ain ends halton drought rop prospects improved- drought ha peeved i count crop are recovering agricultural repreaentati i henry stanley aonouncwi tcnuy u substantial rain oecuxringio last au wmb ha naag i the curtain on the drongpt filled in field ban spots growth be staled this w he anaounc- that about onethird f the ad hay crop vould be if the ralnleaj period eo- farmer cutting their first of hy la the drvuht sl- they harveoied barely tnair ball df thd crop aotld tb acond u itproved grain crop gwertnlnated very irly thu hrfitw eaeci od heavy clay liftd becao- of a lack of ttoutufe mr y ooied bare blotch of un germinate blighted fields result bu have now lean eovercil r yainj ft he add that unwtn genuine bee led to a drlyrd bar farmer have t walt far bwrr shoots to ripn the t vfau seen la b quite corn is nuking rsptd growth wekj behind normal in durlty and will require a growing season this fall it u to rcb full toatuaity t said weed control wti somewhst ointing thij year because leek u moisture ur hen staled atraijne was very rfectve in sonie fietdi while gave very good results in thus the wwd program czech university confers degree ondr hutt at cor- dr frederick hatt reesawd an fcutsu of sclera decree trow brao oarfenlar caadualora- idav laat aaak dr butt wat invited to lac re at ihia european acrlcul taral aalvcrslty and to attend tb maadal bynaaoatlsm his tisrtrnll yuits to rv- loatililtee hvladlnaj the poultry at rtanaa and itn days la th capital till at trans on jbm so or ktutt retire frees au kodtloa tln lh i- pertntaal a poaltry husbandry at ha york stata calw of affiwjlara ha b noted tor hu i mil a la geoticsias urtur d tai anarat coustrtm and u anther at ayvaral book and pro- ytus uke thli one from an area chnrry orchard ere rha lurpntng result of a growing laeion that started with drought and cloudinets is tomfrwhst wort thin nor mil oa th fields ta the coub ty hay and pasture fields are in tcllril rolulltlon for uiu tunc of yeu be noted although yletdj are high farmers ara liavln dtrflrulty taking their croita la tlie ralm are too frequeat and don t glva the hay enough time to dry says traffic inquests can lelp avoid future accidents halton crown ittorny peter vlllum is a flrui believer the value of inqueeu after lffic faulities by holding inqueits into desths we hope to find causes and possibly lrsrn to prevent similar deaths future- he said sine trsmc desths make major proportion of all thj in canada we muit have quests and rerommemlationi than must be followed p he said ur uc wllllami tald rnqueits inlao reveal the role that slco- kol has played in usfiw deaths this rcallutlon has brousht to the public the neces- iaity for stricter isws in reaped to the drinking driver mr vcwullams said by hav itntt itmuests thcpubllc la as 1 of a full investigation in t the cinmmstances of a deith the inquest also provides opportuninty for interested fcitlxens to lnvestieate and make charges laid- recommend a uons he said he said that the usefulness of the inquest depended also on the press reporting the facts fully and accurately to the public the crown attorney who wilh a municipal coroner can call an inquest sslf that tangible improvements have resulted in halton county from inquest re ports an inquest was directly re sponsible for the grading and improveenent at the intersection of the seventh line and itifth way 9 he said he uid recommend a tlom from inquests are forwarded by the coroner to the supervising coroner of ontario he fol lows up these letters by writing to all branches of the govern ment and often action is taken immediately to correct a dang erous situation lfr uc williams said inquests are called into almost all ac cidental deatha in halton coun ty where there are no criminal pr g askwith new head county childrens aid kxteculva caperlenea wlui and i an intensive interest in the prob- au of neglected and under rfvlleged children are only 2 the many qualifications of i fared by dr gordon k ask with the nevly appointed di rector of the htllon county children aid society or aalrwlth a 1mb gradu j at wltii ide degree from trl kltjr college university of to ronto has been working in the aortal and child welfare field einca 1030 he took over his new duties on august 2 replacing paul jolllffe who resigned from ha post recently bxcltlrtg county married and the father of two young boys dr askwllh is re aiding in burlington and al though he is just starting to know my way around the off he thinks halton county ajriu ba a tremendous and ex dtlng county to work in also graduate of the school est social work university of toronto in 1050 dr askwlths tsnperlenca in the field includes throe years 105053 as a esse- worker at the jewish family chld service in toronto i three years 103386 as a case work supervisor with the ran county childrens aid so tdety two years u a field su pervisor with the child warfare branch of the ontario dopart- nent 0 public welfare and 1 105y62 ai a supervisor of itralnsd and untrained workers to protective casework service a supervisor on fellowship with the philadelphia society i to protect children from cruel- ar while working on an advanc- i certificate course at the unl- eraltyot pennsylvania 106z69 he was employ si s family counsellor with i the jewish fatally service cov- thesls an advanced certificate thesis on the surcrviiloa snd training of eorul worbrrs gl ving rvlce to neglectful fa tnilies and a doctoral dtuerts tlon a fctlojrup study of famllirs hi neglectm their children dr askwith will work froea the children s aid society ofn r in ulllon clih williams dr hutt rclvd kuhs x lusiiae irom tha onurio agxi esltaral coltaga k kb fath ar was a atat tnaibr itr his tatacr lrolauor it u hull to corctowtl la live tit hulls brotltcr cordoc and kulwt ua uu iim br la the family kau ar t cnariea strl iv tod mrs holt wilt ta- tiaua td live la ttbart nw york and ha tjao to continue ku writing jmj eooaultiag w4rk poultry brwllng tory have two auoj and a dsurhtr bruce a gradual conull law school in california hobrt an entoffl olocut la wuhlogton state and leargarvt u ithaca llu8lamil erlng marital counselling snd parentchild problems tremendous staff so far the new director has found the local childrens aid society hss a tremendous staff which is keenly interest ed in the work the agency he notes is very well orgsnii ed and the facilities are satis factory child welfare in the county is becoming more and more im portant with the great inerea se in population he suggests he sees the need for a tremen dous lot of work to be done to meet the problems resulting from burgeoning population especially in the southern por tlon of the county children ahuaad because of its eomblnstlon of urban and rural makeup hal ton will have many special problems and despite the wealth of the county it will have many af the same prob lems that dr askwith hss had to deal with in the past chll dren are being abused and neglected far more than nor mal person could ever believe probably right here in the coun ty he tald as the head of a staff of 10 it will be hit duty to see that residents of the county recei ve the assistance expected front a childrens aid society and he slates although he old question of neglectful parents will always be with us we must try to improve the conditions as much as pdaalble wrot wy during his years in social work dr aakwlth has written a study of transient young lieu in toronto as bis masters ur and un herb llsneock and boys visited on ivundsy with urs hsnrock s mother urs b scolt in bronte urs newman of toronto via iled sunday with her dsughtrr ur snd urs wm ucoow an and family ur and urs il gilrl diane and brett motored sundsy to belleville to visit ken and bon hie beam and blske snd had a swim in the bay of qulnte on what they ssy is the hottest dsy of the summer so tsr we estend our sympathy to ur bert hill daughter una and ton ld in the death of urs hill after a lengthy 111 nets urs hill wss one of the longtime residents of the glen her funersl was on tuesday with burial in the village cem etery last wednesday evening the leachefl of the united church sundsy school met at the home of ur and mrs c barth to make plans for the coming year ten members were pre sent and discussed the atfslrt of the school which resumes on september 12th with clsstes for all children from preachool to intermediate ages ur and mrs a braggsmlth have returned from a holiday at chateuqua new york recent visitors with mrs verna garvin were mitt lrmt dsllawsy of sarnia mrt kaye fshll of pompsno florida and ultses dorothy snd lrmt hen derton of bufftlo may extend bell free calling area to milton geoeiown fc telehoj iaiibiii r may be able to cat ifdtoa without loog distance charge by the fall of l9ftt the bdl has revealed a putf which could bring about the lenskw in free calls bewcen her and the county town if appxtv vaj is granted aimed knainly at aatisiyia the demands oi wilton nistom- ers the plan would eateod wi tool tn cell area id eoato- au ceanrgetowo kkirllngto wd 0kvllle the plan is tutlind in a t ur fruul h a hlachford hell taatephotte manager fur this ar to 0 alii ton ctulutaert tbu it would tjtn uiluu iuhacri- hers could call more than 50 000 add it kins 1 telephonts with but loug distance chartfa according to the letter intro duction of the plan u depesv dent on its general acceptance by milton inuiosjners air iliachiord aeid that at prearnt day station to atailoo long ditta- rale berwea astu- ton and georgetown am 10 j cents for a five minute emit and between atilton wkvule ad burlington u ecau for a three minute call at preacnt more than a quer tcf of a million calls annually between milton and rmrceior oakvllle and hurlington are made bell studies have shown that -tailing- increases tit to ten time when lubg diatance ehaxgej are diacontiaued and the average call laau longer to handle this espeied tn rrease the tamtby would have la make additions to cable and kwltrhajig fcililiej which wud take about two years to twt pletr youth imprisoned 4 days crown attorney critical bcd vou knowff leeosgrtay the cycle of cucuiag and repucin4 naturally artlfvaily ean go on inde- flnitniy- care musi be taken to keea forest lands taroduciaf- thllauoay auoutt if ims this requires protsketlon from ore insects and disease craft other nsslnt f f te the forest factory wwuniwim alfflin driving parking long af uiu worries problems walks go by bus direct into the grounds auomr 31 j to tcrrimui ok reduced fares adults studfmts luke jansien weds tune peterborough new home congratulstioai to mr and urs luke janssen who were married in cephas otrtuan he formed church ivterborough in an evening crwnony on sal urday the bnds was formerly uiss helen devries a recent graduate la nursing they wut be living in howmsnville where luke will be teaching and he en will be on the hospital iuff there urs januen rennle and simon ur and urs harry jsnssen snd ur and urs a w benton were gueta at the wedding and reception ur m mon janssen wss an usher we regret the moving of mr and urs earl breedon and fa roily from our village we sre sorry to hesr that little royd glreedon fell and broke bis arm alnce he left visitors sharon and june pesvoy of hillabursh with thetr siiter mr clarence lieforeit uajor and urs r- p bourne and family of petawawa with hja parenla u col and urs bourne ur paul widdowson and alias mary rar mer of toronto with oavld roughley during the weekend holidayers mr and mrs bon moore and fsmily home from holiday at his parents home it kenora tht rogers spent some ten daya at their cottage near dor set mr sanford and mr bill sanrord are home from holl days at their cotuge near ten eungulshene norine nohle ii holidaying with cindy campbell in guelph ur and mrs hob undiay and family holidayed at lake dalrlmpla the procedure by which a georgetown youth wii arret ed and held in jail for four dsyi on a complaint of a privste cttiies waa criliciied in court wednrsday hii accuor withdrew a charge of forgery involving a gas com psny credit card agstntt the 20- year old accused crown attorney peter mcwll hams said police ihould invest kale private cotnplalhts so that persons are twf- lmprltaoiied needleuly he stated a police invetll gallon would iult the juttlce of the peace who hsa to decide whether or not to issue a war rant for arrest on the riliiens eomplslnt did you know it li regrettable the aceuaed should have been deprived of his liberty and brought into court handcuffed james black said defrnse counsel usuries man derton noted the accused tried to escape cuttody because he felt he wss unjustly arreeted jlr noted the forgery charge wss laid in june but the accus ed wai not arreatrd until aug uit 7 there certainly was plenty of time fur an invest gallon he ssld the accused escaped cuilo- dy the night he was arrested and thrn was recaptured the crown attorney itressed that police should be required especislly to lnveitigste the more srrioui chsrgri wood can be uicd for more the charge csrrfi a mail than 5000 product- from dribs to coffins care of th forettt assurei canadian of wood sup plies to meet all hrr needs did you knowf wood u an excellent build ing material in that it la caay to work glue mold fix it is durable has beauty of figure and high insulation value fore it conservation if the intelligent management of fo rest lands to produce increas ing quantities of high quality umber in peivetulty social and personal miss gloria zilln terra cot u and mist carol deveresux uiu georgetown returned bottie august 8 fron a two week trip which took them to the west wait they motored to edmonton and flew from there to vancouver on the re turn trip they travelled through banff and jasper park and part of the usa while l edmon ton they visited for four daya with mr and un wet cum mings urs cunni in gs la glo rias iliter they had not seen each other for four yean rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wfddino arrangements certtaas a kaclslty cut flowers and funeral deugnt we wire flowers jj alurt ii th 7 msi heat your home wwowvayww wmi smarts chinook automtahc ga4 fuhtclc cieee tll a i ajieaasi 41a aaltil ok wlla lh wtiie wallc ckueak will tv v t bal tav haw fcwwj co aa- iswlablai wultr mum penslty of m years prison on conviction 285 235 round tnp irvclixiet ad million children 90c bus fore only leave georgetown 9 13 am leave cxhtb iton 10 30 p m alter grandstand show daylight time exhibition psiienrjeri travelling on regular buie will transfer at toronto bus terminal to buies running into live ground ticket and information at stans restaurant teupkan 774531 thank you on our 2nd anniversary we are rnore then happy wilh our two years tn georgetown and look forward to starving you for many years 1o come as a token of ateciayion we are offering our cuitomen a ntk can 0 smno auve hair spbay reg value at nino a 1 75 wtiei avatty mrm el 10 so and up hair design nin0s mraaanewts belren centre tinting ix7333ev tk clamaaa w- uo uavcy hasa ittw iwal ctmitv fully eaclei will l i kvnja ej utia enaaai i eeaj ijul vej r h thompson hardware humb1no heatino lets get down to h n wluson mtlncial duajllvlikdk mrs b o wluson if you are a lush stboal senior and not preparing tor a profession consider business training train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times for inlomtauon phone the local cn paaaanoaf sales omca gfrpiw ati canadian 41 anon al training advantages low coat fast training frtcllcal training individual iyoxreta working advantsget excellent ray good hours big demand rieastnt surroundings enroll nosier a diploma in the division that inreretti you secretarial stenographic clerk typist junior accounting junior executive comptometer atk tor our fre cstalooua and llnd for yourtelf the way to a brighter future brampton business college si main strswt s brwploli hom 413033 s registered as trade school under the trade schools regulation act member cj8 sa menrbracc vi a-st-