Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1965, p. 11

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ah cmon fellas th coaorrowm mbiald twuftsoay auoust 1 ims page 11 loyaltys fine but lets not get ridiculous tbil iwun o booty btt aa ire at tfca conur of atarfcat and weawyaa stru had pta- mn67 fa naiad but tautm1 friday aiurooocl tb tnrarai cum ivto uwd uska loot btora ckaid and wfalu maid cau of tb bubbobrhad wt- chad mttld around th3ua tea od t tr brmoci tmtll tfcy foranad ft bux bait latrt- uadauer 74 iftarkat m bod fld andcnoa auritj tftd tkay sent ad aaaf wltfa b truck to taki lb rdw- boouf at ml oil ti laden branch ad ti it in u bh oi tlcv ti ljutk best to oa of lh oury bjvw n gum ur tkdercd trf trwioed tod td wrd ik uv bef uitxibw oi loyal follower rigu uhiod wbti tbtf ul fcs iroioi fcwy ukj tkll it bwabi wr id for tout bot vathr aj ury operator k x amleriuut mliiaj tbu wu u firi tlutf tkij 4uiiiiitr tbat aoy f tb royal buhnwi lav rat ud bf mljku ij ukb ff georgef own cadets place high in summer courses oo 6 is oortlowtt blib acbool adl 00 wnlor ua- dr eourai at ctaj u- wub bu broubt bom an i vtabu frwaid for blfttf tbawn aacond bit twlft of 1410 it tb eantp dvhau stif whow brother larry wu thown bit cadet od lb urar court whrn he took u iralalng rcivrd hli award on li governor diyj id crranony it the cone lmi 1 od of tb eoiin othr gortown hljih ichso cdu uklox the au wekt tralnta wr k crohter ron yau hflnhird filter j graf norm utun uirk hel uwell phil uayoh rick pa yy ju window anthony and ulubeu twivojf tbe were trained in flnt aid hunter ufety national suimvil kdp mini rifle tnttructlon and firing nd drlll cuffoh levy and steven fw d both georgetown high kchool cadcu were ehoten ilest cdt and wcond beet cadet it catap petawawa where they wr receiving advanced train id sob barber mike ii lick and davu krancti wr the other gdils ctdts at iuwiwa barber and black ranked among lb top edfti on the court and kraiu wu one of the moit proficient driver ma chanlca ttudenti- cadeli at ptawawa were of fired lkr advanced courwi auo just home i georgetown hiuh achool cadet richard 11u dlctton who baa beit training with the best cadets from all ac roi canada at the uaiter cadet camp banff aibcrla he received training in mountain climbing among other advanced subject ur was nam ed the gdils corps beit ca det at the annual littpeclion 1a georgetown pirk last uay approilmalely 30 cadets from the trorg clown corps will bo attending the canadian natio nal exhibition on cadet day september 4th with their in s true ton this will b the first official event for the georgetown high school cadet corps no 678 of the loflmia term the local corpa is recognlied as one of the finest in gregory jkoi harris son of ur and urt kay lurrn b wtbr drive was clirlktenrd in st coft s angllcio church on sunday auut trth ttiree if his grandparents wrr pre sent at the service ur and urs t harris of toronto and ur wllllkui dowuin at willow dale after th arvlc there was a christening party at his parents hooie and there were gutats front toronto an 1 wil lowdale as well as georgetown uisa gail malcolm daughter of ur and mrs jack malcolm 23 uaple ave west is lesving this krldsy to spend the ncit couple of months in y urope with uus gail cameron lrn noxvlllr quebec and mua s le hoi brook she u ill rrou the atlantic aboard the car mania their trip will take them to britain and wltur land a well as othrr furop- ean countries tliry are plan nlng to return home by plane in october ur and urs j mint cm and daughters jonne an karen of so uaple ave w hae rclur ned from a two week vacation tour after a atop at the cor ning glass i lant in sew york they journeyed to gettsburg and on to the che nan d 01 valley and lb luxay gavewv the skyline driva took thm to virginia beach after two days in washington they rrtur ned via the finger lakes and gananoqui two hospitalized ahcf hotel park lot assaults our hav boca charfged bs tonocctioo with a double twit ai um uedbbon hotel and parking lot uu ttkeaday nigbt anguat 10- th fottr wr rokkod up by gmtgobtwa polios shortly aiv or a atcotttboa uou waher andy t 10 quoea st and anotber man william hu- bcr jr s duficria btrt wr bmtod up tb four appearvd bs court ut k and wr rlcad 00 bait haucr u rlcaaod frocd o- xxitrwn and district uemorial liuvpltal yunlay he waa trvatad for bis lnjurt by dr j i unldand dr l g o twyr surgwy wu prtorm- d on lnliivr frafturad jaw tiouod u bill i id bm4tal iu wu tended to by dr o dwyrr 1ullc iij tw aiucka took puc abortly bfor 10 m tu- day ttifanpaon was bvtrd and bis jaw broken whrt b attxcnpud to ejkt saute of a group fr the bote tmvrrag rooni hlulcr who cam to tbooaob aid wu ju tid uit talhutri liter to the public parking lot lwputy lolu ckul robert wilton uld pouc ar auu in veatigtllug tba atucka isifors here parents r have anniversary party a aurpriae dinner party was held at tba horn of mr and mrs u roaasur 74 print cbariea drive georgetown on saturday auut 14th booour- ii hi pareou sir and alr yred rbaaiier 00 the occasion of tbeir golden annlvenary tbcy were taken by aurpris laving l tbew bome la syd ney haw scotia a week w br stopping ovrr at perkins sut le lac quebec lb wild tef bocoe of their boo sidney and juat amving at gori- lwd u lime fur dinnej jtotb bom and raucd id kewfounduikd tbe hiilurt have livd mot of their ue in hydny- nova scuti rbr tbey raised a family of bin ebudjwn kamuy knefnber kl- tendlog tb ditibtr here wr and detra otuwe mr im r ura baymond a and tte miry waterbury coon us mr and mra- carl boeatter brmmpton mr end mr lua dtdrford jr braaap mr and mta wulian daltol jr bretnptflii mr and atftti joba seattle ivampioci and hfafff awby sue boaaiter daantgftf of the hoait y cowing tbe uukaf dibhet k gait of money wag presented to the groupie and a 30tb aw nivraary cake pr bj thir gjnddfcugblr 4tebra trl2ratnj were received froaati tbeir two deugbieri and two otts who acill reside id nova fievtia ur hod tirt lumtlut ana blaahlng od spending aewstral wkj id oourta vietting tneir aamily social and personal social arvd pergonal ur and ur john nichols judy gordon uarilyn and da vid 53 hyron areet have juit returned frod a motor trip to winnipeg and llrandon usnl tolia via the traaacanada high way in winnipeg they visited with urs nichols aister and in brandon with his sister where his stpmolher joined thn while there they spent a day at clear lake in biding mountain national i ark and a day at grand baach conserva tion area at lake winnipeg sli georgetown people were among a group who flew to eng land on a charter night spon sored by the fellowship bsp- ttits ur and urs wuliwo hill 01 john btraat east confined thrir stay abroad to kngland with a few days in holland thry were vliiting with four couples all of whom had 11 v ed in town at one time ur and urs robert oiley ur and urs wiulam oxly ur and ur hrneit barker and ur and ur rye foggln their son in law and daughter ur and urs ubo mi crams of norval besides touring parts of england scot land and wales went to 1au lint to see his relatives in eluding his grandfather their return home was tinned with sad nets for on the day of their arrival they received word that peter jonee pboto ed holmes is 92 ahoihl of otoftoftowwi most exclus v 0 noruqenaiani edward holmei marked h 92nd b mhday wvdnatday augutt ulh mr rtolmes i vei at 8 v dor a cftc w th h 1 son bill and daughter helen another daigh tar hazel lwi at brentfoid the grandmotlier had died only a few days after they left hoi land ur and urs gordon gar nrr ib chipper court joined global tour party on the con tlnent and spent most of their time in germany austria and witicrland nuremberg lucer ne and vienna were some of their main stops then parts and a return to london for four days pardon our error a news mem last week erred in stating that the children of ur and urs alf gnodrhil 1 mida their home with ur and urs alf allen while in ute glen after being evacuated du ring the london lillti it was with their uncle ur arthur ulddlelon and his latr wife that they atayed while living in the glen webster jackman umlltd a good pu to buy sales urcurv strcebville leasing mercury- meteor comet wtltlsh fokd muojly uucks service to all makes 8361 11 stmstl 8261 1 m dw w6444i u4 til j0 tthirimtt ikw ifr ind iin gordon ilirley jl john st w vnjoyfd mo tor trio lilt wffjt to siult sir mr ind itn robert rrincli knd fmlly 51 ilknon crficint ont two wftki vifillon recent ly tt eokatfe it rietoit ur and iln cook and dauih tar uyrns s normandy blvd apnt 1 reeent week a vacation at normindlt lod waiaga beach a former georaetowner dr it- t coulti at edmonlon ai berta wu a caller at uia her aid ofnea lut week he left ge- orxitown in 1010 while in town h ealled on aomt former ac quaintance ilr and lira harry judd brenda and gary 37 shelley st apent a few dayi lait week in wlndior and detroit where they visited tueh attraction aa the ford muieum and the detroit zoo ur and tin ace bailey and steven 21 king si w and un edna hill have retur ned from a beautiful acenle trip aboard a ciblil crulaer a trip which took thmn through the rlduu canal to ottawa mr and lire garfield tc- guvray and carol 8 guelph st ad ulu chruune toil 8 cuelph st were weekend uetti of ilr and mri tom watla and ur and ura char- ui slockford at their cottage at minder ilr and mn roy wilson 1m sexkiy dr have had milton evom both eoau her parenta mr and ura erneat dlcklnion were here ram st johna new foundland and her uncle and aunt ur and ura winiton haher from vancouver b c mr and mm wlhlam ue- clemebta and john 8 victoria creacent and mill sylvia man ely m weber drive apent week at a eoumfe on manltou lal bland auo few daya at backhora durlutt-th- second wmk o their holidays mr and mrs j ferries 24 abb st will be saying goodbye today to her parents mr and mrs jack buuough who ue re turning to south shields eng bnd after three weeks boll day here tbo flnt week they travelled to detroit and toledo and while in detroit mr bull ough was reunited with his sis- tor un neu htnpalrlck whom b hadnt seen since she came to america m year ago ur and ura ken ueen 17 albert street with soni tony pat and peter motored weal for a vacation trip which took then u far as vancouver island they stopped at banff and manv of the national parka en rout as they travelled by trans ca nada highway besides a number of thowen given by friends in thil dllt rlct for ksren ilrigden who wss msrrled on july 20 to uorley james thorn of halifax friends in the esit also feted the bride with a shower at the home of un andn beaudet in bridge town nova scotia mr and mn robert martin 10 churchill cnscent have hli mother mrs n a hslgh from glynn northern lrelsnd visit ing them for three weeks it is mn hslghs flnt reunion with her son since she saw him when he aerved with the army overseas in world war 2 and her flnt visit to csnsda miss joan cnlg 131 main st n and mlu nsncy bulloch of guelph hive juit returned froou a trip west in victoria they visited the famous but chart sunken gardens and the too on the way back they visit ed relatlvea in calgary red deer saskatoon vancouver and winnipeg mr and mrs val stein 0 queen street saw some of the northland which is not on tb usual tourist routes on recent vacation trip they motored to edmonton then with relatlvea motored along the marine high way to alaska then by plane they travelled to nome xotxe- bue and barrow on the arctlfl coast un sam walker 81 m1u st has been visiting with a number of relatives in englsnd for three weeks among those with whom she eteyed for a day or two were her sister un ii gsskln langley mill nottinghamshire who was celebrating her flft leth wedding anniversary at the time of hervlilt slstersln law mn jim walker dorking ind un v walker balilertan ne wark and nieces and nephews un henry church south nor wood miss grace holt leyton atone mrs kmma popham itud dlngton mn arthur kirk lleb- nor derbyshire mn greaaley fulbeck and w a london wat- nall she alio called to see mr and mn nicholas smith in der by airs smith is the former gretcheo bradley of town only a limited quantity a 7 298 i 352 cash na carry sm si oily dsmaoed beaver lumber 11 wath st heurl i t s jo p m frl until lew sat 11 noon 772334 jackson s no waiting up to 5 flights daily to britain this fall only b0ac and air canada jet direct from canada to britain thla fall mjoy europe at its unerowdod bast take your choice of up to ii transatlantic fllghta dally as many 40 departures wary weak and you can fly from canada to all thra major british centres glasgow manehoster or london see your travel af ant nurtssi ovnrauu aurwavs eostroanoel with am banam youll find everything you need at the lowest possible prices to clothe your bick to school boy- nd girls of all ages be wise shop where the swing is best boys windbreakers unlined in popular water repellanl poplin for boys i ze 8 to 18 100 tlrytkhs windbtllkltl in ii2si 8 to 18 many moie srylei to choose from your local gapivo agent is barber henley ltd 27 mill stvaat c 8772214 cwnrllaia travel sarvk at ho axtracost to you hundreds of shoes for back to school girls wats lalett itylei boys hard waarlno shois smartly styled 398 398 also ladies dbmrt boots boys jeans rancher nrand unfertzed and wiihable with double knees for eitra wear guannleed i- almt defects in workmanship and matensls 4 to 8x 8 to 10 198 298 the compl una of gwg brand beys jbans and panyi perfect for back to school washable cotton snd dress funnels slwi for all ages from 298 up huge selection of dresses for girls of all ages girls back to school drettel in al- y na a variety of ilylai and materlala at slzai 8 to 14 from 398 girls tunic dresses 4 to 6x slzai 7 to 12 2 98 up 3 08 up for high school or college an outstanding selection of dmssk for lady- teem all at lowest poiilbl prlcai boys shirts short sleeve washable cottom khiys in sensible colon made for long hard weir long sleeve boys shirts in red river dan river cottons ginghsms checks stripes plaids slies 8 to 18 beg up to 3 05 for aj 149 liiniinbnw r99 early shoppers shop now fo your wlnf coat for beit stylet and selection use our leyaway plan a amall deposit will hold any article jacksons b 28 main street north telephone 877688 v

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