Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 12, 1965, p. 3

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cation est bermuda uarniuda new liunau ihotu pretty girls in pretty hats on pretty good holiday th two htttty giis m the two pretty halt are led jance mmo 15 wcnmj st igtaofqfttown and gail shgger 55 king st georgetown janice and gail paused while olrtg lha tights of the bermuda islands for bermuda newi bureau photographer lilton legion ladies i conduct manor bingo tl eliurch service on sunday j july ib wai ronductrd by lastoup of ladies and gentlemen 1 who are members of the christ fan aluslonary alliance church a burlington apattor j robb the mlnlmer mi the church delivered the irr t fcnd llr j penman was he loyntxhent leader the organ ac i mnpn intents were iharcd b life b robinson and mr w jtwtoln accompanird by mr twlnln t the organ mr hohin fclio urtif two lovely solos i when i aurvey the wondrous i croat and turn your eyes upon mr penman read psalm 121 and offered prayer mr robb i based hli sermon on this pulm 1 h began by aayina that rrc i 1 of this psalm can he more i readily understood if it is writ i tea u two sentences i will lift 1 up mine eyes unto the hill i from whence eomrth my wl i nation we who read this psalm 1 centuries later can sec the pre aervatlon of our lives in the words he that krepelh israel shall neither slumber nor fclecp bus he la our keeper and we i go forward in him with th eonvplcte assurance that he will i bh fo the end of our live thu sermon wa very approprt 1 ad and com fort ins one for the manor congregation the closing prayer was pivrn by ur ambridc on wednesday night july 21 hu doliflhtiul bino ecn lag wax added to the crowing ust conducted for the residents by ut ladles auxiliary of the iclhon branch number 130 cj the royal canadian lecion the venlngs entertainment was convened by mrs k boughton who also per form id the duties of caller the handicapped were aslsled by a group of willing afcelpers mrs l wells who is president of the auxiliary mrs l illwood mrs m culllon mrs b hepburn and mrs j patter s4n fourteen blngocamca we re played and sixteen prizes awarded ati the prizes were do nated by the legion ladles mrs g bum ell won four prizes and winners of one prise each were lire 13 hartlen mrs a smed- lay mr c elder mrs a hill mrs radobenko mrs a aenew lira accanee mrs m forbes and messrs j sullivan v foley l hughes and j bgley the prize won by mri for bes and jim begley was for a tuu card in the last game and was a 1 00 bill the prize won by mr hughes wai in a special it game jdi men only three spe lt cul pruek distinct from the bin qrlzej were awarded to re ident having birthdays near- to july 21 these were mr i a hu1 mis b richardson and mr j tfouk the supper hour proved to ba enjoyable as the bingo gamrs had been very tasty rclrcih menls fruit bread ice cream and cold drinks wero srrvrd and heartily enjoyed the legion ladies have promised to rome again toon a church service that was im presie and inspiring in its earnestness and simplicity was conducted by several members of the- turner chapel a m k church of qakvulc on sunday afternoon july 23 mr w h mtlhgan was in charce of the service and mrs v park play ed the organ mr a thomas nd mr j richards were also in the group xi r milllgan of ferrd several eloquent prayers and read the scripture leuon which was verses 1 13 of chap ter 4 or philippians mr milli gan s sermon was based on the above verses he ocean by say ing that there is comfort in these verses for all those who believe in christ this is the kind of comfort that we need every day of our lives the true christian knows contentment in any plane of life in which he live and also knows genuine brotherhood with hit fellow man he has also the assurance taught by christ through his llessurection that we shall meet our loved ones in llrav en the musical part of the scr vice consisted of a number of familiar hymns the last of which rletsed assurance was very suitable to the sincere ser mon delivered by mr milligan raccoons play havoc with sweet corn crop raccoons are cauim rxlen sive amounts of dimajr in plan tings of tun t corn in tlm area damage occurs at niht when thr coons pull down tin jlalks and rat st ujc car of crn thr problem of keeping the coons aay i not an asy as one mliht think unrc a k smooth 2 cannot afford lo take cxtenme onp wh measure if the income does not warrant it the best unjcstion might be not to grow swot corn near wooded arras or in coon infest ed rerioni unles you are pre pared for the consequences other suggestions that might be tried arc 1 loose ty tie a couple of dogs in the corn patch so that ihcy can run a bit 2 try an electric fence ar ound the field 3 a bright luht or a radio might have some effect 1 crumpled neupiper bet wern the i ac and stalk may sea tter the coons whrn they hear the knnkling sound note poison should not be used since cows dojs cats etc wil also eat thru ami serious damages could occur place 313 job seekers through nes office the brampton office of the national employment service rrcorded 313 placcmrnts in july 1d75 thcso were spread through out the area served by the olfl ee which includes the town of georgetown oranficvtlle and shelburne manufacturing industries took 127 of these workers 3d fema te and 88 male construction called on the local office for 38 and the same number were placed in sericulture wholesale and retail trade absorbed 37 workers and the everj increas es service industries accepted 57 applicants referred from n e- s the remainder went to sundry industries the creates unfilled de mand at present is for female workers on swing shifts in ma nufacturing and for domestic and personal service workers there were 1478 workers re gistered for employment at month end which- inclrfilfd 820 under the age of 20 most ot whom are young students seek ing temporary tummer jobs harley readies plans to finalize drug study ottawa special to the herald unless aiedera election lo- terveoes this fait the uouae of cooaaoni committee on food and drufs will be ready to move into high gear as soon as parliacnent recenveoes sepuat- bef 77 dr lurlry jurley uf fw ilsltoa had thalrmaji of the pocul commitue was u ot taw this week nuking final ar raticunentl for the ceeantitlovs bcarinf into the txt ot drug u canada he aaid the rw tmmlihi of the taonwnit hi ben sche duled for tuesday fuxfbr 2s thj day after prltamnt re oetu initial witrtfts will u cajiftdem minister of national rwertue k j uriuod as a major prt of the com mittees investiaatloo it will deal with the 11 per cent ftalel tut on drugs in hia ust bud ret lnaee miouier walter gordon said the coaunlttee would be uked to took into u effect of the sales ux utt drug prices and to tecoounend whe ther the tax should b revioved he came under opotitio4i fir fur bu removing it lnnfcdlate ly b bu budget jobtead of waiting for the coaxuitte lo lort t lim ud mr ufawn wuuld gve fevidetlca 04 thi irux iid aio on the quekt ko of tariffs od drug nupot rj into caluda frihn other countries county op halton weed control news bv v e mcaethur says anthracite filter treatment best for rust heeoaiiutaiiouj of the proc tor and lledfent nglftrrlng flnii are now in council s hands for a proposed plant fur rwiov ing iron nut from georgetown water a coarse anthracite filter treatment is recommended to overcome a pevky problem which has affected the town s some auction sale published by nxjunt a city man who bought a farm found that agriculture did not return thr promising dividend he had hoped fur consequently he decided to dumse of thr whole lot here ii the lut he took to the printing offirr jersey mare 20 yean old 2 llerkihire colli 10 year old 1 team of mulrs one with red hair and somr frecklei the other crosirrd 11 deluvsl cows with ire cream attach ments 2 ihc riding heifers good as new 10 plymouth hock milk cows 4 yorkshire yearling calvei 6 years old 72 itcrkshire ihep 2a dapple grey monorky chickem 10 holttrin jersey roosters 1 durham hen soon frrsh 1 john deere binder with foal poland china bobsleigh good layer 1 cultivator that can ba ridden or driven by children 1 riding dray 1 new cutter runs fine if driven alow and fallen top buggies baa fallen 1 plow with valentine flounce 1 njht handrd pig scraper 2 old cultivators coming in soon 1 wheelbarrow can pace trot or gallop and not afraid of ford can 1 broken milk stool 2 empty corn cribs with springs complete 1 rocking chair better than new with a game leg 1 fleece lined cup- hoard without shrlvrn 2 leak ihg unwashable milk paili good as new 1 left handed pancake turner three broken soup dishes 1 piano horse 10 ds canvas belting better than new 1 well 25 feel deep a number of post holes 1 green cat and other articles too alu able to mention eree lunch at noon 15c a piece all sums of 123 00 and under cash and over that amount 0 months to pay it in at 7 pc can t mail letters wants mcnabb street sidewalk a sidewalk along mcnahb st from durham to quern was pro posed by mim hinbiih i sllc to council last week miss she explained that since a mailbox hai lieen moved from her street to queen sho has trouble posting letters its a reasonable requrst said mayor gibbons many own era on the sired have jvuggeitcd it mr haycede johnson clerk 1 c maginty auctioneer ontario forests fall into 3 main region the ho real ro rest the grrat uikes st la wren ce 1orest and the deciduous forest lach is affecjed by its own peculiar climate and tree species water fcupoly tunce hie old til vrrrreek reservoir was hdo nd in favour of thr preunt dp well supply the plant would le built on the west side of the mfcflf ave pumphouse with an additional 100 000 gallon reservoir under neath it would be of sue tuf flcient lo handle three million gallons daily and drtigntd an addition to wrire 4 5 uillll on gallom when nxjuirrd estimated cost of 110 would rrrate a rarly drbentu re charge of 10 mo and opera ing costs of 1 outi hut according to uatr chair man don powers there would be a yearly saving of 3 600 for calgon which n presently added to the watrr sujiply and he estimates total yearly rovt at to uoo cash to 2500 lately aswrw very often we are the west fmnnbar with eoene ef the tauxt harmful shrub and plants- vof exantple i think id afe id fcav butnijg that use majority of the pgph m ootarto could not rocoguiia either conuuon hr lrrry or kurotean buckthorn this would auo be true of leafy iafairx which u pxuh- ably the hrdet wrrjj to cun fcrol irt the puvlttce it hki uu cukkrd u public inttny no i in the war ojt wed ymi perustfiit pert nisi ik luted u ivoklulrd nomouii jo the canada srrds aet which itaw it illegal for rvr tine liaf ihurtc to b l in any wrd of frfrd fur sale lit cauaiia i itiufadiiiit that i haw eon fuwd thuwrd with w johns i wart fas they both grow in thick vrllirw patches luafy spurge however can be diun ifuuhtd tven si you drive along by the yellowish grim int to thr flowert ukhi elower esbmhiation we find that the j yellow giren colour is in the upnr jaortlon of the plant and is the miu efftvl of unall uav ec that bracket the flowers and i flower branches the plants gruw from one to two and a i half feet in hcijm the real itefct to identify leafy spurge u to break oen a item or une of die i qui narrow leaves and a thick stieky white milk will 1 appear commended treatment in the thuvuoay auoust 1 paob oarlsrwr department of acrisrul ture bulleun no t3 someone hal uid thai lea fy spurge used to be planted at an oroaniefltui plotteer ce- kneterief this hiay be the way it waj introduced to thi xxxia- ly u i first learned to recog tin ul an ahendooed temete- ry which hu unce bra r-roo- vated ken nash mumauno tmd hcatino wad w- ibfmiras hirrlaim tr 72842 okhoee niagara loans ways tlwt with rtady cash niagara finance company limited 9 main st n i7749u llus wred lprrads by a very toujh underground root system and is ry hard to kill either by niltivalicn or wlib rheaut eal tlie lacvt time to attack spurge is when the first small patch appears ordinarily 2 4 1 sprays iur a small measure of control but soil strrtlant types of harhirtdi s are nrcessary to get a completr kill jwwlium lhluralr mixtures sunajjne or atranne and karamrx are re attention home owners let ui supply your needs for wahr ohfiw siw kuuw twg foods king liumt iiul fungus cnkolt of cxuni mw sutut stuta cwi fhltu kd woi y w dhvr irt co9wwii wfj a m a 11 uj we swf and ncommemd wa masterfeeds master feeds stewakttown dal s773513 w dcttvik cr younr told she should bring a miss leslie petition wc cant put in a 1000 sidewalk just because one lady wants to post letters hp said the request was turned over ta the road committee the choices of recreation of fered by tho forest are very wide including hunting fishing camping painting photography nature study swimming ski ing and boating concurre gravel building sand roab cttavel hu ami top sou stone work tom haines ouh williams til ruol halt only if you wish to save money the canadian broadloom response to your rnany inquiries from the national advertising has resulted in our opening a local office to better service your needs thats right now you can broadloom your home from our wide range of colours and fabrics but remember only call u if you wish to ave money money call canadian broadloom supplvl 8772563 167 prwa charus dr borgtowri announcement omtanio ontario hospital insurance will now cover dependent children to 21st birthday detlnnlni september 1 1scs benefits undtr tha ontario llqiprtil insurance family pre mium will be eitended to cover eligible un married unemployed dependent children until they resch their 21st birthday rather thin to the 19th birthday as in the past this will apply also to the supplementary semi private co verage lor which some residents remit sddihonal premiums to private carriers through tho com mission separate premiums will be required when such dependants reach ace 21 or marry or become regularly employed applications lor regiitrstion are available in hospitals banks province ol ontitio savings ohices and commission offices the family premium however will cover a parson over age 21 who is dependent upon the insured parent or guardian because of physical or mental infirmity ptvlm h v tha was tha usd tariaas jiiitint batu its tl refund of premiums an unmarried unemployed person who wil now become eligible as a family dependant under aga 21 because ol this new refutation sitd lor whom separate premiums have already been prepaid beyond september i iocs is entitled lo a relund ol premiums back to that date triads taut fca rttjaim as this is the only means ol identifying those eligible the form at the bottom ol this announcement is tor tha convenience ol pay dlreel members in clalmini this relund premiums prepaid through a group other than as an employee will ba tefundait through lle group note commission literature is being changed to show the new age limit in the meantime please read all tolerances to age 19 in enisling pamphlets ai age 21 ontakio hospital behvices commission youonlro-t- ontario request for refund to oiitttla hospital services cajomlitlan 2195 yonga st toronto 7 ontario brhhrumrs hhhtuuirs sususw iramiu myti tumtiui i i i i i i j n r uxitcu is mirul fcou ocnnui omvcnv ihsitr ham fcv hich you ka khowh i lw turtr tit dak whhmiirs nan r iitiu nvar ostai ktss i k mu w hlltrkms i am under age 21 unmarilad and nnandslly de pendent upon my parenl or guardian who it insured uionurloltospluuluurancealthefamllypiemljiin moaje cancel my personal coverage under the ibtive number and nlund premiums paid lor the benefit period beyond september 1 1965 mkhmmis kosmial ihsutancc nuuub mhmhv aboirumul eht 6f tws ins ut svaiums uw asomst u

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