Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 22, 1965, p. 5

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i 31 pital benefits when children plan projects jtfcey wont purchaa avny jar piece of equipment but theres katdcthut about tva re cent iimi rcsived by th georcritmra and uitrit aiecto- rul llcncmul official that ur exceeds tbe total of tb raui involved lb ti o aw drtuls and comic books mcunud fo tb 188 prwoled id th boapjtal by tb cbildrvit of arwu strvet teaokely tkoimy norton dvbbm norton lry bunii mmj boaaa tturu- a penny tale promoted two other younxjrter la be saroe district hibard hurley and baany oconnor tm ltrt resulted in tfheis doftaiwio uf ax04 x letter cimfttytst th latter roauibutiud kid do ay ocobof and btytel held penny aalc fl my front fcrdvti of knoory w got pakl two dul lar and suif enu which w voutj bi to buy buamuuft hk fo th butul vilb it was uti fete juy birthdays as palermo ucw visits manor local youth fined for careless driving and tbe car slid tideway with out ciopptnf be said hie constable added there was irauic al lbe llmi ind cbildrenexe playing betide tbe road maxiatrau j h black order ed tb youth to turn in his kew brunvtnck chauffeurs liv ceiue and get kn ontario pcf mx amd jjuts mykit lawk jawri4cams yst georges a couple who will live j n acton were mininl on junr lit st jfortr i aim liran church ttarbirt ariami iuiihter of and mrs samuel ada uk i i jl tt i and imtrr mmli y 1iwr j i sort of ilr and mrs archie i lawr were wclliiiir pruwtnalt i 1 la a erwiiony iwrformnl ly j bev j 11 ucuulkin standards i of white tn j pink iudiuluh dr cor a led the rhurrh and corjc ekleer wit omarmt the grown is an employe of i micro llasties acton ami thr i bride is rmpll in the nflire i of construction llratnp- i tori the bride was rum m mar triage by her fatln r in the tloub lie ring ccrcmon shr wore a i floor length srown of chantillv i lac and tulle llie bee twwlirt i was fashioned with walloped beck line effect with pearl and equina- she wore a fiourred beadpiecr bouffant veil and ed twiunuit of am ncan beauty rose yrj wayne mimmi wai mat i ron of honour and mivs jean jwr and heth ivimiis wpio br- i deawalda tliey wrrr rownn i alike un mason in turqoise jnd the bridesmaids in pink wt length dresses of orrin over taffda with bouffant i aklru oop necklines and lace jackets with elbow length ev ca they wore matching rose feeadniec bouffant riu and i white accewones and carried boutjuets of whitr and pink car dauona gloria marcuisen was flower j fjlrl she wore pink organra over taffeta with rounded neck i una and a lane bow at the back a pink velvet headband bow white accessories and wedding in anglican earned a basket u pink and white carnation paul hodk was 1rwnnsmin and uvhers were rant haki r and wayne uawtn at a refeptlun in the rhurrh jlas4ineiit he hrnlt mother wore a puwdir blue lace dresi and ja i ft while flowi n d hat i and wl r arceviries and a cor wie of qui en kliubith i lm roses ard wlilte rarnalions the groom s mothi r wore a in ir lim n dress with tare top and corsage of oranj e 1 iihl ri les and carnations ror a hofiemon trip lo mus ioka the bride wore a whitr inn n slreveh ss drrs with pink lace uatsthand and a lar yc pink rimmed orianza hat while accessories and a corsa c of sweet s ventecn pink roses lnd 1 hornby news ur and mr lurry iiuden wer dinner cuests of mr and mr lowden of toronto on sunday evening mrt break ofteftertaw is visiting at the home of mr and mr roy itrcak linda and joyce silson arc apcndlnz vacation with friends at barrle sincere tynipathy is extended to lira llowdrn and family on the death of her mother mrs ramsay anniversary creeling to mr and lira hugh 0 connor who will celebrate i thcic wedding anniversary on friday july 16 birthday greetings to the following who arc celebrating birthdays ian break on july 15th gwen rutledge on july wth mrs betty iarmont on july 16 mrs stan waters and aarfaret shea on july 17 uoyd marchmcnt on july lfilh mrs ray riant bill robinson and johnny saunders on july 20th silverwood community has waterfalls picnic outing the siurnsood wi held tluir annuil picnic at uatr fjlls ilavrround i imehouse ricmtl the sllrr trst dents wrre all insited to attend and 3 kood iiie crowd enjoyed the da uinners of races were lr schoolers runninp barbara hurt bradley miller ann henderson unan bimholt itohin kelly beth jimmy and kathy carmichaci boys running rare 7 0 jeffrey kelly clarence otlen lonny hopers iirls running race 71 sherry miller uendy uorrall bheila henderson boys punning 10 12 years peter hligh martin otlen han dy miller girls running 1012 rran ces rogers kathenne olten virky duffield 13 and over janet hen derson dobhie itogers peter henderson three legged race f small ones jeffrey kelly and cla tnrrtttrnroldetone hr n- dy miller and peter bligh w heelharrow race handy miller and peter bligh throwing hall in basket connie bomholl peter bligh frances rogers throwing hall in basket small ones wendy worrall clarence otton jef frcy kelly bradley miller ro bin kelly a krtu of hw friend joiu tnl tutti wllb the uiaiibrra of tle lultoii uaoor atisiliary lo txmkduct the july birthday party of tburtday arteruod july ttlh ibft rpv frtend5 we a tiuot bcr of ladiea who belong to the ucw of palermo grouji ur b wcglll aikl the president of ute ausiliary lira s alien vere toiri prewnt 11e conven en for the palermo group were mrs j vanwrkle mrs k wood and mrs v ball lite decoration of hie audito rium centred around the rose three bouquet i of garden rowes and a birthday rake with white innf miniature pink inng nwi and small coloured candles were used to decorate the bead able the wiiall tablet had their individual vases tilled with roses a i vi llirre were eiiht puests of honour whnse health permitted ihem to attend the parly lliese were mrs r ld r mrs ada 1 tall mrs t mercoff mr v henry misses j baird and it hirhardson and messrs j ko tak and j vitnnl mrs art wilson was the mist ress of ccmmonic she erected the ua assrmblaie of visitors and rtsidenls and exteniled a seeial greeting to the guests of honour she also announced the various numtwrx of the very ennable profram with the ctcption of a hu morous reading presentel by mrs wilson the proi ram was a musical one mrs wilson s read i m whutr evokid manv chuckles was a ilrcnw for lla nana cream pie miss bonnie marnab plased a numtwr of accordion solos ttiese were a mcdlev of waltres which ineludeil tlm waes of the ianule walta a medley of pol kas and a medio of old tune haltad ch ft- tu uand plaj ed on mrs c nrwell plased two groups of piano solos which in eluded in a monastery gardrn and 111 see you again accom anted by mrs newell mr nor man viggera plased anchors awetrh on the imnes at the conclusion of this en tcrtaininir program the guests j of honour were invited to take their places at the head table itie candles on the birthday cake were lijhtcd and the hap py birthday song was sung the gift of a 1 hill enclosed in a birthday cant was pre icnted to everv guest of honour delirious refreshmenls birthday cake donated by the palermo a corgeiovn youth who took a corner on two wheels pleaded guilty lo tnagutrsles court wednesday to s charge of rarelea drivtug and wai fined 8030 including costs tbe youth speaks wench on ly and bad evidence interpret ed to tlm acting crvtod at toroey dougui v litiown read tatecxttbu ol two wlulees tbe turned tbe corner at lvlni blvd abd ivnice char us on two wbcu said the ataunseiii of a woman resident of laetres ulvi sb uld u cune speeding kck a frw uuu utr later t up bit ihf sidcwlk swaying itxun id u ude jfcc watched the youth t tkf from tur uiodow of br bjpine a wvond vitnesi a uckii- lie inve uu sutrd hw sccu i wu driving on his strtrl lsdiri k rrvaiil vvtdrj by tbe maoor auxiliary aud culd drtliks were wrvti uus will lucbardson blew out jhe riiuius oa the ckuaiwl ave ui- sprch ol lhattvs uurinn uu- refrrshmrnt hour tbe rvudents had an oportuni ty to talk with lhs new fnendilca parking lut moing froni the pdltiik i mtfd spin tht few we ul lilinaul church and to thank them and at a stop slin at imrei hi what we ronsldi red to he link tbe manor auxiliary latlies for and prince charles drive the lug distance of toronto ha says halton terrain as beautiful as africas toe terrain north ol gort- urwn in the bllvcrcr7k ilek ory falls area hu urd eoui vatd to tbe wilds o afnca in scenic wauly by a woman wio fcboold kuaw ufee she ud to hu on the dark rotdi trnt un uttauth lux- now a to ronto rudtiit recently snt the following lelltr to uie iituce trail associaliou our prvrlotu wmbrs bad baea mainly in tbe svilda of airka and we had more or leaa ro- wtah ajj usndts to yow aa we arc ao grateasil to signed ouraabvts xanastxbaddttskanj andto all ttaaw who ar able to enjoy a roauy food walk until w could afford to travel a considerable distance from tbe city but we are happy now that lor a reasonable bus fare and a pleasant snort journey we cam enjoy as tnuch solitude and beauty as anyone could ever lor it we womld like u poeafble to beeotoe mesbers of your association sod would like to know if there is any way we cam beto to finish the trail yours sib mra ntxahetb bex lwar blr- hecently toy two lnaied carrlckt otainer the xiiiie day joju 3rd i the delving ws allowed to cxm tinue soiuehody la l to grt liurt iorjtown tlltr eonstafilf ceore martin told the cuurt he found the youth in the pl 1 hwct ei4rsij desire lo vlk a vfry una 11 pait of your trail bt ginning near ilvercrr k fikre eojiung to canada ait over a year a to we bavr lrru rather disappoint with our walks in rity parks and with tbe delightful afttrooon youth lunimd bis brnke on ving no ear webster jackman umitbi streebville a good plac- to buy sales leasing mercury -metor- comet service to all makes ilimw -tlal- 14u4j crown ruth mckinney peel dairy princess iluth mckinnry ol r 11 1 dairy lnncc at ihe annua competition held this year at the strawberry social on june 30 by the alloa junior farmers ruth will represent peel at the 11x15 competition at the cnk the ontario princess will win an allcxpcnsc paiil trip to hri tain rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wedding arrangements corsas specialty cut flowers ortd funeral designs we wire flowers tt altwrt 51 tr 72952 vacation with everything you need get an hfc traveloan a well earned vacatvon is a moat sensible reason for borrowing and on hfc travcloan ta a sensible way to pay for all the things you need to make that vacation success transportation lodging clothing even sports and camera f equipment when you return relaxed and re freshed you can repay conveniently ask about your travelaoii today at hfc ask about credit 111 insurance on loans at group rata bkaakrrom 46 qlmn stree eal telephone 4511470 adms boat ajama fumlhlr ask about our touting hours know w merchant refrigerated fur storage barragers cuancrs i dytks main s and guclpli si mcbrine luggage rem 95 mcnamara jewellers 33 main n 877 481 r g0uge0n household furnishing 14 mnin m s operating the colonial furniture shoppe at 28 mill street ftwm 877 2333 i our baaolilul salktien el blue mountain ponery barbers rwlskrytrgirts 3 main street n contest karh week for 13 weeks the herald will publish a know your mrcant kftture a brief deirfttptinn of two of ttie ailvirtisen will apjw ar in this spare eacli week cuiiletanla will te avked to identify the advertuer from the dewrtption and enter the name in the cuupon ijciow r irt eorrect juesa drawn uleiiufjinfi mtlwr or liolh firms described wins tbe pritc prize 1000 each week if entrv accompanied by sales ilip from one s 00 if no salei ilip cnrluhcxl of the advertisers in this feature contest rules sales slips to l eligible must be rrmi decrihm are advertiwri in tbn fejlure from one uf the iimu pjrtlcipatini all entries mui he brought or mailed to tiir herald and mum be on the official entry eoupon which appears below rjnplojrc of the herald are not elirihle vntnrs fur each weiks contrst muvt t in the hcrahl office h 5 p m on the fo lowing monday thry will le placel in the run test ihx when receued the find correct answer drawn from the contest hot will be j mi ted the winner and will be announced in space indicated b 1 w the deciion of the judils will he final if here is no winner one eek the s3 ox contest who am i the corner of mill and guelpri streets ii ihe local on of this popular bicyje nd spxirts store which changed ownersh p earlier this year a complete rcpnf service is also provided trophies arc also available through this store lor clubs and ipcoa events etc in all aspects of the content prui will le added to the followinj eeka who am i th s popular hidies wear store is local cd m the central downtown mam st north area and right now is dilptaying a very wide selection of vacation and summer wear mus sun valley and the complete line of jnlien sporls wear ore among the nationally known brands featured coupon yoflt samk aimiuvs t11e aovkhtiskns drsclullu allr winner winner for week of july 15th mrs anna mair 62 sargent road holiday closing ur storv will bar cloud july 25 to 31 sienko repair 35 main st n american dress t furs ltd 23 main st n georgetown s77463f fur storage 2 of your fair valuation includes insurance ropalrs romodollinq we feayure red i blue brand beef 100 satisfaction guarantoech blue valley meatmarket 148 guelph st georgotown 8774331 georgetown cycle sports 2 water st 8773630 bicycle sales st stmcc snorts kquipnjent and trophies club discounts available don jsrvit prop out of offtc supplies you ii find all your needs at georgetown stationery and office supplies 23 main strtat s 8773453 teflon ware 299 frying pans shoprite he ta store 9 main street n plymouth chrysler vamant fargo trucks sale service maveal motors new location ml cualph st eait na 7 hlohway reduced prices on ali summer styles delrex fashion s delrex cekltre x 8779441 our beef is alwaysjfbp 1 quauty red brand superior food marker main streal norjh the evelyn shopfe 7 main st n 8774831 clearance of aix summer styles at raducftd prlcs wilkes lucky dollar food marital formerly akkuv 117 main st n compute repair service or tv radio and hifi gls tv dclrtx centre georgetown for fresh dairy produce call 7744 j 1 steens oairy 10 water street portable tv ideal for summer take it anywhere 13995 wlvru appilancoa mam street north savelli doubli knitting yarn i ox 89c garners main st grtwt re grand opening sale starts today save oh all your food needs yhe scotch bakery howe mads fresh daily bread cakes pastry 6 mill 51- b77j4b1 fibreolas fishing rods for junior 98c jacksons bargain centrr it main sir n protect your precious diamond brlnd it in for free cloanlnfl and saeurhy check b0ught0n 5 main ntb77313 t v

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