4 by 6 15 in the uurmtt witb a tte pljyin in the afternoon hive boi uo akkd to ui but ihould 4inbu there in lb afternoon for the parade in wbwh all players of the three uinor luwball leajfd- will maxrh aammbtlas umf for the pird u 1u0 if anyone it ill brdi further lofortrtatioa re- tfftrdinx uiiing and the parade plea phone ht7o101 driven and ran vill he ne dd to traiuport the boys to different parts of town during tigging so anyone evailable jt urday morning can give ub a big hand by allowing up al the plau be ore lagging atarti 1m sure your help will be required holiday time it lie re again ami the toachei ran be uved lot of problems if you will let them know if and whrn you will be away on vinuob ui when you will be bark since roaches like to have holidjis loo any intereated parent who is willing to help for a night or two by filling in plea give me rait the oakvillr oaks literally stole a llalton county iiawball gwoc from the georgetown i uti wednesday mcht june 30 the tfrond place oaks were held to just three hit but com bined stolen bases and daring bawe running for a 7 3 win over tb gianu larry curtis led the ileal pa rade for the oaks swiping four wases and scoring two runt irt tielder dan mclrod and rithtfirlder murray hall look ear of all the hitting or the oftks uclrod hitting in the clean tip spot or the ocond straight acne slucgrd a two run horn t in th first inning while hall fend two singles and a sacrifice fly food for four runs batted in cary huches who worked on nohitter for three innings fuuhed strong with a three utter for his third win of the junior home run queens belh richardfcon 8 linda cappau luetithandrr hernie dorr james single loaded the haw raw 5 jackie dutton 3 peggy auo gave up juu ihrrc hits or and one run irored whrn hugh p 3 georgetown but was charged es hit jim lindsay with a pitch dan arbic drove in two more giant runs with a unfile up he middle oaks got a break when ijnd say wit called out for missing second hat to end the george toun rally with the loss oaka scored four times in the bottom of the first mninc jet ung two of their three hits for the game murray hall drove in a pair with a single after walks to curtis and dirk bond oaks took the lead hack the bottom or the fifth mclcod then tajgrd dore two run ilernie dore fastball far orr the irftdeld naj lnp 1u rf t only ence for another two nin tloth pitchers hurled wore less ball until the fourth inning when the gianls scored twice paul lawson cracked the first hit off hughes to score brother pete who had walked and stolen second he scored the second run o the inning on an error giants rallied or three more to set a third strike grt past catcher hrlan uccrtstall curtis opened the inning with a walk and promptly stole sec ond and third he scored the tying run on hall a fly to right mcleod and glue both reached first whrn mrcrutall missed third strikes and walks to ross dryden and frank bur ke forced in the winning run oaka added an insurance run runs in the fifth inning to grab the mfth lnninff when bmujy a 54 lead walked stole second and scam an error walk and tomipered home on halls single intercounty fastball schedule tlaiujin july t i pl turn i llilliburlh 0 7 2 omizh 10 a 4 arton 7 4 3 slallon mil 1 0 1 glen wilhami 7 0 7 urrkrnd ilriulli ornish 5 station llotrl 3 omaeh u cilrn wllliami 3 iuiubursh 2 ornish 3 fndly llllllkurgh at glrn murrays setting the pace for junior softball femmes sonlr lao the delrex rashlons geor folown cycle it sparta went right down to the last half of the final inning before either tens could count on a win the game went from delrex i 102 leaid in ttfe second to a 13 all if in the top of the 7th inning wjth georgetown cycle veeplnj he delrex girls scoreless tn the 3rd 4lh and 5th innings jane mcmslly scored the tie breaking run on a hit from bon nt ihglu- sunnucks ileal estate won oter gcorg6lown uphoutcring 13 in 6s innings a real tee saw battle was suited when k bryant stale firm insurance met leonea jfair slyllng until leones glrl brouyht in 7 runs in the ab inning and 2 more tfl the b and kept state farm from mooring tn the 6th and 7th inn- lni- thli game ended after 8li linings leobctuls state farm 1 fsartlar laau standlnet juna w 16 onei rsiyant nuckj s mt fashion 1 t upbolatcrintf 1 sorcla fc sporu x i fanter haaa hun darby godden raid wltpl a 3 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 2 gall yount clary llydcvaate sue qulnn with 3 each junlar laaaua superior ooua with the aft of beth luehardion pitching and jackie dutton hittinic 3 home runs won over dairy queen 06 murray xlotori unbeaten in uielr iirst 3 eamea had a close came acainsl jacluon a llarcain centre when debbie norton of jackon a bargain centre caught a fly ball then tagged a runner off 2nd base then threw uie ball to 3rd base to make a triple play the game ended murray motors 17 jackson 15 klnette kruiiera won their flrat game of the season swamp ing beaver lumber 20u juitlar laaaua standings murray motors dairy queen superior poods beaver lumber kinette kruiurs jackson bargain junlar hawa run darby rath richardson 8 linda cipperauld 6 jaoauellna dutton pegiy parkins minor baseball week july 10 to 17 is minor base ball week in ontario and s turd ay july 10 u minor baae- bau day in georjfetown mom- ben of the minor baseball teams will be belling tags hoor farmer a to door vema thompson is top junior farmer athlete the weather was a success and so was verne thompson as she captured first place in all but one event at the hilton county junior farmers asso ciation track and field day last week alisa thompson won every in dividual track event and all but the running broad jump in the field tests which was won by margaret alexander participating in the field day were 4p members of the junior farmers organization from pal ermo norval and acton palermo won the three relays two for the boys and one for the clrls x joe love president of llalton county junior farmer paler mo group said only about 25 ipectatora watched the events i guess it was too nice a day to alt and watch othera he said many people probably left town for the weekend chairman of the field day was harold thompson vicepre sident also from the palenuo croup the field day li held annu ally he aaid but this is thd first yr we have kept rbrds pinners of he field day will compete in the events of the guelph field day on july 10 groups from 15 other coun ties will be represented over j 000 members of the junior association are ex pected to participate halt0n county baseball standing w l pc c8l hamilton 12 10 2 b33 oakvllle 14 10 4 714 1 camp lie 14 s 571 3 duniln 14 7 7 100 4 caaraatawn 11 s a 4j4 41 uilton 13 3 10 230 7 i preston 14 3 11 214 8 saturday rreston 4 dundas 2 sunday oakvllle 13 treaton 2 campbelllville 0 hamilton 3 dundas 13 milton 8 yuaaday milton at rreston wadnaaday hamilton at georgetown campbellville at oakvllle imrtt i morrow wilson replace elsliger in race wins ed euucers wednesday ibuht drive um what it ud to be ed a north llalton tcart club cua i racer who u nor mally shoein to iwtcp all three events tn which be rajy at xbe weekly meet ba had bis view vbmcutd lately by the hcs of other drivers the small ball crowd will stride in parade sarjjci f ruts ul vrrk i kn jvkurlwro 1 st uuis cinajnhitt nrw york 2 ln albeit t ftchiceio 5 detroit 11 halllmor 8 cleveland t ilojjton 3 1fvlun toledo 1 atlanta 5 syracuse 14 jarksodville 3 korhester i3hufflo 6 columbus 18 toronto 3 bchedulcd gams for july 13 and 15 nallamul ltjwffim sin raaciiro vs cindnnsti july 13 a sew york vs st ixuis july 13 a ajiurutm laa4m ttetrott vs ijos anfiou h llalttmore vs iloston d july 13 chicago vs cleveland july 13 b lrtunulunl laaue jacksonville vi toledo ityrwuxe vs atlanta july 13 toronto vi ruffalo columbus vs rochester rain preserves 43 win for hall and redshirts the hornby redshirts of the hilton rural iajftball league came up with their first win of the seaaoa friday night the hornby club ekrd out a 43 wia over proror in a game halted by rain after tevrn inn inn the redshirts trailed 3 0 at ter two innings of play but ral lied for a pair of runs in esrh of the fourth and fifth inningi to pick up the win lilt hall hurled a fine four hitter for horftby to record his first win of the season he struck out seven scottish bound bowler gets maple leaf pin on tuesday june 3hh the ladles section of the lawn bowling club had a splendid turnout of members five greens were in plsy and when the points were counted after three games mrs margaret thompson had the highest between five itd seven oclock a social time was enjoy ed at a dinner in the club house mrs lena pont injeay ing shortly to spend several weeks in scotland and she was taken by surprise wben urn muck art the president presen ted her with a maple leaf pin and book to record her trip from the members iuh scores forth two weeks prevtous were mrs laura rob inson and mrs jean graham no giants in league top ten though geontelown giant arc having their best season slnca theystere organised bona of the team hitlers are includ ed in a list ol the haltoo con ty sanlor baseball leagues top ten hitters which was released this week by statistician nell campbell georgetown girls hit stride win twice georgetown entry in the llalton ladies softball league ran up their win average to 500 with a win over palermo women in palermo tonight thursday but with a little bit of luck they could have been battling to keep an unde feated streak alive the georgetown club com posed mainly of teenage girls from the ranks of the george town senior girls league lost punes to milton and omagh by a single run 43 and 08 res peetively and another to wen wiulama women 110 in extra inningi but all of the defeats could have gone either way they handed oakvllle a 13 12 setback monday june 2alh and collected win number two with a lopsided triumph over drumquin monday july is the georgetown team is coached by 13ve secklngton former toronto ladies fastball leaguer third baseman who has on occasion inserted her self in the lineup in crucial situation she hit a key home mn in the oakvllle game the teams manager is ha rold seckington and the play er roster includes leslie qua ekenbush betty quackenbush gloria zllio susan qulnn carol devereaux pat davison claire bydevaite uua poulson gall prlea judy sheppard anne uarchment mary handy marl lyn eaglet carol lawson the team is aponsored by the klnettes and kinsmen and plays lis home games in glen williams ball park procor s lo mararle was lagged with the lost he had four strtkeouls vararle staked himself to a 10 irad in the first inning when he singled home pair of runs following a walk and a hit by reg green wayne fleet drilled a triple and scored the third proror run in the second hall then settlrd down to hurl scoreless ball until the game was hslted dave assetton rapped a horn tt following a single by wayne mclluih to give hornby two runs in the fourth a triple and two errors produced the tying and winning runs for hornby two woclu axa kd settled for tecond place as jkd htorrvw piloted his vehicle to uwi wiiu u the cuat s beat tnx kbd feature and hurt week the claas was swpt by bill wijwi wuh ftd fcoiuiutxrabua m eond puo u the 4etur were alao rrfiatfjkrd id um bjjer twins 14 whre isob urry tjras an arrdiihe board wiiiaer class u wber jfcctj hane duiittjlwj and cuaj 2 in which cwluaj use cohpack rolucud uum win picking- op the hands after worms it attppery u eeu about thlrtyaix high school students are working ruht now but the call is out for more the turnover u very high ae- curdint to organ tier wayno bingham who holds tb ow tract with the georgetown golf club about half ths number wbo start quit after the first night according to mr binf- kjhhthay kavnmai wi ed wben they only pick tew worms but if you stay at h hay mr hinghanl you can pick an of three to four thou sand bight without touch ef fort a rainy hliht u the tisae to taaaw mooey an experienced picker baa picked nflea thou sand worms td aralay wigbc and the rat ho xt thou- satad and what do you da with dew wuruti do you knowt well thw wt are aold la torunld to i dealer who shliw class 4 race were shared byio wilhoh wk to united crry uonheai who captured the beat and feature and kuu urvy la the iml and the in trftt class 3 produfabd three different vtnners keith hun let iu tu boet hugh trrhlill in the s6al febd korni slwa la the feature yh kart club hold its wetk ly bdvcu undrr the lights every wadnaaday bight at ijrabhomc worm picking unusual golf course activity at least be can t stay out on that galf course in the dark many a golf widow has mutter ed hut now thtre are an army of people who do stay out on that golf course after dark the dfw warm pickers kvery night about ten o dock the dew worm pickers go out to do battle on the golf course not with that little while us ii but with a long slippery worm and return home about four tn the morning richer and wiser the georgetown golf and country club is invaded night ly by pickers wearing lights on thrtr heads like minrri lamps and cans attached to their legs one ran is for the worms and the other is filled with sawdust why the sawdust to dry your stairs and that a s lot of wormi if you watit lo get in od the worm picking bumlna call weytie idnghaai at arrtaoa read the herald classifieds rosedale flofcal flowers for all occasions wtoblmd akianckmtrm car a ipcuhy cut flowers and funeral deliqnl we wire flouwri m alkrt tu 7 sail the all canadian i a c coup ot comaniis is looking fot young men to train for a rewarding career in business age 21 to 35 junior matriculation minimum 49 previous experience not required as comprehem ve and continuing training 11 provided salary and ematayaa banaflls are eucelufet ir yau kave an atltuu lar rapid advattcttaml in adtnlnulratlan flnaike ar uuj taaly i wrltlna taday ar akana far an irtlarvuw industrial acceptance corporation ltd 9 main st n georgetown 8774936 n 1ally 0f us i mlaa acaaaatlctl 1 fa ii rretactot amwi caara v drumih 43 laaalana cr tuaraauwrt 1774141 canadiaa otfita carbaeuaa georgetown memorial arena roller skating tues thurs sat 8 to 11 pm this satuhday night skatf to th fabulous deadbeats due to popular demand more skates i have euan pukhaaad car rental h womm v win loss glen williams women scored flood ol runs then had the flow stopped in two llalton la dies softball league antes they beat drumqulrj 4018 thursday but lost to ontaeh 7 z monday they play again lo- num thursday in oakvllle swimming lessons register now at the pool fok award of merit bronze tyedallion adult lessons register children for august lessons now r georgetown community swimming pool rv

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