Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1965, p. 1

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ads tm pay i t yaw cjsr btlaca ass est bi th hrw clauhud mw by iiiiiiin tnrm awriist tkt mmlat u wfca georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tim bttm hmrmd km met m rmirr tmi nmum lot 17 mvlm h m la ww anal aras na ajjlililai a lciu dw mall hrt offlc oa 0n w hv t wk omrotlown ontario thunsiey- aufum 5 tas m00 pw yun unu csscr mcm r cmmt mrs gricfcncdcr researcher awl iz2- yrt jon photo seeks answers to mysteries of blood cells 0co8getown and district mornl hoip la staft member mrs carla gr efen i d exam nes the content of a ten tube dur ng her re earcr n haemaology r ere i mrt gneferveder who joined the staff m may will leave to mra bourg france aug i uftt 16th where she will preient a paper on corrrlat o i of hjtn atolog cal fi d ngi between mother and newborn infant to the 10th coigci of tte curoptan soc rty of fhmetotogy her fmdirxjv cannot be dicloied unt i after if e preir tat o of the aberdeen native lived in town with daughter mrs iiarjari wfcu wife of the ul john walt dic4 in ge 1 orctowi hartal un july 40 wbrrv ivhf hd hrt a paltro 1 fur the ptt two month a nauvf of aurrdrn lscut land a rune to canada fifty year tj had lived unw then in toronto atd for the past if yys in town with bar dauthlvr ura w uolaiuj fad utlur dnvr 1 she uaves four children john of dtwrt jova srotis ua ii l wright wi uor den jim of othfcw aid un roland a broth and mil r or ulln klld fclf ilrlrr urr n are tioth ruonlo rel denti the llrvrrrnd nuliou enuc tejj the funeral service at the humphrey funeral llcone to ronto on tuesday morning in tennent wit in mount tea utt cwuetery beavers toughen to defend crown georgetown a runner heaven started he groundwork for a second consecutive league chain plonahip last night v rdnenday when they held ihe first train nlng jcmlon in prtparatl n for uie fall schedule ijit ejr the rirjluun hravcrs finuhrd on top of lie tough central onlari itulgrr league ne are troupe with oakvilte st i athannei amp uorden victoria college lnl veriity of toronto ant otuui tlie heaven will he working out en rv wednekda ar i sun day until opining game si pteni her uth miiini from the train ing will le itandout ltojer new man who ha mmr i 1 1 tt n nto seeks mayors post elliott opposes gibbons in 1966 mayoralty race house contents burn hunter emmerson seek while family away countil seat itnfiti tm ida tflrllvil vinklip ilia fh uannj iap ib i in one of th earlirt public the tufkiround for the jab a fire completely deilroyed announcement on record hrrvr houw and conrnu on onla john hluoll announced tueulay ortrtown hu uttdriiohe no st dunng ihr early hounlhat he will he a candidate fo- morning hut an rati mayor of georgetown thi fe total lov 11 itlll cemher mrn hatherine cordaro f fort hewn in gttoun branch manager for th ill mi welcome aer t 1l ntrnn vh 717 t- r jim young jumpetl on tktf hi neighbour hostess aids new acton greeter vim i 1m n accompanied by mr 1aura iittnch recently a he male her rnundi greet mi t i rj t n i new reildencc chlldrrn were away fur the weekrnd when the blaje oocur red none of the urwnmred c n tenti ektimated in ttie neigh mr ll ttnch u aimtlng mr hourhood of u 000 were aav or tar t tl an mute into the d i 1 m mi huilnes before h- ro ii nr branch h rl z ur kirby ha i done consider in a prejured ipeedi ill liver tlie reidenti mr an mri f at ihe end of the ciunril mward kirh and their two mieting the reeve made a i change during the pt decade after terving th town during hut change 1 bof is guldr the town through th4 neil change hr conclude j bandwaion aa ihe reeve fnuhed j il ant august are peak but the team ha a 1 le 1 itri nith m nth for moving hecauie of able work thr interior of in three plarr fr un siuih t africa time the clul i trr t arran nc e it lea two eihihiti n titi brfure thev tart hitting in tar chl vcalnn and h hnuar and had rrcnll in hrrr ha alford mr oil i nr wln n p r mulcrable job r but a aection of ihe houae it eipenence contained the oriunal electrical out to aucceed lake over wiring atrong attack on mayor il bom unplyfnt that council i mr flrfct lacki leaderhlpand blaming kratu you an 0 wy iixp him for birkerink among coup lor hr ull u xieiuf a cillora which give the lon vour money than to uk bal publicity nolhing and do nothing in w- ile termed ihe ma r s turn turn down of the 12 500 annual t layor f liad hia la lary admitting hu own inabl ninfci nri lily by buying hu way into council and utd anyone who i loo want to congratulate li the aie of mayor glbbona to he told the reeve any- hould be happy to retire and onr i talked to didn t think you let aomrone younger and anil bad the intealinat fortitude te la ke thr jump mdburst clogs pool ishut down for cleanout lnorval heaven do ihcir tra niii at peel componte school and dr orgetown park georgetown girls in eight teams compete in softball tourney norma murray returns league first place after western trip the monday cloudburat which could knocfc the rool out for as f dropped over an inch of wet re- long a a week i lief for the ihiraty lawni here tl brought about a auipenai in swimming at the georce- community swimming ol on victoria crescent mus norma murray lul re- turnrtl home fnun an enjoyable trip to mntikh columbia she jle aaid this li the first time hy air lanada to van in hu five years aa manager fouver viaited victoria and that auch a aituauon haa reiult j travelled by bin to sak ed from a heavy rain atrhowan whire she pent w pool mnccr donald goalm dirly wtjr and murk in th ttv luld tuday the torm wuh talloin or ihr pool crrrlcl mr f sinrtr ld u much drt inlo ihe pool cl med in hi h jl y s amnc ic llfr thai ii mlr compw l m o ro uk mr rln a tdurilk ol water nrccuary ipfndlnj lllrff wkj vacallon lwo lehmte i ncccuary f wlh mm coa nwn i a puhlic hool principal lille aald the driinlnt clean llnj and thrlr 16 year old son at mrs iku and rclillinc operation ian was convention chairman as i manxmen gathered in toronto prince ii anne drive real aaaociation at the convention idenu mr and mra sam pen preident is norman cluca o iric were particularly interest itasca illinois a chicago il led in the convention of the i north american manx auoci ktloh lait week in toronto stewarttowm j not only did they renew ac i qtaaintancci with friendi who alio have come to canada and slatei but mr pen rice itrbo u president of toronto i icanx society wa chairman i for uie convention mrs elsie patterson former stewattowner marion ritchie of indian head sak they tnv llsi through manitoba northern ontario manitoulin inland and took the firry to hoiul ileal and then home mr ivninnd and mrs ritchie visited uith the murri family for a few days tin n vorma join ed them on a one week trip through hastern ontario they iird kingston the upper canada ilia c ottawa and other points of mtirtst glen william women a hall club gae georgetown girl a boost into the league laal thura much of the conlrnla includ ing an electric range cupboard and bathroom fiiture were new all of the furniture and clethea i hanging in the ctoaets were ra kighl wtwient toftbat teamii will te ibouttng for top money in l i first ladiei softball tour iiaimn ever held in len u ll luniv saturday auuitt 14 the tn irnament in which the lin girls softball team will be day night when they dumped th nnsl club wl1 mt l23 omagh while the locals were c untl1 ute in th nlna downing drumquin he final game helne play eorgelown onr of three flrat rt1 unirr rc nrw p uoad year entriea trailed drumquin bs at the end of the 3th innmc ranfd ou thf toutnim marilyn laglea replaced mary w hr hfw thc fo diy handy in ihe pitching slot in the oth and held the drum aa well a seeing top notch quins off the icorrshrrt while women a softball spectators will dcorgetown slugger went in get chances at 2 door pruea and work on drumquin offering for time an opportunity to buy ho- 10 more runa in the lat 2 in me made pica sandwiches and nlnga i refreshments girl injured in crash has severe head lacerations sitren year old margaret par the damalf at jl 000 to the ker 30 shelley st was takenrlynn car and a00 to the var- to george town hospital after a ley car spectacular accident at thr corn er of watrr and hack streets that he did a good job la in the attractive sou iveflu program whuh lists con i vent ion activities it included city motor tour picnic sup er at pioneer village dinner liit caaa lorn a a ladies tea in igimpions acadian court and a i dosing banquet and dance lastmt onventloncr stayed at itho king edward hotel for this iftrd onvenuon another is planned two yeara from now i probably in the statu thu year nine of the con ikrentlonefi came directly of the ile of man including the guest speaker rev bert heid and lady itjualtrbugh widow of sir jo ph qual trough manyjnen are a clannish i group their native island u lam and practlcally everyone ber has close family connec itloai with other residents- lltwrr are an estlmsted 100000 lln north america the isle of ijafan well known vacation r sort u famed for its taulesa eau nd jor the sprig of hes tfaer worh one day a rear t open air seiulon of pari la at a parliament which was i founded 1000 years kjfo by the noremen mr pen rice was hia vat od i from 2nd to 1st vice weal- i dent of the north american mr and mrs 11 a aron douglas llohcrt ind slcven spent a wick visiting with mr and mrs joe murray and mrs mr and mrs c a grant and aron a hrothcr nrtnn fnn kenneth attended the funeral in toronto of mrs tlsle pit get will wishes ore exunded tcrson who passed away tn to to harold collins who in m peel ronto east general hospital memorial hospital itmmpton mrs patterson thr former followint an accident on his flsie schoales was htewarttown a numher of years ago and has been a frequent visitor through the years resident of market jailcn farm when he wis kicked in thi face by horsi lie spent several days in a toronto hospital but has returned to brampton hospital mrs emily hlcken and mrs where his condition is improv wm emslie visited recently in with mr and mrs prank hickcn at utteraon ontario mr and mrs dame cleave arc on a holiday trip to brit mr and mrs t clapham vaca lnh columbia tioned at wasaga and visited cousins mr and mrs vince manzelli plalnfield new jer sey for a few daya mr and mra seymour eng hah and paul of simcoe visit ed with his parents mr and mrs c g english this past weej congratulations to mr and mrs edward humphreys phil macdonald who were married in knox presbyter ian church georgetown july lrwlth tjie reception in the township hall gtowarttown coneratulatlons also to mr and mrs mervln cook joyce mcneill who- were married in maple avenue baptist church friday evening july 16th with the reception in the township hall stewarttown krmc and glenn webb joyed a motor trip to prince hlward island where they vis ltcd with relatives far a couple of weeks a speedy recovery is wished to mrs h duncanson who is recuperating at homo following several days spent in peel memorial hospital brampton mr and mrs jack reed and family are upending several weeks with relatives in prince edward island while mr rood attends a summer course mr and mrs hon mclean bra mptoni- joyce mcleon and bui carney spent the holiday week end at tweed where they enjoyed the fishing saturday night the injured girl was a pas senger in a car driven by pat rick hynn 70 raylawn rrsc she suffered a severe head la eeratlon and was treated by or j p martin after bring taken to hospital by the georgetown volunteer ambulance service police said the flynn car a 1062 volkswagen was entering water street from rack street when it collided with a 1do0 rord driven by william varley r r 2 georgetown the var ley car was southbound on wa tcr st the impact knocked the hynn vehicle 40 feet it came to rest against the front wall of beaver lumber co p c william hoeslag who investigated thc crash placed i gordon mounsteven fl gairey dr a motorcyclist suffered a scraped right leg friday night when his uvu honda collided with a 1w12 chev driven by thomas hlckey 22 arietta st at the campbell gate mountain view road corner thc accident happenrd at 4 30 p m and was investigated by cpl ted scott the car was northbound on mountainview and the motor bike eastbound on campbell property damage was 100 to each vehicle cars driven by robert mar tin 10 churchill cresc and james mcckison 43 bwing st collided on river dr monday afternoon contributing 000 to the damage toll the aecldent also resulted in an injury to martin s left knee martin was driving weat on a number of retidrnts of thf area turned in alarm to the fire station the first being received at 2 43 a m one of the first people to reach the scene george rowe of wild wood broke windows in the house in attempting to find out if thrre was anyone inside a neighbour later informed firemen that the kirby were away the house wai a mam of fla mes when the firefighters ar rived and had too much of a toehold to be brouih under control a nearby barn might have been in danger of also catching fire had there been a breeie the house was owned by mrs barbara reyce 48 ewlng st mrs klrby s mother rrver drive and awerved onto the shoulder to avoid a headon collision with an oncoming car in the wrong lane ihe rivht front section of his car hit the left rear side of the parked ueekison vehicle fslimated damage was 000 to the martin car and 300 to thf parked car two hundrrd and thirty dol lars was the property damage in a two car accident sunday afternoon at the fwlng main st corner james f graham ksqiicslng township was stopped on main in a ibm mercury facing south while waiting to tiake a left turn onto fwlng when a 1002 rambler driven by william rul livant 15 charlea street col lided with the right side the bulllvsnt car dipped a couple of sign posts when it swerved to the right while the driver was trying to avoid thc col us ion that hr mayoralty will he he said hia reason for re- at irast a 2 man rare was ev entering municipal politics tw dent in mayor gibbon s reply years ago wai a concern ovf rising taies and following the council meeting deputy reeve wm y i the reeve it for lejassa kfunfer mid the crtld that yafa and wade na effort i he will be a candidate for could discover to keep taxes oh reeve while former councillor a level where residents could jamrs rmmrrson announced pay them he aid in the twa himself a candidate for the de years 1 ve been back its tb putys post first lime they haven t riaeo and we ve made some civic kd although i agree with many l too theories of the present mayor we rant go on at we are birk i he said the toun ii not stag ering and giving the town bad nant as some claim and said publicity said the reee as vjmany good businessmen bellr mad hia announcement n waiting for the proper time lo advance he said a mayor should in spire the people make them rej ardleis of ihe reeve a ex proud of their leaderi and the pressed opinion of me i will town he enthusiastic haveovr make no unfair or uncomplimen drive be a good social leader try remark in my campaign and a family man be promised hr mult be a good chair head of tbia million and quartrr dollar operation postal strike is over service back to normal t end al a four day strike ol postal omployees in seycral on tarlo centres brought normal delivery of mall in georfietowrl on friday mornlnit hie strike affected ceoruo town mainly in the lack of in coming trial letter carrlors hna refused to cross picket llrt es established by brampton and toronto utrlken monday and tuesday made their rounds es usual wednesday tben briefly wont on atrlke themselves thursday local picket lino were established this morning but when a return to work was announced at noon after a to ronto meeting the strlkeendcd here the soven members of the in side staff members of another union stayed on the job all week occurring ra it did during a normally slack mailing time there was no major tnconvenlen ce caused here mall from the city scorned to be bacstlb nor mal rrldy ind there appear ed to be no treat backlog an embargo on mailing of other than first class mall was lifted thursday noon at press time wednesday montreal was the only canadian centre where employees are still on atrlke elsewhere employees are back to work awaiting the report f a study being made by government appointee of the salary demands of the two postal union llir maor rxprrncd hia man iradand rantributrwvlli h r ideas direct council with know councillor ledge lake a great interest in llr ou everything and accomplish un h m hlvc wir delistings- he continued 11 lt wml ln must be in harmony snd not al to know what county odds with his council anyone un lh hlm who is fortunate to live to he 76 ycara of age should be happj he declined blame for any lo retire and let someone youn lack ol harmony in council ger in thc prime of lile and i anxious to succeed take oer ratepayers don i expect ma to sit here like a dummy ha said flow many llmca have we seen ihr reeve reluctant to slgnl- he cited his eight years onlfy his intention on any public council ax providing him with question three from here attend ajax firemens convention three members of the geor- town i- ire department georsji chaplin rill henderson and paddy woods attended the onta rio hreflghters convention u ajax ontario over tht civil holiday weekend dismiss disturbance charge against youth magistrate kenneth m lang don was convinced there was a disturbance in acton july 8 but last week dismissed a char ge of creating a disturbance ag ainst youths from georgetown and acton the pair ge id and 22 were charged with screaming and ahoutlng and throwing debris on the road at the corner of highway 7 and 25 in acton magistrate langdon dismissed the charge because of lack of evidence i have no doubt there was a disturbance but there haa been no evidence to prove these two uere the ring leaders he said an acton trim testified he drove past the crowd of about 10 people at the intersection and the georgetown youth was onthe roof of a building scro ti ing he said debris was littered all over the road at the same court two terra cotta youths were fined 100 each after being found guilty between six and seven hunrt red firemen jammed the ajax arena to take part tn the dh cuwlon with most or the hotels hi led a trailer camp was set un to accommodate the influx of firefighters last chance last ol a series of know your merchants contests appears in this issue your entry accompanied by a sales slip from one of tha advertisers can earn you 10 bill for your vacation fund be sure to submit yor entry by monday at 8 pro of obtaining liquor while under 21 yeata of age the pair brothers liropimtl a paper bag contalnlngll pints of beer out of the car in which they were riding when they were stopped by an opp ottlcor july ii v jm

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