Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 19, 1965, p. 2

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municipal consultant t plunkett will put us under microscope tfce jxuubility of an admini i th urji study la jtut lhat strative link between jlalton he wid a ktudy how th beodi and pel ouunti which will of the pfofl e lting taet be uivetitftd by thooiiiliiid if ny trvics are uridg piunirtt a ioll tiiumcip- dulirjtkl ai couultajit who has bccd ipzs tommliuor of a lo- j p u iib f 2t sjztwiiw vont iwch ju hxul evrythmtf iirijj whaoj ykttuis any animation with metro aooch was promiwd ur hunkmt told iuhou thirty rlted to jkjlkiox nd wilfjtti tttxit and aluj the qttiun of a tfu jail hint 11 lott uid thii u an axca of develop- tnnt betweea two major urbn otre of toronto tnd llamil ton h laid tb two torn- h will he atiidled jolntlv knd in uo la lion u wu mr plunkett uid th pro- vuw on th jgidi itudy beu you ran t filly itvk m uue county without the oth r i jo u j th itudy itay le sevfrwl tnukip4l jreetlt 1 j tnl ilitrd xbit 8 joint cuai the titcdnuuiy nwy rrcouimmd to a if4 ult tut a r- putt of hallon and ve1 coun kfcuy in terns rrwuuii of io verruuht structure but 1 di kellej thfit frsrs of a iuiit m d htiiwtth uftu ur hunkftt uid iku t a pojiuliiuon ol mor tooooj lu the two nth tlisn rountiii iheiv ii a nasoiiallt rhluik that thu ra fin lfd o h owft two feet oftarfcftowil llife ju n vi liott who with ikputy llrer william hunter rtn nta rattrwn on th hilton count council told tie hrrald the hedi ttudy will laltr about 1 to mmojuvlr lion ltr jjovrrj aid i but ty eouilciuor b fcct up to ineel ur rr nut afraid to idee tl r facti fibular ly with ur imunkftl ll tlat s uhat thry are sufb a rooutiittee rould ur ttir kludy will oit vo3 uoo t ve very useful purv- mr hunkett uid addinii that he inn wiih tlirm uxlji vould u wtllmt to inert tn- unk mr plutikett told rounly rouncil not to ak hun fur any fexwiuiifjiiiiuuiii ytt i hi no idia mwlf whit rrrununfo datiuny i will make at it r ejid ai hi lu w ot tl r fctud he vlid b lolly to dway int tcmruuifciionpr uij dtv eualutiil in the two rountlra it would wtudy tw caunll i i tw t- iiuilnilloii of tl ifri l will tf roiwlutlfd with rottelu mr i lunkrtt vi id the ijurtiiuni which will ur btndltiit on tjun it an alamalion ot itrjno one hr aaid all pirt or and llaltoi would dtfiuitrly b i dotliliik of the report may h a part of the itudy arvftrd stationed in halifax navy couple wed at ashgrove ms and mrs moruy jamcs thorn gowficd in floor length whitci hv hrhin johniton of fit ibows alrncon acc appliquo ailk organia over taffeta ka ortetnun odiciatrd mn james with sequin trim on thr btxticr arnry played the wedding mu and skirt and scoop neckline rn joann only daenhtpr of ur and mrs murray nrifidrn wa united in mirrlac with morlcy james thorn only ton of mr and mrs morlry thorn of slmpaon skatchewan in a twillcht reremony in ashrove united church on july 20 sir and mrs viola alderson cousin of hrlde sane tlir iml s prayer and oh day of olden rromise a three tier nylon tulle ica ho ped veil was held by a pearl coronet and ahe wore a cul tured peart necklace and ear thr bridal sown wu heath jw th f ot lhe broom atlr with a wateau a i w carried a cascade of arheri i from the wai can beauty roses stnphanotls and ivy min nora barnes wai maid of honour and misses margaret hume and leon a robertson bri d earn aids they wore flooe length iheath style gowns of ilk orcanza over taffeta with lace bodices wedding ring head piecei with matching howi and circular bowa tne nraid of hon our was in yellow the hridet maids in turquoise and yellow they carried cascade houqueti of white ahasta mums and ivy and each wore a sterling ill ver locket the att of the bri de clayton dick was groomsman and the ushers were tlobert ftrlgdcn brother of the bride and stophen barr standards of white gladioli and yellow shas- ta muma were at the altar ur brigden gave his daughter in marriage in the double ring eeremony the reception was held in eaqueaing community hall stewarttown the bride a mother received wearing a dreu of ml nerva blue alencon lace over taffeta white accessories and a corsage of yellow princess el iubeth roses the groom s moth er also received wearing a dreu of printed turquoise on a white background turquoise tunic white accessories and a corsage of white sweetheart roses among wedding guests was mrs caught of simpson sask grandmother of the groom others came from huntsvllle harris ton toronto burlington vhr it bolci ilk mn seddon glen willlamvpriduce tfii unusual tsarlnv frcm hnr nnrhh rj nf tk uu t6n h ceottfetown peter jpnes photo have a pomato or is it topato toaaatots growing on a potato plant that certainly vhaf it looki ilka mrs seddon glen williams produce rhu unusual parlay from hor garden and sent the herald wpodo combing the agricultural books for an explanation district gardener andflorlst keith webb solved the mystery he mhthe tomatolike formations oi the potato plants woroduol seed balls they are rare today but they were fairly commorr when i was young and made great ammun- itlon when we played war he said he reminded county council that the present ayatem ot munl cpj covernment waj art ap mocc than 100 yeaxa ao thr have bcd thini frailad on to the oricinai ideaa but there have bei bo fupdwnwiul cbne althouch the country hu under ton great chanf me aaid the study would in- rlud the vcootienic buis of th- rrkm a population growth and bmvwdut and taofioymnt while kutiatleju iaiormatioo u being toroplled on klj the mu- niripajitles duxinaj the neat four uionttu air plunkett mid be would concern blinaelf with the tnoat important pet of the atudy xrttlntf arvund u every municlllty tn the area 1 tnt with tu elected and to- pointed onlciali queilionujirrs will br wnt to all uunlcjoal rurks and ofln nlny late in january public metibjtf will be held srfltool boards pollre pro t fac tion aiaeamrnt jntermunlclpaj rrlatloiuhlpa and plannliig wll be riiminfd ur plunkett will examina the roll of the county council 1m relation to its auoclatrd muni cipalitlrs j whethrr aaiislgamauon of rtrtsui arras or tha entire area will be among the rec ommendations bilde retnalnj to be sn ur plunkett said i recommendation from the studies will likely vary great ly be uld there la no pat tern no slide rule formula for these studies i will bate my recommendations on what i i a and bejjr and raid set committee meeting to further discus agreement further dlacuaaion on a pro posed land release agreement and purchase of industrial land from iwlrei developments will take place oa a rommthr of tha whole meeting of council aew tuesday uayor gibbons stressed to coun ell uonday that u presiding officer he does not consider this a closed meeting ct don powers disagreed its difficult enough for us to come to an agreemrnt among ourselves slid the councillor i lliis mreting should be just ourselves and the town solid i tor to iron out changes which have been augkeeted llceve kjliott opined that all uch meetings have been open this year why try lo keep tai payers from such meetings asked the mayor it a their business and it wont be private if i preti de harlirr council heard a strong speech from william ran nachan 20 bain tow crescent criticizing councillors who hsd agreed to the proposal in com mlttee then changed their minds when a council vote came he praised cr jim young for his presentation to council and said he is convinced it is one of the moat solid ever brought to the people for some unknown reason the econder of the motion cr powers dldnt back it he aald cr young gave the most ho nest presentation i have heard at council for the past five years he hed seven backers and two of them dropped out why cr powers explained that he had backed the motion to get it on the floor for discussion but that while he favoured most of the principles in the agreement he is not satisfied with the wording and will not approve it in hm present form cr young knew i was oppos ed before the meeting i won t go for release of the 1140 lots on the east side ot the river aald deputy reeve wm p hun ter at thla point there was an argument with cr powers sta ting that the town solicitor had not approved the agreement and cra smith and francis saying he had mayor gibbons said that as council u a whole had not sat in with the solicitor there could he a difference of op inion on his views and with three councillors absent from the present meeting it wis dif ficult to have any discussion he reiterated his opposition to the agreement but aald that if it la passed in its first stage by a council majority he would be obligated to aign it he warn ed however that in the pre- aent wording council would re lease all delrex land for bull- ding then would later deal with the proposed purchase of industrial land and unless the purchase had a 72 approval by council the town would be in the position of havlntf released stewing beef 65 fock ii mxiy wtxo frwttw spilt tenderloin 99 sl bologna 39 toe what 1t wl hxf la i 4 m iim tomato juice yot rancv 14 u hr kernel corn iga catsup beekist white honey kmvt urcid sfandart mushrooms 29c 229c 29c 29c i hi tub kmvk urcid jyandah0 10 tm 29c prrni llliv auoul ii 19 30 hd 31 mkfti hco httio is ai rini cherries 239c whiii mn ytuow bin pull ballet tissue 243c ohono 13 61 llnl swift prem 289c hostess la 6i ko potato chips 49c good luck 1 lb margarine 267 w krfv klglit id tlmrl qutnlilm hkvduck of usa can no 1 gtade hhh1 ya1u vauriyy california seedless grapes 19 swtct tnd juicy sunkist oranges 2 69 bradford can no 1 grade crisp celery 2 ft 25 can no 1 grade cello carrots 19 save these extra tapes slw n ultra 10 tm with krlv an iilr u tap with ioa instant cofhf chfrry til 111- hajjililiry family ui with racalw an inln m yaa javtx liquid ruoi kuach til kcuogos 16 ei corn hakes pk kraft o 7oz dnf4bs c pk itmalva an kvlra 12 tapa with caifait pepper d cakes frozen 9 oi pqi cooked schnoidnr t ham si ced 6 ol pkfj new onl no 1 potatoes 10 lb big slkaj rf in cravv r bar 8q at taima turkay m cravy ar3pld5 mial balls and saixa pratan shopsys 4 i f chkban shrimp tf chinese dinners- 59c pruj rue fri chateau geese v 33c cedarvale horse radish 21c raisin bread h259e u suieyo visit the ioa booth in the food products ruiidino at the cne lucky spin for free food vouchers ma lucky shopper i rurneu 4 ann sir i 10 00 ur oorvo currlo wai tout suiter at tha reception and tab- lei wers decorated with white hula tihtrni and yellow eind lei ii building land with no in- duitrlal land to eomperuau pedestrians knocked down atintersection ivvo rudeitrlltu were treat ed it georgetown and diitrlct memorial hospital for hruliei and tcrapu after balni imotli d down by a car while they were croaalni mill street at the ulllualn interteetlon lail week rots culp 33 of limehouie and rercey gilbert 48 of 11 uaekenile drive were erouing at the traffic light controlled corner from the aouth tide of lllll to the north aide when knocked down the driver of the car 18 year old jack thomai lliynea 141 prince charlei drive aald he couldnt ee the men be came of glare police said uaynei wai south bound on llaln and making a left turn onto mill st jrlrand lfr oned at stadaeona in halifax she la in tha wrem with com- uunlcatlona and the groom la in medical admlulatrallon in the thorn are itatl royal canadian navy dt c a thompson treate the injured men imp auflurcd bruises to his right side and gilbert bruises to his right hip p c dan martin lnvestlgat ed the accident a georgetown woman mrs june cook 5 normandy dlvd suffered whiplash of the neck when tha car aha wai riding in wsj struck from behind on map le ave saturday mrs cook waa a passenger in a ims chrysler driven bv her brother gordon t griham chapel sl the graham ear was slopped on maple at the guelph st corner when atruek from behind by a 1063 olds driven by dulcle eameront ib prince charles dr sgi george touth lnvestlgat ed the accident at 820 p m eleven hundred dollars waa the estimate of damage ruult lug in a two tar collision on the delnu plaza lot wednesday august 11 police aald gordon bruce har low id union st was driving cut in the plan in front of the row of alores and donald j smith 80 steve crescent was driving south on the park uj 1 ing lot when they collided at the property damage at delrex itestauranl to thr harlow car and p c harry liberty placed to thr smith car moo thu ceottghiown hrrald 700 thursday august- it ims page 1 time to get ready for amlsttd for the uttlf lady or gentleman going back to school we offer a complete wardrobe that outfits him for after school hours too mom ioves ail our easycare clothesi for girls sizes up to 14 cardigans in now fall shadelhe girls w heated skirts in plains and plaids 0 jumper dresses in prelly styles ond colors for boys upto6x tshirts 9 slacks pullovers cardigans etc all in new all colors and styles delrex fashions ladies childrens and infants wear 779441 304 dalrax markl centra bar everything for baby 31 v f a tati tjaaifarwa

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