Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1965, p. 12

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i social and personal 1 mr and utt jim jones and imnoy 28 printxm anna drive peot bollday at sauble beadb recently ayb eoy tkwmahee of hali- fax n-s- i apetkdia a lee with hi parents ur and wrt w ti- aleiuibm 7 viaorij ave r jf k mart of windsor u apeoding a frw djy with bcr wvthct ind illf in lw mr and wr wrdur fclehn m queen street david kanru 1ft jutrt st pent a few wtkb at gmi rri lake coufhlchin with hi unci and aunt ur aid ur jamri urcmurui of lv unatod ur wilfred kurd m uar- ket m and ufl a w glroer 10 park ave hve nturnwj irotti a trip writ trivuittf by trait thry vliilrj jawr 1aik vancouver and victoria imer son of mr and ur jack meuwhof u ucgilvfay crecenl u viuliug in ixfcirtcmd sur cab forma with rrltiwi ur ajid kin j ark krauenburg 1u 1ivfilrd wrt by iunf klr and ur john wdili orry and kelly hfl ualn st k and ur and ur 1rfd j aim ton and daughter llfttysue uewrley and kllfn h churchill crcnt ipiit two week ho day recently at a cottage it callander engagements ur and ur alin hrrop norval with to announce the tngagtnenl of their daughter wllma ailecn to r harry gun ijltle son of ur and un archie ijttle of mrlhsn tlie wrdding will ijle place hum tlpheni anglican church hornby augut 2blh 3063 it iso pin ur and mr karl scott ifi5 gentlne itoad ilownsview on tario arc pleam to announce tha engagement of their daugh ier trudy kirrn to ur danl 1 blllinghurt ion of ur wl hon rilhnghurst and the lit ur jlilunghurt of fit thomai onurio the marriage to take tuc at the kingdom hill of jehovahs witnesses- 1w urid iceland avenue toronto on sa turday october 23rd lofts at three oclock in the afternoon coming events thursday thimble club annual aale satunlay august u at ijo p ra terra cotla community hall kancy coods balunit mr 8 12 ladlea softball tourna ment glen wllllami rark ka turday auaust 14 8 trama rr frashmenta prim start 12 30 lnil camp 8 30 adulu 50c studrnta 23c chicken berltfrue will hf odd it cheltenham united church ltounda saturday au- kuat mth supper afrvrd from sjo to 8 pm tivp out ordera 1uj to b held in church bumtnt in the event of rain adulu jim children 75c smmiwood acres camplhg swlmmlno fjajiing picnic grounds canteen aeroaa lake from acton c 5 smailwood r 1 aetsn tsmis if weddino reception entertainment la our apeclally now yhlf includea aoft low supper uulc pa system for apeechea and announcement and a fun filled evenlns of dancing with on the spot polaroid photographs of the funniest incident all far feu and yaura contact jack osullivah tulbraa dj entartalnmant 34 claranca si bramplan 4il470 ar 4s101s1 cfvltchle kaod photographic v studio 8779298 abava yauntrs pharmacy a main st n beths beauty lounge prrms 5 a up tintino j 0 tytlno r 1772607 ft ttjaltoy lra afnc jack whitney o u ty en aweu haa had bcr daugh ter ahoda ertn mianii ktorlda tayin with ber lor lb past wek and viaiuaf with her i- tally aid friend here ur ella hoekcl 12 uple av w with ber daughter uia helm hockel haa returned frwn a trip to luertd rico they viiiud with her aad jack who ii tmtuoyrwj tiwrt with lb luiik of nova scotij ur and un- jo johtutton kiljy cbmuna and uny 3 halt uret south ha tutm- ed fcitrr vbuun with u john kton purjiu ur and uxi jaumji johiuton in jtibtutiwrt cp bvlon laund fur two vck un jurry dvvcrraum and ulu ilen lvewrrfauv 9 hark vitrw ulvd and ur and uri harold ucclur 63 uanlrf ave w have rlurhd from a holi day motor trtp whtrh took thtsni along th caaia trail lo tiiej mahalunr ur and ur it uar arthur 11 church street with uri uir- aruuri ilatr un w y ihojiipcon of iindoi motorfd to uaiutoultn uland and kjuji ste utri lakt wfk rturntni buna thxouiih norlliard ulchl gan ur and urt a c urllride kdward street renewed acqualn urvrfi with friend in valley field qutbc when they tpent lhelr vacation there thi ium iner ltiey look their tfrand dauifhter ileverley uciiride of kitchener with thwn for the viiil mr and un art pirry rer ently returned from motor trip to virginia hnjliliirhti ot their trip were the natural ilridtfe and the famoui sjienan- doh caverm they iio toured tjw battlefield at celtytburi corning ota centre and the gorge at watkln clm urt v l llioinpaon acrom tvanled by her alaterln law mr u a julling of uentone ind took the 1 lor lion holiday tour to the pacific coait while in vancouver thy visited with urt thonhtfoni iliter ur h u ulllar they rtumed aug ut 3rd after a moat enjoyable trip through thi canadian hockies mr and mr albert kerxhiw 3 onurio street spent a week raentiy in atlantic city n j travelling through new york state pennsylvania and del ware then returned home and took for another week in otta wa they took a bu tour of the capital to tee attraction auch a the parliament buildings the mint and the changing of the guard mr and mr j l lambert 50 delrei blvd ipent three re cent week in england they made their headquarter in guilford surrey from which they took bu trip to varlou parti of the country and alio spent five days stghueelng in london at duley chealre eouilns of mr lambert had a family gathering for the vul tors mr and mr hjehard pruat 14 jamea st have their son paul and hi wife from ann arbor michigan with them this week paul who graduated a year ago tn electrical engin eering it the university of mi chigan took a further degree in engineering mathematics thli year he i working in th psychology department at the unlverxity mr and mrs gordon shoe- bridge clen and trudy of 251 guelph street have returned from a two week camping trip to the maritime and cape bre ton island en route they visit ed with mrs shocbrldgei sis ter sarah brotherln law brian boyd and family in rock ing ham nova scotia with mr and mr orman jordan who were holidaying in barney river n s and with mr and mr ge orge robert who were holiday- inj in charlottetown pe i deefi tea flshtntf orf cavendish pel was big thrill for the menfolk thi mail cxao wont oppose elliott as mayor says freeman 08 steven crescent aukoat 7th ltwi ur editor i undcrtlaod that the letter i wtuu to you for ui week herald did not arrive id time and that it will b printed thi wvek aj the letter i bo lodger tookal 1 would like to ujut that it not b printed if again j nl lew late jla4f print thu utter in the a uue of lb itcaid- uaiiy of fny friend have tot ed we if i intend to run for u oftlce of uayur thli rr 1 hv infoniied thesirt tliat if ur john jeuiou would run aunt ur gibbona that 1 would not oppose ur feluott feel that he hl been in coun cil lot enough that be kbouid be jfivezl u chajwmi to hhow what b can do u major of eouri if joe u a aport and doesnt bpp64 ail aouott then i dout believe anyone ahould reu the lo cnv by bccu ma lion a fa a my futuv puni as to which omc i will bek in dtctwubrr w4 ahali have to wait iiid te4 od botninalioa night alalcoud 11 kreeuun fractured limbs result when cycle hits truck two fatotiarcrlr rider arj in jfrgrtown mwnorul ho pi ti lodaty rrcuvwrwg fiom iuju rlt- aubtalned when the light weight motororle they were rtdinif ou rammed the front of a pickup truck ooiile wheel en tore in olen ullliuni wed nttjay aug 4 sandy iaorriinan 14 of dlrn wlllltini who wk ktrrnng the bike suffered a fractured right leg and fractured niit arm ind the pawner john hamilton 17 60auain suet north ge orgetoxn hax a fracturcu right uiulk oricial word from george town memorial hotpitsl thla week said both urre in utuv factory condition ontario provincial police con ttabu carman whjtht uid the pair had juai rouadxl a eoruer in fruikt of the hto when ibry collidthl with the front ftid of the truck which was coo in to a atop when the accident hap pened he placed the damage to the motorcycle at 1250 and to the truck operated by llarvoy gar vin glen williams at 100 the injured pair were taken to hospital by the georgetown volunteer ambulance service the accident happened at 6 50 p m the late it in series of mo torcycle accident occurred sa turday when two 17 year old boys were kjurfd titer their bike left th 7th lint road near mew art town both gordon morrison of rre3ville the drtver and gai jy jkodiurt oiraanptaa tftrt treated at grsciowfl afsano- rtaj uotapita and r0eaed the lam day jstofftieoo euftered roatniioni to hi uft knae nd sloddart received miiltfetw laeersuiona glen williams acr and air oa cilm w fcna and raaz ajoyd a faw day motoring la plat ww and aaw tna jack aiina- bird kanoiuar chatnaal and wind aor and iwboit and aaw twinu td intarst alooa tha wajr wa arr folna to bava tny tiri ladies aofraalj toaraansam hara in tha clan bd saturday auicual utn atarlin al v so noon twra wui ba l bmi cocnctaun to tot tnooay mrs ac ndcraaa lalmitad from a motor trip of ncathero mt4ilf h marrlnar rttt and noftbarv ontario ataay will ramember bav c p jouiffa bo aa unltad cnurcb mlnlalrr in tha wa ha paaaad away friday at hut boma in hockwood at tna ae 0 aft na funaral araa on a in bociwood unitad cburck mr and atra am allaa an- bolidayina tnla weak at a t- taxa in tha parry sound dial- kct and than motoring od to ottawa u wa arnd frl jill wuhaa v- twa vliuc knni in cauwn dulrict iloaollal ixji at kin and jutf hlkk and bopa thayu toon ba th oioaorrowm miralo thuuoay auouit ix la3 paqe jl shows drinks olbl raise red ckuo os sl clrla who live in tha am- damy hold nelshbourhood hava donated the junior red crou fundi by 311 the blrla dabby mccollan dabby tlck yvonne loruaio sherry elmmerson jacky mc collan and norma roaalgnol put on their own ihow and aold fudjia and ide drlnki to ralae the money it wai turned over to the ge orgetown branch of the cona- dlan had crou who have for- warded it to junior bed croaj headquartera because it w ralaed by youngsters intbrcountv fastball standing tuam acton jlllubumh omagh glen wluiaou pts 22 8 18 it is 12 acton stn hotel 8 all station hotet gamea are for 8 pta the league achedule lovolvca 32 gatpea georgetown memorial arena roller skating tues thurs sat 8 to 11 pm this saturoay night skatf to thi fabulous deadbeats due to popular dea4akid more skates have aueti pitrrjvaviej for leetlal rosslake park farm by mjeuc kiouhtr we have decidd to 04m yhu pahkc though still umtr construclloii ftvr the rvmalnder of sutmntr uior tiw the following rondluuus tn will g wo admlulow krlk for small group or indiv idual car on weekdy sat urday wiwlay and jlolxijyi there will be a 25c cmt park lit o8ganizi0 grour fuch si family reunions wiener riu corn roast and private rtles charge 1 include use o ktule and a ijke cruise on the 1s pe4uura picnic facllitie and ue of bathing area 1 per car 1 i will of club tuui hay swimmkrs all groups of swimmers must respect sa fety rule and are rjueted to be accompanied by at least one person qualified in first aid life saving as well as a cspabje swimmer risypul camp siyis with barbaquf pits f 1 a day krikc your own boat at no extra cost no high pow e red boats allowed r forthar particular call joe ross 8773895 ucatad ft r s caarfafa on the chuck lhji watch for sign wise buyers are scoring bi savings right now on new used cars 1965 demonstrators and brand new dodges chryslers valiants all at money saving prices this weeks used car specials morris 1962 ford oxford atarlon waoon ttandard transmission 6 evllrtdai yhlt car has to bo imh to bo approelated look and drives g0c llko now only ijtoyj falcon 4 eyl ttandard tranimls alan euatom radio whlto vha and full disci originally owned by o school hmhot only 1295 1965 pontiac pari 4 door hardtop vi power rearing brakaa paallractlon rear and custom radio raar ipaalcer while walla full whaal dltea and waahar 14m0 orlalnal at 1 1oc mllal baautltol cond fjt3 1960 thev sadanv a eyltndar ilandard trans- htlulart radio wwla walla a barttaln at thla price only 1095 bargains ims palcon waoefl 4 1 simca 3s 1s fokd waoon us w chiv 45 15 ford waoan us m vauxhall wasan ms w pontiac mm 1si wjntiac ms si chiv ms ls bord 3s lvr tmdbob waoan ls wsr dodoi wagon mi nii bodo aadan w phillips chrysler dodge ltd yout authorizio chrysuk vauant and do doe dca1h immediate delivery 8776481 ouhjh strtaf on no t hiohwat v 8776471 ilvers half price summer closeouts summttt 23 p slims price 155 ptt summit shorts vt price 76 sumaair skirts vt price 95 blouses va price 120 r- r v2 swim suits price mars sport shirts pr 75 pra miws tkopical slacks v price miens outino shorts i price boys yam o shanttr alia to 18 t shirts v2 price boys- tins 4 to 1 swimtrunks 1 price tiachcrs pet skirts slims shorts and shifts at half price l m brown od announces the opening of his office for iho practice of optometry at 35 mill street georfjetown ust off main street pkona o77-3o71- 3 ullea north of junction lllithwaya 401 and id at vijllow briar tavrrn on steelea ave west m showino thursm sat auo 1114 all color showbj i buss bunnv jambombb- and how thr wbst was won sun auo s all action program jack wlinw warriors pivb plui apachb woman in color moh wbd sean maa bond connary tlpfl handran in alfred hitchcock marnir lit color plua robert taylor btrhari stanwyck niohtwalkir both tbeaa featuree am adult enlortalnntant 1 l- r bingo 1 this monday 0j km at the riviera in norval full jackpot 1000 minimum jackpot 53 numbajra ium inarfriies free bus this monday phoni 1773251 u routino d p l z sicaai r

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