Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1965, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 main street s georgetown ontario wcw hblllii paoe i thursday juiy 22nd 1965 editorial comment promotion lists proper konxjtion ittli 16 ljtvniry fuj fiqh ictaol uv ppd in tk last tyo liio of th mrld ttk lit indud only irw rnm of tucjnts wkj jviv dvcd to anoum- di tito wl foalod o mat rtw gfojef waito rvot ivclixj it ii in k tokiam with a p6cicit doptod ixwir yt o y hfld fj now com- htonly ulcd by nvoit set tools in makirtg promotion in for motion potjlt w hsv rvavsr buvd if popr lo powacu rfv fct that a young pacton ftud in h s evcmirvartn- on tl otjidr haruj w cannot sgrt w1h1 a trwtd today lo wppeis au public kit now lodgment of iucteil 11 wlool tit lsdmaitos itociettaon conpoid of high uttooj principals uni on rcod yar oo favouring bann rvg puwicalion of l p6moton lh publc ttoou iot byrvt lima hvt cawully pprd tivair lull m lpnblcl ow akowng no di4qn4hort of vi thai lop fw tt ienh and tfw irad kail tpatad to unl vfiiii w undvsund with monctt lool not to publish tvrt nams of odu- ng tludonlt o hw elicit of xirwieqra dual exam in th rwwippr certainly w trunk ft h i cat for qixrdng tk pivcy of ufwortunau young poion wn raj rnaui hs diru atom bur whit doing thu w cavy it loo far if tfv tuccwism students do not r- caiv at uir a lolth adcnoldrwtit so friend will know thy ptld if it a competitive world which our young peopu will snur and in lympathu- ing with tlvoia who hava falun behind w muit not crry it to far that w dathoy th ip fit of compatition in our schools iniiffrly strive for top education this ii thr t mo of year when we re mind young people thai without the belt due at ion they it and little chanca of mater ial success and ip ritual happiness in adult me the horatio alger days are gone wrven man could rejeh a pinnacle by d nt of hard work alone toddy every job de mands a full quota of sloll be it the aca demic subjects for a prolcsiional career 1k vocalionjl tra n ng for a trade or the knowledge of equipment and economic fov farming tvery man of the future mutt purtu learning as far ai it u pomble for him to 06 certa nly everyone can t be a college graduate nor would it be a good world if everyone wore when we were boy high ichool was geared almost solely ip trill end and it it appalling to think of the hundreds of studentj barred by aca demic or economic inability from ever grad uatmg from high ichool lat a lorn continu ng on to cojug today high icfioof offert a much rich r variety of coo is i ii n now pott bl to obtain training in carpantry auto rnec hanict drafting qualified ttenographert can rjei all tlveir mttruction in fugh tchoof and for those whote ability to abvorb aca damic tubectt it limited there are mterett mg counei offered to fit young people for the bit job pottible when they graduate our advice then it to ttrlve for the bett ducat ion pottible in thu wonderful institution high ichool where a large share of our tax dollar it d reeled don i leave ichool until you have mattered a trade obtained the best cert hcafe pott ble to aquip you for nn mterett tg ob you have ah too few yean to ipend at education and all too many earning a living wwrt a spot for a summer vacation sugar and spice by bill smiley the holiday horrors nit twua who cucum at boat aaln at put car la body t -huh- nolkioi to do now iop io kia doa ftied until sthool opuu la stpuoi- id with imuran campaar bcr eh u olni o t a held two huh achooltmledlcl punch riihl in tha homi vo tortaua with thtlr riiiilni u it a a dr bttl old udy laid wi to atop fruinvabot wbo uii u br too told daujhur ti atop than how j fl about tithilni with btr uuej iuam ajtrr thr w o hoi whoi uhjiy m acui to lw from tchlil whoot boat lo u llujh oil oa toaldvu u uk rt ot th auoioiw u aay ui u tj unultcrahh dwual thlojl like thli thfyll w put car waaet aty vamt tean uai lrh tod ovrf to about kmrlttuhauooi uorrwd a lh tuldle o auiutt t utll to dock beat at it all lki itinwiilly m ioojt out u uiht whaa w ar- otuli wwn two kiji atola a hd jjy fault though wlf uii whllr u drivrr wai h wi ul an hour out bo ra- liuf a wr rammed it into lk hrkalloq urn uda of iu m arroi frow u d day 1 haj to dh a couldo fad doctor round lrp o tw nty of ioo d wov wy ij i to br l vthraumn vl fcl polotrornt jlia wuolf dial coiri v 70u know ur ranio uir mint to niu brr brace ctl ml d re dad uty r a ktatua tw bol ivrrybody kuowa that uulri ti till another town for bii errfnonlal dinner out wifa st dry 1 cut ra all day nd brcuae itor were eomnr d b f thy wre eld fncruii and wr urre all a lot uldtr nrxt day after hitting thr iirk i6im irfforr ur uft cot trr when mutt of the boou wn hour inultrd b lady who thcuidat hutsut on the rillara one ccrtatn ngn of advancing age is when one shudders at the hit parade songs and the current crop of pop singers w have been outtpoken in condemn ing the be a tie type groups whicfi england nd ed sullivan have inflicted on us in this case we have a point for we think tka boy likegirl idea hat a corrupting in fluence on our standards and that we still vhould expect boys to be masculine as they were mean to be but aside from this if we catt an honest ey backward we had ust as much limit iutt as wacky tongs in any decade at wfl do today a radio show featured a song of our courting days last week hutsut on the fttllara and a brala brala suet and it mf ui thinking from the same era we had three lirtle f thet and a bit earlier the mutic goes round and round and if you go back farther you will remember the dayt of you can t foof an old horte fly and there am t no flies on auntie the list can go on where do you worka john yet we have no ban anas barney google we had the crooner days of rudy vallee and will osborne the eddie cantor long styling al jolson harry richman each with an unusual delivery later there was rose murphy and her chichi songs and the shy wee voice of bonnie baker and while we in our nostalgia think these tongs and entertainers of the past re still good who is to say that todays teenagers won t ut the same nostalgia when they hear playbacks of today s pop favourites the district at a glance milton bound by an almost forgot tan 1d60 icrecment with the former township of trafilaar now oakville milton council mi forced to rescind a week old decision monday and pro vide water and newer services for two amill industries to lo cate on miltons eastern out klrta brampton brampton residents will have to put up with the whistling whralns until september a ok crossing at centre street wai to hive had automatic auniu by july 1 but the com pletlon date has been moved oa to september oakville a study of the feasibility of a system of helicopter trans portation between oakville and hamilton and toronto interna uonsj alroort is among pro jects of the oakville chamber of commerce approved for their upeomlnj season strelrsville a four bay automatic ear wash opened for business here last week and over three hun dred can had btths on the openinj weekend in an un expected bponae of the mo- torlau the wash was kept go ing day aid night t- news echoes front rk pteea el the herald 155 tltj ims 10 years aco 9 a staff change at cedarvale school for glrla will tee mrs iva margeson returning to tha tchool after an abienca of two years mrs margeson left the staff two years ago to return to halifax n s where her mothor was iii mist lots kidd who replaced her at lha tchool hat returned to matheton a motion to increase the speed limit on no 7- highway to 40 mdet per hour on the outer edges of town which ere not built up tuggetled by the police chuf waa defeated in council by a tplit vote mosllvra lyont end gray voted for the motion and norton sargent and hale agalntt cinemascope is coming to georgetown roxy theatre yesterday the firm which will be installing the wide screen in the theatre owned by bill leslie had man here taking measurements and preparing for the work which will be completed in 2 weeks 30 yataks aoo latest group of tervioemen to arrive home from over seas included pte keith spance rflmn tom parry pte bill tennant cpl a b tuck pte jim cummins pte td beam pie grover norton cpl bill schenk pte jim williams as an aftermath of the fire which destroyed mrs j blacks general store and home in norval a public meeting was held in the tchool house on monday at which the norval fira protection association wat form- j ed some 30 ratepayers attended the meeting which was presided over by waller fldler an executive headed by norm darnerllng was elected with miss graoa mdaughllniecretarytreasurer and an execu tive committee composed of n a robinson j bid- well e mclean a e carney cecil adams and pare donaldson yhl mail rao says mayor georgetown 66 mrvrni n tc nt july 15 1w3 dcar mr lditor i have just finiihrd rraihui ur jowph ibboni irttrr in your nawtpapcr i sin afraid 1 muit again aecusr bin of mis lradinif thr public if you will recall on march lit 1063 i lujrutitrd to mr gibbons that hf was mlslradinj thr public tn leading them to brlirve thai he w in nrkti atiom with pervin or person who were joinc to erect a mil lion square feet of indumrul buildings in georgetown lie a lured me that i wai ronj and that he was negoiivintf with their people at leatt oner a week and tha vrlhin hire- or four weeks he wcuut hie an answer whan ur stmul of norton cmw anlid ur gibbons about this lnduhtrlil bull line on july mb 1053 he wis told that negotiations ere still j ins on si far as he knew if mr gibbons wn negotiating in march how u it that now he isnt sure whether there are still negotiations going on or not the misleading points i wuh lo refer to in mr gibbons let trr are these 1 the proposal which ha been submitted to council has been prrpared by represents lives of the industrial commit slon the town council and iel rex development it i not a proposal from drlrex develop ment alone 2 these meetings have been held with the knowledge of council and all members of the industrial commission 3 mr gibbons attended one meeting when the first proposal was reviewed with no 3 com wit tee of council he took his copy of the agreement away with him without entering into the discussion or waiting for the meeting to end 4 the town would not loe revenue by taxation because this is a one dollar option on the 175 acres and del rex would pay the taxes until the town excr died its option and bought the acreage they required 5 mr gibbons states that price is not a factor in having an industry locate here nego tiations have been held with an industry that requires 13 to so acres of land and plan to build a factory of 120 000 square feet employing 100 to 130 pe ople they are looking for land at one dollar per acre if they can obtain it a factory the aiie that mr glbltons vuggests would be talking about land va lued at forty to fifty thousand dollars not two or three thou sand 6 e three farms mr gll bona refers to are within the town limits south of the cre dit river this land as yet has not been surveyed and had a plan rogistoreil before any sub division could be built on these farms a plan would have to be submitted and approved by both the town council- and the mu nleipal board if work was start ed immediately it would be four to five years before any houses would be built 7 the present sewage dls posnl plant was built to hatfule all the lots on hhe present re bistered plan for east george town no additions would be re quired before the farms wore developed in fact the present misleading public again plant would even take the se i wage from moore park which some proplr are pushing as a flwupmrnt 8 a new school is now bring designed to hsndle our present population and we arrn t even building houses within the next three or four years whether wt increase our housing or not a new high school will be requlr rd uhrre is the land available fur it nu guessed it across he river thr present public mhooli were so designed that uithout too much msjnr cxpen s they could be rnlarged to handle ill homes in east cor getown 0 iavrd read u ii side walk sanitary srwers storm seurrs water mains street sign curbs guttrn and sod ding to the curb would be in stallrd by the developer at no cost lo the town not only that hut after these services are in stalled he assessment on thr land uould go up bringing more tax dollari into the town trea ur to pend on other much needed improvements i u0 if mr gibbons doesnt think the value of homes in georgetown has not depreciat jed during this stagnant period then he should have a good ho nest talk with people tring to sell their homes at a fair price ii if mr gibbons has the interest of all georgetown ci tirens at heart then he should stop living in thr past and at tempt to do somrthlng con atructive for tht town instead of opposing all progressive sug gestions and improvements mr gibbons has been asked what he thinks could be done and as ct basn t come up with one idea he had his chance last year on the industrial com mission to bring industry to georgetown and failed now he is obstructing any suggestions that could clear the way for the present commission to be successful 121 mr gibbons suggests that we should keep the town solvent and not increase the tax rate lt me give you a run down of what this present pro posal could mean to george town 1 there are approximately 205 acres of industrial land in the east georgetown area litis represents approximately 11343 400 square feet if a minimum of taxable in dust rial buildings were erect ed wc would have 2308000 square feet on the whole the town would receive approximately 738700 a ycir taxes on the resale of the 175 ac res of land the town should make 31000000 this does not take into consideration any in creased commercial assessment there is an argument that the town should sign an agree ment with delrex deveopments similar to fiie one with the lano subdivision 1 e 400 00 a lot in lieu of industrial assessment this the proponents claim would bring the town 400 00 x 2043 lots 1037200 00 this is true but the town does not receive the 40000 till building permit la taken out the builder tacks the 40000 on to the price of the house so thst it is not the developer who pays but the purchaser of the now home not only this but if industry is brought to howu the dveloprr would receive a refund on bis deposit again tven if no industry came to towti it would te a number of years before all building per mils were issued where du ou go from here il ii a one shot deal not continuing esr after vvar as industrial taxation would be it is very quritioniblc how much of the jl 057 200 00 the town would ever receive thev would lose the opportumtv of tiring able to make 310 000 00 for the industrial land llir town would still not have an industrial land with winch to operate mr ititaon va it ii a gam hie i in willing to umwp on having a hmive for m children to live in ulun thrv mirn i tn wilhn ti am n nn jrttini industry so that m children will have a plan t work when ihey leave ichool if o don t have any children to unrrv about ihen how alwiut tainhlinj on a future for our grand children or would ou force ip it noon and out for golf m w m daughter kn rver tee uo old cart horses tertamrd by lady who fell flat tring to pull something up lull on hfr tic on the iswn aftr vtnrh they couldn t even pull li4r repnej she got up m duwn hill thais what irtr an i rl hortlng he never laid i looked like as e drag tailed k on mr our way up to the iflth green however today has been pea- had tj irt the tint horn out crful people and their kids in to hn summer job on the un wted for outdoor dinner it by 8am mst morning hut rained hugh arrived from boat bad no trouble waking up i tie with two accomplices headed ruddy birds ttartrd irking at a teach psrty kim is on 4 am two paper buyi had a r ujy to a pama parly for vlolrnt altt rralion aljul run iomr kid iravlng town flictinw routes under our win urally quite plicld uom dow jt j and the cunktuitiijn downsti rs doing eight acres tang ti inng up the pud in of divhes dad sitting writing front i our place pt their hn column and thr blasted mrchai al monstrri snarling conitrurtion gang working ov bj 7 o c k ertime out front holidays you vrol diurnn planted gran can t beat them hut if you can weeded ii wrr beds soothed please beat them to death with wifi dutraukht because her ion a big stick itoll on september was iravins she tried tj make a bg svmholic dral out of it d in t von realm this is lu vi ry last dav in ins mlirr lift that hell in at h unr one o ui i lit- ii lw hometwo day a wick all siimmi r bit appar ei tlv that dn mi l cc unt nest dav look hugh to his bible thought for the week h b dc ah and samual said kalh tkm lord as graat dallohl in twrnr olfarlfvoa nd sacrifkas as 14 ebaylng tha veica f ik leaair thrm t jo and live ehewhert 1 samuel 15 22 imcause vou wouwn t plan for ihnr future now most of us know more about working for the iorti than we malcolm h rreeman do about worshiping the lord business directory chiropractor donald a cav dc appolntmrnls marie dail call tb 74401 m mill sr caornalawn chiropractor car a id w corbet dc open daily by eppetarment housa calls arranged l7au31 11a main st nerth o t walked bo oosc optometrist 12 main st s brampton 4a14474 lies 4516243 hours dam to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday bam to 0 p m rvrnings by appointment dale bennett latimer baines barristers a solicits douglas v latiubr te f haink3 triancia 7 23s1 23 uill sl georgetown cahh a westwood onlarla land survayara 116 uountainvlew ld s yrianala 7 mil w h carr tv f waitwaad ts 7jjm aa yr 44lt4 robt r hamilton optometrist 110 mounlainview kd a carrclal illdg ror appointment 8773971 frederick a helson barrister and sollclter 111 mountainviow md s carrlal uuiltlinek georgetown til 7mw dax developments limited ft bulldar af flna hamat prop walter pacholok 77411 or 177 mis optometrist l m brown 35 mill si far appointments phona 177147 1 me mandersotiqc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st go or go town tr 7 2464 barragers claanarashlrt laundarara yr 7217 ib uain s 160 guclpb all vrk tlotva on prawlsaa printing of distinction statements lbtteiuieads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 1775201 monuments pollock a campbtjll designs on reouest inspect our work tn greenwood cemetery phone 4117sm s3 water street north o a l t tvan sitkler ba barrister solicitor notary dr williams bldj 50 uain tr 74u1 praflk pgtch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 til 728m goorfotown wallaci thompson 3rd division court clark a commlulonae yr 7al murray rumack stern co chartered accountants ho yon st toronto tel w47j11 georgetown animal clinic 108 gtielpil street dr r b catkin v zavlrt dvm cunle open b 8 pm mon wed cri saturday 11 ajn did you know that7 you can tell yatnmuiid krtlelea quickly through a herald claul- lied try one a wslf

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