Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1965, p. 14

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i ytm mt herald thuuoat auoust 1 ims pace 14 births mr and ktii wil jiam lol are happy to a- ma the birth of their first child a daughter awwiiiiy edith oo tuesday august 10th ibbo lb london ceoe- ral hospital london out aucfsaeuyoon wendy and itxahela are happy id sum re the birta of their dattfhicr l kveryrt july jblh 1s to wei ate- bburiaj haepiul brampton a auier lor terry engagements tr and aln aurlwlkl i atcclivrey cresc oee- betowd are pleased to an saouwre the engagement uier i daughter beverley jrab to air donald hkldnuic tod of htr bad mrs mauley skidiarr of toronto the marriage will take place ou selurday sep teenier isoi lses la ht draws united church wje ired oolafla dr and air tharlei layeri of ottawa announce the eaga ot oi their daughter hhft dauttx cleave jneayhilta a s day aajaat 13 1mb at georgetown and oaatrkt sav aaorlal hoapatal joseph anthony of 1 p st hi her i3ad yoar il wit of uerto dtmwm bad dear baav ther of donthr atn j 1uv ley of taurttatftob g ther of caroiyaa taand aaal dean dear tiger of ci iliad mrs w- lungjseai end e 1 ly bm w beaaey of ceo getoens heated at the harold c v clnre funeral ho e x ridua sl ceorsetdwb bbfed tueaday ruing eineral wwiie b held la alao rveahytenaa church tueaday afternoon at rod o clock itttersaewt la greenwood cewsrlery ceurx- towu lletjikkian hseno mar ob friday august is laos at the ceorcetoa aad uuutct aieaaorul lioe pllsl kurvoa janet black la ber avtb year will uf the ute george andrew llewder- ba aod deer another bf aur wirle kin n j thoosas j cuelph george a of ceor gelowd and jaoet mrs f arcidrklal of earainplod- al so survived ly is grandchild ted and 2 ere at grandchildren funeral service took piece be uoiully afternoon at 2 m p ul i la kjios ijeslyter lad church rod asa lo wr cordoa whlu georgetown laleroscnl la aide aod of atr and kin- cor greenwood cewsetcry boa w whiteside of ivlerur tb wddmr will lkelull jean o- sunday am u s euber bih laoil ti 15 at ceoget la ix 1iili cnurh ottawa air add krs alsert brooki ajrbji u s r ttti afu- aaent of their aldefct dauchlct jtoaa crace ta wr doaeu je- bea broan aon of air add rs- alei ilroan teorijr 3tfi ir naitile will tae plire in si atbaaa jkxiltu an ch- wuhrday hevlihlber ft lpg5hrvl t three o clock c cheeafcktry ul- ivesivterud and diatrict aleanal llou ul jca ulllc of clea vil liami id her bih year be loved wife of herbert a hill and dear feather of kdward of torodld aod vmm w wheeler of clew wlluauu kraadfoother of atlaa c hfarh i li i husulb c un wheeler i zoology c ueiled at harold c alrciure aieklaiaatm pacula ku lull ul zoology ul ivwol ryc laiaouw urbwi secfceaa loel aewj oekvjle ik aroprey ta pee in ea hw tage- bw lw jt wjj w clob luel full iwel caul wlrf bw c i ii i 1 by akw cloei women a c bw ruhc- counly ladt solrball faw owei awiwwa wecjeaa wwjkjwt gesorrwelown mit- ohi ij bary r i 1 lie word tlwl sieve lulfwn t caf cwwr cet bhw bwdrd cxwwwdwava to tiwl ifmit ul hwl vjl lvers half price summer closeouts slims v2 price ujmmii shorts vi price a lonluneral llcrie bhere fuoeral bhtcjewy caei kuxhd wii held tuely all lualory ii bolawy c- e clock litftaient clea willi a u ulm i rveweh h cef ami cemetery aaaa ii mr and un 3ohf kelvin i u lieu of floveri ovuuliwsi u bjui r harroa ijmdob oiiurlo aojto the clea wllluudj yewlori yzzlc j laouarw t- eaoi riii cf their a jund v accepted- io aoibift dauehr hvila roae aachauv sxaew kauh v dcalld coge v12rove ainnur c bidet ud of mr and mrs- do- wwes- wdey id evlwdale and braata id lea- a il 11 header agalatt i r taw eercwe mo he acheduled when kh taa wingwe caor- amlfrx the rajriare will take bie oa tiiy september 1ws la u ui juu- pcaa chack lrnclcb ontario at 113 an mr and lira if a joynson iff inry stre ceotetown ajui9unc tie enrrrmt of their ia rmr puna u rlne to ur aha chandtr- urclure boo of hr and lira j v ur lire itu emiton yn talr- riacd uill take place on ulur- day eepteenber 4th ims at four o clxk in kaas fteby tbtlab church ceoreelown coming events smauwood actes carapififl swimnilrig raklag picnic groundi canteen acrou lake from aclon c s smauwood aclon lij315f tf eeebttltes tteckmion emtkittaikment il our tperialty now h1i1 includes soft low suppe- muiic a pa system for apecchu and announcement and a fun filled evening of dancim6 with onthrsrol rolarold hiotocbapha of the funnleit incidenli all far vau and yaura contact jack cfsuuivan tulbro a dj entertainment 34 clarence st brampton 4slo7tte ar 4s101s1 ii uahiow s c at the guelpk feneral lloapital oa thurv day auruit uth lfes s c uarlow of r k i actoa for berty of toronto lluihaad oi lie ute anne aahroie k i who paued away in 190 and the late zrby illyth dear fa ther of un- jamea eliher jeuie slra tom turrall gladyi and horace hylk funeral service wai conduct ed at the rurateyshoeuuker luneral home actoa oa uoa day interment was in m john 1 ceeaetery norway kija c alcehra i c rtry h trie ui hours u- cviawtq t rvwacai 11 i alzehe c llesch c wmmi fcuee euxleji vot tfio u krewcw c hejal i if 1 bplbl taj extush 111 j-d- c auehra iu ce wetry c ba taay l zowbcr ii lain u jbbvaaajf btacoarti deeu alfrhra f iii tru id rhiiar ul che- i ib- aaioryll fj swodl miveh dej eagliih c aleehra ii ceoaaetry ii till c bouay ul zooloo u che- sautry c l m brown od bnoxkl- w optevrasng ol k okb fao t4 pafdsclackt of ott0mety tf is uill sihii caaorrsetowri isvaavn lww eatwrej eed after dwe to lwhdlaya aat eaaaev the ceaaraeaui j vewiaea played thrur tint ri7t da a te weeks at aw park saaday vie tkey bwune avasaplwa wajtsty blcjed kajuih c alcebra n ceoaaetry i tni mir taat pochej a twe n phytica iu chewuury iu dler azauast the a war rrench a ten ta tie ilat a n c arfetaaa haiys bw tw aacs with a aaae cwlleetuax 11 saoa kits bbc a kawx traple k wraswr taitssob to arwre thrbe arr kw huricrla uuur c wvweks uwda zoolozy ifacc blchaej algebra c trig c cheaaadry c memokiams ditclinnj in lovini me mory of a dear brother wil fnd ditchfield who passed away august 12th 1063 ue ortrn think or dayi goae wey viuw muuc c by when we were all togcthr a shadow ore our luca hal iruwuu m awohmt r i oar rwegetb started ajef hv our loved one 1 gone forever- htatt awksd eaguth il rtiht rt tl 1 h r ever remembered by lister algebra iii ceoetry iii the riru bui aod bee l nell brothrrinlaw sld1 c c t d hl they eiaded and family c heniunfitov in lovnng e ciu uoiic taory of a dear husband and ouackeibbikm laate bo- father corey r llnrlnrfoel uay c latia c frewch u- who passed away auguit 13rd i it- 10s seicllabrauaal ebae- m sweet mrmoriri will linger forever time cannot change them its true yean ihil may corae cannot lever our loving remembrance of you alwayi rrmemhered by mom and family third a fve iwta awd gat ae faaal irwb lb the auitli awbwev- twt ttrwck tad u asorn kicmakbicm i i eg lish c algebra ui ceweaetry c zoology ui latia ul freoch nl arkwr with two aeia eweht that aeal swrvdaai ewsaectueg btltchie lyewaa english i the jtrtewile ware history i bolaay 111 zoology aaal heavy with ii ijtia c french c oaebts feed algehra c geometry c trig- c fayucs c cheeiiitry c band concert -a- this sunday f august 22nd delrex plaza 730 pj- wju vcsjb ctitiems bamd as thfy prepare to olycaud twit i1sst place tfioptly won last yeas at the cm e i labuarrgsay a11cusy ma at j pjul icatf a enouc 0 a cjtoop of a cboup oh uimmeat skirts 1 price blouses vi price mem swim suits p a ckoul of a cboup op mlfrt sport shirts pr mlers tiomcal slacks va price a cetauf op mtrrt outiho shorts v price boys tam o shantm lire ll ii t shirts va price boys ilia 4 la is swimtrunks a price ttachnrt prr skirts sums shorts and shifts at half price ritchie photographic studio 8779298 aawvew youeiaa pharmacy 4 main st n piano accordion lessons al your horn roy cock 8779616 hkhier ci altehn c i chemultj c cards of thanks cain i would like lo llunl trirndt and nrizhbours for the manv icu of klndnr i their imlt and phone rail runhaa jb kniiah m iihile 1 wa a patirnt in lcor hitory c flotany c zoal ectoun and dukfiet icmon cf h lalm hi vrrveh iil hospital and unre rrtumm- homr special thanti to dr nfthrnil mrs hrmine aij i thi nunn and lirr of the hospital jack cam sake staph tjilnji c zoology c raig i would like ta ei prcts my sincere appreciate on to friends and neighbours for their flowers gifts and cards sent to me while i was a patient in geontelown andechatt urmd enzluli district memorial uoipitalt u latin iii irch ii ger- a ipecial thanks to the nurj man il ses and doctors uadjie t fc i lish c tri c mtuic l nvdevaate i would like sltj vw vzhsh hi to evpressa itu4bre thanks to i alcebra c tyijf ul fvearii relatives friends employees l bows finll eaglish i history iii botany c zoolo gy ii latia iu fretvch l sarceht elliihill ealish i ilialory ii ijiib c frescb ii german iil saxe sliirt english u hillary i algebra c geoairt ry c trig c rhysici c charaiitry iil and gifts during tny recent uuieu and a special thinks to dr martin dr odwyer and all the huraing staff of caorgetown hospital mrs lea bydevaale c 1hysid c choultry a the exchange house 1 kino stttxr west moskuetown wishes lo afinounoo entertainment iday and aturday nights ije rjurrtl cms tnaasstw glen ball clubs tee- eryone wha helped us any way ear donated la the clea wslb- aaa ladies softball twurnav t saturday oar aiaccreat all your effort bad eobtribntloal baade it a aweceae- tul ttayts thai clew ball cuah mablow we wish la ea pveaat oar usankk and asbsretv ialloa la dor tiebjds bad belghhowiw tor their bbuty acta of kindnesa bad sjuiab aioaai bf araapbthy received duripe viae illness and saeatll of our tauter jessie fish er gladya tbrrall wytb 1 statement af industrial commission durwig 1eohi yeor mejiunii yc of geonetown has been slower than tki of nn4bqvavsq iminxjm r e i abhauqh ittssre kai baen consetderable talit of new vjjjvles vt gpue deabl of fiorf twt bee eaapended by preveous tnduslnaj catwrnmajewl aicl cosiavjls new anduavlrie- kave locild in georcje- towru bcuxm of tk iaaaaoa e isej livsuld i4ate the op-mom- of live pretant lendustrtwij ccmhua3jgn a teftied ptirl cfcrnx a am xszyanl iequ4renent for mare new indus- tres tha wktdts knwawajs wznoq beflev derlckpen end h munici- pjjry lavltaifirul isatf comfjfets by 4e sosmi mould fscililaie rcrro istions for new induuric jwvl im ic fthbj cjt vur pes wknim gc k nrij aiiib4tart for new industry but in order to attract sodvhsry the jbobg 9tymmmiwt irmiil be sfcl ws lme stw towb cj gext w ooitel a fair arcement with delx d lifet ilki rh t ike poon of the present resident mw htlyw mhf hit- lajn i tht cxwnmxi om of giblbi iiibin wb dafpekftl uport ttfditxi rvew indosivy with the help of ail ksw catis ol g we art uira we can help t3lobifetdwc tvw taf to 1st c 1 v tfte littfanouc towa l dance ftlday auoust jo 130pm lellbm georgetown arena featuring the fabulous deadbeats till mckoeun d j enlartalnmaht sarvlcal avttmlsslan sinole 1 00 couple 1 so 1 3 uilea north of junction highways 401 and 10 st yellow briar tavern on steeles ave west thurs sat pun camas mink romance in cet yoursilp a college girl plus ictlon in tandokan the great both in color sunday only two top action hit in the scavengers vlnce edwards and pirates op the coast filmed in color i monday wednesday admittance realrklad fa bwrsahs ii and ever for the imaah comedy tom jones plus 4w squadron bingo this monday 00 pm at the riviera in norval full jackpot 1000 minimum jackpot ss numbare 4b5 in 37 prizes free bus this monday phone 722s1 u routjno read the herald or all the news

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