Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1965, p. 1

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aib that pay ym cm aslac aa arf u tfct hanstts claeaaftatl aa fcr ak da 177tml ewvtas ajllasssj tv hmnu aa aatr l ssab aaat lb matt m j georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing pumuliing t cidii hat y at haw trlct m svtatan east sallleisi aiixa 1u7 ffcriaaj tat bat la tw wwinaj east aw thursday avagw jn ims wop par rw sinob copy met teas casts ptw jtoi photo guess who could be mayor if the voting age limit were dropped jacatlt mcouaatatk is tha proud girl in the choic potitton on trva knee of geuu john bower who when he unt f dormrvg hii with little fan during the tummef it keeping hit knees protec1d with heavy pdt in ova winter the toronto aaaple leal net minder was mr big here friday when he made peional pprnce at the iga foodmar i goatph street wants council renegotiate for delrex school sites twa wk ajo gmtoumb couatl by a ss vote suthorlied t tauyor and clerk to lien vaacal with delrei devetop- aal uj relt nl ill rtiulrn tui uud in the subdivision from ufuluum ratio requirements id a 1654 agreement and putt i in iis una of induatrtil land i under town ownership tor a 917500 payment mayor gibbons declined to aasit the airement on the tounda that a by law li neces- sary to jive bin lie authority last week there waa no com i kin suit of month to brampton man ur bob bunion mare t winder held swim record drowns in y pool heart massage fails to jrevive tamp instructor farm land assessment appeal upheld moore highway land a dtculon by trfunty jujr kilt uoore m th cotello which reduced a county court fur revision els bit on a 03 acre awirgetown mlng the property at arm hjurt iwtrh 16 st uperviur prler hwru nv prorty by over a half was land which upheld thr towns annr a hoad toronto a k muuui to mouth riuwiutlm upheld augut 5 when lb on laiirviiirrit instructor at tamp norval the unli thr georgetown hr d- urio municipal iloartt turned down an appeal by the town the prtuperty owned by ltlu eohapuhg at the ranip lubel moore fronts the high way at tlie north end of town a subdivision wai planned a in a further am 1 to the county yiu a camp 8t inhottn wrunent respirator arrived iiu- i tii r bitrrn lunit died in fxiritt judje judtv loatrllo lured sunday tier t ceortelown doctor dr serrate assessment to and i w auer uarln ami ilr j p lot aueunirnt to jlc ukfr mt on lfc with the muniniul lujrd eon irtor llilxrt lluilon oak nrnu ulrr and worked over lh tew era ao to tie known ai rirmlng the new illurri ihe ilu ilholntit found dralb ov before he wai rujijj ta uoore lark au part of thr u n ujtlr lur to ilrowninu and an in tioipilal 1 eoriietown volua property wai reflilered a aurh f y un chance queit will be hrld auiuit ii ambulance if und rr tottortl i uw m bwn aununrnl iminl mrr r tlie ileeeaird a trophy win boy alive at the hoapi- j lllblerl lold llir ii raid hint wiminrr who alone time i open heart lilikxi rw loes tain the town i as i ni lhr m wl held the onlarlo blrk itroke but were uniurreiaful aeuhtent deparunenl lumril mean an appronimalr lav iota swimmlni rerord wi willed tranl waa one of tlie belle the urraue at 00 an acre and 0 niiu ihia yiar to ihc lown from the camp norvil pool by 303 lota on the retflfctered plan ahuiy irwlmiiiera at the camp ue at 1 li per fool i 53 trains in one day record rail traffic fcwitrhrd in and out of tha a modern day record ol irj 53 trams in one day wai etah luhrd here early in july tat jack nu rn a miprm itlrt on rail traffic ihroukh iory jj- ri hre uith 12 empl 0eorietown revealed thw umk cet under him he ncallid acconlina to the records for ha termed the propoied ac i the land purchttt should remenl allpihod and aaid come firit then iht rateata land re4eate and property pur itajd cha ahould all tike place at ihoutand dollar an the lame time xcrt isnt elvlng any particular concession to the achool boards cr rowers indicated hi ifi r the town the mayor observed renent the dluruxxiort ended un rd brampton won the v 1 llu re are currently ceeriatown kinsmen club m m l on uy w st the tlhon sn m k n i- an two dt 4 operator and 7th and aiain on july 13th tb old record was 40 etb irt mn uiherf in my suit of th uonth draw for july the draw was made last week tht winner is the father of ht five young children and recent ly received his discharce from the navy as bolder of the winning tiek et ht will jet a suit of clothes from cotton llrothers worth 100 still fights property grab for intersection fiull proteallng a hishway and you cant apeed pool c after he col into i uii lie waa junior trouble while in a wlmmlnm ln sam jrar with another inilruclf tla t lth w ii ioikr1 lo have tome kind of ilally divini aeuure camp director modal w h y urbers told tlie herald lie 7su lh j l ihe fellow he wa awim juy c m mine will belore ihr inllhed v ju v u the race at lirt the olher boy hc 1iutrurlon ll lrir1 to free hlmwlf but when he rralurd grant wai in troub- 1 why they uy he drowned ir he elled for the pool guarda i don i know unrc he rotlapwed to hrlp in the water hi mother mr iortch uld lie waa once lhe had th outh out lroph of the ujlrr the jujnli clrari d tin itomarh and applied artld there were between 40 and 8d rial respiration young bos at the camp at tita time of the mithap eiprcs a registered nurse at the camp mrs mary wilton cave funeral senicr was monday external heart rating and a morning while our primary aim in running the draw 1 to increase 53 trains passed through he re on july 2tit the low point w sunday ju itth when 28 trains went through average daily olume during the month was 42 trains september target for highway traffic lights i it will probably r september be correspondrnce exchanged at that corner while the m in one day li before traffic pamnc through between the town and the de i our cnlee account fumla to n n mark for recent year john iurlph slrri h inter partmrnt and the minufaclurrr ihe froaaihg u help pay our ahare of the town former cmploce claim rail cion la rrsulatril l traffic lefnre an electrical contractor ihe hjchway and exteruuv- rental apartment for enior t throuth here now la till li u hired to erect the ilenal i u uv lldren attendlrljr rtnt at the eounctl lm on cfc wi uk u now rtihrr j r n ihar of hi property and place arf i monday with only n mcc9u trotn uplr mr of the nine council member elom o wi homf arthur iprtnt it waa only brieny men amttron8 lg ipoke io w1l tiered ell y ve elliott suggued that council tfo back to the devcloft- nt firm and renegotiate on public and separate achool li te the agrement provides that the boards may pure hit land they need at 3000 an acre b tiia and with r lots needed for public school and 23 for artarate school close to 10000 would have to come from taxpayer before the june loo deadline if these lota are acquired not only would tha money have to be found but the tax treasury would be minus the present tax en on these he said and if au bouaaa were built on the leased land there would be no extra tax revenue eomlng in the reeve aald the town en glneer should provide an estl male of services on the wh line he aaid for paving water and sewer installations which could coat another 100000 thats getting close to a i quarter million dollar which would be our responsibility if the development didnt go ahead he said the reeve said that the num ber of present vacant lota in the released portion of the subtil yialon doesnt indicate any big demand for housing at present cr power agreed that the option date for acquisition of forlhe separate school should be later than 1066 and making the land tax ex etnpt isnt sensible he added tfcere ahould be an effort wade to change many clauses if thl u going through said atayor gibbons under the pre sent wording- we imm release all land for building fwhen the agreement u signed but we havent got our 173 industrial acres and if more than wo councillors oppose our purchase of these were left with the land released and no land owned by the town recalling his statement that the highway would have to be tapered to two lane at maple if the plan doexn t go through he pointed out that this will be happening at the sunoco station west of his property any way school tone he added mr armstrong denied that the proposed plan at the maple crossing would provide a safer intersection on the contrary faster traffic leads to more and more serious accidents he quo ted a department of highways official he wa told by mayor gibbons that a change in the intersection is still under consideration citliens it givra us great plea sure to see the people win our draws a kinsmen club oftvet traf si told the herald he said there are about m tickets left over every month they are available from any kinsman charges insurance favours big business in settlements a letter from an insurance individual comes to us with firm reporting a settlement made with the ilell telephone co for cable damaged by the town works department caused mayor gibbons to stand up for the little man at mondays council meeting when it comes to dealing with firms like the telephone company there doesn t seem to be any rouble with adjust ments he said out when an what we think is a just claim he is passed up he said remarking that it doesnt look like playing cricket the mayor said he intends to take the matter up with the insuran cc firm labour day sept 4hi with the opening of the ex hlbition next week and labour day summer has fled car truck damaged in raylawn collision nine hundred dollars in pro perty dsmage to a late model car and a pickup truck rrsulted when they came together op posit e no 5 raylawn crescent at noon saturday police said a 1005 ponhac driven by julienne nlsiori 5 raylawn creacenl was essl bound on raylawn and swinging across the westbound lane to ward the driveway entrance when in collision with the truck owned by peel construe tlon and operated by william mcquarrie go raylawn crcc p c henry vandersluis pla ced damage at 050 to the hood rad grill and front humper nf the car and 250 to the front end of the truck neither driver was injured wrll below what it used to be in a letter the former brass pounder sas i can recall when 22 passenger trains plus twice that number in freight tralni wrnt through here on a single track in one day he said fifty year ago sun day was cleanup day uhen tome 400 cars had to be says careful spending will stem water rate increase j the arena and swimming pool the lights ordered b coun the uhole thing could lake influenced the council into la- cll in july without depart ncnt from four to six weeks iking action on its own of lranport appro si will be manufactured at haglc signal the lights which will cost it s probable that there will cuclph si but installation he been nixed twice t traf c lights at the maple will not come until tan of heparunent which c la me guelph streets intersec- j red tape wded through imedhrtrerejnotrranted lion also the town is still pressing the its blessinc plus a suhsidj and there uill local presbyterians form new presbytery of brampton a motion to call for tender for an iron removal plant to overcome georgetown ruaty water problem wai paased un anlmoulyby the five council ton preaent at the monday coun cil meeting but a postlble alight increase in water ratea wai disputed by mayor glbboni an engineering eallmale aeu debenture and operating eoati at tlmdo yearly which would average ode on each two month billing to a water uier water chairman don power aald there would be a 3600 yearly having on the purchase of ealgon presently used to cod trot the nut and he estimates net extra cost to each consumer at tloo yearly i take that with a grain of salt aald mayor tjibbona its tbo same aa your water tower which is going to cost 1 5000 year for thirty years even though the majority of council ssld it wouldnt cost anything with people paying up to the limit ln taxes this could be the straw that brealts the earners back he said with careful spending ln the water department jf there shouldnt be any need for rate increase im ln favour tkf the iron vlant but not of in- ive never said we would get an iron plant for nothing bristled cr rowers the ws ter tower is another matter ive given you figures which show that there 1 15000 plus in si vlngs to offset the yusrly ex pendlture and the net result is that there will be no extra cost for the tower cr bill smith spolte his surer merit with cr towers pn both points certainly the removal plant is a necessity to overcome our problems with dirty water he aald and the storage tower also has to come to prepare us for the towns future none of us the jtev itohert c macmillanl of oakville will become the first moderator of the new pre hylery of ilrampton when it come into being the first of september the general assembly of the presbyterian church in canada at lla meellnc in june approv ed the formation of uila new presbytery to accommodate the needa of the churche in ihl area and to facilitate the hand ling of preshytery business the new presbytery will con slst of 20 charges and 32 prea chlng statlona comprising hoi ton and nashville boston and oinach brampton clarkson boad dixie erlndale george town and umehouse llonedale milton and hornby norvsl and union oakville port credit stcetville and knox sixteen all from the presbytery of west toronto grand valley and south luther ulluburgh and prices corners caledon raat and caledon and claude erin and osprlngc orangevllle and waldemar all from orangevll le prosbylery and acton campbellvlue and naasagawcya from the presbytery of guelph h creasing rates he condudedfavours foolish spendiog- a look at the weather aug high low 4 wed os 81 5 thurs 40 0 frl si m 7 sit 1 m 61 8 sun 18 85 0 mon 10 os 10 tues 88 department for it blessing j wos getion pow dehfst attends kriegies reunion a enrgftown dentist a few york hotel at the informal con- cars ajin ir peter kunllowici i mention of kriegiea short for now of hrarst was in town withl kriegsgefangener german for his wife last week while altcn prisoners of war the convent ding a reunion of air force on i tic hided a barbecue plenle prisoners of war in toronto k at the farm of donald elliott dr kunllowici irryed with 315 and 317 spitfire and hum 1 nrxt enmrntmn is slated id cane flghtrr wuitrons as a fur cars also in toronto member of the polish air rorccl dr kurllowicz ts planning to return to town in another sear or ln lie has purchased wants province ban disposable bottles alarmed by dispoufchle fjass containers for soft drinks oucn sound city onuncil is petitioning queen s park to aik that they he banninl in a letter sent lo oil niunic ipahtles and read to licorc town council momla the city asked support it is alarmed about tv danger of broken glass to children and motorists the local council made no comment in filing the ictltr which was attached lo the r a r taken prisoner he was in stalag lull 3 at sagan cr nian made famous in he mo vie the great r scape he wai one of 240 men who spent three das st the rojat the smdv rest arm on 13 sl- deroad is renting it to dr best at prrsent and will build a dental clinic ihcro when he mo ves south illkh for he week 01 low 48 preclp m inches juicla f ascolt georgetown sales arena ships to italy the largest single shipment or cattle ever handled by fie orgetown sales arena krl georgetown left hero thurs day for milan italy three hundred head of lop ilolstcins from all over qnln rlo were loaded on 10 railroad cars and shipped to montreal where they arrived friday the cattle were pulon board ship saturday and started the oco- an crossing sunday they will be urtlll at genoa and will go from thero to the farm of mr v ladlna at milan sofno of the cattle wcro from georgetown area farms the georgetown sales pe ople did the purchasing for the italian ftirmer on a re cent buying excursion and have boon atssombling tho herd at tho arena for a num ber of jlays score noisy mufflers as sleep disturbers prince charles drive resid rnt r robertson complained to council monday that hot roil dors in the early morning make sleeping difficult in his area lie caul that some of the mufflers used on the cars are illegal and complained that when he phones to report the occurrences to tho police all he gels 4s tho answering service while lwaa sitllnft out front waiting for the council meeting to start there were at least six of these cars went up main st he said mr robertsons complaint led to an oft repeated statement by mayor gibbons that leader ship is lacking on tho police force t i agree we arent getting the police protection we ahould ho said even wllh an 1 irod force hut x do nit think an a nt 1no i w byuw ttke answer either tha cr kill smith defended police we must remember that when two men arc on duty to police a town of this tlie they canl be everywhere at once and these hot rodders have leuack of knowing where tho police are and turning up in other places cr don powers said there la uneertalnty whitwmstttotcf- muffler ofienoe we should have the nolic committee report on this and recommend what action can b taken rather than attacking tho leadership of the department he said hoeve john elliott who ha been proposing am wuaolats t bylaw aald he expect to hava a recommendation from th polled department on this very soon

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