Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1965, p. 1

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ontario scholarship four first class honours in grade 13 an ontario acholamhlp win allew kalih kngluh i her our other who received algebra 1 geometry 1 trig 1 jirat clui honour in the to- french 1 payne 111 chera tal of their beat eltht pjeri l utry 1 hod number 6 other elofc behind i the grade 13 record atkiwsow jan hugllih it georaeixeo dutrart lih literature c geometry t school thi year botany 111 rrenca c km ajuei wtiot tnnl worth 460 ontario tlrattt stkolertklfl was mea mgft mttt ami wan i pe teal liaaroittatioti reiultj wire re leaaed tuesday ai student flocked back to school to hejr thetr new keilb allen un of ur and r robert allen 47 kin st f mu awarded moo onlno srhourvhlp with 60 2 in hti bet eleht subject he will i ii ter the science courr- at l m verity of waterloo other who scored 73- tir tt were miieuelh llnllw uk krance unloti 77 1 janr bradley 76 3 and aiol mr guvray 73 a total of 424 pjper wtirr written m eorvetuwn an i 421 of thrte rtceivrd he n our many ktu trill were only on a prt trade 13 rouric llirnfurr do not how a full program i complete mult of paper pas ted follow bakek janice uuuc c baktk michael uuuc ii basbe col ann kiiiiliui i alibra t geometry ii zoology 11 cheijimry t bariiactk jlrll y ntf iml ii lreiuti bikhm kile kniluh ii aibrs i eoiuelry i triii i m yur iii uirnitlry ii wench w senncty braeuy alibra ii jfoiurlry t- blacfl rtlilm uuur 111 booth flr tiiilkli altrtia c e mm try 11 tn oology 111 t ihmliuiry trenili 111 bowill ln muur 111 bowuau jam kngluh hrmlfctry bkaolkv jan tngluh u ilutory iii utiu i krencfa 1 gestnar ii bstoommfad glen ceome try u phyle iii- cashev william llulory c geouietry c trig c bo- j tany c zoology c cab berry ahjebra i ce ooietry 1 trig 1 phytic i chemlitryii trench c clakk reuv aleus hi geonielry u tru iii hi he 11 cr i nufrtry ii ryclieh c clattk kaer 1i t che tjmtry ul w cock palrlela a knlllah ii algebra i geometry t lug ii lliynri i cliiul ry i 1 trncb iii cox davy oology i i davidson hubert ln likli i alawira l eornrtry ii lyig i i hyurj ii hero i mry 1 rrencti 1 ivans barbara kntlnh c lihtiulry c faknllu carrall romrt ry c tru iii botany c the uilatry ul nench iil i finlav john enxllafa u algebra u geometry u trtf u zoology c chemletry u krencb c fishek rol uuuc i focal robert auebra ul ceotnetry lu trig u botany iii zoolojy c lhyie hi chemlitry ii oudgeow jack aebra iii gwuielry i tru c wiyaic c chtnuitry c rreiicb c haakmlyck carrdu yni liah c oology c hainet klend botauy u liolojy if ijtln c rrench c hallirt cij vnjliih 111 lliuory c llolany c z- oloy ii hansin tliiulh aluic c hah bis ptiuu iv ul ii llutory ii reomilry ii llotany 11 ljltn i rrrttrll ii hibhkbt bkajill uuur c rontinurd on liark pane ads that pay ymj cart a4ac a a la tha ataiafa claaalttej mh by alnat j7 iml boylaj ar utraav tka uwau u whir will 1uj tit rauh yau georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing yna carvetewrt herald kaa iarwed goratawrt and du trut a frlneer and fubllahar aliua 1147 efterlng tha beat u flna printing and wee cevar bej a uced clau mali oft lea det ohawa and ur aaywnl f avaalv u caj ri onlaria thuriday auutl ivth 1ws 4 bs par yar single copy tti yen canra drop deposit high school looks completely free til twu dollur dpaut en kckool tktbooki a prtwrti tot tk ut few yein will i drpld this yir aln g- i llifh school boird t uimiuy nlht law ting frit emt of ftiiminlitrilion did ot wtrrtat 1u contlnuuee hrtfevr ihould i hook be or hdly dim4iftd thr itu will b rquiifd to pay a r ar book tlm bpctiltti day khedule will ba chjuiavt uitiuaj uub i wfcow ackool eomlni in at tlaw to rvsitti this year tha aefcool ffradci ulna i evn will coma in the mor and jtradei ten twelve and t in tha afternoon ditl tha double builng involved board felt this would be ferildent tli board five their ap- val for four atudenu to con their frducilion at cen j technical school in torrni two of the atudenti jim and ole poulmrup atudying commercial art umj otberi roer sehofield rafer street are atudylnff ntiaa and alrcrft malnten raapctwely with september 13th the hop- for date of the completion plana and apeclficatiom the board eittvecti tender for the addition will be tilled around the end of september building will probably not set under way until novmbr in revy to an firlier reueil from the hlfih school board a letter from the town eouncil informed the board thit tome fill from the reconstruction of guelph street will be dumped on the public and high school property behind the high school and wriftfleiworth school in uh patina adjacent to uaple avenua armitrong brother were authorixed to in hall a storm se wer in tha maple avenue ravine to service tha addition at a coat not to exceed u500 tha contract with vera kir by for tranaportatlon u pupil was renewed for two year term at a coat of seventy dol lar a day a request from tom beer for sabbatical leave for the year 10oa40 to study the sciences in england will be considered after discussion with tha princi pal an offer by chrysler corpn- ratlon of a car for a driving in structlon course was turned over to the advisory vocational committee for study federal approval for avian k p bikhop head or the air craft section of the federal de partment of industry said thursday he eipccti george towns unique jump takeoff aircraft the avian 2 180 will re ceive a certificate of alrworth lots in september or october the gyroplane has hern un dar dftvaloptnent by tha cor a town company far six years after a certificate of air worthiness the aircraft may be produced for canadian and for elfin markets beclnmnb in sep tember the armstrong ave plant has turned out six prototypes most of the testing has been at water loo- wellington airport warn thosbt ay camp hot to pit wildlipi the health department ssld wednesday rabies is increasing in ontario a statement from the depart ment warned that children at resort and summer camps should uot pet tame skunks or racoons it also said at least six persons have been bitten by rabid bats this yesr eek program leaders as ly sets fall activities second to money potential iars are the most urgent re- alntnents of the georgetown hca ywca the shortage of leader materl itl was explained to the herald ifary the local y program dl ictor elmer carter we need ders for the y teen group kym classes and most likely other y groups will have va nclas to fill aa well mr car stated without leaders we rill not be able to proceed with ouf plan to expand we want add more groups he said mr carter said the only qua- jl cation volunteer leaders must jiv u an enjoyment of work lntf with other people y handle training the y will take care of i their training so it la not nee aaxy that they have experlen in group leadership he id j jli aurch or leaden ti prt laf tha acceleration in activity at the y efflce 14 main street ifoutb a the end of the oil un teat pproachm dlree- and taff in recent week have been putting toether the ih brogram what were btott concerned iwltb bow la gettlnlf thd groupo inarw and once we do that we have td do la iteeo an on them and watch they dont know aigrui o aluroplns mr carter aald he aald that mat two of the y affiliated latoupe have fallen by the way- handlcaptwd club i a handicapped club la the most recent addition to the y family orfanlied juat before the aummcr montha the llanill cap club ha already had two meeting and a picnic at credl vale iark and have planned a barhecue for the near future their prtsldent 1 clifford ia- pcrance harry stei head the judo club one of the mot active y cluba which ha a member ahip of forty and crowing a badminton club which ca me into being last year will resume in septomber under the leadership of gord and cathy hunt and gym classes for both boys and girl will also com menee a new season in the fall erie dalklnd principal at u mehouae sehool la the gym clal sea chief instructor mere variety y teen groups operated in tw6 placea last year at chapel street school under mrs ka ren harrison and pat sargent and at st paula dapust church under mrs mary cooper and mr joan agglu it also will be reborn with the fall term a coed club for teenagers will have more variety in iu program when it returns to re gular leaalone pancej were the cluba major lnlereet last sea- on but thla year there will be more aoclal meeting and aojneducatlonal flavour to the program mm donna ttobbln la in charge the y day camp an annual aummer activity for 6 to 10 year olds which enjoyed its moat tuo- ceasful season till aummerv7nl catholic board asks for equal treatment maple plan stays order highway const start also undergo changes next year instead of one group the camp will have two adding senior camp for 11 to 14 year olds the senior group of course will deal with more advanced subjects such as pioneering and science mrs heta munro hea ded thi year record breaking camp on tha flra one project on the y fire 1 a tennis club a couple of po tential sites for court are hill being looked at and it 1 likely that this organization will be a reality in a matter of weeks mr carter aald greardeal of interest has been shown by ten nls buffs and foresees thi group as becoming one of the most active the georgetown ymcaywca was the first ever to start wfth assistance from another y group a system the national y coun dl doubted would work since brampton y gave this initial assistance to georgotown y to get it rolling 3 years ago the method ha been employed to launch y branches in other com mutinies a y campaign for funds will be held later this year this also li lit i way unique since moat other yn are in centres which have annual united ap peals con men get 848 from elderly lady a tesm of con men posing as a bank inspector and a pol ice officer bilked an elderly georgetown lady out of 886 cash yesterday the defraud occurred after an earlier attempt at conning a large sum of money from an other elderly georgetown worn an fsiled police said a man posing as a bank inspector called urs a watson u park ave at about 0 30 wednesday morning and aaked her to withdraw the sum of money from herbank and take it home lie told her the measure would help he bank catch someone who had been trying 6 draw mbney from her ac count a short while after she arrl ved home with her money an other man purporting to be a police officer working with the bank called supposedly to pick up the money and take it back for het mrs watson turned the cash over to him and neither he nor his partner have been seen since an earlier try at the home of another elderly person whose nimo was not released was thwarted when the would be victim called the royal bank immediately to check on the validity of the bank inspector deputy police chief robert wilson has asked tht herald to cooperate in instructing local elderly persona to call the geor ge town police office or opt f anyonkrclalmlng to be a bank official or police officer con uets them about any money matters a number of similar bilking have occurred in the metro area this week with the total take in the neighbourhood of 1000000 00 planned lmrovemenls to v 7 highway extending from the east to maple ave got the green light monday by council the contract swarded two weeks ago had hern delayed while an attempt had been made to change a planned new sccru from msple which will tske a lsrge chunk of thr arthur armstrong property fr arm strong hss registered strong ob jections council was warned in a letter froriuie highways department that thrre would not be any subsidy on extra costs which could be incurrrd if the con- trsrt u drlard nor uill thr drpartmrnt agree to a changr st the corner oth ft than atoppini the improve ments short snd tapering the highway bark to two lines one dollar land deal with public school haunts council baking equa trea t that at uv school beard the raman catholic aeparate eehool board aay it would be paying an exorbitant prl at the 13000 an acre celling con talnrd in tha towns proposed agreement with delrei develop ments in a letter read to council monday the board pointed out that last year the public schools had received five acres from the town for only si 00 and the developer is proposing to sell 175 acres of industrisl wheel deal with malvern ramblkr strikst atfrtke affecting number ot georgetown people has elo jfid down the brampton plant of american motors producer of the rambler total value 25000 july building permits building pcrmlta with a lo ul value of wjftls were hum- ed during the month of july according to the town engineer office all the penmlui were for re- aldeaualbulldlnga land for 1100 an acre to tha town i dont ilka to asy 1 told you so but when i oppoaed thla last year 1 knew it would back up on u aald cr ill smith lie too said cr power hhat waa some of the 5 parkland we gave away it should have been sold to the board at a fair price and tha money used to buy other park land however cr powers said the s3 000 celling waa put into the agreement as a protection for school boards and the land la worth that to the seller reeve elliott said tha juna 1064 deadline for school land to be bought would inflict a hardahlp on the it- c board and wants this extended we should have a hall park in the east end there should be something in the agreement about that ha added council set a meeting with board officials for a discussion on august 24th trouten to return for hospital musicals following the sueeeu ot lat years call muaicale the geor getown hospital auxiliary will again present an evening ot musical talent in the high school auditorium sept 24th mr r uriel convener of the event has lined up a var ied program of local talent aeung as mailer of eerema- nlea in addition to performing will be tom darcie featured in the evening entertainment are pat graiby mllree arm strong sandra grelg accom panied by cuyt gosling o the ipaniih gultir and tom trooten tom trouten returning for thla ihow recently starred in the hamilton musical society production of west side story also taking part will he the high school band under the direction ot ivan long muilcal director ralph ur iel alio hopes to feature initru- m at a look at the- weather 1 peler jones photo au now arena patrons can have comfort of theatre it mioht b a thiatte or a concert hall olown memorial arena whero 425 molded being installed by the elrerta staff tha teals geln deal with malvern collegiate whereby seals hravtor tha eyaopenlng price of soc school threw in an extra 25 at aborioi of the ice area and the rest in a row on the but it lent thla it the new look at geor- wood tipup seats with arrnl are currently wetra obtained by tha arena board in a ber tha toronto tevcondary tchool shipped the each the board ordered 400 but the thyejbfjiroe hundred teats on each tide tooth enstdeck below the time clodd autf high tow 11 wed n 4i 12 thurs rl bs is frl 81 68 14 sat 88 m is sun 80 ot ihmon 85 bt it tucs 83 bt high for the week 89 low 41 precipitation s8 1 allele fscott a- m 4 i tjtarf t 4t i titii

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